
29. 06. 2015.

MEDIA ADVISORY - UN women's rights committee to review Senegal, Spain, The Gambia, Viet Nam, Bolivia, Croatia,

UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women to review:Senegal, Spain, The Gambia, Viet Nam, Bolivia, Croatia, Namibia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

GENEVA (29 June 2015)  – The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)  is meeting in Geneva from 6 to 24 July to review women’s rights in the following countries:

Senegal (7 July); Spain (8 July); The Gambia (9 July); Viet Nam (10 July); Bolivia (14 July);Croatia (15 July); Namibia (16 July); Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (20 July)
The above are among the 189 States Parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and so are are required to submit regular reports to the Committee of 23 international independent experts that monitors the implementation of the Convention.  The Committee will also hear briefings from NGOs and national human rights institutions.

CEDAW’s dialogues with the respective State will take place from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00 at Palais des Nations – Room XVI. Live webcasts of the session can be viewed on  

The concluding observations will be published on 27 July here:


For more information and media requests, please contact Liz Throssell (+41 (0) 22 917 9466/

To learn more about the Committee on the Elimination of the Discrimination against Women, visit:

Treaty Bodies at a glance – pdf booklet:
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EWS RELEASE - Malta / Migrants: UN expert group hails positive move on automatic detention, bu

Malta / Migrants: UN expert group hails positive move on automatic detention, but calls for long-term solutions
VALLETTA / GENEVA (26 June 2015) – The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention welcomed Malta’s decision to remove automatic mandatory detention of irregular migrants and asylum seekers, which has drastically reduced the number of migrants in detention. However, the experts expressed concerns about the conditions in open centres.

“The lack of long term solutions to migrants residing in Malta seems to have a negative impact on the effectiveness of their right to liberty,” said human rights expert Sètondji Roland Adjovi at the end of the Group’s follow-up visit* to the country. “We remain concerned about the precarious and inhuman conditions of the alternatives to detention in Malta.”  

“Effective liberty and humane conditions for those residing in open centres would be critical in any assessment of whether they are not indeed a new form of deprivation of liberty,” Mr. Adjovi said.

The expert group’s delegation, which also included expert Mads Andenas, noted that many migrants and asylum seekers are experiencing difficulties to integrate into the Maltese society. “The precarious condition generated by limited resources and job opportunities in the country can only be a challenge for all in the years to come, negatively affecting the integration process,” Mr. Andenas stated.

“We have noted that persons being held at the immigration detention centres are not clearly aware of their status, while their access to legal aid seems to be very limited,” he said, stressing that effective and speedy remedies seem to be lacking, including under the immigration appeals board, the constitutional court and the access to European regional justice mechanisms.

The Working Group noted, however, further changes which the authorities are currently working on, especially in relation to minors and removal orders. They also highlighted the planned change in the length of detention, which would establish a maximum of 18 months for irregular migrants and 9 months for asylum seekers.

A review processes have also been introduced in the detention of migrants, including those who are going to be returned to their countries of origin. Based on the changes in the legislation, the first review is conducted by the principal immigration officer within the first three months of the detention, while the Immigration Appeals Board would have jurisdiction thereafter.

“We were pleased to learn that the mandate of this Board has been expanded to a full review of the legality and grounds of the detention, and that the detainee can also challenge the detention before the court, with eligibility to legal aid throughout the process,” Mr. Adjovi said.

The experts also welcomed the introduction of an initial reception system to change the practice of automatically detaining irregular migrants and asylum seekers from the starting point.

A new initial reception centre has already been set up for unaccompanied migrant children and accompanied migrant children with up to two family members upon arrival, for medical clearance, age assessment and registration before a transfer to an open centre. This will allow for the non-detention of minors.
Plans are still under way for a temporary initial reception centre for adults, while the Government is going to start the construction of a new facility to be used as an initial reception centre which is expected to be in compliance with European Union Directives on the subject.

During their three-day mission to Malta, the experts met with authorities of different Branches of the State and representatives of civil society. They also visited prisons and detention centres.

The Working Group will present a follow-up report at a forthcoming session of the UN Human Rights Council.

