Objavljeno : 15.11.2016.
Zemlje Zapadnog Balkana treba da zajedno nastupaju u
zagovaranju brže integracije regiona u EU, ali to ne može da zameni njihov
pojedinačni napredak u ispunjavanju kriterijuma za članstvo, rečeno je 15.
novembra na predstavljanju smernica za strategiju zagovaranja pristupanja
Zapadnog Balkana EU. Smernice je pripremilo osam ekspertskih organizacija iz
zemalja Zapadnog Balkana i Višegradske grupe, a polaze od toga da nacionalni
pristup nije dovoljan, da region mora da zajedno iskoristi svoje prednosti u
zagovaranju u EU i insistira na tome da je deo rešenja za krize sa kojima se
Unija suočava.
Autorka predloga smernica Ana Marjanović Rudan je rekla
na skupu u Skupštini Srbije da cilj zagovaranja jeste da proširenje ponovo bude
u fokusu EU, da se poveća podrška proširenju u članicama EU plasiranjem dobrih
vesti o regionu i predlozima politika, i osnaži zvanični diskurs o EU u
Šefica pregovaračkog tima Srbije Tanja Miščević je rekla
da podržava ideju regionalnog zagovarnja u smislu da sve zemlje imaju pristup
EU i politici proširenja, ali je zamerila to što se polazi od toga da je
Zapadni Balkan "crna rupa" i istakla da regionalni aspekt ne može
imati primat nad nacionalnim.
"Poruka ne sme da bude da smo kao region crna rupa,
da smo jedina preostala enklava već da se predstavimo onim što je do sada
urađeno. A to što je urađeno vidi se iz izveštaja EK o napretku", rekla je
ona novinarima.
Ona je u raspravi o smernicama rekla da će naredna godina
biti puna izazova za Srbiju i EU u domenu integracija, pošto predstoje izbori u
više članica EU i očekuje se pokretanje procedure istupanja Velike Britanije iz
Tanja Miščević je rekla da će se istupanjem Britanije iz
EU verovatno baviti Direktorat Evropske komisije za proširenje koji i ovako ima
dosta posla i da će Srbiji imajući u vidu sve te izazove biti potrebna pomoć
civilnog društva da "preživi 2017".
Zamenik šefa Delegacije EU u Srbiji Oskar Benedikt i
ambasador Nemačke u Beogradu Aksel Ditman rekli su na skupu da su regionalna
saradnja i dobrosusedski odnosi ključni za napredak Zapadnog Balkana na putu ka
EU i razvoju regiona.
"Najbolje zagovaranje regiona jeste rešavanje
problema sa susedima, da se bude dobar sused i prijatelj i radi zajedno na
razvoju regiona i zemalja regiona", rekao je Benedikt.
On je rekao da na Zapadnom Balkanu sada ima i da je bilo
dosta kontakta na bilaterlanom i regionalnom nivou, poput saradnje u
procesuiranju ratnih zločina, rešavanja sudbine nestalih osoba, povratka
izbeglica, borbe protiv organizovanog kriminala i saradnje policija.
Benedikt je podsetio da je Evropska komisija u godišnjem
izveštaju o naprektu navela da Srbija ima konstruktivan pristup regionalnoj
saradnji i učešću u regionalnim incijativma "u duhu pomirenja i
doborosusedskih odnosa, pokušavajući da stvori klimu koja će voditi rešavanju
bilateralnih pitanja".
On je rekao da je zagovaranje regiona u EU i Unije u
regionu od ključnog značaja i dodao da se posledice toga kada se to ne shvata
ozbiljno mogu videti, poput odluke Velike Britanije da istupi iz EU.
Ditman se takođe osvrnuo na napredak Srbije koji je
konstatovan u izveštaju i značaj regionalne saradnje i ulogu Srbije u tome, kao
i organizacija civilnog društva u procesu pristupanja.
"Bliska saradanja organizacija na Zapadnom Balkanu
ključna je za dalji zajednički napredak. Mi snažno podržavamo regionalnu
saradnju", rekao je on.
On je podseito da Nemačka to podržava kroz Berlinski
proces infrastrukturnog povezivanja regiona koji je inicirala nemačka
kancelarka Angela Merkel.
