
01. 12. 2016.

Sretić: Poštovati propise EU za termoelektrane - Sretić: Respect the EU regulations for power plants


Objavljeno : 01.12.2016.                             

Stručnjak za pravo Evropske unije o zaštiti životne sredine Zoran Sretić izjavio je 1. decembra da je za izgradnju novih termoelektrana u Srbiji neophodno sprovesti sve procedure koje su u skladu sa EU. Izjavu je dao povodom plana izgradnje termoelektrane u Štavlju kod Sjenice. Energetska zajednica Srbiju je u izveštaju za 2016. upozorila da ne napreduje dovoljno u korišćenju obnovljivih izvora energije. Zagađenost vazduha u Srbiji je dva puta viša od preporuka Svetske zdravstvene organizacije.

Komentarišući najave da bi u Štavlju kod Sjenice mogla biti izgrađena termoelektrana, Sretić je radiju Sto plus rekao da o tome nema dovoljno informacija, ali da Srbija kao kandidat za pristupanje EU pre bilo kakve odluke o gradnji energetskih postrojenja mora da sprovede adekvatne procedure.

"Pre svega, potrebne su brojne analize po pitanju zaštite okoline, poljoprivrede ili zdravlja ljudi, uz omogućavanje javnosti da učestvuje u postupku donošenja odluke", rekao je Sretić.

Prema njegovim rečima, ukoliko se u tom procesu pokaže da su troškovi investicije veći od štete koju bi termoelektrana nanela, projekat se može modifikovati ili od njega odustati.

Sretić je potvrdio da je termoelektrana Štavalj uvedena u strateške dokumente razvoja energetskog sektora Srbije, ali je naglasio da država mora da uvodi i više obnovljivih izvora energije.

O izgradnji TE "Štavalj" govori se već godinama, pa je predugovor najavljivan još za 2013,

EZ: Nedovoljan napredak u obnovljivim izvorima

Energetska zajednica Jugoistočne Evrope ukazala je da Srbija nije na putu da ispuni svoju obavezu sa udelom od 27% obnovljivih izvora energije u 2020. godini i da je potrebna revizija Nacionalnog akcionog plana, kao i dodatne mere kako bi Srbija bila na dobrom putu da ispuni obavezu.

Navedeno je i da podzakonska akta iz 2016. o podsticajima za obnovljive izvore u vidu garantovane otkupne cene (feed-in tarife) nisu usklađena sa propisima EU o državnoj pomoći, i da je zbog toga potrebna izmena Zakona o energetici i pratećih propisa. Ukazuje se da Srbija zanemaruje značaj obnovljivih izvora i u drugim oblastima, poput grejanja i hlađenja.

U Srbiji je prema podacima Energetske zajednice Jugoistočne Evrope, maksimalni kapacitet elektrana iznosi 7.127 megavata, od čega je skoro 55% ugalj – 3.905, a dodatnih 353 megavata, dok na hidro potencijal odlazi 40% ili 2.898 megavata. U hidropotencijalu većinu čine velike hidroelektrane, dok male koje su ekološki najbolje imaju ukupan kapacitet od 63,2 megavata, a 614 odlazi na pumpno-akumulacione, koje služe za očuvanje stabilnosti sistema.

Obnovljivi izvori u grejanju, hlađenju i transportu gotovo uopšte se ne koriste. Kako navodi Energetska zajednica, za grejanje i hlađenje nije obnovljivi izvori nisu ni uključeni u ciljeve za 2020. godinu, dok je investiciona podrška za toplane na obnovljive izvore tek nedavno uvedena. Upotreba obnovljivih izvora u transportu je govoro nepostojeća, navodi se, uz napomenu da se Srbija ne ispunjava odredbe direktive EU o sektoru transporta, što je njena obaveza.

Posledice toga su zagađenje vazduha, pa je prema izveštaju Svetske zdravstvene organizacije s kraja septembra u Srbiji je prosečna zagađenost dva puta viša od preporučene, i za trećinu viša nego u bogatim evropskim zemljama, iako je i dalje duplo niža od svetskog proseka. U Srbiji srednja vrednost zagađenja sitnim česticama prečnika do 2,5 mikrona iznosi 19 mikrograma po kubnom metru vazduha, a u gradskim područjima 21, dok je preporučena vrednost Svetske zdravstvene organizacije 10 mikrograma.

Osnovni izvori zagađenja vazduha su, po podacima SZO, neefikasna transportna sredstva, sagorevanje goriva u domaćinstvima, sagorevanje otpada, elektrane na ugalj i industrija.

Ko još mari za hranu sa Peštera

Kada je reč konkretno o elektrani Štavalj, postavljalo se i pitanje da li bi mogla biti ugrožena proizvodnja prirodne hrane na Pešteru. Termoelektrana "Štavalj".

Još pre tri godine, kada se takođe govorilo o izgradnji ove elektrane, tadašnji direktor rudarske firme Resavica Vlado Milošević naveo je da proizvodnja na Pešteru neće biti ugrožena jer će biti primenjena najmodernija tehnologija, ali je i umanjio značaj tog pitanja rekavši da će će izgradnja TE Štavalj "preporoditi najnerazvijeniju opštinu u Srbiji", i da će proizvodnja zdrave ishrane opstati, ali da ona sama za sada ne može da bude "motor razvoja" tog područja.

