
15. 11. 2016.

Ministri EU: Jačanje evropske odbrane zbog novih pretnji - EU ministers: Strengthening European defense due to new threats

Objavljeno : 15.11.2016.             

Ministri inostranih poslova i odbrane Evropske unije utvrdili su plan izgradnje evropske odbrambene strukture čiji je ključni zadatak da se "odgovori na spoljne sukobe i krize, ojačaju saradnja partnera u Uniji i odbrambeni kapaciteti, zaštite Unija i njeni građani", saopštila je visoka predstavnica EU Federika Mogerini. Ona je 14. novembra u Briselu istakla da će Unija dobiti vojnu strukturu, kapacitete i sredstva, ali to neće biti evropska armija, niti će biti stvorena vojna komanda i štab EU, već što tešnja saradnja postojećih vojnih štabova i snaga. Vojne snage EU će delovati u rešavanju kriza prevashodno u regionima u okruženju EU.

Evropska odbrambena struktura, utemeljena na operativnim "borbenim grupama", snagama za brzo reagovanje, neće imati zadatak odbrane teritorije EU, jer je za to zadužen NATO, a neće biti ni konkurencije i udvajanja vojnih kapaciteta s NATO-om, objasnila je Mogerini.

Šef francuske diplomatije Žan-Mark Ero je novinarima rekao da EU mora da ojača svoje odbrambene sposobnosti zbog "novih pretnji i neizvesnosti u svetu, koje nisu počele dolaskom na vlast (novog američkog predsednika Donalda) Trampa".

"Već jednostavno, Evropa ne sme čekati na odluke drugih, već mora braniti interese Evropljana i igrati stratešku ulogu na svetskoj pozornici", kazao je francuski ministar.

"Amerikanci su", dodao je Ero, "izabrali novog predsednika koji će stupiti na dužnost 20. januara, on priprema svoje timove, postaviće 4.000 zvaničnika i to će potrajati, a odnosi Evrope i Amerike su od suštinskog značaja".

Ero je rekao da sad Trampova administracija treba da razjasni neke stavove iz predizborne kampanje, kao što je međunarodni dogovor o posledicama klimatskih promena koji je "od bitne važnosti za čovečanstvo i svako uzmicanje bi bilo štetno za čovečanstvo i Evropa tu ima interese koje će braniti".

"To isto važi", napomenuo je on, "za bezbednost i bitku protiv terorizma i razvoj, recimo u Africi, tako da su snažne prekoatlantske veze potrebne, da su jasne i počivaju na solidarnosti, a mora se imati i zajedničko viđenje sveta, i to multilateralno viđenje sveta da bi se savladale opasnosti s kojima smo sučeljeni".

Francuski ministar je, međutim, dodao da Trampova administracija može krenuti u politiku izolacije, povlačenja SAD iz nekih svetskih zbivanja i naglasio da to ne bi bilo dobro ni za Ameriku ni za svet.

"Jer", kako je naglasio, "izolacionizam može izazvati nacionalizam, a današnja velika opasnost za svet, i jamačno za Evropu, jeste ponovni uspon nacionalizama".

"Tome se mora posvetiti krajnja pažnja", podvukao je Ero i podsetio na ocenu bivšeg francuskog predsednika Fransoe Miterana: "Nacionalizam - to je rat".

Ero je istakao da ratovi i sukobi već bukte u svetu i kazao da je rat u Siriji glavna briga Evropske unije.

Uz ključni zadatak zaštite spoljnih granica EU, u zaključcima ministarskog zasedanja je naglašena strateška samostalnost i volja da odbrambena struktura Unije dobije sredstva za reagovanje i vojnu akciju, dodao je Ero.

Ministri inostranih poslova i odbrane EU su, po njegovim rečima, potvrdili rešenost da se pokrenu istinska industrijska politika i istraživanja i razvoj za potrebe odbrane, koje će biti finansirana iz postojećih fondova EU i zamašnog tzv. Junkerovog fonda za podsticaj ekonomskog oporavka Unije.

Vojne snage EU delovaće u okolini Evrope

Vojne snage Evropske unije, o čijem ustrojstvu i kapacitetima su se dogovorili ministri EU, delovaće u rešavanju kriza prevashodno u regionima u okruženju Unije, ali će biti sposobne i za širok opseg akcija.

