
01. 12. 2016.

EK predstavila reformu energetskih propisa - EK present energy reform legislation

Objavljeno : 01.12.2016.                             
Evropska komisija je predstavila 30. novembra paket predloga koji treba da ubrzaju prelazak EU na čistu energiju uz uštede energije, u duhu Pariskog sporazuma za borbu protiv klimatskih promena. Komisija želi da izjednači uslove na tržištu za sve tehnologije, a da pritom ne ugrozi klimatske i energetske ciljeve. U obimnom paketu reformi predlaže se da cilj za energetske uštede od 30% u 2030. godini bude obavezujući, kao i da se stvore uslovi da građani proizvode struju za svoje potrebe a višak prodaju.

Evropska komisija želi da što pre uspostavi zakonski okvir koji će omogućiti ispunjavanje cilja za smanjenje emisija gasova sa efektom staklene bašte za 40% do 2030.

"Sa novim propisima Evropa izbija u prvi plan kada je reč tranziciji ka čistoj energiji. EU posle Pariskog sporazuma nastavlja da preduzima konkretne akcije koje treba da podstaknu investicije, tako neophodne u Evropi", rekao je evropski komesar za klimatsko delovanje Migel Arijas Kanjete.

Reforma koju predlaže Brisel, zansiva se na dva ključna elementa: u slučaju obnovljivih izvora energije koji su do sada bili u velikoj meri subvencionisani, predlažu se propisi više okrenuti tržištu, i veći napori za uštede energije, uključujući postavljanje obavezujućeg cilja.

Obnovljivi izvori energije gube prioritet u sistemu prenosa

EU je u oktobru 2014. postavila kao cilj da poveća na 27% udeo obnovljivih izvora energije u ukupnoj potrošnji energije u odnosu na 1990. Za sada je uspela da premaši stopu od 20% koji je kao cilj postavila za 2020.

Komisija predlaže i da se s obzirom na povećanje udela obnovljivih izvora energije, u trgovini na veliko razviju propisi koji će omogućiti kratkoročnu realizaciju razmene kako bi se osiguralno snabdevanje u slučaju oscilacije u proizvodnji.

Prema predlogu, nova postrojenja za obnovljive izvore energije neće više imati prioritet kada je reč o preuzimanju struje u sistemu prenosa.

Komisija je, međutim, istakla da će prioritet u pristupu mreži i dalje imati već izgrađena postrojenja za obnovljive izvore energije, mala postrojenja i projekti koji koriste invoativne tehnologije.

Druga postrojenja bez obziga na vrstu tehnologije biće izuzeta od toga a obnovljivi treba da budu poslednji koji će izgubiti prioritet.

Energija iz obnovljivih izvora energije je do sada imala prioritet u sistemu prenosa, što znači da su proizvođači struje iz energije vetra i sunca bili sigurni da će prodati struju po garantovanoj ceni i slučaju da je potražnja slaba. To je uticalo na pad cene struje u vekikoprodaji zbog velike ponude struje.

Energetske kompanije u Evropi, poput nemačkog E.ON-a, pozdravile su predloge EU uz ocenu da obnovilji izvori treba da imaju veću odgovornost u održavanju stabilnosti energetskog sistema.

Nevladina organizacija za životnu sredinu Grinpis je kritikovala ove planove navodeći da će loše uticati na obnovljive izvore dok se istovremeno nastavlja sa davanjem subvencija za ugalj. "Ovi nacrti zakona su napravljeni po meri energetskih kompanija koje zagađuju, a ne evropskih građana", rekla je savetnica za energetske politike EU u Grinpisu Tara Konoli.

Ostaje mehanizam podrške konvencionalnim postrojenjima

Jedna od spornih tačaka je princip "mehanizma kapaciteta", odnosno mera koje članice EU preduzimaju kako bi obezbedile da snabdevanje strujom odgovara potražnji u srednjeročnom i dugoročnom periodu. To daje mogućnost da se daju sredstva postrojenjima na fosilna goriva kako bi nastavila rad, iako su neisplativa i zagađuju okolinu.

Komisija, međutim, traži od članica da opravdaju korišćenje tog mehanizma i da prethodno utvrde da li postoje kapaciteti na raspolaganju kod njihovih suseda.

Brisel želi da da se na 550 grama ograniči proizvodnja udljen-dioksida (CO2) po kilovat satu (kWh) za nove temroelektrane koje koriste pomoć, dok postojeće neće morati da se tome povinuju pre 2026. godine.

