
12. 01. 2015.

Towards a New Minority Policy - Ka novoj manjinskoj politici

Protector of Citizens - Ombudsman of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Towards a New Minority Policy

16122014440Serbia needs a new minority policy focusing on integration, inter-ethnic and intercultural communication and cooperation. The existing policy has segregating effects and leads to a parallel life of minorities as opposed to the majority. The responsibility for it is both with the state and the minority elites which, striving to stay in power, influence the minority communities in a way that makes them ever less open. These are some of the observations from the presentation of the Integrating Minority Policy Communication Strategy presented yesterday in Novi Sad by the Ethnic Relationships Forum.

'It is discouraging and worrying that today, fourteen years after the October upheaval, there is still talk about the need to make a step forward in the field of minority policy, instead of the step having been already taken,' pointed out Aniko Muskinja Heinrich, the Provincial Ombudswoman.

In her address she warned that after the elections - and bearing in mind the decision of the Constitutional Court - minority rights have been decreased, as well as that the activities of the ruling coalition concerning the minority policy have been completely negligible.

According to her, falling back and even going backwards in this respect is evident in a series of issues. 

The Serbian Government Decision provided for establishment of the National Minorities Council, but this national body has never met or held a single session, pertaining thus to the simulation policy characteristic of the Council founded by the 2009 Government Decree.

Neither the alleged establishment of the Public Policies Secretariat nor the announcements concerning establishment of respective advisory bodies, holds Muskinja Heinrich, have any special significance if there is no Ministry in charge of human rights, while the Human Rights Office of the Serbian Government is not an authority with executive powers.

Establishment of show-off institutions is just one in a series of problems. Formulation and, moreover, implementation of the new minority policy would have to deal with other obstacles as well, starting with the psychological ones. 

It is necessary, for instance, to diminish and eventually disperse the minorities' fear of integration they perceive as a way towards their assimilation. 

A special problem is the lack of political will to embark on changing and amending the legislation, such as the National Minority Councils Act. There are other limiting factors as well, such as the ban on employment in the public sector or wrong interpretation of certain constitutional provisions. 

For instance, the provision that no one is bound to declare his or her ethnicity is interpreted in a way that it is not allowed to ask anybody about their ethnicity. Absurdly enough, this has led to a situation that no one in today's Serbia has precise data on the ethnicity of the employees in the legislative and executive authorities and the judiciary. 

If there is no such data, how is it possible, wondered Aniko Muskinja Heinrich, to pursue an affirmative measures policy?

The Deputy Ombudswoman in charge of the minority rights protection Eva Vukasinovic reminded the round table organizers of the results of the research study on the operation of the national minority councils. 

These results could be very useful in formulating an integration strategy. Integration being a process involving both minorities and the majority, there is a need for a continuous education of minorities about their rights, as well as for education of the majority about the minorities' tradition and culture and the significance of affirmative action measures. 

It is also necessary to instigate national minority councils to be more active and use their authority to its full extent, whereas relevant authorities in the local self-governments should learn their obligations concerning national minority councils in order not to hinder the process of the national councils exercising their authority.

The level of reversal or prevention of (self-) segregation of minorities is in direct proportion with the success of minority integration, both as related to the majority and other minority communities.

A special problem, as the Deputy Ombudswoman pointed out, is the legal system not acknowledging the national minority councils. For instance, the Public Property Act does not recognize them as beneficiaries of public property, while the form of the national minority councils (property) ownership is not defined at all. 

The Antidiscrimination Act does not recognize national minority councils as bodies that can file a suit and initiate proceedings to investigate alleged discrimination, while the Serbian Budgeting System Act does not recognize them as indirect budget beneficiaries. 

In here address Eva Vukasinovic reflected also on the Serbian Constitutional Court Decision saying that certain provisions of the National Minority Councils Act are not in accordance with the Constitution. 

The issue with the ruling of the Constitutional Court is that exactly the same problem has been detected both in the field of culture and education, but only the provisions relating to education have been ruled unconstitutional, unlike those pertaining to culture.

According to the Ethnic Relationships Forum, national minorities have not been fully integrated into the society, so the Forum has initiated drafting an Integrating Minority Policy National Strategy. 

This process is one of the major public policies and its implementation would strengthen both links between and among various ethnic communities and the social cohesion in general.

Ka novoj manjinskoj politici

16122014440Srbiji je potrebna nova manjinska politika čiji će fokus biti na integraciji, međunacionalnoj i interkulturalnoj komunikaciji i saradnji. Postojeća politika ima segregativne učinke, vodi paralelnom životu većine i manjina, a odgovornost za to snose i država, i manjinske elite, koje u želji da sačuvaju svoju moć utiču na zatvaranje manjina – istaknuto je na predstavljanju Komunikacione strategije integrativne manjinske politike koju je juče, u Novom Sadu, organizovao Forum za etničke odnose.
Obeshrabruje i zabrinjava činjenica da danas, četrnaest godina nakon oktobarskih promena, govorimo o potrebi da se učini iskorak u oblasti manjinske politike, umesto da je taj iskorak već učinjen, naglasila je Aniko Muškinja Hajnrih, pokrajinska ombudsmanka.

