The man is worth as much left worth and what your family and community?
I go on a tour of Roma families, to establish the facts on the ground.
The Roma affair: From what you could see and hear from members of the Roma community what the position of the city authorities of the city of Sombor?
The coordinator for Roma issues of the city of Sombor: In fact, if you really want to look at the facts in the past about ten or more years can be said that has not improved the situation of the Roma community, and that is the last Decade of Roma suffered a fiasco, and this is confirmed by many official reports of independent regulatory authorities.
"Improving the situation of Roma and to reduce the difference that exists between the Roma population and the general population has not been achieved.
" Achieved results are not removed obstacles to socio-economic integration of Roma, and not created a complete normative basis for the implementation of long-term measures for reducing poverty and achieving substantive equality of citizens Roma.
The Roma affair: The Roma community and the preservation of its identity?
The coordinator for Roma issues of the city of Sombor: It is significant that minorities retain their national identity, and be integrated into society, respect for minority rights, promotion of the normative status of national minorities and for quality and applicable laws that are enforceable in practice.
coordinator for Roma issues of the city of Sombor
Aleksandar Radulovic
Operational conclusions were adopted, which will materially assist the Roma community in the integration process.
The Roma affair: Which activities have you implemented, and what the results are the same?
The coordinator for Roma issues of the city of Sombor: In the past year (July-2015), in cooperation with the city administration of Sombor Department of Social Services, we implemented the following activities:
•Adopted a new LAP, and its manufacture was attended by members of the Roma
•LAP difference compared to last, included a number of areas made new Decade of Roma (education, social and health care, housing, support for the NGO sector)
•the city government center Sombra is obezbvedila budget funds for the same
• Appointed a new "Mobile team" by the mayor of the city of Sombor, and the members are: CSR, representative, NES Sombor, coordinator for Roma issues, androgoški assistant.
• Appointed a new "Mobile team" by the mayor of the city of Sombor, and the members are: CSR, representative, NES Sombor, coordinator for Roma issues, androgoški assistant.
•The mobile team activities are inter-sector cooperation, joint activities of institutions dealing with Roma issues, cooperation with other bodies inst.i city administration
•Grad Sombor provides support SRNVO by LAP-a Roma
•Reduction of legally invisible persons belonging to the Roma community cooperation with PRAXI
•Primremanje necessary documentation for the type of grants, which are aimed at improving housing and durable solution infrastructure in Roma settlement BM •Grad Sombor is one of 20 cities and municipalities that participate in proojektu "we are here together" - European support for Roma inclusion, which is funded by the European Union, and in Serbia by the OSCE mission
•was provided funds for the purchase of medications for members of the Roma
Krenu sam u obilazak romskih porodica, kako bih utvrdio
činjenično stanja, na terenu.
Romska reč: Po onome što ste mogli videti i čuti od članova romske zajednice kakav je
stav gradske vlasti grada Sombora?
Koordinator za
romska pitanja grada Sombora:
Naime,ako želimo da sagledamo zaista činjenice u
proteklom periodu nekih desetak pa i više godina može se konstatovati da nije
poboljšana situacija u romskoj zajednici, te da je protekla Dekada Roma
doživela fijasko,a ovo potvrđuju i mnogi zvanični izveštaji nezavisnih
regulativnih organa.
„Unapređenje položaja Roma i smanjivanje razlika koja
postoji između položaja romske populacije i ostalog stanovništva nije
Postignutim rezultatima nisu otklonjene prepreke za
socijalno-ekonomsku integraciju Roma i nije stvoren potpun normativni osnov za
sprovođenje dugoroč- nih mera smanjivanja siromaštva i ostvarivanja suštinske
jednakosti građana romske nacionalnosti.
Romska reč: Romska
zajednica i očuvanje njenoga identiteta ?
Koordinator za
romska pitanja grada Sombora:
Značajno je da manjine zadrže svoj nacionalni identitet,
a da budu integrisane u društvo, poštovanje manjinskih prava,unapređenje
normativnog položaja nacionalnih manjina i donošenje kvalitetnih i primenjivih
zakona koji su sprovodivi u praksi .
Doneti su operativni zaključci, koji će suštinski pomoći
romskoj zajednici u integrativnom
koordinator za romska pitanja grada Sombora
Romska reč:Koje aktivnosti ste realizovali,i kakvi su
rezultati istih ?
Koordinator za
romska pitanja grada Sombora:
U proteklih godinu dana ( Avgust-2015.godine ), u
saradnji sa gradskom upravom grada Sombora,odelenje za društvene delatnosti smo
realizovali sledeće aktivnosti:
- Usvojen je novi LAP, a u njegovoj izradi su učestvovali pripadnici romske nacionalnosti
- Razlika u LAP u odnosu na prošli, obuhvatio je više oblasti donete nove Dekade Roma (obrazovanje,socijalna i zdravstvena zaštita,stanovanje,podrška NVO sektoru)
- Gradska vlast grada Sombra je obezbvedila budžetska sredstva za isti
- Imenovan je novi „Mobilni tim“ od strane gradonačelnika grada Sombora, a
su:presdstavnik C.S.R,NSZ Sombor,koordinator za romska
pitanja,androgoški asistent.
- Aktivnosti mobilnog tima su :međusektorska saradnja,zajedničke aktivnosti institucija koje se bave problematikom Roma,saradnja sa svim ostalim inst.i organima gradske uprave grada Sombor
- Grad Sombor pruža podršku SRNVO putem LAP-a Roma
- Smanjenje pravno nevidljivih lica pripadnika romske zajednice u saradnji sa PRAXI-som
- Primremanje potrebne dokumentacije za programe tipa grantova,a koji su usmereni ka unapređenju stanovanja kao i trajnog rešenja infrastrukture u romskom naselju B.M.
- Grad Sombor je jedan od 20 gradova i opština kojui učestvuje u proojektu „ Ovde smo zajedno“ –Evropska podrška za inkluziju Roma koji finansira evropska Unija,a u Srbiji sprovodi misija OEBS-a
- Obezbeđivana su sredstva za nabavku medikamenata za pripadnike romske nacionalnosti
Nebojša Vladisavljević
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