
07. 12. 2016.

NEWS RELEASE - (ENGLISH/KOREAN) Urgent action needed to reunite separated Korean families - UN report / 유엔 보고서, 한반도 가족 분리 해결을 촉구

Korean version, 
Please see below 

Urgent action needed to reunite separated Korean families - UN report

GENEVA / SEOUL  (7 December 2016) - The continuing plight and pain of families torn apart on the Korean peninsula, some for more than 60 years, should be addressed urgently, especially given the advanced age of many of the victims, a UN Human Rights Office report has urged.   

“The emotional, psychological, social and economic toll of involuntary separation persists to this day, as people continue to search for the truth and for contact with their loved ones,” said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein. 

The report, published on Wednesday, examines the different and complex way families have been separated since the 1950-53 Korean War: through displacement, enforced disappearance and abduction, and also as a result of individuals fleeing the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), often referred to as North Korea. 

“This report looks at past and present-day forms of involuntary separation and outlines a practical and humane approach to family reunification. These people are not just statistics; they are not a faceless mass of victims caught up in the sweep of history. They are individuals with their own, unimaginable, stories of suffering – a suffering that remains as acute as ever despite the passing of years,” the High Commissioner noted. 

The report, which includes powerful testimonies from mostly elderly victims, documented by the UN Human Rights Office, finds that involuntary separation in the Koreas is not just the inevitable consequence of a war situation but “also the result of structural forms of exclusion, impunity and disempowerment the conflict has brought to the fore.” 

The long-lasting effects of the prejudice faced by women receive particular attention in the report, as reflected in the account of Park Dong-yeol*, now 85, who fled her hometown in North Korea in 1950 but was not allowed onto a boat heading for the South Korean city of Busan, because of a superstition that having a woman on board would curse the vessel. 

She finally reached the Republic of Korea (ROK) – often referred to as South Korea – on foot, where she discovered her status as a single woman raised suspicions that she might be a spy and she was kept under close police surveillance. To counter this, she got married, “after I had lost hope of returning to my family in North Korea.” 

Since 1953, it is estimated that 129,616 individuals have registered for reunion with their families in the DPRK, but more than half have now died without being reunited. For those still on the list, some 55 per cent are aged over 80.   

Since 2000, there have been the occasional, tightly controlled reunions during which 100 families from each side were allowed to meet briefly, but “even for this minority, the meetings often seem to bring about more distress than peace of mind,” the report says. 

“We could barely talk in the hall. There were journalists on one side and minders on the other. Then we had two hours of private time. Only then was my daughter able to cry,” said 88-year-old Ji Eungyeong* of her meeting in 2015 with the daughter she had left behind in North Korea 64 years earlier. 

The experiences of people in South Korea whose relatives were abducted are also examined in the report. Jeong Sun-ui’s father was forcibly disappeared in 1950. For the rest of the family in South Korea, this meant they were treated with suspicion as possible spies. “There was always a sense of guilt by association,” he said. 

The number of people who escaped from the DPRK and eventually arrived in the ROK has decreased since 2008 due to stringent border controls, the report says. For those who try, many of them women, it is a major decision.   

“Individuals risk their lives and expose themselves to harsh treatment, including hard labour sentences, if they are caught. Those who manage to escape expose relatives to acts of retaliation and harassment by the authorities,” the report says. 

Many escapees are extremely vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Their insecurity is exacerbated by the fear of forced repatriation and many women who give birth in China, for example, do not register their children to avoid drawing attention to themselves.   

The report makes it clear that the primary responsibility for resolving the issue of family separation lies with the two countries. The main recommendations include allowing unhindered people-to-people contacts between the two countries; finalising and publishing lists of all individuals missing since the Korean War and locating their whereabouts; protecting people who leave the DPRK, including women and children, from trafficking and other human rights violations that break their family ties. 

The report also stresses that the DPRK should take concrete steps to locate and return people who were abducted, and lift restrictions preventing its citizens from travelling and communicating with the outside world. 

The main obstacle to implementing the report’s recommendations is the increased political and military tension in the region that has brought family reunions and bilateral dialogue to a halt. 

“As rising tensions reduce the chance of addressing the problem of family separation proactively as a common priority, victims risk being further marginalised,” the report warns. 


Read the full report: 
*Names changed to protect victims and relatives 

For more information and media requests, please contact: 
In Geneva: Rupert Colville + 41 22 917 8767 / or Liz Throssell  - +41 22 917 9466/  or Ravina Shamdasani  +41 22 917 9169 / 

In Seoul: in English, Tarek Cheniti (+82 10 2746 3522 / or in Korean, YounKyo Ahn (+82 10 4230 3523 / 

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유엔 보고서한반도 가족 분리 해결을 촉구

제네바/서울 (2016 12 7) – 유엔 인권최고대표사무소는 한반도  가족 분리로 고통이 계속되며 피해자 대다수가 고령이라는 점에서 더욱 시급하게 가족 분리 문제를 해결해야 한다고보고서에서 촉구했다. 60 이상 만나지 못한 가족도 있다

유엔 인권최고대표 자이드 라아드  후세인은 “비자발적 분리가 감정적심리적사회적 경제적 고통을 초래하고진실을 규명하고 사랑하는 가족과 연락이 닿기 위해 노력하는 이들에게 고통은 지금까지도 이어진다 말했다

12 7 자로 발간되는 보고서는 1950 발발하여 1953 끝난 한국전쟁  가족이 분리된 여러 복잡한 배경을 살폈다가족 분리는 실향강제실종  납치를 비롯하여 개인이 조선민주주의인민공화국을 이탈하면서도 발생했다

