
22. 07. 2018.

For Dragan's better future! Let's be human! - Za Draganinu bolju budućnost! Budimo humani!

Dragana Prosinger

Dragana ima 28 godina i od rođenja boluje od cerebralne paralize. To stanje i borba kroz koju je prolazila svakodnevno, nije je omelo da završi Pravni fakultet i psihologiju.

Godinama se borila i vredno radila da što više popravi stanje u kom se nalazi, ali napretka gotovo da nije bilo.

Međutim, nakon potražnje odgovarajuće klinike, pronašla je grupu lekara koji će je laserski operisati i pomoći joj da ima bolje sutra.

Jedino šta je sprečava na tom putu su novčana sredstva.

Pomozimo Dragani! Upišimo 243 i pošaljimo SMS na 3030! Njoj možemo pomoći uplatom na dinarski i devizni račun, kao i uplatom na linku e-doniraj.

Uplatimo na račune:
Dinarski: 160-463424-08
Devizni: 00-540-0001931.6
IBAN broj: RS35160005400001931658

Za Draganinu bolju budućnost! Budimo humani!

Dragana is 28 years old and has a cerebral palsy since birth.

This state and the struggle through which she passed on daily did not hinder her to complete the Law Faculty and Psychology.

For years she has been struggling and working hard to improve the situation in her more, but there has been little progress.

However, after the request of the appropriate clinic, she found a group of doctors who will operate the laser and help her better tomorrow.

The only way to prevent it on the road is money.

Let's help Dragani! Let's get 243 and send an SMS to 3030! We can help with payment on the RSD and foreign currency account, as well as payment on the e-donate link

We pay invoices:
Dinarski: 160-463424-08
Devizni: 00-540-0001931.6
IBAN broj: RS35160005400001931658

For Dragan's better future! Let's be human!

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