Kristijan Šajble iz Evropskog biroa za životnu sredinu, nevladine organizacije sa sedištem u Briselu, smatra da ta mera neće pogodtii gotovo nijednu evropsku termoelektranu, a slično mišljenje ima i Grinpis koji navodi da će vlasti moći da pomažu bar 95% termocentrala u Evropi bar još jednu deceniju.

Obavezujući cilj za energetsku efikasnost

Evropska komisija predlaže i da cilj za uštede energije od ukupno 30% u 2030. u odnosu na nivo 1990. postane obavezujući. Te uštede bi iznosile 70 milijardi evra jer bi se smanjio uvoz fosilnih goriva.

Evropski parlament je više puta pozivao EU da postavi ambiciozniji cilj u oblasti energetske efikasnosti, odnosno da ga pomeri na 40%. Ideju su podržale i velike kompanije, poput Filipsa, Šnajder elektrika, Simensa i Veolije, koje su članice Evropske alijanse za energetske uštede (EUASE).

U cilju smanjenja potrošnje energije Komisija se usredsreila na energetsku efikasnost u zgradarstvu na koje odlazi 40% energije u Uniji.

Dve trećine zgrada potiče iz vremena pre uvođenja normi za energetsku efikasnost i Komisija želi da se napori usmere na renoviranje zgrada. Sada se u EU godišnje renovira 1% zgrada a renoviranje bi moglo da otvori za mala i srednja preduzeća tržište vredno između 80 i 120 milijardi evra 2030. godine, navela je EK.

Takođe, Komisija predlaže i da se dalje radi na standardima energetski efikasnosti kada je reč o kučnim i drugim aparatima.

Građani kao proizvođači struje

Evropska komisija želi da stvori uslove i da građani proizvode i prodaju energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije. "Potrošači i zajednice će biti ohrabrene da aktivno učestvuju na tržištu struje i da proizvode sopstvenu struju, troše je ili prodaju na tržištu", saopštila je Komisija.

Procenjuje se da je veliki potencijal domaćinstava i zadruga za snabdevanje većeg dela Evrope strujom iz energije sunca i vetra. Nedavna studija je pokazala da bi građani mogli da pokrivaju 19% potražnje za strujom do 2030. a 2050. i 45%.

Međutim, nastojanja Evropske komisije da polako ukine direktnu podršku obnovljivim izvorima energije, podrazumeva da će i najmanji proizvođač morati da se takmiči na otvorenom tržištu.

Šeme podrške su glavni razlog da domaćivsta uopšte ulažu u solarnu energiju, ističu u evropskoj ogranizaciji potrošača BEUC. "Porodica koja ima solarni panel nije trgovac energijom i ne može se nadmetati sa velikim energetskim kompanijama", rekao je portparol BEUC Sebastijan Pant.

Komisija, takođe, planira da ograniči proizvodnju iz obnovljivih izvora energije u slučaju lokalnih zadruga, a Grinpis navodi da će novi kapaciteti biti graničeni na 18 megavata godišnje.

Članice EU će prvi put razgovarati o ovim predlogizma na nivou ministara energetike 5. decembra a Evropski parlament će početi da se njime bavi posle Boižića.

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Posted: 01.12.2016.

The European Commission has presented a package of proposals on 30 November, which should accelerate the EU move to a clean energy with energy savings, in the spirit of the Paris agreement to combat climate change. The Commission wants to equalize market conditions for all technologies, and that does not jeopardize the climate and energy goals. The comprehensive reform package proposes to aim for energy savings of 30% in 2030 is binding, as well as to create conditions for citizens to produce electricity for their own needs and sell the surplus.

The European Commission wants to establish as soon as possible a legal framework that will facilitate the achievement of targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases by 40% by 2030.

 "With the new regulations Europe comes to the fore when it comes to the transition to clean energy. EU after the Paris Agreement continues to take concrete action to encourage investment so necessary in Europe, "said European Commissioner for Climate operation Migel Arias Kanji.

The reform proposed by Brussels, zansiva on two key elements: in the case of renewable energy sources that have so far been largely subsidized, propose the regulations more on the market, and greater efforts to save energy, including setting a binding target.

Renewable energy sources are losing priority in transmission system

EU in October 2014 set as a goal to increase to 27% the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption compared to 1990.

