Objavljeno : 06.12.2016.
Sporazum o izlasku Velike Britanije iz EU treba
zaključiti s Londonom do oktobra 2018, izjavio je 6. decembra glavni pregovarač
Evropske komisije Mišel Barnije (Michel Barnier) na svojoj prvoj konferenciji
za novinare u Briselu. Barnije je rekao da Velika Britanija u pregovorima s EU
neće moći da bira tako da zadrži samo ono što se njoj sviđa.
On je rekao da će formalne procedure poput glasanja u
parlamentima članica Unije o odredbama Bregzita ući u dvogodišnji rok tokom
kojeg Velika Britanije treba da završi pregovore.
"Ako Velika Britanija obavesti Evropski savet do
kraja marta 2017. godine, može se reći da pregovori mogu početi nekoliko
nedelja kasnije", rekao je Barnije.
On je naglasio da sporazum o Bregzitu mora biti postignut
do oktobra 2018, da bi stupio na snagu do marta 2019, pre evropskih izbora te
Barnije je na početku svog obraćanja govorio i na
francuskom i na engleskom.
Britanska premijerka Tereza Mej (Theresa May) najavila je
da će klauzulu za izlazak zemlje iz EU pokrenuti do marta sledeće godine, ali
je sada taj rok doveden u pitanje pošto je sud u Velikoj Britaniji odlučio da
taj potez mora da podrži i parlament. Vlada je tu presudu osporila pred
Vrhovnim sudom. Ako Vrhovni sud podrži niži sud, planovi Tereze Mej bi mogli
biti odloženi.
Nema biranja slatkiša sa evropskog menija
Barnije je 6. decembra rekao da Velika Britanija ne može
birati šta joj se sviđa u EU, navodeći da se pristup jedinstvenom tržištu ne
može odvojiti od četiri osnovne slobode, koje obuhvataju i slobodu kretanja.
Sloboda kretanja je sporna za London, pošto je jedan od glavnih motiva za
Bregzit osiguranje spoljnih granica zemlje i zaustavljanje priliva migranata iz
drugih članica EU.
Glavni pregovarač Evropske komisije nije hteo da ulazi u
detalje mogućeg prelaznog sporazuma prema kojem bi Velika Britanija zadržala
delimičan pristup jedinstvenom tržištu kako bi ublažila posledice njenog
"Na Britancima je da kažu kakvu vrstu odnosa žele, a
za 27 članica EU je da odrede budućnost koju žele da grade s njima. Ne možete
sve uraditi u 15 do 18 meseci pregovora", rekao je Barnije.
Britanska vlada još nije objavila šta želi od pregovora o
izlasku zemlje iz EU i kakvu vrstu odnosa želi s ostalim članicama Unije iz
straha da bi to oslabio njenu pregovaračku poziciju.
Kada se uslovi istupanja iz EU zaključe, teško je
osmisliti tranzicioni period pre nego što se precizno definišu uslovi budućih odnosa
sa EU, rekao je Barnije. Tranzicioni period bi, kako je naveo, imao smisla samo
ukoliko olakšava prelazak na buduće odnose.
Barnije je pre nego što se oglasio u javnosti konsultovao
27 članica EU, odnosno sve osim Velike Britanije, da bi ispitao njihove stavove
o uslovima razlaza sa Londonom.
On se ranije, 21. novembra, sastao i sa britanskim
ministrom za Bregzit Dejvisom Dejvisom (Davis Davis). Kako je tada naveo, to je
bio "kurtoazni sastanak" budući da pregovori ne mogu početi pre
zvaničnog početka procedura istupanja Britanije iz EU.
Ministar finansija Velike Britanije Filip Hamond
prethodno je rekao da želi da sve opcije budu na pregovaračkom stolu,
uključujući i mogućnost da London nastavi da plaća Briselu za pristup
jedinstvenom tržištu i posle izlaska iz Unije. Hamond je rekao da se ekonomski
problemi do kojih može dovesti Bregzit svedu na najnižu moguću meru.