Ojačana evropska odbrambena struktura će "s partnerima delovati svuda gde je moguće, uvek u saglasnosti s međunarodnim zakonom", a u cilju osiguravanja bezbednosti evropskih građana i doprinosa bezbednosti izvan granica Unije.

U zaključcima koje su usvojili ministri inostranih poslova i odbrane EU, kaže se da to podrazumeva upotrebu snaga za brzo vojno i civilno reagovanje, uz korišćenje vojnih "borbenih grupa EU" i vazduhoplovne i pomorske jedinice, kao i operacije izviđanja.

Ove snage mogu pomoći u obuci i bezbednosnom jačanju policije, vladavine prava, upravljanja granicama, suzbijanju terorizma, uzvraćanju na hibridne pretnje, kao i otklanjanju prirodnih katastrofa.

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Posted: 11.15.2016.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence of the European Union have established a plan to build a European defense structure whose key task is to "respond to foreign conflict and crisis, strengthen cooperation partners in the Union and defense capacities, protection of the Union and its citizens," said EU High Representative Federica Mogherini. It was on 14 November in Brussels stressed that the EU will get a military structure, capacity and resources, but it will not be a European army, or will be created and the military command headquarters of the EU, but as close cooperation existing military headquarters and forces. EU military forces to operate in resolving the crisis, primarily in neighboring regions of the EU.

European defense structure, based on operational 'battle groups' rapid reaction forces, will have the task to defend the territory of the EU as it is for NATO to charge, but there will be no competition and duplication of military capabilities with NATO, explained Mogherini.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault told reporters that the EU must strengthen its defense capabilities because of "new threats and uncertainty in the world, which have not started coming to power (the new US president Donald) Trump."              
"More simply, Europe can not wait for the decisions of others, but must defend the interests of Europeans and play a strategic role on the world stage," said the French minister.

"The Americans," said Ero, "elected a new president who will take office on January 20, he prepares his teams will place 4,000 officials and this will take time and relations of Europe and America are essential.

" Ero said that now Tramp administration to clarify certain points in the campaign, such as the consequences of an international agreement on climate change which is "essential for humanity and any retreat would be detrimental to humanity and that Europe has interests that will defend" .

"The same is true," he noted, "for security and the battle against terrorism and the development of, for example, in Africa, so strong transatlantic ties needed to be clear and based on solidarity, and must have a shared vision of the world, and to a multilateral vision of the world in order to overcome the dangers with which we are confronted.

" The French minister, however, added that TRAMP administration can take the policy of isolation, the US withdrawal from some of the world's events and emphasized that it would not be good for America or for the world.

"Because," he said, "isolationism can lead to nationalism, and today a great danger to the world, and certainly in Europe, is the re-emergence of nationalism."

 "To this end attention must be paid," he underlined and recalled Ero assessment of former French President Francois Mitterrand: "Nationalism - this is war."

 Ero said that wars and conflicts are already blazing in the world and said that the war in Syria, the main concern of the European Union.

With the crucial task of protecting the external borders of the EU, in the conclusions of the ministerial session emphasized the strategic autonomy and defense structure that will give the Union the means to react and military action, he said Ero.

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence EU, according to him, confirmed the commitment to launch a true industrial policy and research and development for defense, which will be financed from existing funds and the extensive so-called. Juncker fund for stimulating the economic recovery of the Union.

EU military forces will operate in an environment of Europe

Military forces of the European Union, whose organization and facilities are agreed by the ministers of the EU will act in resolving the crisis, primarily in neighboring regions of the Union, but will be able for a wide range of actions.

Reinforced European defense structure will "work with partners wherever possible, always in accordance with international law", in order to ensure the security of European citizens and the contribution of security beyond the borders of the Union.

The conclusions adopted by the ministers of foreign affairs and defense EU says that it involves the use of force for rapid reaction military and civilian, with the use of military "battle group of the EU 's air and naval units, as well as reconnaissance operation.

These forces can help in the training and strengthening of the security police, rule of law, border management, combating terrorism, restoring the hybrid threats, as well as the elimination of natural disasters.

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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