Muižnieks zabrinut zbog posledica presude NIN-u
Objavljeno : 10.01.2017.
Komesar za ljudska prava Saveta Evrope Nils Muižnieks
izrazio je 10. januara zabrinutost zbog mogućih posledica presude nedeljniku
NIN po tužbi ministra unutrašnjih poslova Srbije Nebojše Stefanovića. Muižnieks
je podsetio da su prema praksi Evropskog suda granice prihvatljive kritike kada
je o političarima reč šire nego za privatna lica dodajući da srpsko pravosuđe
mora da obezbedi da sudska praksa u slučajima klevete bude u skladu sa praksom
tog suda.
"Zabrinut sam zbog mogućeg negativnog uticaja koji
bi na slobodu medija mogla da ima odluka Višeg suda u Beogradu", prema
kojoj nedeljnik NIN kao kaznu treba da plati 300.000 dinara zbog povrede časti
i ugleda ministra Stefanovića, naveo je Muižnieks na Fejsbuku.
Prema dobro utvrđenoj praksi Evropskog suda, granice
prihvatljive kritike su "šire u pogledu političara nego za privatna
lica", podsetio je Muižnieks.
Srpsko pravosuđe mora da obezbedi da sudska praksa u
slučajima klevete bude u skladu sa sudskom praksom Evropskog suda, naveo je
Političari, sa svoje strane, treba da budu otvoreni za
javne kritike i da spreče aktivnosti koje mogu imati negativan efekat na
slobodu izražavanja, posebno za novinare.
Viši sud odredio je da NIN isplati ministru na ime
nematerijalne štete 300.000 dinara, kao i troškove postupka zbog toga što je
list povredio ugled i čast ministra unutrašnjih poslova objavljivanjem teksta
"Nebojša Stefanović: Glavni fantom iz Savamale".
Izvor: Beta
Foto: Beta
Muižnieks concerned about the result of the judgment NIN
Posted: 10.01.2017.
The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of
Europe Nils Muižnieks expressed on January 10, concern about the possible
consequences of the judgment weekly NIN on the complaint Serbian Interior
Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic. Muižnieks reminded that according to the
jurisprudence of the European Court limits of acceptable criticism when politicians
phrase wider than for private individuals, adding that the Serbian judiciary
must ensure that judicial practice in cases of defamation should be in keeping
with the practice of the Court.
"I am concerned about the potential negative impact
on the freedom of the media could have a decision of the High Court in
Belgrade," according to which the weekly NIN as a punishment should pay
300,000 dinars for breach of honor and reputation Minister Stefanovic, said Muižnieks
on Facebook.
According to well-established case law of the European
Court, the limits of acceptable criticism are "wider as regards a
politician than for private individuals," recalled Muižnieks.
Serbian Justice must ensure that judicial practice in
cases of defamation is consistent with the jurisprudence of the European Court,
said the Commissioner.
Politicians, for their part, should be open for public
criticism and to prevent activities that may have a negative effect on freedom
of expression, particularly for journalists.
The High Court has ordered that NIN worth the Minister
for non-pecuniary damage of 300,000 dinars, as well as the costs of the
proceedings because the injured list the reputation and honor of the Minister
of Internal Affairs of the publication of the article "Nebojša Stefanović
Main boyfriend of Savamala".
Source: Beta
Photo: Beta
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