
24. 11. 2016.

Šulc se iz EP vraća u nemačku politiku - Schultz from EP back in German politics

Objavljeno : 24.11.2016.             

Predsednik Evropskog parlamenta Martin Šulc saopštio je 24. novembra da će se povući sa te funkcije i vratiti u nemačku politiku, gde bi mogao da bude glavni protivnik kancelarke Angele Merkel na izborima 2017. Najava Šulcovog odlaska nametnula je pitanje ko će ga zameniti i najverovatnije će to biti neko iz grupe narodnjaka, najveće u EP. Šulc je bio predsednik EP od 2012.

Martin Šulc je političar iz Socijaldemokratske partije Nemačke (SPD), trenutno partnera u "velikoj koaliciji" prevođenoj Angelom Merkel koja je najavila da će se kandidovati za četvrti mandat na mestu kancelara.

Nemački dnevnik Zidojče cajtung (Süddeutsche Zeitung) prvi je noćas objavio da Šulc planira da 2017. uđe u trku za mesto u Bundestagu u svojoj pokrajini Severna Rajna-Vestaflija, industrijski razvijenom i gusto naseljenom regionu. Šulc (60) je to potvrdio jutros novinarima, pred konferenciju za štampu u Evropskom parlamentu, preneo je

"Sledeće godine ću se kandidovati za Bundestag kao nosilac liste SPD u Severnoj Rajni-Vestfaliji", potvrdio je na konferenciji za štampu u EP 24. novembra Šulc, preneo je EUobzerver.

Kruže glasine da je nemački socijalista, koji je u EP od 1994. a od 2012. je predsednik te institucije, favorit za kandidata socijaldemokrata za kancelara.

Angela Merkel 20. novembra je objavila da će ući u trku za četvrti mandat.

Nova istraživanja javnog mnjenja pokazuju da je Šulc mnogo popularniji među nemačkim socijaldemokratama od Zigmara Gabrijela, sadašnjeg vicekancelara i ministra ekonomije.

Predsednik EP do sada nije govorio mnogo o svojim ambicijama. Proletos je pak u jednom intervjuu na pitanje da li želi da zameni Angelu Merkel odgovorio: "Postigao sam u političkom životu više nego što sam ikada sanjao".

Međutim, poslednjih meseci Šulc je u Briselu navodno pokušavao da dobije podršku za još jedan, odnosno treći mandat predsednika EP. On se 2014. složio o podeli mandata sa Evropskom narodnom partijom (EPP), najvećom političkom grupom u EP. Prema tom sporazumu, Šulc će se povući i pustiti kandidata EPP da postane predsednik početkom 2017, osim ako se grupa EPP ne složi da Šulc ostane.

Sada će, pošto je Šulc najavio odlazak, mesto predsednika EP dobiti neki evroposlanik iz grupe EPP.

Inače, u Nemačkoj je Šulc mnogo manje poznat od nekih nacionalnih političara. Ipak, u SPD ga smatraju kandidatom koji više obećava od nepopularnog Gabrijela.

SPD takođe razmatra mogućnost da Šulc zameni Franka Valtera Štajnmajera na funkciji ministra spoljnih poslova početkom 2017. Štajnmajer će u februaru postati predsednik Nemačke.

Šulc je na pres konferenciji rekao i da je tokom vremena provedenog u EP nastojao da ojača evropski projekat i da će nastaviti to da radi iz Berlina.

"Svetu je više nego ikada potrebna snažna, samouverena EU da ustane i brani ono što su prethodne generacije izgradile", kazao je Šulc u kratkom obraćanju i odbio da odgovara na novinarska pitanja.

"Moramo da smanjimo nejednakosti u i između društava. Nemačka ima posebnu dužnost u tome ... Ja ću raditi na tome iz Berlina", kazao je Šulc, preneo je BBC.

Martin Šulc je pre ulaska u EP vodio knjižaru u rodnom Ahenu na zapadu Nemačke.

Šulcov odlazak šansa za resetovanje EU

Briselski portal piše da je veoma mala mogućnost da socijalisti ponovo dobiju mesto predsednika EP od januara dok više kandidata iz EPP čeka sa strane.

