
29. 11. 2016.

Odluku STO o Boingu i EU i Boing slave kao svoju pobedu - Decision of the WTO and the EU Boeing and Boeing celebrated as his victory

Objavljeno : 29.11.2016.             

Evropski proizvođač aviona Erbas založio se za globalni sporazum o subvencionisanju avioindustrije nakon što je Svetska trgovinska organizacija (STO) presudila da se američkom Boingu daju nelegalne poreske olakšice. Odluku STO obe strane su, s različitim obrazloženjima, pozdravile kao svoju pobedu. Oba proizvođača aviona, koja trenutno dominiraju svetskom avioindustrijom, godinama se spore oko subvencija i oba dobijaju i gube bitke i istovremeno oba zavise od pomoći države. U želji da se pozicioniraju na svetskom tržištu, i vlade Kanade, Rusije i nekih azijskih zemalja počele su da subvencionišu svoje proizvođače aviona.

STO je 28. novembra objavila da je velika podrška SAD proizvodnji Boinga 777X u suprotnosti sa međunarodnim pravilima trgovine. Ta organizacija je navela da je odluka SAD iz 2013. da se poreske olakšice Boingu produže sa 2024. do 2040. suprotna pravilima STO i da se uslovljavanjem korišćenja krila za avione iz domaće proizvodnje, odnosno proizvedenih u državi Vašington, diskriminišu strani proizvođači.

"Odluka STO predstavlja značajnu pobedu EU i njene avioindustrije. Panel STO je utvrdio da su dodatne velike subvencije od 5,7 milijardi dolara koje je Boingu dala savezna država Vašington ilegalne. Očekujemo da SAD poštuju pravila i fer konkurenciju i povuku te subvencije bez odlaganja", istakla je evropska komesarka za trgovinu Sesilija Malmstrem.

Ovo je prvi put u istoriji sporova Erbasa i Boinga da je panel STO utvrdio da je jedna od strana u sporu davala zabranjene subvencije kojima se diskriminišu strani proizvođači.

EU je saopštila da je STO presudio da su subvencije u visini 5,7 milijardi dolara nelegalne a ukupna vrednost mera koje su preispitivane je 8,7 milijardi.

U Boingu kažu da je ta suma preterana i dodaju da su, prema odluci STO, nedozvoljeni samo "budući podsticaji" od 50 miliona dolara godišnje, prenela je agencija AP.

Zvaničnik STO, koji je insistirao na anonimnosti jer nije ovlašćen da o tom pitanju govori u javnosti, kazao je da se presuda odnosi samo na legalnost mera a ne i na potencijalu finansijsku korist od subvencija.

Advokat Boinga Majkl Luting istakao je da je STO odbacio gotovo sve navode Erbasa i Evropske unije dodajući da je odluka STO "potpuna pobeda" Boinga.

Američka kompanija ukazuje i na to da od planirane šeme još nije imala koristi jer ona neće važiti pre 2020.

Međutim, Evropska komisija, koja je zastupala Erbas pred STO, takođe slavi pobedu. "Dobili smo spor protiv Boinga u STO", pohvalili su se iz Komisije na Tviteru.

Dan pred objavljivanje odluke STO obe strane su rekle da očekuju da se onaj koji izgubi žali, što bi značilo "razvlačenje" još nekoliko godina.

Direktor Erbasa Tom Enders naveo je u pisanom saopštenju posle odluke STO da od bitke u STO koristi imaju samo advokati koje obe strane angažuju već više od deceniju.

"I dalje mislim da je najbolji način da se reši taj niz sporova ... da se dogovorimo i utvrdimo globalna pravila za podršku civilnoj avioindustriji od kojih bi koristi imali sa obe strane Atlantika", istakao je Enders, preneo je EUobzerver.

Enders je naglasio potrebu da se i Erbas i Boing prilagode novom poslovnom okruženju.

Analitičari kažu da na kraju procesa odluka STO možda neće imati nikakve efekte jer STO nema izvršnu moć. EU bi, kako se navodi, mogla da uvede sankcije SAD, međutim, članice STO to retko rade jer takav korak povlači mere odmazde u vidu viših carina na druge proizvode.

"Izgledi za takav trgovinski rat uvećani su izborom Donalda Trampa za predsednika SAD a on je izrazio sumnje u međunarodne trgovinske sporazume", navode upućeni.

U međuvremenu su vlade Kanade, Rusije i azijskih zemalja takođe počele da subvencionišu svoje proizvođače aviona ugrožavajući tako dominaciju Erbasa i Boinga.

Foto: Beta/AP

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Posted: 11.29.2016.

European aircraft manufacturer Airbus called for a global agreement on subsidizing airline industry after the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled that the US Boeing giving illegal tax breaks. Decision of the WTO, both sides, with different explanations, hailed as their victory. Both aircraft manufacturers, which currently dominate the global aviation industry, the years in dispute on subsidies and both won and lost the battle while both are dependent on government assistance. In order to position themselves on the world market, and the government of Canada, Russia and some Asian countries have begun to subsidize their producers plane.

WTO on 28 November announced that it has great support US production of Boeing 777X contrary to international trade rules. The organization said that the US decision in 2013 to extend tax relief to Boeing in 2024 to 2040, contrary to WTO rules and conditionality to use the wings for airplanes of domestic production, that is produced in Washington State, discriminating against foreign producers.

"The decision of the WTO represents a significant victory for the EU and its aviation industry. WTO Panel found that additional large subsidies from the $ 5.7 billion that Boeing has given Washington state illegal. We expect that the United States abide by the rules and fair competition and to withdraw these subsidies without delay" , said European Commissioner for trade Cecilia Malmström.

This is the first time in the history of Airbus and Boeing disputes that the WTO panel found that one of the parties to the dispute giving prohibited subsidies that discriminate against foreign producers.

The EU said that the WTO ruled that subsidies in the amount of $ 5.7 billion and the total value of the illegal measures that were examined from the 8.7 billion. The Boeing say that this sum excessive and added that, according to the WTO decision, allowed only "as incentives" 50 million dollars a year, AP reported.

WTO official, who insisted on anonymity because he is not authorized to speak about the matter publicly, said that the judgment relates only to the legality of the measure and not on the potential financial benefit of subsidies.

Lawyer Michael Luting Boeing said that the WTO rejected almost all the allegations Airbus and the European Union, adding that the decision of the WTO "complete victory" Boeing.

The US company also points out that the planned scheme has never been used because it will not expire before 2020. However, the European Commission, which is represented by Airbus before the WTO, also celebrated the victory.

"We got a case against Boeing in the WTO," praised from the Commission on Twitter.

The day before the announcement of the decision of the WTO, both sides said they expect to be the one who loses insult, meaning "bed" for a few years.

Director of Airbus Tom Enders said in a written statement after the decision by the WTO to battle in the WTO benefit only the lawyers hired by both sides for more than a decade.

"I still think that the best way to solve this series of disputes ... to agree and establish global rules to support the civil aviation industry of which could benefit both sides of the Atlantic," said Enders, reports EUobserver.

Enders stressed the need that both Airbus and Boeing adapt to the new business environment.

Analysts say that in the end the process of WTO decisions may not have any effect because the WTO has no executive power.

EU would, it is said, could impose sanctions on the United States, however, WTO members rarely work because such a step entails mere retaliation in the form of higher tariffs on other products.

"The prospect of such a trade war enlarged the selection of Donald Trump for President of the United States and he expressed his doubts in the international trade agreements," the insider.

In the meantime, the Government of Canada, Russia and Asian countries also began to subsidize their producers aircraft endangering the dominance of Airbus and Boeing.

Beta / AP

translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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