
01. 12. 2016.

Nezaposlenost u zoni evra ponovo ispod 10% - Unemployment in the euro zone back below 10%

Objavljeno : 01.12.2016.             

Nezaposlenost u zoni evra pala je ispod simboličnog praga od 10%, mada je i dalje iznad nivoa pre ekonomske krize iz 2008. godine. Nezaposlenost je pala u oktobru u celoj EU gde je takođe bila ispod 10%. Najniža stopa nezaposlenosti je zabeležana u Češkoj, a najviša u Grčkoj. Podaci evropske statističke službe Eurostat pokazuju i da pre dve godine 13% ljudi u EU nije moglo sebi da priušti izlazak s prijateljima ili porodicom na piće ili večeru, a da svaka šesta osoba nija imala novca za razonodu.

U oktobru je stopa nezaposlenosti u 19 članica zone evra je pala na 9,8% sa septembarskih 9,9%, saopštio je 1. decembra Eurostat. Ta služba je revidirala stopu za septembar koja je prvobitno bila 10%.

To je najniža stopa u zoni evra od jula 2009. U najtežim trenucima krize nezaposlenost je iznosila rekordnih 12,1% u aprilu, maju i junu 2013.

Stopa nezaposlenosti je prethodni put bila ispod 10% u parilu 2011, kada je iznosila 9,9%. Pre krize stopa nezaposlenosti je iznosila u proseku 7,5%.

Evropski komesar za ekonomska pitanja Pjer Moskovisi je rekao da je pad stope nezaposlenosti ohrabrujući znak. "Počeo je oporavak, treba ga ojačati i učiniti da svi imaju koristi od toga kako bi se umanjile nejednakosti koje su se produbile proteklih godina", rekao je on.

U celoj EU nezaposlenost je pala u oktobru na 8,3% u odnosu na 8,4% prethodnog meseca, što je najniža stopa od februara 2009. godine.

Najniža nezaposlenost je zabeležena u Češkoj 3,8% i u Nemačkoj 4,1%, a najviša u Grčkoj (23,4%) i Španiji (19,2%).
Stopa nezaposlenosti u Srbiji je u
trećem kvartalu 2016. iznosila je
13,8%, saopštio je Republički zavod za statistiku (RZS). Stopa
nezaposlenosti se smanjila u odnosu
na drugi kvartal ove godine za 1,4
procentna poena, a u odnosu na treći
kvartal prošle godine za 2,8 procentnih
poena, pokazuju rezultati Ankete o
radnoj snazi.

Najviša stopa nezaposlenosti od
14,2% je zabeležna u Regionu Južne i
Istočne Srbije i Regionu Šumadije i
Zapadne Srbije, u Vojvodini je bila
13,5% dok je nezaposlenost najmanja
u Beogradskom regionu gde je iznosila 13,3%.

U trećem kvartalu 2016. godine stopa
zaposlenosti iznosila je 46,8%, što je
0,9 rocentnih poena više u odnosu na
prethodni kvartal i 3,4
procentna poena u odnosu na treći kvartal 2015.

U odnosu na pre godinu dana, nezaposlenost je pala u 24 članice Unije, u Italiji je nepromenjena dok je povećana u Estoniji, Danskoj i Austriji. Najveće smanjenje je zabeleženo u Hrvatskoj sa 16,1 na 12,7%, Španiji sa 21,2 na 19,2% i u Slovačkoj sa 11,1 na 9,1%.

Svaki 10. Evropljanin nema para za provod

U Evropskoj uniji 2014. godine 13% građana starijih od 16 godina nije moglo da priušti izlazak s prijateljima ili porodicom na piće ili večeru, dok svaka šesta osoba nema novca za razonodu.

I pored sporog, ali postojanog oporavka privrede u EU i smanjenja nezaposlenosti, u 2014. godini 13% građana EU starijh od 16 godina nije moglo makar jednom da izađe na pice ili večeru, dok 17,8% nije moglo da priušti neki oblik razonode, pokazalo je istraživanje Eurostata.

Najveći postotak ljudi koji nisu mogli da izađu s prijateljima ili porodicom je u Mađarskoj i Rumuniji, preko 35%, i Bugarskoj gde je taj procenat nešto ispod 30%.

S druge strane, u Švedskoj manje od 1% građana nije moglo da priušti takav izlazak, u Finskoj 2%, a u Holandiji, Danskoj i Češkoj 3%.

Manje od 10% ljudi nije imalo novac za takav izlazak u Slovačkoj, Velikoj Britaniji, Estoniji, Hrvatskoj, na Kipru, u Francuskoj i Austriji.