Istovremeno je Šulcov odlazak nametnuo i pitanje političke budućnosti njegovog pandana u Evropskoj komisiji - predsednika EK Žan-Kloda Junkera.

"Izbacivanje Junkera treba da bude prva stvar koja treba da se uradi ako neko želi da od EU napravi bolje mesto", rekao je za dobro obavešteni izvor iz evropskih institucija koji je tražio da ostane anoniman.

Prema tom izvoru, Angela Merkel, čije mišljenje o Junkerovim postignućima više nije dobro, želi da on bude zamenjen i da se da šansa sa "resetovanje" EU.

"EU je potreban novi početak i Šulcov odlazak je veoma dobra vest", rekao je taj neimenovani izvor.

Junker je posle odluke Britanije da izađe iz EU pod pritiskom da se povuče a zemlje Višegradske četvorke kritikuju način na koji se bavio izbegličkom krizom.

Očigledna zamena za Junkera bio bi prvi potpredsednik EK Frans Timermans. Taj Holanđanin je socijalista, što mu ide na ruku, međutim, da ga vide na čelu Komisije ne žele čak ni njegovi iz grupe socijalista i demokrata (SD) u EP.

Francuz Lamasur kandidat za novog predsednika EP

Francuski evroposlanik desnice i bivši ministar Alen Lamasur (72) potvrdio je da je kandidat za novog predsednika Evropskog parlamenta, naslednika Nemca Martina Šulca koji je najavio da se neće kandidovati za treći mandat, javila je agencija AFP.

Lamasur je u saopštenju rekao da podnosi kandidaturu za predstavnika konzervativne grupe EPP za novog šefa EP. On je ovo saopštio sat posle Šulcove objave da napusta EP da bi se posvetio nemačkoj politici.

"Više nego ikad EU su potrebne jake evropske institucije, i bliskije građanima da bi branili zajednički interes i zajedničke vrednosti evropske porodice", rekao je Lamasur, i naveo svoje dugo političko iskustvo, prvo kao lokalni predstavnik, zatim u francuskoj vladi i od 1999. u EP.

Grupa EPP treba u decembru da odluči ko će joj biti kandidat za predsedništvo Evropskog parlamenta.

Predsednik grupe Manfred Veber rekao je da je predloženo više imena, i da ono što može da kaže jeste da će grupa imati ubedljivog kandidata.

Veber nije rekao da li bi on sam mogao da bude kandidat za tu funkciju. Tu mogućnost je implicitno odbacio Lamasur koji je u svom saopštenju napisao da ne bi trebalo Nemac da nasledi Nemca na mestu predsednika u skladu sa principom rotacije nacionalnosti.

Među ostalim potencijalnim kandidatima EPP-a za prvog čoveka Evropskog parlamenta pominju se Irkinja Majred Makginis, Slovenac Alojz Peterle, Austrijanac Otomar Karas i Italijan Antonio Tajani koji je bio evropski komesar za industriju u timu Žozea Manuela Baroza.

Foto: Beta/AP

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Posted: 24.11.2016.

European Parliament President Martin Schulz said on 24 November that he will resign from his post and returned to the German policy, which could be the main opponent to Chancellor Angela Merkel in elections 2017. Announcement of Schulz's departure raised the question of who will replace him and will likely to be one of the group folk, the largest in the EP. Schultz was president of the EP since 2012.

Martin Schulz, a politician from the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), is currently a partner in the "grand coalition" prevođenoj Angela Merkel, who has announced that he will run for a fourth term as chancellor.

German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Süddeutsche Zeitung) first announced last night that Schultz plans to enter the 2017 race for a place in the Bundestag in its province of North Rhine-Vestaflija, industrialized and densely populated region.

Schulz (60) was confirmed to reporters this morning, before a press conference in the European Parliament, reports

"Next year I will be a candidate for the Bundestag as the lead candidate of the SPD in North Rhine-Westphalia", confirmed at a press conference in the EP on 24 November Schulz, reports EUobserver.

