
24. 11. 2016.

Nepravilnosti u finansiranju medija - Irregularities in the financing of the media

Objavljeno : 24.11.2016.             

Država je veliki potrošač novca u medijima, ali u konkursnom sufinansiranju nije adekvatno definisan javni interes, ocenjuju u Balkanskoj istraživačkoj mreži (BIRN) na osnovu procene programa koje je sufinansirala država kroz konkurse u 2015. u 10 lokalnih samouprava. U novinarskim udruženjima NUNS i NDNV ukazuju na nezakonitosti i netransparentnosti u dodeli novca.

Programska koordinatorka u Balkanskoj istraživačkoj mreži (BIRN) Tanja Maksić izjavila je 24. novembra u Novom Sadu da je na osnovu monitoringa koji je ta organizacija sprovela, zaključeno da su danas u Srbiji "građani, civilno društvo i opozicija proterani iz medija", a posebno kada je reč o izveštavanju na lokalnom nivou.

Zaključak koji je Maksić iznela na medijskom skupu "Gde su građani u javnom informisanju?" u Novom Sadu, proizvod je projekta evaluacije programa koje je sufinansirala država kroz konkurse u 2015. godini, i to u deset lokalnih samouprava - Kraljevo, Čačak, Subotica, Novi Sad, Kruševac, Užice, Bor, Valjevo, Beograd, Zrenjanin.

"Stanje u informisanju na lokalnom nivou je veoma loše, pogotovo u elektronskim medijima, i potrebne su stručne komisije za evaluaciju projekata koji su odobreni. Država je veliki potrošač novca u medijskoj sferi, a najviše novca na lokalu se dodeljuje televizijama i štampi, dok se najmanje sredstava izdvaja za internet portale", rekla je Maksić.

Prema njenim rečima, jedan od osnovnih problema u konkursnom sufinansiranju je taj što nije adekvatno definisan javni interes, pa su tako recimo tekstovi konkursa u Leskovcu i Subotici potpuno identični, iako je reč o opštinama u kojima je javni interes potpuno drugačiji.

"Kada je u pitanju tehnički kvalitet programa na lokalnim televizijama, one izgledaju kao u najbolje vreme osamdesetih godina. Informativni programi se fokusiraju na izveštavanje o poslovima lokalnih vlasti, što jednostavno nije javni interes", dodala je Maksić.

Milijarde dinara, raspodela uz nezakonitosti

Predsednik Nezavisnog društva novinara Vojvodine (NDNV) Nedim Sejdinović, rekao je da država izdvaja ogromna sredstva za informisanje, da su u pitanju "milijarde dinara", a da u procesima dodele tog novca "postoje veliki problemi i nezakonitosti".

"Taj novac se ne dodeljuje samo kroz konkursno sufinansiranje, nego i kroz druge zakonite i nezakonite načine. Postoje veliki problemi u tom procesu, a kao posledica toga većina medija u Srbiji je korumpirana i ucenjena istovremeno. Korumpirana novcem koji od države dobijaju na razne načine, a ucenjena jer će ostati bez tog novca ukoliko ne izveštavaju onako kako vlastima odgovara", rekao je Sejdinović.

Generalni sekretar Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije (NUNS) Svetozar Raković dodao je da je i ovo udruženje zapazilo "mnogo nepravilnosti i netransparentnosti u konkursnom sufinansiranju, kao i previše slučajeva očigledno dodeljenih sredstava 'podobnim' medijima".

"Toliko je nepravilnosti da nekad konkursi ne samo da nisu u skladu sa zakonima, već su i protivustavni", objasnio je Raković.

Medijski skup "Gde su građani u javnom informisanju?", organizovalo je Nezavisno društvo novinara Vojvodine u saradnji sa Balkanskom istraživačkom mrežom (BIRN), a uz podršku Medijskog odeljenja OEBS-a u Srbiji.

Cilj skupa je da se javno govori o dosadašnjim iskustvima sa sufinansiranjem javnog interesa u sferi javnog informisanja, sa posebnim osvrtom na evaluaciju konkursa koji su raspisivali Grad Novi Sad i Autonomna pokrajina Vojvodina, i to iz ugla građana i njihovog interesa.

Izvor: Beta

Ilustracija: Shutterstock

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Posted: 24.11.2016.

The country is a major consumer of money in the media, but the co-financing of the tender has not been adequately defined public interest, evaluate the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) on the basis of an assessment program, which is co-financed by the state through the competition in 2015 in 10 local governments. The journalists' associations NUNS and NDNV point to the illegality and lack of transparency in the allocation of money. 

Program coordinator of the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) Tanja Maksić said on 24 November in Novi Sad that is based on the monitoring that is carried out by this organization, it was concluded that in Serbia today "citizens, civil society and the opposition were expelled from the media," a special when it comes to reporting on the local level.

The conclusion is Maksić presented in the media conference "Where are the people in public information?" in Novi Sad, the product of the project evaluation program, which is co-financed by the state through the competition in 2015, and in ten local governments - Kraljevo, Čačak, Subotica, Novi Sad, Krusevac, Uzice, Bor, Valjevo, Belgrade, Zrenjanin.

"The situation in the information at the local level is very poor, especially in the electronic media, and in need of an expert commission for the evaluation of the projects that have been approved. The country is a major consumer of money in the media sphere, and the most money at the local level is awarded to television and the press, while the fewest resources allocated to internet portals, "said Maksic.

According to her, one of the main problems in the tender co-financing is that it is not adequately defined the public interest, and they both say the texts competition in Leskovac and Subotica completely identical, although it is about the municipalities where the public interest is completely different.

"When it comes to the technical quality of the program on local television, they seem like the best time of the eighties. News programs focus on reporting on the activities of local authorities, that is simply not the public interest," she added Maksić.

Billion, with the distribution of illegality

President of the Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina (NDNV), Nedim Sejdinović said that the government allocates huge funds for the information that comes to "billion" and that in the process of allocation of this money, "there are major problems and illegality."

"This money is not given only through the co-financing of the bidding, but also through other legal and illegal ways. There are major problems in the process, and as a result most of the media in Serbia is corrupt and learning at the same time. The corrupt money from the state obtained in various ways and blackmailed because they will lose that money if you do not report as it suits the authorities, "said Sejdinović.

The Secretary General of the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) Svetozar Rakovic said that the sighting of the association "many irregularities and lack of transparency in the tender co-financing, as well as too many cases clearly allocated funds' like 'the media'.

"There are so many irregularities that once tenders are not only not in accordance with the law, but also unconstitutional," explained Rakovic.
Media collection "Where are the people in public information?", Organized by the Independent Journalists' Association of Vojvodina, in cooperation with the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), with the support of the Media Department of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

The aim of the meeting is to publicly speak about the experiences with the co-financing of public interest in the sphere of public information, with particular emphasis on the evaluation of the competition that are publically and officially invited the City of Novi Sad and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, and from the perspective of citizens and their interests.

Source: Beta
Illustration: Shutterstock

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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