
16. 11. 2016.

EU će zaštiti farmere od supermarketa - EU will protect farmers from supermarket

Objavljeno : 16.11.2016.             

U Francuskoj je otvorena istraga zbog nepoštene poslovne prakse trgovinskog lanca Karfur (Carrefour). Karfur optužuju da je primoravao farmere da mu prodaju svoje proizvode po veoma niskim cenama što je, iako je bilo dobro za potrošače koji su kupovali jevtinije, umanjilo prihode poljoprivrednika. Istovremeno se u novom briselskom izveštaju ukazuje na potrebu uspostavljanja boljih i uravnoteženijih odnosa između poljoprivrednika i supermarketa a radna grupa za poljoprivredno tržište pozvala je Komisiju da usvoji evropske propise za podršku poljoprivrednicima u pregovorima sa distributivnim sektorom.

Ono što je ironično je da je jedan od članova radne grupe za poljoprivredno tržište Evropske komisije, grupe koja je sačinila izveštaj o poboljšanju položaja poljoprivrednika u lancu snabdevanja, zamenik direktora i generalni sekretar Karfura Žerom Bedije (Jérôme Bédier).

Francuski ministar ekonomije zadao je 9. novembra Karfuru ozbiljan udarac. Ta kompanija je, kako se navodi u sudskom pozivu, optužena da nije poštovala "pravila igre" u pregovorima sa snabdevačima sa krajnjim ciljem da snizi svoje prodajne cene, preneo je Euraktiv Francuska.

I taj očigledni sukob interesa neće proći neprimećen. "Nije mala stvar kada znamo da francuska država goni grupu Karfur zbog štetne poslovne prakse", smatra Erik Andrije (Éric Andrieu), francuski evroposlanik i potpredsednik poljoprivrednog odbora Evropskog parlamenta.

Iako je učestvovao u izradi izveštaja radne grupe, predštavnik Karfura distancirao se od zaključaka ekspertskog panela.

"Sramota je da se predstavnik sektora distribucije u radnoj grupi distancira od zaključaka. Taj sektor ima mogućnost da na konstruktivan način učestvuje u borbi protiv nepoštene prakse koja jeste i mora da ostane izuzetak od pravila", istakao je francuski evroposlanik iz grupe Evropska narodna partija Mišel Danten (Michel Dantin).

Supermarketi i štetna praksa

Dvanaestočlano radno telo predstavilo je 14. novembra izveštaj u kome poziva Komisiju da usvoji propise za podršku evropskim poljoprivrednicima u pregovorima sa distributivnim sektorom.

"Naš cilj je da se poboljša položaj poljoprivrednika u lancu isporuka hrane", naglasio je predsedavajući radne grupe Kes Verman (Cees Veerman).

"Postoji enormna neravnoteža pregovaračke moći različitih strana u lancu snabdevanja koja može da vodi nepoštenoj poslovnoj praksi i stalan je izvor neizvesnosti za poljoprivrednike", upozorio je Verman.

Oštra konkurencija

Velike distributere često otpužuju da nepošteno koriste svoju ekonomsku moć da kupuju od farmera po nižim cenama. Lista tehnika koje koriste je poduža i uključuje retroaktivne promene ugovora ili jednostavno oduzimanje ugovora.

"Poslednjih godina su veliki distributeri nesumnjivo bili na strani potrošača jer su snižavali cenu proizvoda koji se kupuju", rekao je Danten.

Međutim, takva praksa bila je štetna po prihode poljoprivrednika.

U cilju efikasne borbe protiv tih debalansa, u izveštaju se poziva na uspostavljanje evropskog regulatornog okvira koji bi onemogućio sve nepoštene komercijalne prakse.

Stručnjaci preporučuju i da se formiraju nezavisni organi da nadgledaju sprovođenje tog okvira.

U radnoj grupi ocenjuju da različite dobrovoljne inicijative pokrenute kako bi se unapredili odnosi između farmera i distributera "nisu rešile problem".

