
19. 11. 2016.

MEDIA ADVISORY (ENGLISH-KOREAN-JAPANESE) - North Korea / Human rights violations: New=?EUC-

Korean and Japanese versions, see below

North Korea / Human rights violations: New independent expert group on accountability to visit Seoul and Tokyo
GENEVA / SEOUL / TOKYO (18 November 2016) – The recently established group of independent experts on accountability for human rights violations in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) will visit the Republic of Korea from 21 to 25 November, and Japan from 28 to 29 November 2016.

Human rights experts Sonja Biserko and Sara Hossain will explore appropriate approaches to seek accountability for human rights violations in the DPRK, and recommend practical mechanisms of accountability to secure truth and justice for the victims of possible crimes against humanity in the country.

Following a Human Rights Council resolution, the independent experts were designated by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in September 2016 to support the work of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the DPRK, Tomás Ojea Quintana.  

The Special Rapporteur will also be in the region in November 2016, and he and the other experts will hold a number of joint meetings with relevant stakeholders.

During their mission to the region, the group of independent experts will meet state officials, civil society organizations, academics and experts, as well as victims and their families.

The Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the DPRK will include the report of the group of independent experts on accountability as an annex to his report to the Human Rights Council in March 2017.


In March 2016, the Human Rights Council decided to establish a new group of independent experts to explore appropriate approaches to seek accountability for human rights violations in the DPRK, in particular violations amounting to crimes against humanity, and recommend practical mechanisms of accountability to secure truth and justice for victims, including the International Criminal Court. For more information on their mandate, as well as on a call for submissions from interested parties, log on to:

Ms. Sonja Biserko (Serbia): Founder and President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia. Founding member of the Centre for Anti-War Action in the Belgrade Forum for International Relations. Senior fellow in the United States Institute of Peace. Received several human rights awards, including the Human Rights Award of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights in New York and the Human Rights Award of the University of Oslo. Member of the former commission of inquiry on human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Ms. Sara Hossain (Bangladesh): Barrister, practicing in the Supreme Court of Bangladesh for over 20 years, with focus on constitutional and public interest litigation, including on freedom of expression, economic and social rights, and gender justice. Ran the South Asia Programme at INTERIGHTS from 1997 to 2003. Served as a Commissioner of the International Commission of Jurists, and founder Director of the South Asia Women’s Fund. Recipient of awards, including from the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights.

For additional information and media requests, please contact:
In English: Estelle Askew-Renaut (+41 79 444 5172 /
In Korean: YounKyo Ahn (+82 10 4230 3523 /
In Japanese: Yu Kanosue (+82 10 2809 3524 /

Read the advisory online (English, Korean,Japanese):

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Korean version 

조선민주주의인민공화국 / 인권 침해 책임 규명 독립 전문가 그룹서울  도쿄 방문

제네바/서울/도쿄(2016 1118) – 조선민주주의인민공화국(DPRK) 인권 침해 책임 규명 방안을 살피도록 새로이 설립된 독립 전문가 그룹이 오는 21일부터 25일까지 대한민국이후28일부터 29일까지 일본을 각각 방문한다

소냐 비세르코와 사라 호세인  인권 전문가는 조선민주주의인민공화국  인권 침해 책임을 규명할 방안을 모색하고 실용적인 책임 규명 메커니즘을 제안할 계획이다책임 규명 메커니즘은 해당국 내에서 자행된 것으로 의심되는 반인도범죄 진실을 규명하고 피해자에게 정의를 실현하기 위함이다.   

유엔 인권이사회 결의에 따라 지난 9 유엔인권최고대표가 독립 전문가  명을 임명하여 조선민주주의인민공화국  인권에 관한 특별보고관 토마스 오헤아 킨타나 임무를 지원하도록 했다

특별보고관도 11  대한민국과 일본을 방문하며특별보고관과 독립 전문가 그룹은 일부 관련 이해당사자와 함께 만날 예정이다.   

