Objavljeno : 29.11.2016.
U Evropskoj uniji svaka sedma osoba zaražena HIV-om ne
zna da ima taj virus, pokazao je izveštaj Evropskog centra za prevenciju i
kontrolu bolesti (ECDC). Istovremeno, Svetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO)
zabrinuta je zbog konstantnog rasta broja zaraženih u Evropi usled širenja
virusa pre svega u Rusiji. Srbija spada u region centralne Evrope u kome je
problem sa HIV-om manje izražen, ali se broj novih slučajava brže povećava nego
drugde u Evropi. U Srbiji je prošle godine zabeleženo 184 novih slučajeva zaraženih
HIV-om, pokazuju podaci koje su 29. novembra objavili ECDC i Regionalna
kancelarija SZO za Evropu.
"HIV i sida i dalje predstavljaju ozbiljan problem u
Evropi... Posebno zabrinjava procena ECDC da svaka sedma osoba koja ima HIV, to
ne zna", rekao je evropski komesar za zdravlje Vitenis Andrijukaitis,
saopštio je ECDC.
Andrijukaitis je dodao da oni koji ne znaju da su
zaraženi, ne mogu da se podvrgnu lečenju "koje im može spasiti život, i
mogu nastaviti da prenose virus drugima".
Prema proceni ECDC, 15% ili 122.000 zaraženih HIV-om nije
svesno da je zaraženo.
Prisustvo virusa u gotovo polovini slučajeva, odnosnio
47%, utvrđeno je u kasnijoj fazi, saopšio je ECDC i naveo da virus bude
otkriven u proseku četiri godine posle zaraze.
Vršilac dužnosti direktora ECDC Andrea Amon rekao je da
se, da bi se doprlo do ljudi koji nisu svesni da su zaraženi, mora više raditi
na informisanju i dostupnosti testiranja na HIV, kao i na pružanju pomoći
osobama kod kojih je utvrđeno prisustvo virusa.
U 31 zemlji EU i Evropskog ekonomskog prostora 2015.
godine je registrovano 29.747 novih slučajeva zaraženih HIV-om.
U 28 članica EU, Lihtenštajnu, Norveškoj i Islandu virus
je najčešće prenošen seksualnim odnosom između muškaraca (42% slučajeva), i to
je jedini način prenosa koji beleži redovno rast.
U 32% slučajeva virus je prenet seksualnim odnosom između
muškarca i žene, a u 4% slučaja prilikom ubrizgavanja droge.
U regionu centralne Evrope u koji spada Srbija, manji je
broj zaraženih s HIV-om, mada se broj novih slučajava brže uvećava nego u
istočnoj i zapadnoj Evropi.
U tom regionu broj novih slučajeva zaraženih uvećao se za
133% između 2006. i 2015. i to sa 2.144 na 5.297 slučajeva.
U 2015. od 100.000 stanovnika 2,8 je bilo zaraženo tim
virusom. Najveća stopa je na Kipru (9,4), Rumuniji (3,8), Albaniji (3,3),
Bugarskoj (3,1) i Crnoj Gori (3,1), a najniža u Makeodniji 1,2 i Slovačkoj 1,6.
U tom regionu virus se najčešće prenosi seksualnim
odonosom između dva muškarca, osim u Albaniji i Rumuniji gde se uglavnom
prenosi heterosekusalnim odnosima.
Najviše novih slučajeva zabeleženo je u starosnoj grupi
30 do 39 godina (33%), a 15% kod mladih ljudi starosti od 15 do 24 godine, što
je najveći broj u poređenju sa istočnom i zapadnom Evropom.
Koeficijent muškaraca i žena u regionu je 5,3 i viši je
nego drugde, što znači da je među novozaraženima visok broj mladih muškaraca
koji imaju homoseksualne odnose.
Srbija prva po koeficijentu muškaraca i žena
U Sribji su prošle godine zabeležana 184 nova slučaja,
odnosno 2,1 na 100.000 stanovnika. Ukupan broj zaraženih u Srbiji od početka
izveštavanja 1984. godine inosi 3.417 osoba, navodi se u izveštaju.
Kada se izuzme Kosovo, prošle godine je zabeležen 181
novi slučaj ili 2,5 na 100.000 stanovnika.
U Srbiji je najveća razlika između broja zaraženih
muškaraca i žena pošto na 30 muškaraca ide jedna žena. Po toj razlici slede
Makedonija sa 24, Hrvatska sa 18,5 i Češka sa 13,8.
Rusija najugroženija
U regionu Evrope, kojim su obuhvaćene 53 zemlje, tokom
2015. registrovano je 153.407. slučajeva zaraženih što je novi rekord, s
obzirom da je godinu dana ranije bilo 142.000 slučajeva.
Od toga dve trećine novih slučajeva ili 64% otpada na
Rusiju, u kojoj je sida i dalje u velikoj meri tabu. U Rusiji je dominantan
način prenosa heteroseksualni odnos, a udeo zaraženih u stanovništvu je 67 na
SZO je zabirnut i zbog visoke stope zaraženih i u drugim
bivšim sovjetskim republikama, Ukrajini, Belorusiji, Esotniji, Moldaviji,
Letoniji i Gruziji.