(*) Check the experts’ full end-of-mission statement:


The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention was established by the former Commission on Human Rights in 1991 to investigate instances of alleged arbitrary deprivation of liberty. Its mandate was clarified and extended by the Commission to cover the issue of administrative custody of asylum-seekers and immigrants. In September 2013, the Human Rights Council confirmed the scope of the Working Group's mandate and extended it for a further three-year period.

The Working Group is comprised of five independent expert members from various regions of the world. The Chair-Rapporteur is Mr. Seong-Phil Hong (the Republic of Korea); the Vice Chair-Rapporteurs are Mr. José Guevara (Mexico) and Mr. Sètondji Roland Adjovi (Benin). Other members include Mr. Mads Andenas (Norway) and Mr. Vladimir Tochilovsky (Ukraine). Learn more, log on to:

The Working Groups are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures’ experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.

Check the Database of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention:

For more information and media requests, please contact: Ms. Yiyao Zhang (+ 41 22 917 9634 / +41 769 444 3707 / and Mr. Miguel de la Lama (+41 22 917 9289 / +41 79 444 4917 / or write to

For media inquiries related to other UN independent experts:
Xabier Celaya, Media Unit (+ 41 22 917 9383 /  

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COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE (FRANCAIS/ENGLISH) - République centrafricaine: la communauté

La version anglaise se trouve ci-dessous
English version, see below

République centrafricaine: la communauté internationale doit redoubler d’efforts pour soutenir la transition en cours

BANGUI / GENEVE (26 juin 2015) – L’Experte indépendante des Nations unies sur la situation des droits de l’homme en République centrafricaine, Marie-Thérèse Keita Bocoum, a appelé la communauté internationale à redoubler d’efforts pour aider la République centrafricaine à réaliser pleinement sa transition vers la paix, la réconciliation nationale, la reconstruction et la fin de l’impunité.

Au terme d’une visite de sept jours dans le pays (16 – 23 juin 2015), l’experte a félicité les Centrafricains pour les étapes importantes franchies en faveur de la paix, la réconciliation nationale et la lutte contre l’impunité.

« La République centrafricaine a montré sa détermination en faveur de la paix, de la réconciliation nationale et de la justice en adoptant le Pacte républicain à l’issue du Forum de Bangui, pacte qui définit une feuille de route consensuelle pour le pays », a déclaré l’experte des Nations Unies, qui a aussi appelé les parties prenantes à continuer leurs efforts pour la mise en œuvre du pacte afin de ne pas décevoir les espoirs suscités.

« J’ai pris bonne note qu’un calendrier électoral a été fixé, mais de nombreux défis persistent », a déclaré Mme Keita Bocoum.  

« Les autorités nationales, avec l’appui de la MINUSCA, ont lancé un signal important concernant la lutte contre l’impunité en arrêtant trois leaders importants de groupes rebelles fin 2014 et début 2015. Cependant, les principaux responsables de violations graves des droits de l’homme doivent être appréhendés au plus vite pour que la lutte contre l’impunité soit effective et que cette situation n’ait pas un impact négatif sur le climat socio-politique, comme ce fut le cas par le passé », a-t-elle ajouté.  

L’experte a aussi souligné que l’octroi de cartes d’identité et l’enregistrement des personnes déplacées et des réfugiés durant le recensement de même que leur participation aux élections seront des défis importants mais essentiels pour garantir la légitimité du scrutin.

Mme Keita Bocoum a néanmoins fait part de son inquiétude face aux actes de violences contre des civils perpétrés par les éléments armés qui, malgré les récents accords sur la cessation des hostilités et un programme de désarmement, démobilisation et réintégration (DDR), continuent de menacer les populations civiles.

