Objavljeno : 08.11.2016.
Evropska komisija (EK) ocenjuje da je Srbija postigla
uspeh u makroekonomskoj stabilizaciji, podsticaju privrednog rasta i reformi
javne uprave, ali još dosta treba učiniti u jačanju vladavine prava i borbi
protiv korupcije i organizovanog kriminala. To su novinarima preneli zvaničnici
upućeni u "pretežno povoljan" godišnji izveštaj o napretku Srbije u
pregovorima o članstvu s Evropskom unijom, koji će 9. novembra u Briselu,
zajedno s ocenom napretka zapadnobalkanskih zemalja i Turske, objaviti EK a u
Evropskom parlamentu i na konferenciji za štampu obrazložiti evropski komesar
za proširenje Johanes Han.
Evropski diplomatski izvori navode da bi u
Izveštaju-oceni trebalo da bude naglašeno da će EK posebno pratiti u kojoj meri
vlasti Srbije uspevaju da ispune merila za poglavlja 23 i 24 u pregovorima o
članstvu s EU, budući da će o tome biti sačinjavani posebni izveštaji.
Na tom polju, i uopšte kad je reč o vladavini prava i
osnovnim slobodama je, kako je preneto, u reformi pravosuđa ostvaren pomak, ali
srpske vlasti još treba da urade važan posao i očigledno je da će biti opaski
koje ne bi bile tako izričite da bi se spominjali pojedini slučajevi, poput i
dalje nerešenog slučaja Savamala.
Izvori u Briselu su dodali da bi mogla biti spomenuta i
bezbednosna situacija u Srbiji i regionu, ali tu se ne vide neki bitniji
Situacija sa slobodom medija neće, sve govori, biti
povoljnije ocenjena nego što je to bio slučaj u Izveštaju iz 2015, kad su o
medijskoj strategiji i privatizaciji izrečene bitne zamerke.
Međutim, jasne pohvale se očekuju kad je u pitanju
doprinos Srbije regionalnoj saradnji i dijalog Beograd-Priština, za koji se
ocenjuje da je veoma važan za normalizaciju odnosa dve strane i njihov napredak
ka EU.
Zato se podvlači da upravo obe strane moraju učiniti
dodatne bitne napore da se dogovori u dijalogu sprovedu, uključujući stvaranje
Zajednice srpskih opština na Kosovu.
U pohvalnom stavu o pospešenju ekonomske stabilnosti,
smanjivanja budžetskog deficita i perspektivi rasta bruto domaćeg proizvoda se
Evropska komisija oslanja i na dobre ocene Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda i
Svetske banke o razvoju u Srbiji.
Izričit poziv Srbiji da usaglasi svoju spoljnu politiku s
EU, posebno kad su u pitanju sankcije Rusiji, ne očekuje se, ali će kao i dosad
biti predočeno da se to mora ostvariti do kraja pregovora o članstvu Srbije i
Izvor: Beta
Foto: Shutterstock.com
Posted: 08.11.2016.
The European Commission (EC) estimates that Serbia has
achieved success in macroeconomic stabilization, stimulating economic growth
and the reform of public administration, but still a lot needs to be done to
strengthen the rule of law and the fight against corruption and organized
crime. These are the journalists quoted officials familiar with the
"predominantly favorable 'annual report on Serbia's progress in the
membership negotiations with the European Union, to 9 November in Brussels,
together with the assessment of the progress of the Western Balkan countries
and Turkey, and the European Commission to publish the European Parliament and
at a press conference press to explain EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes
European diplomatic sources say that in the
report-assessment should be pointed out that the Commission specifically to
monitor the extent to which the Serbian authorities fail to meet the criteria
for Chapters 23 and 24 in the membership negotiations with the EU, since you
will be doing just that on special reports.
In this field, and in general when it comes to the rule
of law and fundamental freedoms, as he transferred, in judicial reform achieved
a shift, but Serbian authorities still have to do an important job, and it is
obvious that there will be remarks were not so explicit that to mention
individual cases, such as the still unresolved cases of Savamala.
Sources in Brussels have added that it could be referred
to the security situation in Serbia and the region, but that does not see any
important concerns.
The situation with the freedom of the media will all
talk, estimated to be more favorable than was the case in the report from 2015,
when the media strategy and privatization imposed significant objections.
However, praise be expecting clear when it comes to
Serbia's contribution to regional cooperation and dialogue between Belgrade and
Pristina, which is estimated to be very important for the normalization of
relations between the two sides and their progress towards the EU.
Therefore, stresses that both sides just need to make
further substantial efforts to implement the agreements in the dialogue,
including the creation of the Community of Serbian municipalities in Kosovo.
In the commendable attitude of advancing economic
stability, reducing the budget deficit and prospects of growth of gross
domestic product, the European Commission relies on the good reviews of the
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on the development in Serbia.
An explicit call for Serbia to align its foreign policy
with the EU, particularly when it comes to sanctions against Russia, not
expected, but it will as before be told that it must be achieved by the end of
membership negotiations between Serbia and the EU.
Source: Beta
Photo: Shutterstock.com
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