
24. 11. 2016.

Fotiga: Treba reći da nismo ruska sfera uticaja - Fotyga: It should be said that we are not a Russian sphere of influence

Objavljeno : 24.11.2016.             

Autorka rezolucije Evropskog parlamenta (EP) o ruskoj propagandi protiv Evropske unije, evroposlanica vladajućih poljskih konzervativaca Ana Fotiga izjavila je 24. novembra da je ta rezolucija bila neophodna zbog neprestanih poruka Rusije da su zemlje Srednje i Isročne Evrope "prirodna ruska sfera uticaja". Ona je istovremeno rekla da žali što su mediji zabeležili pre svega "ruski" deo rezolucije o antievropskoj propagandi, iako je i propaganda islamskih terorista podjednako efikasna kao ruska. Zvanična Moskva oštro je osudila rezoluciju u kojoj evroposlanici izražavaju zabrinutost zbog neprijateljske propagande trećih subjekata.

"Aktivnosti Rusije su usmerene na kompromitovanje ljudi i na dezinformacije. Propagandna politika Rusije donosi pretnje za naš region. Iz Rusije neprestano stiže poruka da su Srednja i Istočna Evropa prirodna sfera uticaja Rusije. To podriva suverenitet tih država. Rusija poručuje da su to propale države", kazala je Fotiga državnom Poljskom radiju.

Fotiga, bivša ministarka spoljnih poslova u prvoj vladi poljske evroskeptične konzervativne stranke Pravo i pravda od 2005. do 2007. godine, izrazila je žaljenje što su mediji zabeležili pre svega "ruski" deo rezolucije o antievropskoj propagandi, iako je i propaganda islamskih terorista podjednako efikasna kao ruska.

"Propaganda Islamske države usmerena je na veoma mlade ljude, a islamisti koriste savremena sredstva komunikacije. Islamska država i Al-Kaida su u svojoj propagandi veoma efikasne, jednako efikasne kao Rusija", naglasila je Fotiga.

Rezolucija navodi takođe da Rusija, preko televizija poput Rusija danas (Russia Today), "nazovi informativnih agencija", kako su evoposlanici nazvali Sputnjik, i "internet trolova", nastoji da ospori demokratske vrednosti, da podeli Evropu i da članice EU na granicama Rusije predstavi kao propale države u kojima Rusija ima podršku stanovništva.

Poslanici Evropskog parlamenta 23. novembra su usvojili rezoluciju kojom se traže odbrambeni mehanizme od antievropskih kampanja iz Rusije, kao i propagande islamskih terorističkih grupa. Oni su naveli da bi za suprotstavljanje kampanji protiv EU, koja ima za cilj izobličavanje istine, podsticanje straha i podela u EU, trebalo ojačati radnu grupu za "strateške komunikacije" i investirati u podizanje svesti, internet i lokalne medije, kao i u istraživačko novinarstvo.

Izvestiteljka Ana Fortiga je navela da su posle ruske "aneksije Krima i agresije u istočnim delovima Ukrajine, mnoge zemlje postale svesne dezinformacija i manipulacija" iz Rusije.

Inače, EU ima tim za borbu protiv ruske propagande koji je počeo da radi 1. septembra 2015. sa ciljem da pomogne nezavisnim medijima, pre svega u zemljama Istočnog partnerstva. Tim čini 11 diplomata koji bi nakon usvajanja neobavezujuće rezolucije mogao da dobije više službenika i veći budžet za otkrivanje i suzbijanje ruske propagande, piše 24. novembra Taj portal takođe navodi da bi sličan podsticaj mogao da dobije još jedan manji program čija je meta propaganda ID.

Putin: Rezolucija govori o degradiranju demokratije

Ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin izjavio je 23. novembra da rezolucija EP o aktivnosti ruskih medija pokazuje da je degradirano shvatanje demokratije na Zapadu.

"Ako donesu tu odluku (o borbi protiv ruske propagande) to znači da prisustvujemo političkoj degradaciji demokratskih ideja u zapadnom društvu," rekao je Putin novinarima, prenosi ruska agencija TASS.

Putin je izrazio žaljenje zbog pokušaja da Zapad uči Rusiju demokratiji.

"Što se tiče naših novinara koji su podstakli evropske vlasti da donesu ovu odluku, ja im čestitam što su... obavili svoj posao efikasno i sa talentom", rekao je on posle sastanka u Kremlju.

