
06. 12. 2016.

Ekonomisti očekuju da ECB nastavi da podstiče ekonomiju - Economists expect the ECB to continue to foster the economy

Objavljeno : 06.12.2016.                             

Evropska centralna banka će 8. decembra, očekuju ekonomisti, dati novi podsticaj evropskoj ekonomiji koja je i dalje podložna krizi, ali i neizvesnostima nakon pobede milijardera Donalda Trampa na izborima u SAD, odluke Velike Britanije da istupi iz EU i političkih rizika u Evropi. Očekuje se nastavak otkupa dugova kroz koji se mesečno upumpa 80 milijardi evra u ekonomiju.

Dnevni red sastanka ove monetarne institucije sa sedištem u Frankfurtu na zapadu Nemačke je veoma "nabijen": guverneri ECB će utvrditi nova ekonomska predviđanja, razmotriti mehanizme podrške privredi, a većina ekonomista je ubeđena da će odlučiti da nastave sa masovnim otkupom dužničkih hartija. Otkup dugova je vanredna mera koju je Evropska centralna banka pokrenula da bi podstakla privredu i inflaciju.

Očekuje se da će kamatne stope, koje su već na istorijskom minimumu, ostati nepromenjene.

"U situaciji povećanih političkih i ekonomskih neizvesnosti, čini se da je predsednik (ECB) Mario Dragi spreman da najavi novo produženje programa otkupe aktiva za šest meseci", izjavila je ekonomista finansijske firme Kepital ekonomiks (Capital Economics) Dženifer Mikjoun (Jennifer McKeown), a to je u sažetoj formi stav najvećeg broja stručnjaka. Trenutni program otkupa dugova ističe u martu.

Protekli vikend obeležili su značajni politički događaji, pre svega referendum o ustavnoj reformi u Italiji koji je doveo do ostavke šefa italijanske vlade Matea Rencija (Matteo Renzi), što nagoveštava opasnost od perioda nestabilnosti u toj zemlji.

Reakcija tržišta bila je mirna, što ne ide nužno u prilog Mariju Dragiju. Negativnija reakcija bi mu pomogla da "opravda novo produženje" programa otkupa dugova, ukazuje Karsten Bzreski (Carsten) iz banke ING Diba.

Neki guverneri u savetu ECB priželjkuju da se osporavani program otkupa duga što pre okonča, uz obrazloženje da je unekim zemljama doveo do popuštanja u reformama i budžetskoj disciplini. Među njima je guverner nemačke Bundesbanke Jens Vajdman (Weidmann).

Potreban odgovor na populizam

Na sastanku će se, kako navodi Bzreski, sigurno govoriti o političkoj neizvesnosti, budući da nema povećanja neizvesnosti na tržištu.

Budući da na tržištu postoji tendencija da se učitava najgori senario "potrebno  je da ECB potvrdi svoju orijentaciju" (da pruža podršku), navodi ekonomista Benk ov Amerika Meril Linč (Bank of America Merrill Lynch) Žil Moek (Gilles Moec).

Prvi čovek Evropske centralne banke u poslednje vreme stalno upozorava na geopolitičke rizike. Tako je na jednom slušanju pred Evropskim parlamentom krajem novembra rekao da nedavni događaji pokazuju da je politika postala značajan izvor neizvesnosti u narednim mesecima, aludirajuči na odluku velike britanije da istupi iz eu i iznenadne pobede Trampa, pobornika protekcionizma.

Evropa se suočava sa narastajućim populizmom. Kandidat ekstremne desnice jeste izgubio prošlog vikenda na predsedničkim izborima u Austriji, ali su u najavi drugi izbori visokog rizika u tom pogledu, pre svega u Francuskoj gde kandidatkinja ekstremno desničarskog Nacionalnog fronta Marina Le Pen (Marine) ima dobre šanse da dođe do drugog kruga predsedničkih izbora 2017. godine.

Ekonomija zavisi od podrške ECB

Evropska centralna banka već mesecima priprema tržište za novo labavljenje monetarne politike, a Dragi je krajem novembra ponovio da je ECB spremna da preduzme korake ukoliko to bude neophodno kako bi dala podsticaj privredi i inflaciji.

Ekonomska situacija se doduše malo poboljšava, pa je nezaposlenost u oktobru prvi put za pet godina pala ispod simboličnog praga od 10%, a ubrzanje sektora proizvodnje u novembru ukazuje da se potvrđuje obnova industrijske aktivnosti.

