
28. 11. 2016.

Fijon kandidat Republikanaca za predsednika - Fillon Republican candidate for president

Objavljeno : 28.11.2016.             

Pobedom na primarnim izborima Fransoa Fijon je postao kandidat Republikanaca za predsedničke izbore u Francuskoj. Ocenjuje se da je bivši francuski premijer favorit i da će za pet meseci pobediti kandidatkinju sve popularnije krajnje desnice, kao i kandidata duboko podeljene levice. Izazov za Fijona u narednom periodu biće da uveri birače da je njegov program radikalnih reformi najbolji izbor za Francusku. Predsednički izbori u Francuskoj smatraju se ključnim testom za "mejnstrim" partije nakon Trampove pobede i Bregzita.

Fijon (62), koji se zalaže za povećanje starosne granice za odlazak u penziju, smanjenje socijalnih davanja i ukidanje 35-časovne radne nedelje, lako će pobediti liderku Nacionalnog fronta Marin Le Pen u drugom krugu, pokazali su rezultati istraživanja saopšteni nakon primarnih izbora partije Republikanci.

Ipak, pre toga će pred njim biti brojni izazovi, uključjući da zadobije birače za svoj program koji nosi radikalne promene.

U drugoj rundi primarnih izbora za kandidata Republikanaca na predsedničkim izborima 27. novembra Fijon je potukao protivkandidata Žipea osvojivši 66,5% glasova, pokazuju podaci sa obrađenih 9.915 izbornih mesta od ukupno 10.229.

Na primarne izbore je izašlo oko četiri miliona ljudi, kao i nedelju dana ranije, u prvoj rundi, kada je Fijon ostavio iza sebe sedam kandidata.

"Francuska više ne može da bude u padu. Francuska želi istinu i Francuska želi akciju", rekao je Fijon pozdravljajući pristalice nakon što je Žipe priznao poraz.

"Sada moram da ubedim celu zemlju da je naš projekat jedini koji može da nas podigne, za radna mesta, rast i borbu protiv fanatika koji su proglasili rat protiv nas", kazao je Fijon u pobedničkom govoru.

Test za mejnstrim partije

Francuski predsednički izbori smatraju se ključnim testom za "mejnstrim" partije nakon pobede Donalda Trampa na izborima u SAD i odluke Britanije da izađe iz EU. I Trampova pobeda i Bregzit rezultat su ljutnje građana na političke elite.

Na izborima u aprilu (prvi krug) i maju (drugi) Fijona će dočekati jaka konkurencija liderke krajnje desnice Marin Le Pen, anti-establišment kandidatkinje koja se nada da će proći dobro kao Tramp u SAD.

Rezultati dva istraživanja objavljeni za vikend ukazuju da će Fijon biti bolji od Marin Le Pen u prvom krugu dok će podalje ostati kandidati sa levog krila političkog spektruma.

Obećavajući da će biti kandidat "svih koji su u srcu ponosni što su Francuzi", Fijon je istakao da će "okrenuti stranicu patetičnog" predsedavanja socijalista.

Premijer Francuske od 2007. do 2012. upozoravao je u kampanji da je Francuska "na ivici revolta" i govorio da veruje da je njegov plan o otpuštanju pola miliona ljudi u javnom sektoru i povećanju radne nedelje "tonik potreban da se pokrene ekonomija".

Fijon ima "tvrd" stav prema imigraciji i islamu u Francuskoj i prošle nedelje je rekao novodošlima u zemlju da "kada uđu u nečiju kuću, ne mogu da je preuzmu".


Glasači na primarnim izborima kao Fijonovu prednost vide to što je autoritarniji od Žipea.

Žipe je za svog rivala rekao da je suviše "brutalan", preneo je Priznajući poraz i napuštanje sna da postane predsednik, Žipe (71) je poželeo Fijonu sreću u nastojanju da iseli vladajuće socijaliste iz Jelisejske palate.

Tokom kampanje na primarnim izborima Žipe je optuživao svog protivkandidata da je čovek koji ruskom predsedniku Vladimiru Putinu kaže da.

Fijon želi bolje odnose sa Kremljom i pozvao je EU da ukine sankcije Rusiji uvedene zbog konflikta u Ukrajini.

Nepredvidiva trka

Iako svi predviđaju da će u drugi krug ući Fijon i Le Pen i da će Fijon pobediti, predsednička trka će ipak biti nepredvidiva a neizvesnosti se odnose na nezavisne kandidate i kandidata Socijalističke partije.

Predsednik Francuske iz redova socijalista Fransoa Oland, koji trenutno ima minimalan rejting, još nije saopštio da li će se kandidovati za drugi mandat.

Premijer Manuel Vals takođe nije odbacio mogućnost da bude izazivač Olandu na primarnim izborima levice u januaru. Vals je za jedan francuski list rekao da želi da se napusti ideja "da levica nema šanse" da ostane na vlasti.

Kao nezavisni kandidat centra mogao bi da se pojavi i Olandov bivši štićenik i ministar ekonomije Emanuel Makron koji je optužio Fijona da ima nazadnu viziju francuskog društva i pozvao "napredne sa levice, desnice i iz centra" da se pridruže njegovom kampu.

I kandidat ekstremne levice Žan-Lik Melanšon (Jean-Luc Melenchon) verovatno će odvući glasove "mejnstrim" partija, što je trend na izborima širom Evrope poslednjih godina obeleženih štednjom i besom građana zbog globalizacije i gubitka radnih mesta.

