
23. 11. 2016.

EU ne troši na klimatske akcije koliko je planirala - EU does not spend as much on climate action planned

Objavljeno : 23.11.2016.                             

Evropska unija potrošila je na borbu protiv klimatskih promena barem 11 milijardi evra manje nego što planirala, upozorio je Evropski revizorski sud (ECA). Borba protiv promena klime od ključnog je značaja za EU koja treba da ispuni svoju obavezu UN u zauzdavanju rasta globalne temperature na ne više od dva stepena Celzijusa iznad predindustrijskog nivoa. Brisel je postavio za cilj da između 2014. i 2020. godine na akcije protiv promena klime troši najmanje jedan evro na svakih pet iz budžeta EU.

"Postoji ozbiljna opasnost da EU ne dostigne svoje ciljeve", rekao je revizor zadužen za izveštaj objavljen 22. novembra Fil Vin Oven (Phil Wynn Owen).

Revizori su kritikovali Evropsku komisiju što je koristila svoju metodologiju za izračunavanje potrošnje za klimatske promene umesto da je koristila onu Organizacije za evropsku saradnju i razvoj (OECD), koja je međunarodni standard.

Ako se primene pravila OECD, samo potrošnja za borbu protiv klimatskih promena u poljoprivredi i ruralnom razvoju manja je za oko 33 milijarde evra, navode revizori koji su zaštitnici interesa evropskih poreskih obveznika.

Komisija je precenila poljoprivrednu potrošnju za klimatske akcije praveći pretpostavke koje nisu opravdane, ocenili su revizori, preneo je

Poljoprivreda je jedan od sektora koji najviše doprinose globalnom zagrevanju u EU.

Kako se ističe u izveštaju, potrošnja za borbu protiv klimatskih promena je veća iz Evropskog regionalnog razvojnog fonda i Kohezionog fonda. Međutim, velikog zaokreta u poljoprivredi, ruralnom razvoju, ribarstvu i Evropskom socijalnom fondu nema.

"Napretka ima, ali se u ključnim oblastima potrošnje uglavnom radi kao i ranije", upozorio je Vin Oven.

EU je odlučila da najmanje 20% budžeta za 2014-2020. ide za klimu. Od 2014. do 2016. je međutim trošila u proseku samo 17,6% i, da bi nadoknadila taj manjak, procenat izdavajanja iz budžeta bi od 2017. do 2020. trebalo da bude povećan na 22%.

Program istraživanja EU Horizont 2020. alocirao je 24% svoje potrošnje u klimatske akcije a planirao je da to izdvajanje bude 35%. Revizori ističu da nema planova kako će taj program dostići planirani procenat.

U izveštaju se Evropska komisija poziva da koriguje sve precenjene podatke i donese planove za kompenzovanje manjka. Revizori kažu i da izveštavanje o potrošnji za borbu protiv promena klime mora da bude realnije i uključi dobrobiti takve potrošnje.

Komisija je odgovorila revizorima da je u potpunosti posvećena borbi protiv promena klime i da smatra da postoji "značajan zaokret ka većim klimatskim akcijama".

Istovremeno Komisija priznaje da praćenje i sprovođenje potrošnje za klimatske akcije u budžetu EU treba da bude bolje ali brani svoju metodologiju kao "inovativnu i detaljnu".

Foto: Beta/AP

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Posted: 11.23.2016.

The European Union has spent on the fight against climate change at least 11 billion euros less than planned, warned the European Court of Auditors (ECA). The fight against climate change is of crucial importance for the EU that needs to fulfill its obligation to the United Nations to rein in the rise in global temperature to no more than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Brussels has set a target to between 2014 and 2020 on action against climate change consumes at least one euro in every five of the EU budget.

"There is a serious danger that the EU can not achieve its goals," said the auditor in charge of the report published on 22 November Fil Vin Oven (Phil Wynn Owen). 

Auditors criticized the European Commission, which has used its own methodology to calculate consumption for climate change instead of the one used by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the international standard. 

If the application of the rules of the OECD, only spending on the fight against climate change in agriculture and rural development was reduced by about 33 billion euros, according to auditors who are the guardians of the interests of European taxpayers. 

The Commission has overestimated agricultural spending for climate action by making assumptions that are not justified, the auditors assessed, reports 

Agriculture is one of the sectors that contribute most to global warming in the EU.

As stated in the report, spending on the fight against climate change is greater from the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund. However, a major shift in agriculture, rural development, fisheries and the European Social Fund no.

"Progress, or in the key areas of consumption mainly works as before," he warned Vin Oven.

The EU has decided that at least 20% of the budget for 2014-2020. go for the climate. From 2014 to 2016, however, spent an average of only 17.6%, and to make up for the shortfall, the percentage of allocations from the budget would be from 2017 to 2020 should be increased to 22%.

EU research program Horizon 2020. allocate 24% of their spending in a climate action plan is that this separation is 35%. Auditors say that there are no plans for how the program will reach the planned percentage.

The report calls on the European Commission to correct all overestimated data and bring plans to compensate for the deficit. The auditors say that reporting on energy to combat climate change must be realistic and include the welfare of such spending.

The Commission replied that the auditors is fully committed to the fight against climate change and believes that there is a "significant shift towards greater climate action.

" At the same time, the Commission recognized that monitoring and enforcement spending for climate action in the EU budget should be better, but defends its methodology as "innovative and detailed."

Photo: Beta / AP
Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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