Ambasadorka Češke u Beogradu Ivana Hlavsova u novembru prošle godine izjavila da je kompanija "Alta" iz Brna zainteresovana da gradi termoelektranu "Štavalj".

Prema informacijama Strategije energetike Srbije, termoelektrana Štavalj trebalo bi da ima kapacitet od 300 megavata, izgradnja bi trebalo da traje pet godina, a troškovi su procenjeni na između 650.000 i 750.000 evra. U medijima je navođeno da će elektrana koristiti kvalitetan ugalj koji zagađuje znatno manje od u Srbiji široko rasprostranjenog lignita. Navodi se da na Pešteru ima mrkog uglja, a firme za prodaju uglja opisuju ugalj iz Štavlja kao najčistiji, sa vrlo malo pepela, i bez šljake. 

Premijer Vučić pomenuo je nedavno u letonskoj prestonici Rigi da je i sa češkim kolegom Bohuslavom Sobotkom razgovarao o izgradnji termoelektrane "Štavalj" i dolasku novih čeških investitora.

Izvor: Beta i S.V.

Foto: Wikimedia

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Posted: 01.12.2016.

Expert in EU Law on Environmental Protection Zoran Sretić said on December 1 that the construction of new power plants in Serbia, it is necessary to implement all the procedures that are in line with the EU. He made the statement regarding the plan of building the power plant in Štavalj near Sjenica. Energy Community of Serbia said in a report in 2016 warned that not enough progress in using renewable energy sources. Air pollution in Serbia is two times higher than the recommendations of the World Health Organization.

Commenting on the announcement that the Štavalj near Sjenica could be built power plants, Sretić the Radio Sto Plus said that this does not have enough information, but to Serbia as a candidate for accession to the EU before any decision on the construction of power plants must implement the appropriate procedures.

"First of all, it takes a number of analyzes in terms of environmental protection, agriculture and human health, while enabling the public to participate in the decision," said Sretić.

According to him, if in the process shows that the cost of the investment is greater than the harm that would be caused thermal power plant, the project may modify or withdraw from it.

Sretić confirmed that the power plant Štavalj introduced in the strategic documents of the energy sector in Serbia, but stressed that the country needs to introduce more renewable energy sources.

About the construction of TE "Štavalj" talk for years, and is still preliminary announced for 2013.

EZ: Lack of progress in renewable

Energy Community of South East Europe, pointed out that Serbia is not on track to meet its obligation with a share of 27% renewable energy in 2020 and to a revision of the National Action Plan, as well as additional measures to help Serbia was on the right track to fulfill the obligation .

 It was also stated that the by-laws from 2016 on incentives for renewable energy sources in the form of guaranteed purchase prices (feed-in tariffs) are not compatible with the EU rules on state aid, and therefore require amendment of the Energy Law and related regulations.

 Indicates that Serbia neglects the importance of renewable energy sources in other areas, such as heating and cooling.

In Serbia, according to the Energy Community of South East Europe, the maximum capacity of power plants is 7,127 MW, of which nearly 55% of coal - 3,905, and an additional 353 megawatts, while the hydro potential of approximately 40%, or 2,898 megawatts. In hydropower most of them are large hydroelectric plants, while the little ones have the best environmentally total capacity of 63.2 megawatts, and 614 goes to the pump-storage, which are used to preserve the stability of the system.

Renewable heating, cooling and transport in general are not in use. According to the Energy Community for heating and cooling is not renewable sources are not included in the goals for 2020, while the investment support for renewable heating only recently been introduced. The use of renewable sources in the transport sector, the speech, nonexistent, said, noting that Serbia does not meet the provisions of the EU Directive on the transport sector, which is its obligation.

The consequences of this are air pollution, and is according to the World Health Organization by the end of September in Serbia, the average pollution two times higher than recommended, and a third higher than in rich European countries, although it is still only half of the world average. In Serbia, the mean value of pollution fine particle diameter of 2.5 microns is 19 micrograms per cubic meter, while in urban areas 21, while the value recommended by the World Health Organization of 10 micrograms.

The main sources of air pollution, according to WHO data, inefficient means of transportation, fuel combustion in households, waste incineration, coal power plants and industry.

Who else cares about food from Pester

Speaking specifically about plant Štavalj, there was the question of whether it could be endangered natural food production in the Pester.

Thermal power plant "Štavalj". Three years ago, when they also talked about the construction of this power plant, then director of the mining company Resavica Vlado Milosevic said that production in the Pester will not be compromised because it will be applied modern technology, but he downplayed the issue, saying that the construction of TE Štavalj "revitalize the underdeveloped municipalities in Serbia," and that the production of healthy food to survive, but to herself for now can not be the "engine of growth" of the area.

The Czech Ambassador in Belgrade Ivana Hlavsova in November last year stated that the company "Alta" from Brno is interested in building a thermal power plant "Štavalj".

According to the Energy Strategy of Serbia, Štavalj power plant should have a capacity of 300 megawatts, the construction should last for five years and costs have been estimated at between 650,000 and 750,000 euros. The media is guided to the plant used high-quality coal that pollutes much less than in Serbia widespread lignite. It is alleged that on Pester has brown coal, a coal company to sell coal from describing the set as the cleanest, with very little ash, slag and free.

Vucic mentioned recently in the Latvian capital Riga that with his Czech counterpart Bohuslav Sobotka talked about building a thermal power plant "Štavalj" and the arrival of new Czech investors.

Source: Beta and SV
Photo: Wikimedia

Translation  by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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