Objavljeno : 05.12.2016.
Poraz kandidata desničarske Slobodarske partije Austrije
(FPO) Norberta Hofera na predsedničkim izborima u Austriji umirio je vlade
ostalih članica EU, dok je krhka koalicija na vlasti u Beču privremeno
odahnula. Ovi izbori su bili neka vrsta barometra za to kako bi populističke
stranke mogle da prođu drugde na izborima u Evropi. FPO se, međutim, uprkos
neuspehu, sada okreće dugoročnom cilju - uspehu koji bi mogao da ostvari na
parlamentarnim izborima.
Nezavisni predsednički kandidat i ubeđeni Evropejac
Aleksandar Van der Belen pobedio je na izborima održanim 4. decembra osvojivši,
prema preliminarnim rezultatima, 53,3% glasova, dok je Hofer osvojio 46,7%
Van der Belen (72), bivši lider Zelenih, koji je isticao
da su ovi izbori ključni za budućnost Austrije u EU, rekao je da rezultat
predstavlja poruku Austrije svim prestonicama EU.
Ovaj bivši profesor ekonomije koji je emigrirao iz
Estonije sa roditeljima kao dete, vrlo glasno podržava Uniju, zagovara
liberalnu migrantsku politiku i često upozorava na ono što vidi kao direktno
skretanje Evrope ka populizmu i nacionalizmu.
Hofer je 45-godišnji inženjer koji se probio kroz
partijske redove i najavio svoju kandidaturu za mesto predsednika kao jedan od
troje predsedavajućih donjeg doma parlamenta Austrije. Od objavljivanja
kandidature prošle godine, Hofer se nametnuo kao jedna od vodećih ličnosti FPO.
Austrijska ekstremna desnica nadala se da će imati
koristi od proboja evroskpetičnih pokreta protivnika imigraciije na
međunarodnom planu, posle odluke građana Velike Britanije da ta članica istupi
iz EU i pobede kandidata republikanaca Donalda Trampa u SAD.
Kandidat FPO nije, međutim, usmerio kampanju na istupanje
iz EU, već se predstavljao kao zagovornik zaštite radnih mesta i veće kupovne
moći i osveženje u odnosu na Socijaldemokratsku partiju Austrije (SPO) i
konzervativce iz Austrijske narodne partije (OVP) koji vladaju decenijama
Te dve velike stranke koje su na vlasti od 2007. nisu
želele kohabitaciju sa predsednikom iz redova ekstremne desnice jer bi njihovu
koaliciju izložio snažnom pritisku.
Olakšanje posle prizanja poraza
Hofer je priznao poraz na predsedničkim izborima, pošto
su prvi zvanični rezultati pokazali da je Van der Belen osvojio više glasova.
On je naveo na društvenoj mreži Fejsbuk da je "beskrajno tužan" zbog
poraza, dodavši da "bi bio srećan da vodi računa" o Austriji.
On je čestitao svom suparniku i pozvao Austrijance na
jedinstvo i saradnju.
U FPO sada stavljaju težište na dugoročni cilj, odnosno
rezultat koji bi ta stranka mogla da ostvari na parlamentarnim izborima, s
obzirom da je na predsedničkim izborima osvojila podršku gotovo svakog drugog
Evropa je posle ovakvog ishoda austrijskih izbora mogla
da odahne. Šef italijanske diplomatije Paolo Đentiloni je rekao da su rezultati
ovih izbora dobra vest za Evropu a predsednik Evropskog parlamenta Martin Šulc
da je to "jasna, proevropska poruka" Austrije.
"Austrijski narod se opredelio za Evropu i
otvorenost", rekao je francuski predsednik Fransoa Oland, dok je šef
nemačke diplomatije Frank-Valter Štajnmajer rekao da je to "dobro znamenje
za Evropu".
Evropski komesar za proširenje Johanes Han izjavio je 5.
decembra u Beogradu da je pobeda Van der Belena na predsedničkim izborima u
Austriji bolji rezultat za Austriju i njen položaj u Evropi i svetu.
"Pobeda Aleksandera Van der Belena je snažan signal
da se populizam ne isplati", rekao je Han na zajedničkoj konferenciji za
novinare sa premijerom Srbije Aleksandrom Vučićem.
Predsednička funkcija u Austriji je pretežno
ceremonijalna, ali su ovi austrijski izbori smatrani barometrom za druge zemlje
EU koji će pokazati kako bi populistički kandidati u drugim članicama Unije
mogli da prođu na predstojećim izborima.
Populistički političari u EU koji se zalažu za izlazak
svojih zemalja iz EU pružali su podršku Hoferu uoči i posle predsedničkih
izbora u Austriji i pažljivo pratili tok izbora.
