
10. 11. 2016.

Pobeda Trampa ugrožava liberalni poredak Zapada - The winner Trump threatens Western liberal order

Objavljeno : 10.11.2016.                         
Zabrinuti i uplašeni da će pobedom Donalda Trampa na izborima u SAD biti doveden u pitanje liberalni demokratski i ekonomsko-tržišni poredak Zapada, pa i ključna uloga Amerike u NATO, čelnici Evropske unije su pozvali Trampa na što skoriji sastanak, a 13. i 14. novembra će o posledicama njegove pobede vanredno raspravljati šefovi diplomatija EU. Pobeda Trampa je s odbojnim stavom dočekana kod većine vlada i političkih snaga u zemljama EU, jer se strahuje da će to podstaći nove podele unutar EU i dati veće izglede populističkim, desničarskim snagama i liderima, koji su protiv integracije ili traže izlazak iz članstva EU, da postignu dobre rezultate na izborima koji predstoje u mnogim državama Unije.

Sad mnogi postavljaju pitanje nema li izglede da se, recimo, u Francuskoj domogne vlasti šefica krajnje desničarskog Narodnog fronta Marin Le Pen, za koju već glasa posledicama neoliberalnog kapitalizma i mondijalizacije pogođena francuska "bela radnička klasa", slična Trampovoj bazi u SAD. Marin Le Pen traži izlazak Francuske iz EU, evra i NATO-a, kao i drastične mere za suzbijanje imigracije i terorizma, upravo kao Tramp.

Šef grupe socijalista u Evropskom parlamentu Djani Pitela je dramatično pozvao Evropu da se ekonomsko-politički, pa i ideološki, preustroji i naglasio da "sve dok radnici plaćaju više poreza nego multinacionalne kompanije, teško će glasati za nas ili voleti Evropu".

Vlade i mnoge stranke u Francuskoj, Nemačkoj i još nekim državama koje žele jačanje EU, uključujući stvaranje ekonomske vlade evrozone i odbrambene strukture EU, smatraju da Trampov trijumf može dovesti do međunarodnog i trgovinskog samozatvaranja, izolacije Amerike i zahteva nove administracije u Vašingtonu da se Evropa u odbrani mnogo više osloni na sopstvene snage i za to plaća.

Neki evropski politički prvaci i vlade su, međutim, pozdravili dolazak Trampa na čelo SAD uz ocenu da je to potvrda državne i nacionalne samostojnosti, kojoj i oni streme, uz pozdravljanje konkretnih Trampovih programskih ciljeva o zaustavljanju imigracije, oštroj borbi naročito protiv islamskog terorizma i zaštiti domaćeg tržišta od nelojalne svetske konkurencije.

Francuski predsednik Fransoa Oland je sažeo viđenje mnogih evropskih prvaka rekavši da se sad "ulazi u razdoblje velike neizvesnosti".

U ekonomskim analizama u EU se primećuje da su berze na Trampovu pobedu reagovale mnogo smirenije nego što se očekivalo, stručnjaci su podeljeni oko toga hoće li administracija novog američkog predsednika uspeti da stvori novih 25 miliona radnih mesta i postigne privredni od 4% godišnje. Ili će velike državne investicije, javni radovi, kresanje poreza i preispitivanje međunarodnih ugovora o slobodnoj trgovini gurnuti Ameriku u ogromne budžetske deficite, još veće dugove i recesiju, što bi podogilo dobar deo sveta, pa i Evropu, koja se veoma sporo oporavlja od ekonomske krize.

Jedno je sad sigurno, rekli su i visoki zvaničnici Evropske komisije, a to je da i dosad za mnoge Evropljane sporni sporazum EU-SAD o slobodnoj trgovini i garantovanju investicija neće biti sklopljen, jer to ne želi ni Tramp.

Šef nemačke diplomatije Frank-Valter Štajnmajer je ocenio da će dolaskom na vlast Trampa "mnoge stvari biti teže" za američke saveznike, a čelnici EU, Žan-Klod Junker i Donald Tusk, pozvali su novog američkog predsednika da se sastane s vođama EU "što pre mu bude odgovaralo".

Tusk je neuvijeno saopštio da je EU "uz poštovanje demokratskog izbora američkog naroda, svesna da to donosi nove izazove, a jedan od njih je i neizvesnost oko budućnosti odnosa saveznika s obe strane Atlantika" dodajući da su veze EU i SAD "jake, nagonske, duhovne i biološke".

Tusk je rekao i da je čuo Trampa "kako poziva na američko jedinstvo". "A ja bih, međutim, pozvao na evropsko i jedinstvo s obe strane Atlantika", dodao je.

Nemci su, bio je otvoren Štajnmajer, priželjkivali pobedu Trampove protivnice, ali je kancelarka Angela Merkel stavila do znanja da Trampu nudi saradnju na temelju "zajedničkih vrednosti demokratije, slobode i ljudskog dostojanstva", dakle vrlo uopštenih načela u očekivanju šta će uraditi novi šef Bele kuće.

