
06. 12. 2016.

Vals ulazi u predsedničku trku, Kaznev premijer - Vals enters the presidential race, Prime Minister Cazeneuve

Objavljeno : 06.12.2016.             

Manuel Vals se 6. decembra povukao sa funkcije francuskog premijera kako bi se posvetio trci na stranačkim izborima za mesto kandidata socijalista na predsedničkim izborima na proleće. Zamenio ga je dosadašnji ministar unutrašnjih poslova Bernar Kaznev, poznat i cenjen zbog oštre borbe protiv ekstremizma. Vals se nada da će ujediniti duboko podeljene socijaliste i da će dobiti kandidaturu, iako nije mnogo popularan ni među biračima, ni među svojima. Rođen u Barseloni, Vals je francusko državljanstvo dobio u 20. godini, tri godine pošto je ušao u Socijalističku partiju.

Ostavku je Vals (54) dao dan pošto je najavio da će ući u trku za kandidata levice na predsedničkim izborima u aprilu/maju 2017. Toj najavi prethodila je prošlonedeljna odluka predsednika Olanda da se ne bori za drugi mandat.

Manuel Vals želi da ujedini socijalite i omogući levici da ostane u Jelisejskoj palati iako istraživanja javnog mnjenja govore da će se u drugom krugu predsedničkih izbora naći Marin Le Pen, liderka partije krajnje desnice Nacionalni front, i kandidat konzervativaca Fransoa Fijon.

Vals je poznat po autoritarnom stilu i tvrdom stavu prema imigraciji i bezbednosti. Sa rivalima za poziciju kandidata iz redova podeljenih socijalista na predsedničkim izborima Vals će se suočiti na primarnim izborima u januaru. Socijalisti ga oštro kritikuju zbog reformi u sektoru rada ali i letošnjeg usvajanja zabrane nošenja burkinija na plažama.

Dosadašnji ministar unutrašnjih poslova Bernar Kaznev (53), blizak Olandov saradnik, imenovan je 6. decembra za novog predsednika francuske vlade, javile su agencije. Kaznev je popularan u francuskoj politici i javnosti zbog oštrih mera za borbu protiv ekstremizma koje je sprovodio kao ministar unutrašnjih poslova.

Kaznev će voditi novu vladu pet meseci, do predsedničkih izbora u maju. On je imenovan za ministra unutrašnjih poslova 2014. i tokom mandata se suočio sa posledicama nekoliko terorističkih napada u Francuskoj.

Distanciranje od Olanda

Vals sada mora da se distancira od nepopularnog Olandovog predsedavanja tokom kojeg je kao premijer sproveo reforme za liberalizaciju tržišta rada i ozbiljno govorio o redu i zakonu izazivajući "duboke pukotine" u partiji.

Iako mu ne daju velike šanse, Vals je odlučan da se bori: "Imam tu snagu u sebi, ono što me gura da služim svojoj zemlji", kazao je Vals objavljujući ulazak u trku za kandidata levice na predsedničkim izborima, preneo je

Pre nego što je postao francuski premijer 2014, Vals je dve godine bio ministar unutrašnjih poslova. od 1997. do 2001. bio je direktor za komunikacije socijalističkog premijera Lionela Žospena za vreme predsedničkog mandata Žaka Širaka.

Oštrim govorom i kritikama poteza socijalista, poput 35-časovne radne nedelje, Vals je zadobio podršku onih koji žele da partija bude više u centru političkog spektruma i pro-biznis orijentisana, ali i animozitet onih koji su tradicionalno "više levo".

Previranja među socijalistima izazvao je i njegov konzervativan stav o sekularizmu i bezbednosti.

Ipak, Vals se nada će sada ujediniti socijaliste. "U nastojanju da svoju političku porodicu podstaknem da se razvija, ponekad je bilo teških reči, debata, nesporazuma. Ali, uvek sam poštovao kolektivne odluke", kazao je Vals i dodao: "Moja kampanja predstavlja mirenje, pomirenje".

Neobičan političar

Novo istraživanje Haris interaktiva pokazalo je da 69% glasača ne veruje Valsu što je ipak bolje od Olandovog rezultata - predsedniku naime ne veruje 78% birača.

Vals nije tipičan francuski političar visokog ranga. Rođen je u Barseloni od oca Španca i majke sa švajcarskim i španskim državljanstvom, i biće, ako bude izabran za predsednika, prvi francuski lider koji nije rođen kao Francuz. Vals je francusko državljanstvo dobio u 20. godini, tri godine pošto je ušao u Socijalističku partiju.

"Želim sve da dam Francuskoj koja je meni dala tako mnogo", emotivno je rekao Vals.

Pokušavajući da poboljša imidž i zvuči više levo pred primarne izbore u partiji, Vals je nedavno predložio minimalni garantovani prihod za sve i pravo na obuke tokom celog života.