Najveći broj novih slučajeva, blizu 80%, zabeleženo je u
podregionu istočne Evrope koji obuhvata bivše sovjetske republike, 3% u
centralnoj Evropi koja obuhvata Balkan, a u zapadnoj Evropi 18%.
"I pored ogromnih napora HIV je i dalje jedan od
vodećih razloga za zabirnutost za javno zdravlje u reigonu Evrope, posebno na
istoku", rekala je regionalna direktorka SZO Zuzana Jakab.
Ona je rekla da je 2015. registrovan najveći broj novih
slučajeva za godinu dana, a da je ukupan broj zaraženih porastao na dva miliona
Jakab je pozvala zemlje da sprovedu akcioni plan koji je
donet u spetembru u cilju boljeg pristupa testiranju i prevenciji.
Izvor: AFP, EurActiv.rs
Foto: Shutterstock.com
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In the European Union, every seventh person infected with
HIV does not know he has the virus, showed the report of the European Centre
for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). At the same time, the World Health
Organization (WHO) is concerned about the constant increase in the number of
infected in Europe due to the spread of the virus primarily in Russia. Serbia
belongs to the region of Central Europe where the problem with HIV is less
pronounced, but the number of new slučajava increases faster than elsewhere in
Europe. In Serbia last year recorded 184 new cases of people infected with HIV,
according to figures published on 29 November ECDC and the WHO Regional Office
for Europe.
"HIV and AIDS is still a serious problem in Europe
... Of particular concern ECDC estimates that every seventh person who has HIV
does not know it," said European Commissioner for Health Vitenis
Andrijukaitis, according to the ECDC.
Andrijukaitis added that those who do not know they are
infected, are not to be treated "that could save their lives, and may
continue to transmit the virus to others."
According to the assessment of the ECDC, 15% or 122,000
people infected with HIV are unaware of being infected.
The presence of the virus in nearly half the cases,
odnośnie 47%, determined at a later stage, saopšio the ECDC and stated that
virus is detected in an average of four years after infection.
The Acting Director of ECDC Andrea Amon said that in
order to reach out to people who are unaware they are infected, should do more
to inform and availability of HIV testing, as well as providing assistance to
persons with confirmed presence of the virus.
In the 31 countries of the EU and European Economic Area
in 2015 registered 29,747 new cases of people infected with HIV.
The 28 EU member states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway
and Iceland virus is most often transmitted through sexual intercourse between
men (42% of cases), and it is the only way to transfer recorded regular growth.
In 32% of cases the virus is transmitted through sexual
intercourse between a man and a woman, and in 4% of cases when injecting drugs.
In the Central
European region, which includes Serbia, the smaller the number of infected
with HIV, although the number of new slučajava increased faster than in eastern
and western Europe.
In this region, the number of new cases of infected is
increased by 133% between 2006 and 2015, and with 2,144 to 5,297 cases.
In 2015, of 100,000 inhabitants is 2.8 were infected with
the virus.
The highest rate was in Cyprus (9.4), Romania (3.8),
Albania (3.3), Bulgaria (3.1) and Montenegro (3.1), and lowest in Slovakia and
Macedonia's 1.2 1 ; 6.
In this region, the virus is most often transmitted
through sexual odonosom between the two men, except in Albania and Romania
which is mainly transmitted heterosekusalnim relations.
Most new cases were recorded in the age group 30 to 39
years (33%), and 15% among young people aged 15 to 24 years, the highest number
in comparison with Eastern and Western Europe.
Coefficient of men and women in the region is 5.3 higher
than elsewhere, which means that among the newly infected large numbers of
young men who have homosexual relations.
Serbia first by
the coefficient for men and women
In Sribji also remembered last year 184 new cases, and
2.1 per 100,000 inhabitants.
The total number of infected in Serbia since the
beginning of reporting in 1984 is carrying 3,417 people, the report said.
When you take away Kosovo, last year recorded 181 new
cases or 2.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. In Serbia, the biggest difference between
the number of infected men and women since the 30 men go woman.
After that difference with 24 followed by Macedonia,
Croatia and the Czech Republic to 18.5 from 13.8.
Russia most
In the European region, which covers 53 countries in 2015
registered 153.407. of cases infected with a new record, with respect to the
previous year was 142,000 cases.
From that two-thirds of new cases or 64% of waste to
Russia, where AIDS is still largely taboo. In Russia, the dominant mode of
transmission through heterosexual sex, a proportion of the population infected
is 67 per 100,000.
WHO zabirnut due to high infection rates in other former
Soviet republics, Ukraine, Belarus, Esotniji, Moldova, Latvia and Georgia.
The largest number of new cases, nearly 80%, was recorded
in the sub-region of Eastern Europe, which includes the former Soviet
republics, 3% in Central Europe that includes the Balkans and in Western Europe
"Despite the enormous effort HIV is still one of the
leading reasons for the anxieties of Public Health in reigon Europe, especially
in the east," said WHO Regional Director Zuzana Jakab.
She said that 2015 registered the highest number of new
cases in a year, and that the total number of infected people rose to two
million people.
Jakab called on countries to implement the action plan
which was adopted in September in order to better access to testing and
Source: AFP, EurActiv.rs
Photo: Shutterstock.com
translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević
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