Oko 20% Grka i Maltežana takođe nije moglo da ide makar jednom mesečno na piće ili večeru, a iznad 15% su i Irska, Litvanija i Portugal, dok je u Nemačkoj taj procenat 14%, a u Italiji 13%.

U Rumuniji više od polovine stanovnika (56,1%) nije moglo da ima neki oblik redovne razonode, a slede Bugarska s 37,5%, Litvanija s 35,2% i Mađarska sa 32,4%.

S druge strane, najmanji procenat ljudi koji nije imao redovnu razonodu je u Finskoj (3,2%), Luksemburgu 4% i Švedskoj 4,2%.

Izvor: Beta, AFP

logo Association  

Posted: 01.12.2016.

Unemployment in the euro zone fell below the symbolic threshold of 10%, although it is still above the level before the economic crisis in 2008. Unemployment fell in October throughout the EU which was also below 10%. The lowest unemployment rate is also remembered in the Czech Republic, and the highest in Greece. Data of the European statistical office Eurostat show that two years ago 13% of people in the EU could not afford to go out with friends or family for a drink or dinner, and that every sixth person in Britain have money for entertainment. 

In October, the unemployment rate in the 19 member states of the euro zone fell to 9.8% from 9.9% in the September, according to Eurostat 1 December. This service has revised the rate for September, which was originally 10%.

This is the lowest rate in the euro zone since July 2009. In the most difficult moments of crisis, unemployment reached a record 12.1% in April, May and June 2013.

The unemployment rate is the last time it was below 10% in Parilla, 2011, when it amounted to 9.9 %. Before the crisis, the unemployment rate averaged 7.5%.

European Economic Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said that the decline in the unemployment rate encouraging sign. "He began to recover, it needs to be strengthened and make that all will benefit from it in order to reduce inequalities have deepened in recent years," he said.

Throughout the EU unemployment fell in October to 8.3% compared to 8.4% the previous month, the lowest rate since February 2009.

The lowest unemployment rate was recorded in the Czech Republic 3.8% and Germany 4.1%, and the highest in Greece (23.4%) and Spain (19.2%).

The unemployment rate in Serbia in the
third quarter of 2016 amounted to 13.8%,
 according to the Republic
Statistical Office (RSO). The unemployment
rate declined compared to the second quarter
of this year by 1.4 percentage points, compared
to the third quarter
of last year by 2.8 percentage points,
according to the results of the Labour Force Survey.
The highest unemployment rate of 14.2%
has been evident in the Southern and
Eastern Serbia and Sumadija and Western Serbia,
 in Vojvodina was 13.5%, while the unemployment
rate the lowest in the region
of Belgrade where it was 13.3%.
In the third quarter of 2016, the employment
rate was 46.8%, which is 0.9 rocentnih points
higher than in the previous quarter and
3.4 percentage points compared
to the third quarter of 2015.
Compared to a year ago, the unemployment rate fell in 24 member states, Italy is unchanged while increased in Estonia, Denmark and Austria. The greatest decrease was recorded in Croatia from 16.1 to 12.7%, Spain 21.2 to 19.2% in Slovakia from 11.1 to 9.1%.

10. Every European has no money for entertainment

In the European Union in 2014. 13% of citizens older than 16 years could not afford to go out with friends or family for a drink or dinner, while every sixth person has no money for entertainment.

Despite slow but steady economic recovery in the EU and reduce unemployment, in 2014 13% of EU citizens starijh of 16 years could not even once to go out for a drink or dinner, while 17.8% could not afford some form of entertainment, according to a survey by Eurostat.

The largest percentage of people who are not able to come with friends or family in Hungary and Romania, over 35%, and Bulgaria, where the percentage is slightly below 30%.

On the other hand, in Sweden less than 1% of the population could not afford such a release, Finland 2%, and in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Czech Republic 3%.

Less than 10% of people did not have the money for such an exit in Slovakia, the UK, Estonia, Croatia, Cyprus, France and Austria.

 About 20% of the Maltese and the Greeks also could not go at least once a month for a drink or dinner, and over 15% were Ireland, Lithuania and Portugal, while in Germany this percentage is 14%, and Italy 13%.

 In Romania, more than half the population (56.1%) could not have some form of regular entertainment, followed by Bulgaria with 37.5%, Lithuania with 35.2% and Hungary with 32.4%.

On the other hand, the lowest percentage of people who had no regular leisure in Finland (3.2%), Luxembourg 4% and Sweden 4.2%.

Source: Beta, AFP

Translation  by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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