Ona je u svom izlaganju upozorila da su nakon izborne smene vlasti, a imajući u vidu odluku Ustavnog suda, prava manjina smanjena, te da su aktivnosti vladajuće koalicije na planu manjinske politike potpuno zanemarljive. Nazadovanje je, po njenim rečima, evidentno u nizu stvari. Odlukom republičke vlade obrazovan je Savet za nacionalne manjine, ali se ovo telo do sada nijednom nije sastalo, čime se nastavlja politika simulacije kakva je bila karakteristična i za Savet formiran uredbom Vlade iz 2009. godine. Ni navodno ustanovljavanje Sekretarijata za javne politike, kao i najave o uspostavljanju odgovarajućih savetodavnih tela nemaju, smatra Muškinja Hajnrih, poseban značaj, kada se ima u vidu da ne postoji resorno ministarstvo za ljudska i manjinska prava, a Vladina kancelarija za ljudska i manjinska prava nije organ uprave.

Formiranje fasadnih institucija samo je jedan u nizu problema.  U formulisanju, a još više u primeni nove manjinske politike morale bi se otkloniti i druge prepreke - psihološke, pre svega. Potrebno je, recimo, otkloniti strah manjina da će insistiranje na integraciji dovesti do njihove asimilacije. Poseban problem je odsustvo političke volje da se pristupi izmenama i dopunama zakona, kao što je Zakon o nacionalnim savetima nacionalnih manjina. Pored ovih, postoje i drugi limitirajući faktori, poput zabrane zapošljavanja u javnom sektoru ili pogrešnih tumačenja pojedinih ustavnih odredbi. Na primer, ustavna odredba po kojoj niko nije dužan da se izjašnjava o svojoj nacionalnoj pripadnosti tumači se tako da niko ne sme biti pitan o nacionalnoj pripadnosti, što je dovelo do apsurdne situacije da u Srbiji danas niko ne raspolaže preciznim podacima o nacionalnoj pripadnosti zaposlenih u zakonodavnoj, izvršnoj i sudskoj vlasti, kao i u organima državne uprave. Ako ovi podaci ne postoje, kako onda, zapitala se Aniko Muškinja Hajnrih, voditi politiku afirmativnih mera?

Eva Vukašinović, zamenica pokrajinskog ombudsmana zadužena za prava nacionalnih manjina, podsetila je organizatore okruglog stola na istraživanja u vezi sa radom nacionalnih saveta, čiji bi rezultati, kako je istakla, mogli biti veoma korisni u formulisanju integrativne strategije. Pošto je integracija proces u kome učestvuju pripadnici i većine i manjine, potreban je kontinuiran rad na edukaciji manjina o njihovim pravima, ali i pripadnika većine o tradiciji i kulturi manjina, odnosno o značaju afirmativnih mera. Potrebno je, zatim, podstaći nacionalne savete da budu aktivniji i u punoj meri koriste svoja ovlašćenja, a nadležne organe pojedinih lokalnih samouprava da se upoznaju sa svojim obavezama kada su nacionalni saveti u pitanju, kako ih ne bi sprečavali u korišćenju njihovih ovlašćenja. Radi što uspešnije integracije moraju se opozvati ili sprečiti procesi zatvaranja manjina, kako prema većinskoj zajednici, tako i prema drugim manjinama.

Pored ovih, poseban problem je što pravni sistem, kako je istakla zamenica pokrajinskog ombudsmana,  ne prepoznaje nacionalne savete. Primera radi, Zakon o javnoj svojini ne prepoznaje nacionalne savete kao korisnike javne svojine, niti je definisan oblik svojine nacionalnih saveta. Zakon o zabrani diskriminacije ne prepoznaje nacionalni savet kao telo koje može, podnoseći tužbu, pokrenuti postupak za utvrđivanje diskriminacije, dok Zakon o budžetskom sistemu ne prepoznaje nacionalne savete kao indirektne korisnike budžeta. U svom izlaganju Eva Vukašinović se osvrnula i na odluku Ustavnog suda Srbije koji je utvrdio da pojedine odredbe Zakona o nacionalnim savetima nacionalnih manjina nisu u saglasnosti sa Ustavom. Problem sa odlukom Ustavnog suda je u tome što je uočio istovetan problem u oblastima kulture i obrazovanja, ali je proglasio neustavnim samo odredbe koja se odnose na oblast obrazovanja, ali ne i na oblast kulture..  

Pošto nacionalne manjine nisu, po oceni Foruma za etničke odnose, ostvarile punu integraciju u društvo, Forum je pokrenuo inicijativu za izradu Nacionalne strategije integrativne manjinske politike. Izrada strategije spada u red najvažnijih javnih politika, a njezinom primenom ojačale bi se veze između različitih nacionalnih zajednica, kao i društvena kohezija.

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