Portparolka ruskog ministarstva spoljnih poslova Marija Zaharova rekla je da rezolucija EP predstavlja "informacioni zločin", preneo je Sputnjik koji se spominje u rezoluciji.

"To je zločin, kada uz stvarnu pretnju u vidu terorizma, fundamentalizma i ne samo toga, nego sredine koja hrani nacionalizam, ksenofobiju, skrećete pogled međunarodne zajednice na potpuno drugu stranu", rekla je Zaharova za televiziju Rusija jedan.

Ona je rekla da takvom rezolucijom zapadni političari vrše zločin, jer onemogućavaju ljudima da analiziraju i da misle na osnovu alternativnih izvora informacija.

Zaharova je rekla da nikakve diskriminacije zapadnih novinara u Rusiji nije bilo niti će biti, ali da će Rusija odgovoriti recipročno na pritiske na ruske novinare.

logo Association

Posted: 24.11.2016.

The author of the resolution of the European Parliament (EP) on Russian propaganda against the European Union, Polish MEP ruling conservatives Ana Fotyga said on 24 November that the resolution was needed because of the constant messages of Russia, the countries of Central Europe and Isročne "Russia's natural sphere of influence". It is also said that he regrets that the media are primarily recorded "Russian" part of the resolution of the anti-European propaganda, although the propaganda of Islamic terrorists is equally effective as Russian. Official Moscow has strongly condemned the resolution in which MEPs express concern about the hostile propaganda of third subjects.

"The activities of Russia are aimed at discrediting people and misinformation. The propaganda policy of Russia brings threats to our region. From Russia constantly arrives message that Central and Eastern Europe, Russia's natural sphere of influence. It undermines the sovereignty of these countries. Russia says that this is a failed state "Fotyga said Poland national radio.

Fotyga, a former foreign minister in the first government of Polish eurosceptic conservative party Law and Justice from 2005 to 2007, expressed regret that the media are primarily recorded "Russian" part of the resolution of the anti-European propaganda, although propaganda and Islamic terrorists are equally effective as well as Russian.

"Propaganda of the Islamic countries is aimed at very young people and the Islamists use modern means of communication. The Islamic State and Al-Qaeda in their propaganda is very effective, as effective as Russia," said Fotyga.

The resolution also states that Russia, through television, such as Russia Today (Russia Today), "call the news agency" as evoposlanici called Sputnik, and the "internet trolls", seeks to challenge the democratic values ​​that divide Europe and EU member states on Russia's borders presented as a failed state in which the Russian Federation has the support of the population.

MEPs on 23 November adopted a resolution seeking defensive mechanisms of the anti-European campaign in Russia, as well as the propaganda of Islamic terrorist groups. They stated that in order for the opposition campaign against the EU, which aims to distortion of the truth, fostering fear and divisions in the EU should strengthen the working group on "strategic communications" and to invest in awareness raising, internet and local media, as well as investigative journalism.

Ana FortiGate Rapporteur stated that after Russia's "annexation of Crimea and aggression in eastern parts of Ukraine, many countries have become aware of misinformation and manipulation" in Russia.

Otherwise, the EU has a team to fight against Russian propaganda, which began to operate on 1 September 2015 with the aim to help the independent media, especially in the countries of the Eastern Partnership. The team consists of 11 diplomats that following the adoption of non-binding resolution could gain more employees and a larger budget for the detection and suppression of Russian propaganda, said on 24 November The portal also noted that a similar incentive could get another small program that targeted propaganda ID.

Putin: The resolution speaks of the degradation of democracy

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on 23 November that the EP resolution on the activities of Russian media shows that the degraded conception of democracy in the West.

 "If you make that decision (on the fight against Russian propaganda) it means that we are witnessing political degradation of democratic ideas in western society," Putin told journalists, reports the Russian news agency TASS.

Putin expressed regret over attempts to teach Russia democracy the West.

"As far as our journalists prompted European authorities to make the decision, I salute them as ... do their job efficiently and with talent," he said after a meeting in the Kremlin.

A spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the EP resolution is an "informational crime", reports Sputnik mentioned in the resolution.

"This is a crime which, along with the actual threat in the form of terrorism, fundamentalism and not just that, but the environment that feeds nationalism, xenophobia, the international community turning a blind eye to a whole other side," said Zakharov, Russia is one of the television.

She said that such a resolution Western politicians committing murder, because it impossible for people to analyze and to think on the basis of alternative sources of information.

Zakharova said that any discrimination Western journalists in Russia has not been nor will be, but that Russia will respond to the reciprocal pressure on Russian journalists.

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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