Za mnoge vlade i političare u EU je velika nepoznanica šta će Tramp uraditi u sklopu NATO, jer su njegove poruke o tome da evropski saveznici moraju mnogo više sami da porade na odbrani izazvale veliko uznemirenje, naročito u Poljskoj i baltičkim zemljama, posebno zato što je predočio da SAD neće automatski braniti te zemlje ako bi im zapretila Rusija.

Jedan Trampov diplomatski savetnik je 9. novembra izjavio francuskoj televiziji Frans 2 da će se on s ruskim predsednikom Vladimirom Putinom "pragmatično" dogovoriti o zajedničkoj strategiji i saradnji u slamanju islamskih terorista Daeša u Siriji, a u programu ima i stvaranje "zone bezbednosti za Sirijce unutar Sirije, što bi morale da finansiraju petrolejske monarhije Zaliva". Možda nije čudno što je šef NATO Jens Stoltenberg šturo pozdravio Trampovu pobedu u dve-tri kratke rečenice, ocenivši da je "vođstvo SAD potrebnije nego ikad".

Foto: Beta/AP

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Posted: 10.11.2016. 

Worried and frightened that Donald Trump's victory in the elections in the United States be brought into question the liberal democratic and market economic order of the West, including the key US role in NATO, European Union leaders have called Trump at the earliest possible date, a 13th and 14th November will be the consequences of his victory emergency foreign ministers discuss EU. Pobeda Trump is repulsive attitude welcomed by most governments and political forces in the EU, because it is feared that this will encourage new divisions within the EU and give a higher chance populist, right-wing forces and leaders, who are against the integration or looking out of the EU membership, to achieve good results in the upcoming elections in many states of the Union.

Now, many question if there is no prospect that, say, in France reach the final boss of government of right-wing National Front, Marine Le Pen, for that has been the voice of the consequences of neo-liberal capitalism and of Globalization affected the French "white working class", similar to Trump based in the United States. Marin Le Pen seeks the release of France from the EU, the euro and NATO, and drastic measures to combat immigration and terrorism, just as Tramp. 

The head of the group of Socialists in the European Parliament Djani pies dramatically called on Europe to economic and political, as well as ideological, restructure and stressed that "as long as workers pay more tax than multinationals, are unlikely to vote for us or love Europe".

Government and many customers in France, Germany and some other countries that want to strengthen the EU, including the creation of an economic government of the eurozone and the EU defense structure, consider that Trump triumph could lead to international trade and self-closing, and the isolation of America requires new administration in Washington to Europe in defending many more rely on its own forces and to wage.

Some political leaders and European governments have, however, welcomed the arrival of Trump on his forehead US adding that this is confirmation of state and national independence, to which they aspire, with introductions Trampovih specific program objectives of halting immigration, especially the fierce battles against Islamic terrorism and the protection of domestic market from unfair global competition.

French President Francois Hollande summed up the view of many European champion, saying that "now entering a period of great uncertainty."

The economic analysis in the EU notes that the stock exchange reacted to the Trumps win a lot calmer than expected, experts are divided over whether the administration of the new US president will be able to create 25 million new jobs and achieve economic than 4% per year. Or if large government investments, public works, cutting taxes and review of international free trade agreements to push America into huge budget deficits, even greater debt and recession, which would podogilo much of the world, including Europe, which is very slowly recovering from economic crisis .

One thing is now certain, said senior officials from the European Commission, which is that until now for many Europeans the controversial EU-US agreement on free trade and guaranteeing investments will not be made, because it does not want Tramp.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said that the advent of the Trump "Many things will be more difficult" for US allies and EU leaders, Jean-Claude Juncker, and Donald Tusk, called on the new US president to meet with leaders of the EU "as before his own time.
" Tusk has bluntly stated that the EU "while respecting the democratic choice of the American people, aware that this brings new challenges and one of them is the uncertainty about the future of relations between the allies on both sides of the Atlantic," adding that links the EU and the US "strong, instinctive, spiritual and biological. "

Tusk also said that he heard Trump "that calls for American unity." "And I would, however, called for European unity and on both sides of the Atlantic," he added.

The Germans, was open Steinmeier wished victory Tramp rivals, but Chancellor Angela Merkel made it clear that Trump offers cooperation on the basis of "shared values ​​of democracy, freedom and human dignity," that is a very generalized principles in anticipation of what they will do a new head of the White home.

For many governments and politicians in the EU is a big unknown what the Tramp done within NATO, because its message that the European allies have much more themselves to work on defense caused a lot of distress, particularly in Poland and the Baltic countries, in particular because the showed that the US will not automatically defend that country if they threatened Russia.

One Trampov diplomatic adviser to the 9th of November, said French television France 2 that it will be with Russian President Vladimir Putin "pragmatic" to agree on a joint strategy and cooperation to crack down on Islamic terrorists Daesa in Syria, the program has the creation of a "security zone for Syrians inside Syria, which would have to finance petroleum monarchies of the Gulf. " Maybe it's not surprising that the NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg briefly greeted Trampov victory in two or three short sentences, stating that "the leadership of the United States is more necessary than ever."

Photo: Beta /AP

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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