There are rumors that the German Socialists, who in EP since 1994 and since 2012 the president of this institution, the favorite candidate for the Social Democrats of Chancellor.

Angela Merkel on November 20 announced that it will enter the race for a fourth term. New opinion polls show that Schulz much more popular among German Social Democrats from Sigmar Gabriel, the current Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Economy.

President of the EP has not talked much about his ambitions. This spring, in turn, in an interview when asked whether he wants to replace Angela Merkel said: "I have achieved in political life more than I ever dreamed."

However, in recent months Schulz in Brussels allegedly trying to gain support for one or the third term of the President of the EP. He agreed in 2014 on the division of the mandate with the European People's Party (EPP), the largest political group in the EP. Under the deal, Schultz will withdraw and let the EPP candidate to become president in early 2017, unless the EPP Group agrees to remain Schultz.

Now if, after Schulz announced his retirement, the post of President of the EP get one MEP from the EPP Group.

Otherwise, Germany Schulz much less well known than some national politicians.

However, the SPD candidate who consider it more promising than unpopular Gabriel. SPD is also considering the possibility that Schultz replace Frank Walter Steinmeier as Minister of Foreign Affairs in early 2017.

In February Steinmeier will become president of Germany.

Schultz said at the press conference said that during the time spent in EP sought to strengthen the European project and will continue to work in Berlin.

"Council is more than ever needs a strong, self-confident EU to stand up and defend what previous generations have built," said Schulz in a short speech and refused to answer journalists' questions.

"We need to reduce inequalities within and between societies.

Germany has a special responsibility in this ... I'll work on it in Berlin," said Schultz, reports BBC. Martin Schulz, before entering the EP led by a bookstore in his hometown of Aachen in western Germany.

Schultz's visit a chance to reset the EU

Brussels portal said it was a very small possibility that the Socialists regain the post of President of the EP January until more candidates from the EPP waiting in the wings.

 At the same time Schultz's departure imposed the question of the political future of his counterparts in the European Commission - the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

 "Ejecting Juncker should be the first thing that needs to be done if one wants to make the EU a better place," he told well-informed source from the European institutions who asked to remain anonymous.

According to this source, Angela Merkel, whose opinion on Junkerovim achievements no longer good wishes for him to be replaced and to have a chance to "reset" of the EU.

"The EU needs a new start and Schultz's departure is very good news," said the unnamed source.

Junker after Britain's decision to come under pressure from the EU to withdraw a land Visegrad Four criticize the way in dealing with the refugee crisis.

The obvious replacement for Juncker would be the first vice-president of the European Commission Frans Timmermans.

The Dutchman is a socialist, what gets on your hands, however, to see him at the head of the Commission does not want even his from the Group of Socialists and Democrats (SD) in the EP.

Frenchman Lamassoure candidate for the new EP President

French right-wing MEP and former minister Alain Lamassoure (72) confirmed that the candidate for President of the European Parliament, the successor to Germany's Martin Schulz, who announced he would not run for a third term, news agency AFP.

Lamassoure said in a statement that submits candidacy for representative of the conservative EPP Group as the new head of the EP. He said this Sulc hour after the announcement that leaves the EP to concentrate on German politics.

"More than ever, the EU needs strong European institutions closer to the citizens and to defend the common interest and common values ​​of the European family," said Lamassoure, and his own long political experience, first as a local representative, followed by the French government and from in 1999. the EP.
EPP Group in December need to decide when she will be a candidate for the presidency of the European Parliament.

Group President Manfred Weber said that the proposed multiple names, and what they can say is that the group will have a compelling candidate.

Weber did not say whether he himself might be a candidate for that office.

This possibility was implicitly rejected the Lamassoure who said in his written statement that should not be a German to succeed the Germans as President in accordance with the principle of rotation of nationality.

Among other potential candidates of the EPP and the first man of the European Parliament referred to the Irish Majred McGuinness, Slovene, Alojz Peterle, the Austrian Otomar Karas and Italian Antonio Tajani, who was European commissioner for industry player Jose Manuel Barroso. Source:


Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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