So far managed to exceed the rate of 20% which was set as a goal for 2020.

The Commission proposes to given the increase in the share of renewable energy in wholesale trade develop regulations that will enable the realization of short-term exchange drawn up to ensure supply in the event of fluctuations in production.

According to the proposal, new installations for renewable energy will no longer have priority when it comes to taking power in the transmission system.

The Commission has, however, pointed out that the priority access to the network and continue to have already built plants for renewable energy, small plants and projects using an innovative technology.

Other facilities without obziga the type of technology will be exempt from it a renewable should be the last to lose priority.

Energy from renewable energy sources has had priority in the transmission system, which means that the producers of electricity from wind and solar energy were sure to sell electricity at a guaranteed price and the case that demand is weak. This led to a drop in electricity prices in big deal  because of surplus electricity.

Energy companies in Europe, such as Germany's E.ON, welcomed the proposals for EU adding that obnovilji sources should have greater responsibility in maintaining the stability of the power system.

Non-governmental environmental organizations, Greenpeace criticized the plan saying it would adversely affect the renewable energy while continuing to providing subsidies for coal. "These draft laws are made to measure energy companies that pollute, not European citizens," said the adviser for energy policy in the EU Greenpeace Tara Connolly.

It remains a mechanism to support conventional plants

One of the contentious issues is the principle of "capacity mechanism", ie measures that EU member states undertake to ensure that the power supply corresponds to demand in the medium and long term. This gives the ability to provide funds plants using fossil fuels to continue the work, although they are unprofitable and pollute the environment.

More State decided that in this way support the power plants and gas stations so that they can make use of that as a substitute in the event of interruption of electricity supply from renewable energy sources. Sources in the EU said that it is not good for the single market for consumers.

The Commission, however, requires the State to justify the use of this mechanism and to determine whether the previously existing capacities available in their neighbor.

Brussels wants to limit to 550 grams production udljen dioxide (CO2) per kilowatt hour (kWh) for new temroelektrane utilizing the aid, while the current will not have to comply with it before 2026.

Christian Scheib of the European Bureau for the Environment, an NGO based in Brussels, believes that this measure will not pogodtii almost any European power plant, has a similar opinion, and Greenpeace, which states that the authorities will be able to help at least 95% of the power plants in Europe bar one decade.

Binding target for energy efficiency

The European Commission proposes that the target for energy savings of 30% in 2030 compared to 1990 levels becomes binding. These savings would amount to 70 billion euros because it would reduce imports of fossil fuels.

The European Parliament has repeatedly called for the EU to set a more ambitious target for energy efficiency, or to move it to 40%. The idea was supported by large companies, such as Phillips, Schneider Electric, Siemens and Veolia, which are members of the European Alliance for energy savings (EUAS).

 In order to reduce energy consumption usredsreila the Commission on energy efficiency in buildings that consume 40% of energy in the Union.

Two thirds of the building dates from the time before the introduction of standards for energy efficiency and the Commission wants to focus efforts on the renovation of buildings. Now the EU 1% a year renovating a building renovation could open up for small and medium enterprises market worth between 80 and 120 billion euros in 2030, the EC said.

In addition, the Commission proposes to continue to work on energy-efficiency standards when it comes to home and other appliances.

The citizens as producers of electricity

The European Commission wants to create the conditions and for citizens to produce and sell energy from renewable energy sources. "Consumers and the community will be encouraged to actively participate in the market of electricity and to produce its own electricity is consumed or sold on the market," said the Commission.

It is estimated that the great potential of households and cooperatives to supply a large part of Europe's electricity from solar and wind. A recent study has shown that citizens could cover 19% of electricity demand by 2030 and 2050 and 45%.

However, the efforts of the European Commission to gradually abolish the direct support of renewable energy sources, means that the smallest producers have to compete on the open market.

Support schemes are the main reason that domaćivsta generally invest in solar energy, say the Organization of European consumers' organization BEUC. "A family that has a solar panel is not an energy trader and can not compete with the big energy companies," said BEUC spokesman Sebastian Pant.

The Commission also plans to limit production from renewable energy sources in the case of local cooperatives, a Greenpeace states that the new capacity will be 18 megawatts Granic year. EU members will first discuss these predlogizma level of energy ministers on 5 December and the European Parliament will start to deal with it after the Boižića.

Translation  by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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