Smernice je predstavilaGrupa za javno zastupanje
zapadnobalkanske šestorke (ZB6) koja je formirana u septembru sa ciljm lakšeg i
bržeg integrisanja regiona u EU. Reč je o inicijativi više organizacija iz
regiona - Instituta za međunarodne stucije iz Albanije (AIIS),
Vanjsko-političke inicijative BiH (VPI), Evropskog pokreta u Crnoj Gori (EMIM)
i Evropskog pokreta u Srbiji (EPuS).
Autor: M.P.
Foto: Shutterstock.com
logo Association
Posted: 11.15.2016.
The Western Balkan countries should act together to
advocate for faster integration of the region into EU, but it can not
substitute their individual progress in meeting membership criteria, said on 15
November at the presentation of the guidelines for the advocacy strategy of
accession of the Western Balkan countries. Guidelines prepared by the expert
organizations from eight countries of the Western Balkans and the Visegrad
Group, a state that a national approach is not sufficient that the region must
take advantage of their strengths together to advocate for the EU and insists
that it is part of the solution to the crisis in which the Union faces.
The author of the proposal guidelines Ana Marjanovic
Rudan told a rally in the Serbian parliament that the goal of advocacy is that
the extension again be the focus of the EU to increase support for enlargement
in EU member states by placing the good news about the region and proposed policies,
and strengthen the official discourse on the EU in the region .
The head of the Serbian negotiating team Tanja Miscevic
said that she supports the idea of a regional advocacy of in the sense that
all countries have access to the EU enlargement policy, but he resented having
to start from the fact that the Western Balkan "black hole" and
pointed out that the regional aspect may not have primacy over national law.
"The message should not be that we as a region is
the black hole that we are the only remaining enclaves but to present what has
been done so far. And this has been done can be seen from the EC report on the
progress," she told reporters.
It is in the discussion of the guidelines said that next
year will be full of challenges for Serbia and the EU in the field of
integration, since the upcoming elections in several EU member states and is
expected to start the procedure of withdrawal of Great Britain from the EU.
Tanja Miscevic said that the withdrawal of Britain from
the EU is likely to deal with the European Commission Directorate for
Enlargement, which i like a lot of work and that Serbia bearing in mind all
these challenges will need the help of civil society to "survive
Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Oskar Benedikt
and the German Ambassador to Belgrade Aksel Ditman said at the meeting that
regional cooperation and good neighborly relations are key to the progress of
the Western Balkans towards the EU and regional development.
"Best Advocacy region is solving problems with
neighbors, to be a good neighbor and friend and is working on developing
regions and countries in the region," said Benedict.
He said that the Western Balkans has now, and that was a
lot of contact in the bilateral and regional level, such as cooperation in the
prosecution of war crimes, resolving the fate of missing persons, return of
refugees, the fight against organized crime and police cooperation.
Benedict recalled that the European Commission's annual
report on naprektu stated that Serbia has a constructive approach to regional
cooperation and participation in regional incijativma "in the spirit of
reconciliation and doborosusedskih relationship, trying to create a climate
that will lead to solving bilateral issues."
He said that the
advocacy of the region in the EU and the Union in the region is of crucial
importance, and added that the consequences when it is not taken seriously can
be seen, such as the decision of Great Britain to withdraw from the EU.
Ditman also referred to the progress made by Serbia,
which was noted in the report and the importance of regional cooperation and
Serbia's role in it, as well as civil society organizations in the accession
"The close
collaboration between the organizations in the Western Balkans is crucial for
further joint progress. We strongly support regional cooperation," he
He podseito to Germany to support the process of
infrastructure linking the Berlin region, which was initiated by German
Chancellor Angela Merkel.
The guidelines predstavilaGrupa Advocacy Western Balkan
sextet (ZB6) which was formed in September with ciljm easier and faster
integration of the region into EU. It is an initiative of several organizations
in the region - the Institute for International stucije from Albania (AIIS)
Foreign policy initiatives BiH (VPI), the European Movement in Montenegro
(EMIM) and the European Movement in Serbia (IPA).
Author: MP
Photo: Shutterstock.com
Translated by
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