Mme Keita a visité la prison pour femmes et la prison centrale de Ngaragba, à Bangui. L’experte a noté que les conditions de détention se sont globalement améliorées dans ces deux centres de détention depuis sa dernière visite. « Cependant, encore trop de détenus sont incarcérés sans avoir été inculpés et beaucoup d’autres sont en attente d’un jugement, et ce bien au-delà des délais requis. Les prisonniers n’ont pas accès aux soins de santé adéquats et souffrent du manque d’activité dans les prisons. »

L’experte indépendante a été informée de cas de sorcellerie impliquant des actes de torture contre les personnes accusées, souvent des femmes vulnérables. « Lors de ma dernière visite, j’avais déjà alerté les autorités sur ces pratiques inadmissibles et contraires aux lois nationales et internationales. J’exhorte à nouveau les autorités à prendre leurs responsabilités, à arrêter toutes les personnes responsables de ces crimes et à entamer une réflexion nationale sur cette question, y compris sur les dispositions actuelles, afin de trouver des solutions véritables respectant les standards universels des droits de l’homme », a souligné Mme Keita Bocoum.

Mme Keita Bocoum s’est déplacée à l’intérieur du pays, notamment à Bria et à Boali, où elle a pu rencontrer les autorités locales et des représentants de la société civile. « L’Etat reste très faible en dehors le capitale et n’est pas à même d’imposer son autorité et d’assurer la sécurité des populations. A Bria, il n’y a encore aucune autorité judicaire présente et il n’y a un seul commissaire de police soutenu par quatre gendarmes. La situation est analogue à Boali. C’est évidemment largement insuffisant surtout quand certaines milices armées continuent à opérer », a-t-elle déclaré.

L'experte a souligné l'importance de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour protéger les enfants contre les violences et les abus, en particulier ceux qui sont vulnérables, comme par exemple dans le camp de déplacés de Mpoko, que l'experte a visité. « Lorsque des violations sont rapportées, les autorités responsables doivent protéger les victimes d'autres préjudices, poursuivre en justice les responsables présumés et offrir des réparations », a souligné l’experte.

L’Experte indépendante des Nations unies sur la situation des droits de l’homme en République centrafricaine participera à un dialogue interactif sur la lutte contre l’impunité en République centrafricaine le 30 juin au Conseil des droits de l’homme à Genève et présentera son rapport et ses recommandations à la 30ème session du Conseil en septembre.


Le mandat de l'Experte indépendante sur la situation des droits de l'homme en République centrafricaine a été créé par le Conseil des droits de l'homme de l’ONU le 27 septembre 2013. Avant d’être nommée, Marie-Thérèse Keita-Bocoum a occupé différents postes tant dans son pays qu’au sein de l’ONU. Elle a d’abord servi en tant que Rapporteuse spéciale sur la situation des droits de l’homme au Burundi, puis en tant que Directrice de la division des droits de l’homme et Représentante du Haut-Commissariat de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme au Darfour et en Afrique de l’Ouest auprès de l’UNOWA. Pour des renseignements supplémentaires, veuillez consulter :

Les experts indépendants font partie de ce qui est désigné sous le nom des procédures spéciales du Conseil des droits de l’homme. Les procédures spéciales, l’organe le plus important d’experts indépendants du système des droits de l’homme de l’ONU, est le terme général appliqué aux mécanismes d’enquête et de suivi indépendants du Conseil qui s’adressent aux situations spécifiques des pays ou aux questions thématiques partout dans le monde. Les experts des procédures spéciales travaillent à titre bénévole; ils ne font pas partie du personnel de l’ONU et ils ne reçoivent pas de salaire pour leur travail. Ils sont indépendants des gouvernements et des organisations et ils exercent leurs fonctions à titre indépendant.

Page du HCDH sur le pays – République centrafricaine :  

Pour des informations additionnelles et des demandes des médias, prière de contacter Julie Tétard (+41 22 928 9301 / ou d’écrire à

ONU Droits de l’homme, suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux :  

Regardez l’Index universel des droits de l’homme :


UN expert calls on the international community to increase efforts to assist CAR’s transition
BANGUI / GENEVA (26 June 2015) – The United Nations Independent Expert on the human rights situation in the Central African Republic, Marie-Thérèse Keita Bocoum, called on the international community to redouble its efforts to help the country to fully realize its transition to peace, national reconciliation, reconstruction and the end of impunity.

Following a seven-day visit to the country (16 to 23 June 2015), the human rights expert congratulated the Central Africans for the important steps taken in favor of peace, national reconciliation and to fight against impunity.

