
18. 11. 2016.

Malta će iskoristiti predsedavanje EU da ujedini Evropu - Malta will use the EU presidency to unite Europe

Objavljeno : 18.11.2016.             
Najavljujući prvo predsedavanje Malte EU od kako je 2004. ušla u Uniju, zvaničnik te mediteranske zemlje ocenio je da EU mora da bude fleksibilna kako bi se pobrinula za različite potrebe članica i obnovila veru u evropski projekat. Očekuje se da se za vreme predsedavanja Malte EU u prvoj polovini 2017. Britanija pozove na član 50 Ugovora EU zbog otpočinjanja pregovora o izlasku iz EU a u to vreme održaće se i parlamentarni izbori u Holandiji i predsednički u Francuskoj. Predsednik EK uveren je da će predsedavanje Malte EU biti uspešno jer ta mala zemlja neće stavljati domaće probleme na vrh agende.

"Krajnje je vreme da se preispita koncepcija da jedna veličina i model odgovaraju svima", kazao je predstavljajući 16. novembra u Briselu prioritete predstojećeg šetomesečnog predsedavanja predsednik parlamentarnog odbora Malte za fondove EU i predsedavanje EU Jan Borg (Ian).

Reagujući na bojazni i nejednakost koju osećaju Evropljani oko nacionalnih odgovora na migracije, prioriteti predsedavanja Malte EU biće bezbednost i ekonomija, rekao je zvaničnik najmanje članice EU.

Malta će takođe 3. februara biti domaćin samita na kome će se nastaviti razgovori započeti u Bratislavi i otvoriti put za izgradnju nove vizije Unije pred 60. godišnjicu Rimskih ugovora u martu.

"Biće to novi impuls i platforma za obnovu poverenja u projekat EU na održiv način", dodao je Borg ukazujući na ozbiljno krhku ravnotežu između fleksibilnosti i rigidnosti koja potkopava proces integracije.

Izgradnja mostova

Isto je posle sastanka sa predsednikom Evropske komisije Žan-Klodom Junkerom rekao i premijer Malte Džozef Muskat (Joseph Muscat). On je istakao da za njegovu vladu predsedavanje EU ne nosi nikakvu iluziju veličanstvenosti već će biti usmereno na stvari koje treba da se urade i na to da se osigura da Evropa napreduje.

"Mi smo prirodno graditelji mostova i želimo da radimo na kompromisima koji će nam omogućiti da idemo u budućnost", kazao je Muskat ističući da teme EU u prvih šest meseci 2017. neće biti samo Bregzit i migracije.

"Mnogo je posla koji treba da uradimo da unapredimo život naših ljudi. Moramo da budemo razumljiviji ljudima, bez obzira gde su, od Viljnusa do Valete", dodao je Muskat.

Borg je uveren da je deficit kredibiliteta EU među njenim građanima često rezultat deficita sprovođenja odluka.

"Moramo da imamo hrabrosti za preispitivanje i reforme kada je to potrebno i uklonimo ili unapredimo ustaljene koncepte i razmišljanje", dodao je Borg odbacujući istovremeno mogućnost kompletnog redizajna Evrope.

Borg misli da bi izmena sporazuma za čije su postizanje bile potrebne godine predstavljala "rasipanje energije" koja može bolje da se upotrebi na fundamentalna pitanja.

Ekonomska kriza, Bregzit, migracije, bezbednost i terorizam "povredili" su evropski projekat, rekao je Borg i dodao da krize "ne treba da osujete (EU) da nastavi sa evropskom agendom i projektom već da otvore nove mogućnosti za izgradnju snažnije, više konkurentne i socijalne Evrope".

Uz socijalnu uključenost, migracije, bezbednost, pomorsku politiku i jedinstveno tržište, ta mediteranska zemlja sa manje od pola miliona stanovnika planira da se fokusira i na politiku susedstva.

Kada je reč o Bregzitu, predsednik parlamentarnog odbora Malte poslao je Londonu poruku da se četiri slobode EU ne mogu odvajati jedna od druge.

"Moramo da imamo pragmatičan pristup pregovorima koji će voditi poštenim, jasnim, brzim rešenjima", istakao je Borg.

Junker je posle sastanka sa premijerom Malte rekao da je uveren da će predsedavanje te zemlje EU biti uspešno jer ta mala zemlja neće stavljati domaće probleme na vrh agende. On je rekao i da se ne nada rezultatu, već da ga očekuje.


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Posted: 18.11.2016.

Announcing the first presidency of the EU Malta since 2004, joined the Union, officials and the Mediterranean countries, has said that the EU needs to be flexible to cater for the various needs of members and renewed faith in the European project. It is expected that during Malta's EU presidency in the first half of 2017. Britain invoking Article 50 of the Treaty for the EU to begin negotiations on leaving the EU at that time there will be parliamentary elections in the Netherlands and presidential in France. The President of the European Commission is confident that the Malta EU presidency will be successful because this small country will put domestic issues to top agenda.

"It is high time to reconsider the concept that one size and model suit everyone," he said, presenting on 16 November in Brussels priorities of the forthcoming semi-annual presidency of the President of the Parliamentary Committee EU funds for Malta and the EU presidency Jan Borg (Ian).

Reacting to fears and inequality experienced by Europeans around the national response to the migration of Malta EU presidency priorities will be security and the economy, the official said at least members of the EU.

Malta will also be hosting the 3rd of February summit where they will continue talks start in Bratislava and pave the way for the construction of a new vision for the Union before the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome in March.

"It will be a new impetus and a platform for the restoration of trust in the EU project in a sustainable way," added Borg pointing to serious fragile balance between flexibility and rigidity, which undermines the process of integration.

Building bridges

Also after the meeting with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat (Muscat Joseph). He pointed out that his government EU presidency carries no illusion of grandeur, but will be focused on the things that need to be done on this to ensure that Europe is moving forward.

"We have a natural bridge builders and we want to work on compromises that will allow us to go into the future," he said noting that threads Muskat EU in the first six months of 2017 will not only be Bregzit and migration.

"A lot of work to do to improve the lives of our people. We have to be more understandable to people, no matter where they are, from Vilnius to Valletta," said Muscat.

Borg is convinced that the credibility deficit of the EU among its citizens are often the result of deficits implementation of decisions.

"We must have the courage to review and reform where necessary and remove or improve the established concepts and thinking," added Borg while rejecting the possibility of a complete redesign of Europe.

Borg believes that changes to the agreement which are to achieve the required years represented a "waste of energy" that could better be used on fundamental issues.

The economic crisis, Bregzit, migration, security and terrorism "violated" the European project, said Borg, adding that the crisis "should not frustrate (EU) to continue with the European agenda and projects but to open new opportunities to build a stronger, more competitive and social Europe ".

With social inclusion, migration, security, maritime policy and the single market, this Mediterranean country with less than half a million people plans to focus on the neighborhood policy.

When it comes to Bregzitu, chairman of the parliamentary committee of Malta sent a message to London that the four freedoms of the EU can not be separated from one another.

"We need to have a pragmatic approach to negotiations which will lead to a fair, clear, fast solutions," said Borg.

Junker said after the meeting with the Prime Minister of Malta said that he was convinced that the presidency and the EU will be successful because this small country will put domestic issues to top agenda. He also said he does not expect the outcome, but it is expected.


Translation by
 Nebojša Vladisavljević

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