Inflacija je međutim sa 0,6% u novembru i dalje daleko od od ciljane stope koja je nešto niža od 2%, a i u trećem  tromesečju je ekonomija bila blizu stagnacije sa porastom od 0,3%.

Mario Dragi je sredinom novembra rekao da pokretanje privrede zavisi od podrške ECB.

Ekonomisti konkretno očekuju da se otkup javnog i privatnog duga nastavi do septembra 2017. godine. Evropska centralna banka kroz ovaj program svakog meseca ubacuje 80 milijardi evra u privredu.

ECB bi mogla i da ublaži ograničenja za kupovinu ovih hartija kako se ne bi dogodilo da na tržištu nema hartija koje bi mogla da kupi.

Izvor: AFP
Foto: Beta-AP

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Posted: 06.12.2016.

The European Central Bank will be 8 in December, economists expected, to give new impetus to the European economy, which is still vulnerable to the crisis, but also uncertainties after the victory of billionaire Donald Trump in the elections in the United States, the United Kingdom decision to withdraw from the EU and political risk in Europe. Is expected to continue through the purchase of debts that are monthly pumped 80 billion euros into the economy.

The agenda of the meeting of the monetary institution headquartered in Frankfurt in the west of Germany is a very "charged": ECB governors will establish a new economic forecasts to consider mechanisms to support the economy, and most economists are convinced that they will decide to continue with the mass purchase of debt securities. Purchase of debts was an extraordinary measure by the European Central Bank launched to boost the economy and inflation.

It is expected that interest rates, which are already at a historic low, remain unchanged.

"In a situation of increased political and economic uncertainty, it seems that President (ECB) Mario Draghi is ready to announce a new extension of the program to purchase the assets of six months," said economist financial firms Kepital EKONOMIKS (Capital Economics) Mikjoun Jennifer (Jennifer McKeown) and it is in summary form of betting the maximum number of experts. Current debt purchase program expires in March.

Last weekend was marked by significant political events, primarily referendum on constitutional reform in Italy that led to the resignation of head of the Italian government Matea Renzi (Matteo Renzi), which implies the risk of a period of instability in the country.

The reaction of the market was quiet, which is not necessarily going in favor of Mary dear. More negative reactions to help him "justify the new extension" of the program redemption of debts, suggests Karsten Bzreski (Carsten) from the bank ING Diba.

Some governors in the ECB Council aspire to disputed repurchase program of debt as soon as possible to end, on the grounds that some stretches countries led to the failure of the reforms and budget discipline. Among them is the Governor of the German Bundesbank Jens Weidmann (Weidmann).

The required response to populism

The meeting will, as stated Bzreski certainly talk about political uncertainty, since there is no increase in uncertainty in the market.

Since the market tends to be loaded worst senario "is necessary for the ECB to confirm their commitment" (to support), says economist Bank of America Merrill Lynch (Bank of America Merrill Lynch) Moeke Gilles (Gilles Moecel).

The first man of the European Central Bank in recent years constantly warns of geopolitical risks. Thus, for a hearing before the European Parliament in late November said that recent events show that the policy has become a significant source of uncertainty in the coming months, referring to the decision of Great Britain to withdraw from the European Union and the sudden victory Trump, supporters of protectionism.

Europe faces a growing populism. The candidate of the extreme right lost the last weekend's presidential election in Austria, but the other choices in the announcement of very high concern in this regard, especially in France where the candidate extreme right National Front Marina Le Pen (Marine) has a good chance to reach the second round of presidential elections in 2017.
Economy depends on the support of the ECB

European Central Bank for months preparing the market for a new loosening of monetary policy, but at the end of November Dear reiterated that the ECB is ready to take action if necessary to give impetus to the economy and inflation.

The economic situation has indeed improved a little, but the unemployment rate in October for the first time in five years fell below the symbolic threshold of 10%, and the acceleration of the manufacturing sector in November indicates that confirms the renewal of industrial activity.

Inflation, however, from 0.6% in November and still far away from the target rate that is slightly lower than 2%, and in the third quarter, the economy was close to stagnation with growth of 0.3%.

Mario Draghi said that in mid-November launch of the economy depends on the support of the ECB.

Economists expect the concrete to purchase public and private debt continue until September 2017. The European Central Bank through this program every month put 80 billion euros into the economy.

ECB might even ease restrictions on the purchase of these securities as would have happened if the market does not have securities that could be bought.

Source: AFP
Photo: Beta-AP

translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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