Lider holadnske Partije slobode Gert Vilders čestitao je
FPO na hrabroj borbi, dok je predsednica Nacionalnog fronta Marin Le Pen
ocenila da će naredni parlamentarni izbori doneti pobedu FPO.
Trka za novog predsednika Austrije trebalo je da bude
završena u maju, kada je Van der Belen pobedio Hofera sa malom razlikom.
Međutim, FPO nije priznala rezultat izbora tvrdeći da su zabeležene brojne
neregularnosti tokom glasanja.
Ustavni sud je 1. jula odlučio da će izbori biti
ponovljeni. Izbori su bili zakazani za oktobar ali su naknadno odloženi za 4.
decembar zbog neispravnosti glasačkih listića.
Izvor: AFP
Foto: Beta/AP
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Defeat candidate right-wing Freedom Party of Austria
(FPO) Norbert Hofer in the presidential elections in Austria reassured governments
of other EU member states, while the fragile coalition government in Vienna
temporarily relieved. These elections were a sort of barometer for how to
populist parties could go elsewhere in the elections in Europe. FPO, however,
despite its failure, now turning a long-term goal - the success of which could
be realized on the parliamentary elections.
Independent presidential candidate and convinced European
orientation Alexander Van der Belen won the elections held on December 4,
winning, according to preliminary results, 53.3% of the vote, while Hofer won
46.7% of votes.
Van der Belen (72), former leader of the Greens, who
stressed that these elections are crucial for the future of Austria to the EU,
said that the result is a message to all the capitals of the Austrian EU.
The former economics professor who emigrated from Estonia
with his parents as a child, very loudly supported the Union, migrant advocates
for liberal politics and often draws attention to what it sees as a direct
diversion of Europe towards populism and nationalism.
Hofer is a 45-year-old engineer who got through the party
ranks and announced his candidacy for President, as one of the three
chairpersons of the lower house of Parliament of Austria. Since the publication
of candidacy last year, Hofer has emerged as one of the leading figures FPO.
The Austrian extreme right had hoped to benefit from
breakthroughs evroskpetičnih opponents imigraciije movement at the
international level, following the decision of the citizens of Great Britain
that the State withdraw from the EU and the victory of Republican candidate
Donald Trump in the United States.
Candidate FPO is not, however, directed the campaign for
withdrawal from the EU, but is represented as an advocate to protect jobs and
greater purchasing power and refreshments in relation to the Social Democratic
Party of Austria (SPO) and the conservatives of the Austrian People's Party
(OVP), which ruled for decades, Austria.
These two big parties that are in power since 2007 did
not want cohabitation with the President from among the extreme right because
it would expose their coalition strong pressure.
Relief operations
acknowledgments defeat
Hofer has conceded defeat in the presidential election,
as the first official results showed that Van der Belen won more votes. He said
the Facebook social network that is "infinitely sad" about the
defeat, adding that he "would be happy to take care" of Austria.
He congratulated his rival and urged Austrians to unity
and cooperation.
The FPO is now putting emphasis on the long-term goal, or
result that this party could achieve in parliamentary elections, considering
that in the presidential election won the support of almost every other Briac.
Europe after the Austrian elections this outcome could not breath.
Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni said that the
results of these elections is good news for Europe and European Parliament
President Martin Schulz that it was "clear pro-European message" of
"Austrian nation has opted for Europe and
openness," said French President Francois Hollande, and German Foreign
Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said it was "a good sign for
EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn said on 5
December in Belgrade that the victory Van der Belena the presidential election
in Austria a better result for Austria and its position in Europe and the
"Pobeda Alexander Van der Belene is a strong signal
that populism is not worth it," Han said at a joint press conference with
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.
Presidential feature in Austria is largely ceremonial,
but these Austrian elections considered a barometer for other EU countries to
show how populist candidates in other member states could go in the upcoming
Populist politicians in the EU who are committed to their
countries of EU had provided support Hofler before and after the presidential
elections in Austria and carefully followed the course of the election.
Lider holadnske Freedom Party Geert Wilders congratulated
the FPO on a spirited fight, while the President of the National Front of
Marine Le Pen estimated that the next parliamentary elections bring victory
The race for the new President of Austria was to be
completed in May, when Van der Belen Hofer won by a small margin. However, the
FPO did not recognize the election result, claiming that they recorded numerous
irregularities during the vote.
The Constitutional Court decided on July 1 that the
elections will be repeated. The elections were scheduled for October but
were subsequently postponed to December 4 due to the malfunctioning of ballots.
Source: AFP
Photo: Beta / AP
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