
10. 01. 2017.

Brisel protiv zloupotrebe ličnih podataka na internetu -Brussels against the misuse of personal data on the Internet

Brisel protiv zloupotrebe ličnih podataka na internetu                                                   
Objavljeno : 10.01.2017.              

Evropska komisija predstavila je 10. januara mere za jačanje zaštite elektronskih ličnih podataka Evropljana što bi, na veliku žalost marketing kompanija i oglašivača, moglo da ograniči ciljani marketing. Glavni element ovog teksta, koji bi zamenio sadašnju direktivu o elektronskoj privatnosti, predstavlja načelo "prethodnog pristanka" potrošača za svako moguće korišćenje podataka.

Svaki korisnik intereta će prilikom prvog priključivanja na internet pretraživač odlučivati o nivou zaštite koji želi za sve sajtove koje će posećivati, pre svega u pogledu takozvanih "kolačića", odnosno nevidljivih fajlova koji se nakače na računar kako bi prikupljali lične podatke.

Ova procedura će zameniti sadašnje propise, prema kojima se prilikom prve posete svakom sajtu mora pritiskom na baner dati pristanak za korišćenje "kolačića".

"Kolačići" koji manje narušavaju privatnost, poput onih koji omogućavaju da se sačuvaju postavke jezika ili podaci za pristupanje sajtu, nisu obuhvaćeni ovim propisom.

Ovaj predlog propisa "nudi visok nivo zaštite potrošača, ostavljajući preduzećima mogućnost za inovacije" ponudom "novih mogućnosti", rekao je evropski komesar za jedinstveno digitalno tržište Andrus Ansip.

Sa druge strane, više organizacija iz sektora oglašavanja i marketinga je u otvorenom pismu izrazilo "ozbiljnu zabrinutost" i navelo da bi to moglo "narušiti poslovni model" internet oglašavanja.

Tekstom je zabranjeno aplikacijama poput Skajpa (Skype), Voc apa (WhatsApp) i Fejsbuk mesendžera (Facebook Messenger) da koriste podatke ili sadržaj konverzacija korisnika kako bi osmislili ciljanu ponudu usluga ili reklame, što je do sada bilo moguće.

Pored toga, bez prethodnog pristanka neće biti moguće ni slanje reklamnih kratkih poruka SMS ili elektronske pošte, poput one koja se sada karakteriše kao neželjena pošta ili spem.

Prethodna dozvola će biti uslov i za reklamne ponude preko telefona, takozvani telemarketing.

Preduzeća će morati i da obelodane svoj broj ili da koriste poseban pozivni broj koji ukazuje da je reč o pozivu u komercijalne svrhe.

Regulatorna tela država članica će nadzirati primenu propisa, koji će prema planu Brisela biti usvojeni u maju 2018. godine, nakon razgovora država članica.

"Potrošači prilikom korišćenja elektronskih usluga moraju  imati alternativu 24-časovnom nadzoru koji sprovode firme", navodi se u reakciji Evropske kancelarije udruženja potrošača (BEUC), koja je podržava novi predlog propisa.

Evropsko tržište podataka je, prema navodima EU, vredno 54,5 milijardi evra u 2015, a 2020. godine bi moglo da poraste na 84 milijarde.

Izvor: AFP

Foto: Beta

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Brussels against the misuse of personal data on the Internet

Posted: 12.12.2016

The European Commission presented on 10 January, measures to strengthen the protection of electronic personal data of Europeans which, much to the chagrin marketing companies and advertisers, it could limit the targeted marketing. The main element of this text, which would replace the current directive on electronic privacy, is the principle of "prior consent" of consumers to any possible use of the data.

Each user will be the first time Inter connecting to the internet browser to decide on the level of protection that wishes to all the sites you will visit, especially in terms of the so-called "cookies" or invisible files that binds to a computer in order to collect personal information.

This procedure will replace the current regulations, according to which the first visit each site must press on the banner to consent to the use of "cookies".

"Cookies" which are less invasive of privacy, such as those that make it possible to preserve the language or data for accessing the site, are not covered by this regulation.

This legislative proposal "offers a high level of consumer protection, leaving the possibility for innovation companies" offer "new possibilities", said European Commissioner for the single digital market Andrus Ansip.

On the other hand, several organizations from the sectors of advertising and marketing in an open letter expressed "serious concern" and stated that it could "disrupt the business model of" internet advertising.

The text is prohibited applications such as Skype (Skype), Voc apa (WhatsApp) and Facebook messenger (Facebook Messenger) to use the data or content of conversations users to devise targeted service offerings or advertisements, which has so far been possible.

In addition, without prior consent will not be possible to send short messages advertising SMS or e-mail, such as the one that is now characterized as spam or spam.

Previous license will be required for promotional offers via telephone, the so-called telemarketing.

Companies will also have to disclose their number or to use a special code that indicates that this is a call for commercial purposes.

Regulatory bodies of the Member States will monitor the implementation of regulations, which will according to plan be adopted Brussels in May 2018, after a discussion with Member States.

"Consumers in the use of electronic services must have an alternative 24-hour supervision implemented by the company," according to the reaction of the European office of consumer associations (BEUC), which supports the new draft legislation.

European market data, according to the EU, worth 54.5 billion euros in 2015 and 2020 could rise to 84 billion.

Source: AFP
Photo: Beta
translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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