
07. 12. 2016.

Bez merila za otvaranje poglavlja 28 - No criteria for the opening of chapters 28

Objavljeno : 07.12.2016.             

Srbija može da otvori poglavlje 28 o zaštiti potrošača i zaštiti javnog zadravlja bez ispunjavanja merila, potvrđeno je 7. decembra EurAktivu u Kancelariji za evropske integracije. Srbiji je krajem novembra iz EU stiglo obaveštenje da je dovoljno pripremljena za pregovore o tom poglavlju. Prema godišnjem izveštaju Evropske komisije o napretku, Srbija je "umereno pripremljena" u oblasti zaštite potrošača i zdravlja, mora da ojača administrativne kapacitete organa za zaštitu potrošača i finansijsku održivost zdravstvenog sistema.

Srbija je 25. novembra primila pismo Slovačke, kao predsedavajuće zemlje EU, u kome se konstatuje da je dovoljno pripremljena za pregovore o tom poglavlju i poziva se da podnese pregovaračku poziciju kako bi se to poglavlje otvorilo.

"Ovo ujedno znači da nema postavljenih merila za otvaranje ovog poglavlja", navodi se u odgovoru koji je Kancelarija za evropske integracije dostavila portalu EurAktiv Srbija.

Dodaje se da ni Hrvatska ni Crna Gora nisu imale postavljena merila za otvaranje poglavlja 28.

Kako se navodi, sledeći korak predstavlja izrada pregovaračke pozicije, već su počele pripreme za to i u tom procesu će biti konsultovane zainteresovane strane kroz Nacionalni konvent o EU i Privrednu komoru Srbije.

Pošto predlog pregovaračke pozicije razmotri i Odbor za evropske integracije Skupštine Srbije, Vlada Srbije usvaja taj dokument i dostavlja ga Evropskoj komisiji.

Eksplanatorni skrining za poglavlje 28 je održan u decembru 2014. godine, a bilateralni u februaru 2015. godine, a izveštaj sa skrininga za to poglavlje je usvojen 23. novembra 2016. godine.

Srbija je umereno pripremljena u oblasti zaštite potrošača i zdravlja, navodi se u izveštaju Evropske komisije o napretku Srbije na putu ka EU, objavljenom8. novembra.

Izvestan napredak je ostvare pre svega usvajanjem Zakona o oglašavanju i Zakona o zaštiti stanovništva od zaraznih bolesti.

Evropska komisija je ocenila da Srbija u narednom periodu Srbija naročito treba da ojača administrativne kapacitete organa nadležnih za zaštitu potrošača i da radi na jačanju ukupne finansijske održivosti sistema javnog zdravlja, a naročito javnog fonda za zdravstveno osiguranje.

Mali broj rešenih prigovora potrošača

U oblasti zaštite potrošača konstatuje se da se Savet potrošača sastaje tek sporadično, dok Nacionalni registar potrošačkih prigovora i dalje nije dostupan javnosti.

Broj prigovora potrošača se povećao, ali je rešen samo ograničen broj njih.

Saradnja između resornih ministarstava i organizacija potrošača treba da se poboljša, kao i saradnja između samih organizacija za zaštitu potrošača. Trebalo bi dodatno ojačati administrativni kapacitet organa za zaštitu potrošača i tržišni nadzor, navodi se u izveštaju EK.

Kada je reč o bezbednosti proizvoda treba izmeniti zakon o sigurnosnim predmetima za opštu upotrebu, navela je Komisija i dodal da je  ponovo osnovan Savet za bezbednost proizvoda i da se prvi put sastao u februaru 2016. godine.

Konstatuje se da je Strategija unapređenja infrastrukture kvaliteta za period 2015-2020, koja posebno pokriva tržišni nadzor, usvojena je u oktobru 2015. godine.

U oblasti pitanja koja nisu povezana sa bezbednošću, novi Zakon o oglašavanju, koji ima za cilj dalje usklađivanje sa pravnim tekovinama EU u vezi sa obmanjujućim i uporednim oglašavanjem, usvojen je u januaru 2016. godine, a stupio je na snagu u maju iste godine.

Zdravstvo ugrožava nedosastak para

Održivost sektora zdravstva ugrožena je zbog loše finansijske situacije fonda javnog zdravlja, a koju je još pogoršalo smanjivanje doprinosa za zdravstveno osiguranje 2014. godine, dok je nedostatak medicinskog
osoblja u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti i dalje problem, navodi se u godišnjem izveštaju o napretku Srbije.

Potrebni su bolji organizacioni kapaciteti i treba sprovesti nacionalni plan za ljudske resurse u sektoru zdravstva, navela je EK i dodala da treba razviti nove programe specijalizacije i stručnog usavršavanja.

U oblasti javnog zdravlja jedinica e-Zdravlje u Ministarstvu zdravlja nije operativna, a centralizovani sistem elektronskih zdravstvenih kartona koji je finansirala EU nije integrisan.

Dodaje se da nije ostvaren nikakav napredak u pripremi nove strategije za kontrolu duvana.

Kad je reč o prenosivim bolestima, nadzor i kapacitet za reagovanje su i dalje ograničeni i zahtevaju modernizaciju.

Novi Zakon o zaštiti stanovništva od zaraznih bolesti usvojen je u martu 2016. godine, što obezbeđuje dalje usklađivanje sa pravnim tekovinama EU.