“The Central African Republic has demonstrated its commitment in favor of peace, national reconciliation and justice in adopting the Republican Pact at the end of Bangui Forum, which defines a consensual road map for the country,” Ms. Keita Bocoum said, calling on all parties to pursue their efforts to implement the Pact and fulfill people’s expectations.

The Independent Expert noted that an electoral calendar has been set, but warned that “many challenges remain.”

“National authorities, with the support of MINUSCA, launched an important signal regarding the fight against impunity during the arrests of three prominent leaders of rebel groups late 2014 and early 2015,” she said. “However, those responsible for the most egregious violations of human rights must be apprehended rapidly for the fight against impunity to be effective and to avoid negative impact on the socio-political climate, as it was the case in the past.”

The expert also emphasized that the provision of identity cards and registration of displaced persons and refugees during the census as well as their participation in the elections will be significant challenges but essential to the legitimacy of the election.

Ms. Keita Bocoum has nevertheless expressed her concern at ongoing acts of violence against civilians perpetrated by armed elements, which continue to threaten civilians despite recent agreements on the cessation of hostilities and a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration program.

The Independent Expert, who visited the women’s prison and the central prison Ngaragba in Bangui, noted that conditions of detention have improved overall in those two detention centers since his last visit. “However, too many detainees are held without charge and many others are awaiting trial far beyond the deadline. The prisoners have no access to adequate health care and suffer from lack of activity in prisons.”

The rights expert was alerted of cases of witchcraft involving torture for those accused, often vulnerable women. “During my last visit, I had already warned the authorities about these unacceptable practices, contrary to national and international laws.”

“I urge the authorities to take their responsibility and arrest all those responsible for these crimes and to initiate a national debate on this issue, including on the existing provisions, in order to find solutions respecting the universal standards of human rights,” Ms. Keita Bocoum said.

During her visit, the UN expert travelled within the country, including Bria and Boali, where she met local authorities and representatives of civil society. “The State remains insufficiently represented outside the capital and is not able to impose its authority and ensure people’s security,” she said.

“In Bria, there is still no judicial authority and only one single police commissioner supported by four policemen. This is obviously far from sufficient especially when some armed militias continue to operate,” she warned.

The expert also stressed the importance of taking all necessary measures to protect children against violence and abuse, especially those who are vulnerable, for example in the displacement camp of Mpoko, which the expert visited.

“When violations are reported, the responsible authorities must protect victims from further harm, prosecute the alleged perpetrators and provide reparations,” she said.

The Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic will present a comprehensive report and her recommendations to the Human Rights Council in September.


The mandate of the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic was established by the Council of Human Rights on 27 September 2013. Marie-Thérèse Keita Bocoum, a former professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire, held various positions both in Côte d’Ivoire and in the UN. She was Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Burundi, Representative of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to UNOWA, as well as Director of the Division of Human Rights and the Representative of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Darfur. For additional information, please visit:

The Independent Experts are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures’ experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.

UN Human Rights, country page – Central African Republic:

For more information and media requests please contact Julie Tétard (+41 22 928 9301 / or write to

UN Human Rights, follow us on social media:

Check the Universal Human Rights Index:

27. 06. 2015.

NEWS RELEASE (ENGLISH/ESPAÑOL): Chairpersons of UN human rights bodies issue call over reprisals as they

Ispod španjolske verzije
španjolskog verziji, pogledajte u nastavku 
 Vodeći stručnjaci za ljudska prava UN-a poziva preko represalije izdaju
Stolice od 10 Ugovora UN tijelima koristiti godišnji sastanak u Kostarika da podrži ključne smjernice zaštitne i preventivne 

ŽENEVA / SAN JOSE (26 lipnja 2015) - Čelnici 10 UN stručnih povjerenstava za ljudska prava izrazili su osudu zastrašivanja i odmazde prema pojedincima i grupama surađivati ​​s onim tko i angažirati ih. 