Glavni Valsov rival u mnoštvu kandidata za januarske primarne izbore biće Arno Montebur, bivši Olandov ministar ekonomije. I ministar obrazovanja Benoa Amon objavio je da će se kandidovati na primarnim izborima socijalista.

Valsov protivkandidat biće još jedan bivši Olandov ministar, Emanuel Makron, a tu je i Žan-Lik Melanšon. Njih dvojica su objavili da će ući u predsedničku trku ali neće ići na primarne izbore u partiji.

Makron (38), bivši ministar ekonomije, ranije ove godine je pokrenuo politički pokret "U pokretu" (En Marće!) za koji kaže da ne pripada ni centru ni levici.

Na izbore će ići i ekstremni levičar Melanšon, kandidat Zelenih Janik Žado i drugi nezavisni kandidati i lideri manjih stranaka.

Foto: Beta/AP

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Posted: 06.12.2016

Manuel Valls, the 6 December retired from the position of the French Prime Minister in order to dedicate the race to the party elections in Socialist candidate in the presidential elections in the spring. He was replaced by former Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, known and appreciated due to the harsh combat extremism. Vals hopes to unite the deeply divided socialists and will get the nomination, although he is not very popular among voters, even among his own people. Born in Barcelona, ​​Vals has received French citizenship after 20 years, three years after it entered the Socialist Party.

The resignation of the Vals (54) gave the day after announced that he would enter the race for the left-wing candidate in the presidential elections in April / May 2017. It was preceded by the announcement last week's decision of the President Hollande not to fight for a second term.

Manuel Valls wants to unite the Social and enable the Left to stay at the Elysee Palace, although opinion polls say that in the second round of the presidential election found Marin Le Pen, leader of the far-right party National Front, and conservative candidate Francois Fillon.

Vals is known for its authoritarian style and a hard stance on immigration and security. With rivals for the position candidates of divided Socialists in presidential elections Vals will face the primary elections in January. Socialists sharply criticized him for reforms in the labor sector but also the adoption of this summer's ban on wearing burkinija on the beaches.

Former Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve (53), a close associate of Hollande, was appointed on 6 December as the new President of the French government, the agencies forward. Cazeneuve is popular in French politics and the public because of austerity measures to fight extremism, which is implemented as Minister of Internal Affairs.

Cazeneuve will lead a new government five months until the presidential elections in May. He was appointed interior minister in 2014 and during his tenure faced with the consequences of several terrorist attacks in France.

Distancing from Olanda

Vals now needs to distance himself from the unpopular presidency Hollande during which the Prime Minister conducted as reforms to liberalize the labor market and seriously talked about law and order, causing "deep cracks" in the party.

Although he does not give a good chance, Vals is determined to fight: "I have the power in you, what pushes me to serve my country," said Vals announcing entry into the race for the left-wing candidate in the presidential elections, reports .

Before he became Prime Minister of France 2014 Vals two years was interior minister. From 1997 to 2001 he was director of communications for Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin during the presidency of Jacques Chirac.

Speech and sharp criticism of moves Socialists, such as 35-hour workweek, Vals has gained the support of those who want the party to be more in the center of the political spectrum and the pro-business oriented, but also the animosity of those who have traditionally been "more left".

The turmoil has caused the Socialists and their conservative stance on secularism and security.

However, Vals hopes will now unite the socialists. "In an effort to encourage their political family, to develop, sometimes it was difficult to say, debates, disagreements. But I've always respected the collective decisions," said Vals and added: "My campaign is mediation, reconciliation".

The unusual politician

New research by Harris Interactive found that 69% of voters do not trust Vals which is still better than Hollande results - namely the President does not believe 78% of voters.

Vals is not a typical French politician of high rank. He was born in Barcelona the Spaniard from his father and mother with Swiss and Spanish nationality, and will, if elected president, the first French leader who was not born a Frenchman. Vals has received French citizenship after 20 years, three years after it entered the Socialist Party.

"I want to give everything to France, which gave me so much," said an emotional Vals.

Trying to improve the image and sounds more left before the primary elections in the party, Vals has recently proposed a guaranteed minimum income for all and the right to training throughout life.

Waals main rival in the multitude of candidates for the January primary elections will Arno Montebur, Hollande's former economy minister. And Education Minister Benoit Amon announced that he will run in the primary election Socialists.

Waals rival will be another former minister Hollande, Emanuel Makron, and there is also Jean-Luc Melanson. The two announced that they will enter the presidential race, but will not go to primary elections within the party.

Makron (38), a former economy minister, earlier this year launched a political movement "on the move" (En Marco!) Which he says belongs to neither the center nor left.

Will go to the polls and extreme leftist Melanson, Yannick Jadot Greens candidate and other independent candidates and leaders of smaller parties.

Photo: Beta/AP
translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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