Centralizovani informacioni i komunikacioni sistem u zdravstvu tek treba da se razvije, ocenila je Evropska komisija.

U izveštaju se navodi da treba posvetiti više pažnje delotvornom, održivom finansiranju strategija za pojedinačne bolesti, uključujući nacionalne strategije za HIV/sidu i podizanje nivoa svesti, prvenstveno o značaju vakcinacije dece. Potrebno je dalje raditi na nadzoru nad antimikrobnom rezistencijom i na međusektorskoj saradnji.

U oblasti krvi, tkiva, ćelija i organa nije zabeležen napredak u usklađivanju sa pravnim tekovinama EU.

Ocenjuje se da je potrebno završiti proces formalnog jačanja administrativnog i tehničkog kapaciteta Uprave za biomedicinu kako bi obavljala nadzorom nad sektorom.

Načelno bi trebalo razviti standarde kvaliteta i bezbednosti zasnovane na zakonodavstvu EU i odgovarajuće i nspekcijske službe u ovom sektoru, dodaje se u delu izveštaja o poglavlju 28.


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Posted: 07.12.2016.

Serbia can open chapter 28 on consumer protection and the protection of public zadravlja without meeting the criteria, it was confirmed on 7 December EurActiv in the European Integration Office. Serbia at the end of November from the EU received a note that is sufficiently prepared to negotiate on this chapter. According to the annual report of the European Commission on the progress Serbia has "moderately prepared" in the field of consumer and health protection, needs to strengthen the administrative capacity of the authority for consumer protection and financial sustainability of the health system.

Serbia on 25 November received a letter from the Slovak Republic, as well as presiding over the EU, which states that it is sufficiently prepared to negotiate on this chapter and invited to submit a negotiating position to that chapter opened.

"This also means that there is no set criteria for the opening of this chapter," reads the response of the Office for European Integration submitted portal EurActiv Serbia.

It adds that neither Croatia nor Montenegro had established criteria for opening chapter 28. As stated, the next step is the preparation of the negotiating positions have already begun to prepare for it and in the process will be consulted stakeholders through the National Convention on the EU and the Chamber of Commerce Serbia.

Since the Draft negotiating position and consider the Committee for European Integration of the Assembly of Serbia, the Serbian government adopted the document and submit it to the European Commission.

Explanatory screening for Chapter 28 held in December 2014, a bilateral in February 2015, a report from the screening for this chapter was adopted on 23 November 2016. Serbia is moderately prepared in the area of ​​consumer and health protection, according to a European Commission report on Serbia's progress towards the EU, posted 8. November.

Some progress has been achieved primarily by adopting the Law on Advertising and the Law on protection of population from infectious diseases.

The European Commission has estimated that Serbia in the forthcoming period Serbia should especially strengthen the administrative capacity of the authorities responsible for consumer protection and to work to strengthen the overall financial sustainability of public health, in particular public health insurance fund.

A small number of consumer complaints resolved

In the area of ​​consumer protection states that the Council shall meet consumers only sporadically, while the National Register of consumer complaints remain available to the public.

The number of consumer complaints has increased, but it is solved only a limited number of them.

Cooperation between the relevant ministries and consumer organizations should be improved, as well as cooperation between the organizations for consumer protection. It should further strengthen the administrative capacity of the body for consumer protection and market surveillance, according to the EC report.

When it comes to product safety should be amended law on security matters for the general public, the Commission said, and added that the Council re-established for product safety and first met in February 2016.
 It is noted that the strategy of improving the quality infrastructure for the period 2015-2020, which specifically covers the market surveillance, adopted in October 2015.

In the area of ​​issues that are not related to safety, the new Advertising Law, which aims at further alignment with the acquis in relation to misleading and comparative advertising, adopted in January 2016, and entered into force in May of the same year.

Health endangers lack of money

The sustainability of the health sector is threatened because of the poor financial situation of the fund of public health, and which is even worse reduction of contributions for health insurance in 2014, while the lack of medical staff in primary health care remains a problem, according to an annual progress report on Serbia.

Needed are better organizational capacity and should implement a national plan for human resources in the health sector, the EC said, adding that the need to develop new specialization programs and professional training.

In the field of public health units of e-Health in the Ministry of Health is not operational, a centralized system of electronic health records funded by the EU is not integrated.

It adds that no progress was made in preparing a new strategy for tobacco control.

When it comes to communicable diseases surveillance and response capacity remains limited and require modernization.

The new Law on Protection of Population from Communicable Diseases was adopted in March 2016, which provides for further harmonization with the EU acquis.

Centralized information and communication system in health care have yet to be developed, evaluated by the European Commission.

The report said that more attention should be given to effective, sustainable financing strategies for individual diseases, including national strategies for HIV / AIDS and raise awareness, especially about the importance of childhood vaccination. It is necessary to continue working on the control of antimicrobial resistance and cross-sectoral cooperation.

In the area of ​​blood, tissues, cells and organs has not been progress in the alignment with the EU acquis.

It is estimated that it takes to complete the formal process of strengthening administrative and technical capacities of the biomedicine in order to exercise control over the sector.

In principle, it should develop quality and safety standards based on EU legislation and appropriate and services in this sector, added to the section of the report on the 28th.

translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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