"Zato preporučujemo zakonodavni okvir na evropskom nivou", kazao je Verman.

Novi propisi 2017.

"Sada će izveštaj i njegove preporuke biti naš prioritet kako bi dali odgovarajući odgovor politike (na problem)", rekao je evropski komesar za poljoprivredu i ruralni razvoj Fil Hogan (Phil).

Kako je dodao, s obzirom na teškoće u nekim specifičnim sektorima u poslednje vreme, uočena je potreba da se ojača uloga poljoprivrednika u lancu isporuka hrane sa ciljem da se obezbedi da dobiju "pošteni povraćaj za svoje proizvode".

"Ti zaključci verovatno će naterati Evropsku komisiju da deluje i pripremi propise za lanac snabdevanja", rekao je Danten dodajući da se Komisijin predlog zakona očekuje 2017.


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Posted: 16.11.2016.

In France, an investigation was opened because of the unfair business practices of retail chain Carrefour (Carrefour). Carrefour accused of being forced farmers to sell him its products at very low prices which, although it was good for consumers who have purchased cheaper, reduced the income of farmers. At the same time the new Brussels report indicates the need for establishing a better and more balanced relationship between farmers and supermarkets a working group on agricultural markets urged the Commission to adopt the European regulations to support farmers in negotiations with the distribution sector. 

What is ironic is that one of the members of the working group for the agricultural market of the European Commission, the group produced a report on improving the position of farmers in the supply chain, deputy director and secretary general Jerome Carrefour Bedi (Jérôme Bédier).

French Economy Minister gave on November 9, Carrefour serious blow. This company, as stated in the summons, the accused did not respect the "rules of the game" in negotiations with suppliers with the ultimate goal to reduce its sales prices, reports EurActiv France. 

And this apparent conflict of interest will not pass unnoticed. "It is no small thing when we know that the French group Carrefour state prosecuted because of harmful business practices," said Erik Andrew (Éric Andrieu), French MEP and vice-president of the agricultural committee of the European Parliament. 

Although he participated in the drafting of the report of the working group, representatives of Carrefour distanced itself from the conclusions of the expert panel.

"It is a shame that a representative of the distribution sector in the working group distances itself from conclusions. This sector has the ability to constructively participate in the fight against unfair practices is and must remain the exception to the rule," said French MEP from the group of the European People's Party Mišel Dante (Michel Dantin).

Supermarkets and harmful practice 

Twelve-working body presented the 14 November report which calls on the Commission to adopt regulations for the support to European farmers in negotiations with the distribution sector.

"Our goal is to improve the position of farmers in the food supply chain," said the chairman of the working group Kes Verman (Cees Veerman). "

There is an enormous imbalance of bargaining power of different parties in the supply chain, which can lead to unfair commercial practice, and is a regular source of uncertainty for farmers," he warned Verman.

harsh competition

Large distributors often otpužuju to unfairly use their economic power to buy from farmers at lower prices. A list of techniques used is lengthy and includes a retroactive change of contract or simply the seizure of the contract.

"In recent years, large distributors were undoubtedly on the side of the consumer because they lower the price of products that are bought," said Dante.
However, this practice was harmful to farmers' incomes. In order to effectively combat these imbalances, the report calls for the establishment of a European regulatory framework that would prevent any unfair commercial practice.

Experts recommend and to form independent bodies to monitor the implementation of this framework.

In the working group to evaluate the different voluntary initiatives launched to improve relations between farmers and distributors "are not solved the problem."

"That's why we recommend a legislative framework at the European level," he said Verman.

New regulations 2017.

"Now the report and its recommendations will be our priority to give the appropriate policy response (to the problem)," said European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan (Phil).

He added that due to difficulties in some specific sectors in recent years, there is a need to strengthen the role of farmers in the food supply chain in order to ensure to obtain "fair reimbursement for their products."

 "These findings are likely to force the European Commission to act and prepare regulations for the supply chain," said Dante, adding that the Commission's draft law is expected in 2017.


Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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