 보고서는 과거와 현재에 발생한 비자발적 가족 분리를 살피고, 가족재결합을 도울 실질적이며 피해자를 배려하는 접근 방법을 기술한다가족과 분리된 이들은 단순히 통계수치로 설명할 없으며, 굴곡진 역사에 묻혀버릴 얼굴없는 피해자도 아니다개인 하나 하나가 상상하기 어려운 각자의 고통을 안고 살아간다시간이 흘러도 고통은 줄지 않는다 인권최고대표는 강조했다

보고서는 유엔인권최고대표사무소가 기록한 피해자 진술을 포함하고 있다대부분 고령의 피해자로 자신이 겪은 이야기를 들려줬다. 보고서는 한반도 비자발적 가족 분리는 전쟁이 필연적으로 낳은 결과일뿐만 아니라 “분쟁으로 표면화한 구조적 배제불처벌무력화의 결과이기도 하다 파악했다.   

여성은 특히 오랫동안 편견에 시달렸고 보고서에서도 이를 조명했다. 85 박동열이 진술한 바에 따르면, 1950 이북 고향을 떠나면서 부산으로 향하는 배에 오를  없었다여성이 배에 타면 저주를 받는다는 미신 때문이었다

박동열은 결국 걸어서 이남으로 넘어왔다하지만 미혼 여성이라는 이유로 간첩으로 의심 받았고 경찰이 지속적으로 감시했다이러한 어려움 때문에 “이북에 있는 가족에게 다시 돌아갈 있으리라는 희망이 사라지고” 결혼을 선택했다

1953 이래 대한민국에서 12 9616명이 조선민주주의인민공화국에 있는 가족과 상봉하기를 희망하여 목록에 이름을 올렸고절반 이상이 가족을 만나지 못한  사망했다상봉목록에 등록된 이들 가운데 55퍼센트는 80 이상이다

2000년부터 비정기적 상봉행사가 이루어졌는데, 남북 양측에서  100 가족씩 참여하여 철저하게 통제된 상황에서 잠시동안 가족과 만났다하지만 행사에 참여한 “일부에게도 가족 상봉은마음의 안정보다는 고통을 초래하는 것으로 보인다 보고서는 기술한다

상봉행사장에서는 거의 이야기를 하지 못했다한쪽에서는 기자가 취재를 했고 다른 한쪽에서는 상봉을 감시했다 시간 따로 만나는 때가 되서야 딸이 울음을 터뜨렸다.” 88 지은경* 말했다지은경은 2015 행사에서 64  이북에 두고  딸을 만날  있었다

대한민국에서 친인척이 납치된 이들 사례도 살폈다정순의의 아버지는 1950 강제실종되었다아버지 납치  남은 가족은 간첩으로 의심받게 되었다. “항상 연좌제로 처벌받는 느낌이었다 정순의는 말했다

조선민주주의인민공화국을 이탈하여 대한민국에 도착한 이들 수는 2008 이후 감소하였는데이는 국경단속이 강화되었기 때문이라고 보고서는 기술한다탈북자 다수가 여성인데, 탈북 결심과 시도는 결코 간단한 결정이 아니다

탈북 시도는 생명을 담보로 하고탈북 과정에서 체포될  강제노동형 등의 가혹한 처벌을 당할 위험을 감수한다또한 국경을 넘더라도 남겨진 가족이 당국으로부터 보복이나 괴롭힘을 당할  있다 보고서는 강조한다

탈북자 대다수가 학대와 착취에 쉽게 노출될  있다특히 강제북송 우려로 안전을 위협받고중국에서 아이를 낳은 여성 다수가 이목을 끌까 우려하여 출생 등록을 하지 않는다

보고서는 가족 분리를 해결하는 책임은 우선적으로 남북 양국에 있다고 명시한다주요 권고 사항은 다음과 같다.  남북 주민  제한없이 소통을 허용하도록 하며한국전쟁  실종자 전원 목록을 작성  공개하며 이들 소재를 파악하고여성과 아동을 포함하여 조선민주주의인민공화국 이탈자가 인신매매를 비롯하여 가족 유대를 끊을  있는 인권 침해를 겪지 않도록 보호한다

더불어 보고서는 조선민주주의인민공화국에 납치된 이들 소재를 파악하고 송환할  있게 구체적 조치를 취하고자국  주민이 국외로 여행하거나 소통하는 것을 제한하는 조치를 철회하도록 촉구했다.

보고서 권고를 이행하고 상황을 개선하는  역내 정치  군사 긴장 고조가 결정적 걸림돌로 작용한다정치  군사 긴장 고조로 가족상봉이나 남북 양측 대화가 중단된 상태이다.   

보고서는 “긴장이 고조되면서 가족 분리 문제를 공동으로 우선순위에 두고 해결할 가능성이 줄어들고따라서 피해자는 더욱 소외될 위험이 있다 경고한다


보고서는 다음의 링크에서 확인하실  있습니다. 

*피해자  친인척 신변 보호를 위해 가명 사용 

추가 정보나 언론 요청은 다음을 통해 연락주십시오.   

제네바: Rupert Colville + 41 22 917 8767 /, Liz Throssell  - +41 22 917 9466/, Ravina Shamdasani  +41 22 917 9169 / 

서울영어 문의는 Tarek Cheniti (+82 10 2746 3522 /, 한국어 문의는 YounKyo Ahn (+82 10 4230 3523 / 문의주십시오

언론사 뉴스웹사이트나 소셜미디어 관련:  언론 보도 관련 매체 자료  주요 내용은 아래 유엔 인권최고대표사무소의 소셜미디어 채널에서 보실  있습니다정확한 핸들(아이디,주소) 이용해 태그해 주시기 바랍니다. 
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