"Mislim da je u interesu obe strane Lamanša da imamo
što je lakši proces za minimalizovanje pretnje po evropsku finansijsku stabilnost
i minimalizovanje poremećaja veoma složenih odnosa koje postoje između
evropskih proizvođača i banaka koje ih finansiraju, a isto tako i u
Londonu", rekao je Hamond.
On je dodao da bi zato mogli da se nastave doprinosi
Londona budžetu EU i posle Bregzita.
"Pogledaćemo šta je ponuda, pogledaćemo troškove, i
kao i uvek odlučićemo da li je to dobar dogovor ili ne", rekao je
britanski ministar.
Izvor: Beta, AP, AFP
Foto: Beta-AP
logo Association
Posted: 06.12.2016.
Agreement on the UK exiting the EU should conclude with
London by October 2018, said on December 6, the chief negotiator of the
European Commission Michel Barnier (Michel Barnier) at its first press
conference in Brussels. Barnier said that the United Kingdom in negotiations
with the EU will be able to choose to retain only what she likes.
He said that the formal procedures like voting in
parliaments of member states of the provisions Bregzita enter the two-year time
limit during which Great Britain should be to complete the negotiations.
"If the United Kingdom notifies the European Council
by the end of March 2017, it can be said that the negotiations can begin a few
weeks later," said Barnier.
He stressed that the agreement on Bregzitu must be made
by October 2018, to come into force until March 2019 before the European
elections this year.
Barnier at the beginning of his speech, spoke in both
French and English.
British Prime Minister Theresa May (Theresa May)
announced that it will release clause for countries in the EU to run until
March next year, but the deadline has now been called into question after a
court in the UK ruled that the move must be endorsed by the Parliament. The
government has challenged the judgment before the Supreme Court. If the Supreme
Court supported a lower court, Theresa May plans could be delayed.
No dialing candy from
a European menu
Barnier said on December 6 that the United Kingdom can
not choose what she likes in the EU, stating that access to the single market
can not be separated from the four basic freedoms, which include freedom of
movement. Freedom of movement is contested by London, as one of the main
motives for Bregzit securing external borders and stop the influx of migrants
from other EU member states.
The chief negotiator of the European Commission did not
want to go into details of possible interim agreement under which the United
Kingdom retained partial access to the single market in order to mitigate the
consequences of its release.
"For the British to say what kind of relationship
they want, and the 27 EU member states to determine the future we want to build
with them. You can not do everything in 15 to 18 months of negotiations,"
said Barnier.
The British government has not yet announced what it
wants from the negotiations on the country's emergence from the EU and what
type of relationship he wants with other member states for fear that it would
weaken its bargaining position.
When the conditions of withdrawal from the EU conclude,
it is difficult to devise a transition period before it is precisely define the
requirements of future relations with the EU, said Barnier. The transition
period would, as he said, made sense only if it facilitates the transition to
future relations.
Barnier was before it came out openly consulted the 27 EU
member states, ie all except the UK to examine their views on conditions rift
with London.
He earlier, on 21 November, met with British Minister for
Bregzit Davis Davis (Davis Davis). As previously stated, it was a
"courtesy meeting" since negotiations can not start before the
official start of the procedure to withdraw Britain from the EU.
Minister of Finance of Great Britain Philip Hammond has
previously said he wants all options are on the negotiating table, including
the ability to continue to pay London to Brussels for access to the single
market and after leaving the Union. Hammond said that the economic problems
that may result Bregzit reduced to the lowest possible level.
"I think it is in the interest of both sides of the
Channel to have the easier process for minimizing threats to the European
financial stability and minimizing disturbance of the complex relationships
that exist between European manufacturers and the banks that finance them, as
well as in London," said Hammond.
He added that it would therefore be able to continue to
contribute to the EU budget London after Bregzita.
"Look at what it offers, we will look at the costs,
and as always, we will decide whether this is a good deal or not," said
the British minister.
Source: Beta, AP, AFP
Photo: Beta / AP
translated by
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