U svom godišnjem sastanku u San Jose, Costa Rica, predsjednici 10 Ugovora UN-tijela podržali smjernice o sprječavanju odmazde i jačanje zaštite onih na rizik, podsjećajući države njihove odgovornosti "kako bi se izbjeglo djela koja čine odmazdu i spriječiti, zaštititi od, istražiti i osigurati odgovornost za djela odmazde. "    

"To je od vitalnog značaja za učinkovitost našeg rada da su ljudi pouzdani slobodno surađuju s nama kao i mi pratiti kako članice provode različite zaštite ljudskih prava", rekao je Emmanuel Decaux, predsjedatelj susreta i Odbora za prisilnih nestanaka. "Ove smjernice, da bude poznat kao San Jose Smjernicama, Set out pristupe i alate sustava Ugovor tijelo može koristiti za sprečavanje i zaštitu od odmazde." 

Predsjednici su se koristile i godišnji sastanak istražiti Povećana suradnja s Inter-American sustava ljudskih prava o nizu pitanja, uključujući odmazde. Stolice održao konzultacije s Inter-američke komisije za ljudska prava i Inter-američkoj suda za ljudska prava. Njihov raspored uključene sastanaka i civilno društvo s predstavnicima iz cijele Amerike čuti od ljudi izravno pogođeni kršenja ljudskih prava.  

"Naš cilj dolazak na San Jose, kao i kod prethodnih sastanaka u drugim regijama svijeta, je donijeti ugovorno tijelo Sustav bliže koji provode naše preporuke, kako poboljšati suradnju između sustava zaštite međunarodnih i regionalnih ljudska prava, a da se uključe sa državama, nacionalnih institucija za ljudska prava i civilnog društva u Americi ", rekao je Claudio Grossman, predsjednik Inter-American Institute za ljudska prava, koji je domaćin godišnjeg sastanka predsjednikom i predsjednicom Odbora protiv mučenja. 

Predsjednici također imao sastanak s Kostarike predsjednikom Luis Guillermo Solis i pozdravio predanost od strane Kostarike izražen Vlade jačanju sustava Ugovor tijelo.    

"Zahvalni smo Vladi Kostarika za olakšavanje naš godišnji sastanak u San Jose i za priliku da se upoznaju s predsjednikom Solis, prvi put su ugovorno tijelo predsjednici imali razgovore u esta kapaciteta sa šefom države ", Fabian Salvioli Said, zamjenik predsjedatelja godišnjeg sastanka i predsjednica Odbora za ljudska prava. ". To šalje snažan signal o važnosti rada Ugovora tijela ', kao i stalnu potrebu za jačanjem Povećanje naše odbore u susret izazovima"  


Za više informacija i medija zahtjeva, molimo kontaktirajte:  

U San Jose 22-26 lipnja: Birgit Van Hout, tajnik, Godišnja skupština ugovorno tijelo predsjednikom:  /    
U Ženevi: Liz Throssell, UN Human Right Office Media jedinice:  +41 22 917 9466 / +41 79 7520488

Predsjedavajući ugovornim tijelima UN-a pozivaju na  pozornosti odmazde

Predsjednici 10 ugovornim tijelima Ujedinjenih naroda odobrio ključne smjernice za zaštitu i prevenciju
ŽENEVA / SAN JOSE (26 lipnja 2015) -U predsjednici 10 odbora stručnjaka za ljudska prava Ujedinjenih naroda (UN) osudili zastrašivanja i odmazde koji su predmet pojedinci i grupe   surađuju   i   surađivati ​​s njima.

U svom godišnjem sastanku u San Jose, Costa Rica, predsjednicima 10 tijela Ugovora UN usvojio smjernice o prevenciji odmazdu i poboljšanje zaštite ugroženih osoba, podsjećajući države svoje odgovornosti   " kako bi se izbjeglo akte osvete i spriječiti, zaštititi, istražiti i osigurati odgovornost za djela osvete ".

"Bitno je da se učinkovitost našeg rada da se ljudi   mogu surađivati ​​slobodno   s nama dok nadzor kako navodi   provoditi razne zaštite ljudskih prava ", rekao je   Emmanuel   Decaux, predsjednik susreta i Odbor za prisilne nestanke.   "Ovo smjernice, biti poznat kao 'Smjernice San Jose ", utvrđenih pristupa i alata koji sustav ugovornih tijela može koristiti kako bi se spriječilo i štiti od osvete."