Istraživač Instituta za međunarodne i strateške odnose Žan-Iv Kami (Jean-Yves Camus) rekao je za agenciju AFP da će Fijon možda morati malo da ublaži svoj program i vrati se na teren centra.

Prva reagovanja

Ruski mediji 28. novembra su pozdravili Fijonovu pobedu a agencija RIA Novosti ocenila je da je Fijon najpragamtičniji od svih kandidata kada je reč o međunarodnoj politici.

U Nemačkoj je mogućnost da Fijon postane predsednik Francuske izazvala određenu zabrinutost jer bi on mogao da bude "prilično nezgodan" saveznik Angele Merkel.

Nemačka analitičarka iz fondacije Bertelsman Štefani Vajs ocenila je da je za nemačku vladu dobra vest ako na predsednčkim izborima pobedi bilo ko osim Marin Le Pen.

U nemačkoj vladi inače veoma cene Fijonovo zalaganje za ekonomske reforme i njegovu spremnost da skreše troškove države i uvede fleksibilnije tržište rada.

Foto: Beta/AP

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Posted: 28.11.2016.

Winning the primary elections Francois Fillon became the Republican candidate for the presidential elections in France. It is estimated that the former French prime favorite, and that for five months to win more popular candidate of the extreme right as well as left-wing candidate deeply divided. Fillon challenge for the coming period will be to convince voters that his program of radical reforms best choice for France. Presidential elections in France are considered a key test for the "mainstream" parties after the victory and the Tramp Bregzita.

Fillon (62), who are committed to increasing the age of retirement, reducing social benefits and abolition of the 35-hour working week, will easily win the National Front leader Marine Le Pen in the second round, according to the research results announced after the party primaries republicans.

However, before going in front of him will be many challenges, the inclusive to win voters for his program that carries a radical change.

In the second round of primary elections for the Republican candidate in the presidential elections on 27 November Fillon defeated rival IPEA winning 66.5% of votes, according to the processed 9,915 polling stations out of 10,229.

On the primary turnout was about four million people, as well as a week earlier, in the first round, when Fillon left behind seven candidates.

"France can no longer be on the decline.

France wants the truth, and France wants to move," said Fillon welcoming supporters after Juppe admitted defeat.

"Now I have to convince the whole country that our project is the only one who can get us picked up for jobs, growth and the fight against fanatics who have declared war against us," said Fillon in a victory speech.

Test for mainstream parties

French presidential elections are considered a key test for the "mainstream" parties after the victory of Donald Trump in the elections in the US and Britain's decision to come out of the EU. I Tramp wins and Bregzit result of the anger of citizens in the political elite.

In the elections of April (first round) and May (second) Fillon will meet strong competition leaders of the far-right Marine Le Pen, anti-establishment candidate who hopes to go well as the Tramp in the United States.

The results of two studies published at the weekend indicated that Fillon will be better than Marin Le Pen in the first round while the candidates to stay away from the left flank of the political spectrum.

Promising to be the candidate of "all who are proud to be at the heart of the French," Fillon said that the "turn the page pathetic" Socialist presidency.

The prime minister of France from 2007 to 2012, warned in a campaign that France is "on the verge of revolt," and said he believes his plan to lay off half a million people in the public sector and increase the working week "tonic needed to run the economy."

Fillon has a "tough" stance on immigration and Islam in France last week said that newcomers to the country "when they enter someone's house, I can not take it."


Voters in the primary elections as Fijonovu preferred to see as authoritarian by the IPEA. Juppe for his rival that he is too "brutal", reports

Admitting defeat and abandoning the dream of becoming president, Juppe (71) wanted Fillon good luck in trying to evict the ruling Socialists from the Elysee Palace.

During the campaign in the primaries Juppe accused his opponent that the man who Russian President Vladimir Putin says.

Fillon wants better relations with the Kremlin and called on the EU to lift the sanctions Russia imposed because of the conflict in Ukraine.

unpredictable Race

Although all predict that in the second round to enter Fillon and Le Pen Fillon and will to win, the Presidential race will still be unpredictable and the uncertainty relating to independent candidates and candidates of the Socialist Party.

President of France the Socialist Francois Hollande, who currently has a minimum rating, has not yet announced whether he will run for a second term.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls also did not rule out the possibility of being the challenger Hollande on primaries left in January. Vals is a French newspaper said he wanted to abandon the idea "that left no chance" to remain in power.

As an independent center could appear and Hollande's former protege and Minister of Economy Emanuel Makron who accused Fillon that the backward vision of French society and called "advanced to the left, right and from the center" to join his camp. 

And the extreme left candidate Jean-Luc Melanson (Jean-Luc Melenchon) is likely to drag voices "mainstream" parties, a trend in elections across Europe in recent years marked savings and anger of citizens because of globalization and loss of jobs. 

Researcher of the Institute of International and Strategic Relations Jean-Yves Camus (Jean-Yves Camus) told AFP that Fillon might have little to soften its program and return to the field center.

The first reactions

Russian media on 28 November welcomed a victory Fijonovu agency RIA Novosti said that it was Fillon najpragamtičniji of all the candidates when it comes to international politics.

In Germany the opportunity to become president of France Fillon caused some concern because it could be "quite unpleasant" ally of Angela Merkel.

Germany's Bertelsmann Foundation analyst Stefanie Weiss estimates that the German government is good news if the predsednčkim election victory anyone but Marin Le Pen.
The German government already very price Fijonovo commitment to economic reform and his willingness to cut state costs and introduce more flexible labor market.

Photo: Beta / AP

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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