대한민국과 일본 방문 기간 동안 독립 전문가 그룹은 정부관계자시민사회단체학계전문가를 비롯하여 인권 침해 피해자와 피해자 가족을 만날 예정이다

특별보고관이 2017 3 인권이사회에 제출할 보고서에 인권 침해 책임 규명 독립 전문가 그룹 보고서가 부속서 형태로 포함될 예정이다


유엔 인권이사회는 2016 3 조선민주주의인민공화국  인권 침해 책임 규명 방안을 모색할 독립 전문가 그룹 발족을 결정했다특히 반인도범죄에 준하는 인권 침해 책임 규명 방안을 살피고추후 국제형사재판소를 포함하여 인권침해 관련 진실을 규명하고 피해자에게 정의를 실현할  있을 실용적인 책임 규명 방안을 권고할 예정이다

독립 전문가 그룹 위임권한과 관련하여  자세한 내용은 아래의 링크를 참조하십시오 

소냐 비세르코(세르비아) 세르비아 헬싱키위원회 창립자  회장직을 역임했고베오그라드 국제관계 포럼  전쟁 운동 센터 창립 구성원이다미국평화연구소 선임연구원으로 활동했으며인권보호를 위한 변호사협회오슬로 대학인권상 등을 수여받았다과거 조선민주주의인민공화국  인권에 관한 조사위원회(COI) 일원이다

사라 호세인(방글라데시) 방글라데시 대법원에서 20 이상 법정변호사로 표현의 자유경제  사회적 권리젠더 정의  헌법  공익 관련 변호를 중점적으로 맡았다국제인권보호센터 남아시아 프로그램을 1997년부터 2003년까지 이끌었고국제법률가협회장 이사직과 남아시아 펀드 창립 이사직을 역임했다.인권보호를 위한 변호사협회 등에서 다수 수상했다
유엔 인권 국가별 웹페이지  – 조선민주주의인민공화국 

추가 정보  언론사 문의 아래로 연락주십시오
영어: Estelle Askew-Renaut (+41 79 444 5172 
한국어: YounKyo Ahn (+82 10 4230 3523 / 
일본어: Yu Kanosue (+82 10 2809 3524 / 

서울유엔인권사무소 웹페이지 

언론사 뉴스웹사이트나 소셜미디어 관련보도자료 관련 주요 내용은 아래와 같이 유엔 인권최고대표사무소의 소셜미디어 채널에서 보실  있습니다정확한 핸들(아이디,주소) 이용해 태그해 주시기 바랍니다.Twitter: @UNHumanRights
Google+: unitednationshumanrights

Japanese version

ジュネーブ/ソウル/東京(2016年11月18日) 9月に指名された朝鮮人民民主主義共和国(DPRK)における人権侵害責任糾明に関する専門家グループが、2016年11月21日から25日にかけて韓国を、11月28日から29日まで日本を訪れます。 

専門家グループ(人権専門家ソーニャ ビセルコ氏とサラ ホサイン氏)の目的はDPRKにおける人権侵害の責任糾明のために最も適切な手段を探り、人道に対する犯罪の犠牲者のために真実と正義を確立する実現可能な方法を提言することです。 

連北朝鮮人権特別報告者トーマス オヘア キンタナ氏の活動を補助するため 





ソーニャ ビセルコ氏(セルビア):セルビア ヘルシンキ委員会の設立者及び会長。ベルグラード国際関係フォーラムの反戦アクションセンター設立者。米国平和研究所の上級研究員。在ニューヨークの人権のための弁護士委員会やオスロ大学による人権賞等、数々の人権に関する賞を受賞。前国連朝鮮民主主義人民共和国人権調査委員会委員。 

サラ ホサイン氏(バングラデシュ):法廷弁護士。バングラデシュ最高裁において20年に渡り、表現の自由、経済、社会権、ジェンダー正義等、憲法及び公益訴訟に関わる。1997年から2003年まで国際人権保護センター(インターライツ)の南アジアプログラム代表。国際法律家委員会(ICJ)理事。南アジア女性基金創立者及び代表。在ニューヨークの人権のための弁護士委員会による人権賞等、数々の賞を受賞。 

国連人権高等弁務官事務所国別webページ – DPRK: 

英語: Estelle Askew-Renaut (+41 79 444 5172 
韓国語: YounKyo Ahn (+82 10 4230 3523 / 
日本語: Yu Kanosue (+82 10 2809 3524 / 


Twitter: @UNHumanRights
Google+: unitednationshumanrights

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