Predsjednici i istražiti tijekom svog godišnjeg sastanka   načine kako povećati suradnju s inter-američki sustav ljudskih prava u brojnim temama, uključujući i odmazde.   Predsjednici   održati konzultacije s Inter-američke komisije za ljudska prava i Inter-American suda za ljudska prava Ljudi. Njegov program uključivao sastanke s predstavnicima civilnog društva u Americi slušati ljudi izravno pogođeni kršenja   o   ljudskim pravima.
"Naš cilj dolazak na San Jose, kao što je to bilo u prethodnim susretima u drugim dijelovima svijeta, kako bi sustav za onim ugovornim tijelima da provedu svoje preporuke za poboljšanje suradnje između sustava međunarodne zaštite ljudska prava   i regionalnu i   suradnju s   državama,   nacionalnih institucija za ljudska prava i civilnog društva u Americi ", rekao je Claudio Grossman,   predsjednik Odbora protiv mučenja i Inter-American Institute za ljudska prava, koji je bio domaćin sastanka godine.
Predsjednici također sastao s predsjednikom Kostarike, Luis Guillermo Solis i pozdravio predanost koju je Vlada ojačati sustav ugovornim tijelima.
"Vrlo smo zahvalni Vladi Kostarika za olakšavanje naš godišnji sastanak u San Jose i priliku za susret s predsjednikom Solis, po prvi put da su se predsjednici Ugovora tijela govori da je šef države o tim pitanjima "rekao je Fabian Salvioli, potpredsjednik Godišnje skupštine i predsjednik Odbora za ljudska prava. "Ovo šalje snažnu poruku o važnosti rada ugovornim tijelima, kao i nastavak potrebu jačanja naše odbore za rješavanje sve većim izazovima".


Za više informacija i medija, kontaktirajte:
Birgit Van Hout, tajnik, Godišnja skupština predsjednikom Ugovora tijela: . 22-26 lipnja u San Joseu.
Liz Throssell Media jedinica Ureda   za ljudska prava   UN-a: / +41 22 917 9466/41 79 7520488. U Ženevi.

Ugovora predsjednici tijela:
Malcolm Evans, Pododbor za sprečavanje mučenja
Emmanuel Decaux, Odbor prisilnih nestanaka
Fabian Salvioli Odbor za ljudska prava
Waleed Sadi Odbor za ekonomska, socijalna i kulturna prava
José Francisco Cali Tzay, Odbor za ukidanje rasne diskriminacije
Yoko Hayashi, Odbor za ukidanje svih oblika diskriminacije žena
Claudio Grossman, Odbor protiv torture
Benyam Dawit Mezmur, Odbor za prava djeteta
Francisco Carrión Mena, Odbor za radnika migranata
Maria Soledad Cisternas Reyes, Odbor za prava osoba s invaliditetom

Za   više informacija o ugovornim tijelima Ujedinjenih naroda:

U brošuri ugovorna tijela na prvi pogled:

UN-a - ljudska prava, pratite nas na društvenim mrežama: Google+

AVIS AUX MEDIAS (FRANCAIS/ENGLISH) - Combattants étrangers: un groupe d’expert

English version, see below
La version anglaise se trouve ci-dessous

Combattants étrangers: un groupe d’experts onusiens sur les mercenaires se rend en Tunisie pour une mission d'enquête

GENEVE (26 juin 2015) – Une délégation du Groupe de travail des Nations Unies sur l’utilisation de mercenaires se rendra en Tunisie du 1er au 8 juillet 2015 pour recueillir des informations sur les activités de combattants étrangers dans le pays.

« Lors de notre visite en Tunisie, nous allons explorer les liens possibles entre le mercenariat et les combattants étrangers ainsi que leur impact sur les droits de l’homme », a déclaré l'experte des droits de l’homme Elżbieta Karska, qui dirige actuellement le groupe d'experts. « Cela nous permettra d'entamer des discussions sur la question de combattants étrangers, y compris les facteurs qui les motivent, leur recrutement, les mesures et leur impact sur le droit international et les droits de l’homme ».

Le groupe de travail est mandaté par le Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU pour étudier et identifier les questions, manifestations et tendances récentes concernant les mercenaires ou les activités liées au mercenariat ainsi que leur impact sur les droits de l’homme, en particulier sur le droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes.

Le groupe d’experts présentera son premier rapport sur la question des combattants étrangers à l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU cette année, qui comprendra des faits recueillis au cours de leur visite en Tunisie et dans d'autres pays, ainsi que les informations partagées par les États membres des Nations Unies et d’autres acteurs.

La délégation du groupe de travail partagera avec les médias ses observations préliminaires lors d'une conférence de presse qui se tiendra à l’hôtel Golden Tulip El Mechtel, à Tunis, le 8 juillet à 11 heures. L’accès à la conférence de presse est strictement réservé aux journalistes.

Le groupe de travail présentera un rapport complet au Conseil des droits de l'homme en 2016.


Le Groupe de travail sur l’utilisation des mercenaires comme moyen de violer les droits de l’homme et d’empêcher l’exercice du droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes a été créé en juillet 2005 par la résolution 2005/2 de la Commission des droits de l’homme. Son mandat a été prorogé par le Conseil de droits de l'homme en 2008.

Le groupe de travail est composé de cinq experts indépendants originaires de différentes régions du monde. La Présidente-rapporteuse est Elżbieta Karska (Pologne). Les autres membres sont Patricia Arias (Chili), Anton Katz (Afrique du Sud), Gabor Rona (Etats-Unis d’Amérique) et Saeed Mokbil (Yémen). Pour en savoir plus, connectez-vous à:

Les groupes de travail font partie des procédures spéciales du Conseil des droits de l'homme. Les procédures spéciales, le plus grand organisme d'experts indépendants dans le système des Nations Unies relatif aux droits de l'homme, est le nom général de missions d'enquête et de surveillance des mécanismes indépendants du Conseil qui traitent soit de situations spécifiques des pays ou de questions thématiques dans toutes les régions du monde. Les experts des procédures spéciales travaillent sur une base volontaire; ils ne font pas partie du personnel des Nations Unies et ne reçoivent pas de salaire pour leur travail. Ils sont indépendants de tout gouvernement ou organisation et siègent à titre individuel.

Page du HCDH sur le pays – La Tunisie:

Pour plus de demandes d’information et des médias, veuillez contacter:
Lors de la mission: M. Anis Mahfoudh (+216 2173 6189 /
Avant et après la mission: Mme Jolene Tautakitaki (+41 22 917 9363 / et Mme Alisa Clarke (+41 22 917 9633 / ou écrire à

Pour les demandes médias liés à d’autres experts indépendants de l’ONU:
Xabier Celaya - Service de presse (+ 41 22 917 9383 /

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Foreign fighters: UN expert group on mercenaries in fact-finding visit to Tunisia
GENEVA (26 June 2015) – A delegation of the United Nations Working Group on the use of mercenaries will visit Tunisia from 1 to 8 July 2015 to gather information on the activities of foreign fighters in the country.  

“During our visit to Tunisia, we will explore the possible links between mercenarism and foreign fighters, and their impacts on human rights,” said human rights expert  Elżbieta Karska, who currently heads the expert group. “This will allow us to initiate discussions on the issue of foreign fighters, including motivational factors, recruitment, measures, and impact on international law and human rights.”  

The Working Group is mandated by the UN Human Rights Council to study and identify emerging issues, manifestations and trends regarding mercenaries or mercenary-related activities and their impact on human rights, particularly on the right of peoples to self-determination.

The expert group will present their first report on the issue of foreign fighters to the UN General Assembly this year, which will include facts gathered during their visit to Tunisia and other countries, and the information shared by UN Member States and other actors.

The Working Group’s delegation will share with the media its preliminary observations at a press conference to be held at the Golden Tulip El Mechtel Hotel, Tunis, on 8 July at 11:00 a.m. Access to the press conference is strictly limited to journalists.

The Working Group will present a full report to the Human Rights Council in 2016.


The Working Group on the use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the rights of peoples to self-determination was established in July 2005 by the then Commission on Human Rights. Its mandate was further extended by the Human Rights Council in 2008.

The Working Group is comprised of five independent expert members from various regions of the world. The Chair-Rapporteur is Elżbieta Karska (Poland).  Other members are Patricia Arias (Chile), Anton Katz (South Africa), Gabor Rona (United States of America) and Saeed Mokbil (Yemen). Learn more, log on to:

The Working Groups are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures’ experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.

For more information and media requests, please contact:
During the mission: Mr. Anis Mahfoudh (+216 2173 6189 /
Before and after the mission: Jolene Tautakitaki (+41 22 917 9363 / and Ms. Alisa Clarke (+41 22 917 9633 / or write to

For media inquiries related to other UN independent experts:
Xabier Celaya, UN Human Rights – Media Unit (+ 41 22 917 9383 /  

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NEWS RELEASE (ENGLISH/CHINESE) - UN expert on foreign debt to visit China to promote human

Chinese version, see below

UN expert on foreign debt to visit China to promote human rights in international lending
GENEVA / BEIJING (26 June 2015) – The United Nations Independent Expert on foreign debt, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, will visit China from 29 June to 6 July 2015 to assess how its international lending contributes to the realization of human rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rights in borrowing countries.

“I am visiting China to learn more about the efforts made by the Government and Chinese financial institutions to avoid negative human rights impacts in their international lending, including guidelines that have been developed to ensure respect for human rights, social and environmental standards,” Mr. Bohoslavsky said.

In recent years, China has become one of the major international lenders financing development and infrastructure projects worldwide, and promoting the right to development. It has also become a key player in establishing new multi-lateral development banks, such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

China’s own debt sustainability policies and its policies to address international problems relating to foreign debt and illicit financial flows will also be on the International Expert’s human rights agenda.

Mr. Bohoslavsky, who visits the country at the invitation of the Chinese authorities, is expected to meet with senior Government officials and representatives from ministries, State institutions and development banks. His agenda will include the State Council Information Office, the China Banking Regulation Commission, the People’s Bank of China, the EXIM Bank China, the China Development Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Meetings with academic experts, representatives of international organizations, business associations and civil society organizations will complete his programme.

During his eight-day mission, the Special Rapporteur will visit Beijing and Shanghai, China’s mayor financial centre.

The Independent Expert will hold a press conference to share the preliminary findings of his visit on Monday 6 July 2015 at 14:30, at UN House, UNDP China, No.2 LiangMaHe NanLu,100600, Beijing, China.  Access to the press conference is strictly limited to journalists.

His final findings and key recommendations will be presented in a comprehensive report to the UN Human Rights Council next year.


Mr. Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky (Argentina) was appointed as Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and human rights by the UN Human Rights Council on 8 May 2014.  Before, he worked as a Sovereign Debt Expert for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) where he coordinated an Expert Group on Responsible Sovereign Lending and Borrowing. Learn more, log on to:

The Independent Experts are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures’ experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.

UN Guiding Principles on Foreign Debt and Human Rights:

For more information, please contact:
Gunnar Theissen (+41 22 917 9321, during the visit: +41 79 752 0483 / or write to

For media request during the visit please contact Ms. Xi Li (+86 10 85320800 /

For media inquiries related to other UN independent experts:
Xabier Celaya, UN Human Rights – Media Unit (+ 41 22 917 9383 /  

UN Human Rights, follow us on social media:

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联合国外债专家访华  以期改善国际贷款相关的人权问题

日内瓦/北京(2015626日)联合国外债问题独立专家胡安巴勃波霍斯拉夫斯基(Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky 将于2015629日至76日期间访华,将评估中国国际贷款对人权的实现作用,特别是对借贷国经济、社会、文化权利的促进作用。







波霍斯拉夫斯基先生将于201576日(周一)14:30联合国开发计划署, 北京亮马河南路2号,100600. 就其访华的初步成果举行新闻发布会。该发布会仅限记者参加。



UN Guiding Principles on Foreign Debt and Human Rights:

UN Human Rights, country page – China:

For more information, please contact:
Gunnar Theissen (+41 22 917 9321, during the visit: +41 79 752 0483 / or write to

有意出席新闻发布会的媒体请联络 Ms. Xi Li, (+86 10 85320800 /

Xabier Celaya, UN Human Rights – Media Unit (+ 41 22 917 9383 /  


Check the Universal Human Rights Index: