
16. 11. 2016.

Ulaznica za Šengen koštaće pet evra - A ticket to Schengen will cost five euros


Objavljeno : 16.11.2016.          
Evropska komisija predložila je 16. novembra uspostavljanje evropskog sistema za odobravanje putovanja i građani stariji od 18 godina iz zemalja van EU kojima nisu potrebne vize za putovanja u Šengen plaćaće "ulaznicu" od pet evra. Cilj uvođenja Sistema EU za informacije i odobravanje putovanja (ETIAS) jeste jačanje bezbednosnih provera ljudi koji bez viza putuju u šengensku zonu, obrazložila je Evropska komisija.

Sistem ETIAS prikupljaće informacije o svima koji bez viza putuju u EU, što će doprineti efikasnijem upravljanju spoljnim granicama EU i unapređenju unutrašnje bezbednosti i istovremeno ubrzati legalna putovanja širom šengenske zone.

Evropska komisija istakla je da dozvole u sistemu ETIAS ne znače vize već je reč o lakšem i prema posetiocima prijateljskom režimu.

Kako je navela Komisija, u slučajevima kada ne postoje elementi koji ukazuju na potrebu daljih provera, "onlajn" dozvola za putovanje u Šengen izdavaće se automatski, nekoliko minuta nakon predaje zahteva.

Popunjavanje zahteva za dozvolu neće trajati više od deset minuta a od dokumenata će biti potreban jedino važeći pasoš.

Dozvola će važiti pet godina i to za više putovanja i koštaće pet evra a mlađi od 18 godina je neće plaćati.

"Obezbeđenje naših granica i zaštita naših građana su naš prvi prioritet. Sistem ETIAS će zatvoriti jaz u informacijama za putnike koji putuju bez viza ... Istovremeno će budući ETIAS biti lak, brz, jevtin i efikasan", istakao je prvi potpredsednik EK Frans Timermans.

Uvođenje dozvola za putovanja najavio je predsednik EK Žan-Klod Junker u septembru u govoru o stanju EU: "Moramo da znamo ko prelazi naše granice. Do novembra ćemo predložiti automatski sistem koji će određivati ko može da putuje u Evropu. Tako ćemo znati ko putuje u Evropu još pre nego što stigne".

Evropski komesar za migracije i unutrašnje poslove Dimtris Avramopulos istakao je da je ETIAS "veza koja nedostaje" u upravljanju granicama dodajući da "otvorenost Evrope ne može da ide po cenu sigurnosti".

"Teroristi i kriminalci ne mare mnogo za nacionalne granice. Jedini način da ih zaustavimo je da efikasno radimo zajedno", kazao je evropski komesar za bezbednost Džulijan King.

Komisija je navela da će ETIAS pomoći i da se identifikuju nelegalne migracije ili ljudi koji predstavljaju opasnost po bezbednost pre nego što stignu do granice i to uz puno poštovanje osnovnih prava i zaštitu ličnih podataka.

Iako konačnu odluku o odobravanju ili odbijanju ulaska donose nacionalne granične službe koje obavljaju kontrolu u skladu sa šengenskim režimom, prethodna verifikacija putnika će ubrzati granične kontrole i osigurati koordinisanu i harmonizovanu procenu građana trećih zemalja koji putuju bez viza.

Sistemom ETIAS upravljaće Evropska granična i obalska straža u saradnji sa kompetentnim službama članica i Europolom.

Inače, SAD imaju sličan sistem - ESTA, čija dozvola za putovanje trenutno košta 14 dolara po putniku.

Spekulisalo se da će dozvola EU koštati približno američkoj, odnosno 13 evra, ali se išlo i do 50 evra, što bi predstavljalo značajan izvor prihoda, međutim, Komisija je predložila simboličnih pet evra.


Foto: Beta

logo Association 
Posted: 16.11.2016.

The European Commission proposed on 16 November to establish a European system for authorizing travel and citizens over 18 years of age from countries outside the EU who do not need visas to travel to Schengen will pay a "ticket" of five euros. The aim of the introduction of the EU system of information and approving travel (Ethias) is to strengthen the security checks of people who travel without visas to the Schengen zone, elaborated by the European Commission.

Ethias system will collect information on all those who travel without visas in the EU, which will contribute to more efficient management of the external borders of the EU and improving internal security and at the same time to speed up legal travel throughout the Schengen zone.

Ethias system will collect information on all those who travel without visas in the EU, which will contribute to more efficient management of the external borders of the EU and improving internal security and at the same time to speed up legal travel throughout the Schengen zone.

As stated by the Commission, in cases where there are no elements indicating the need for further checks, "online" permission to travel to Schengen will be issued automatically, within minutes of the request.

Filling request for a permit will not last more than ten minutes, the documents will be required only a valid passport.

The license will be valid for five years and for more travel and will cost five euros and younger than 18 years will not pay.

"Security of our borders and protect our citizens are our first priority. The system Ethias will close the gap in information for passengers traveling without a visa ... At the same time as Etías be easy, fast, cheap and efficient," said First Deputy EK Frans Timmermans.

The introduction of licenses for travel, announced the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker in September in a speech on the state of the EU: "We need to know who crosses our borders. By November we propose an automatic system to determine who can not travel to Europe. So we know who is traveling in Europe even before it arrives. "

European commissioner for internal affairs and migration Dimtris Avramopoulos said that the Ethias "the missing link" in the management of borders, adding that "openness of Europe can not go at the expense of safety."

"Terrorists and criminals do not care much for national boundaries. The only way to stop them is to work together effectively," said European Commissioner for Security, Julian King.

The Commission stated that the Ethias help to identify illegal migration or people who pose a threat to the security before they reach the border and with full respect for fundamental rights and the protection of personal data.

Although the final decision on approval or refusal of entry bring national border services that perform control in accordance with the Schengen regime, previous verification of travelers will speed up border controls and to ensure coordinated and harmonized assessment of third countries who travel without a visa.

Ethias system managed by the European Border and Coast Guard in cooperation with the competent services of the Member States and Europol. Otherwise, the United States have a similar system - ESTA, whose license for the trip currently costs $ 14 per passenger.

There were speculations that the EU permits cost around US, or 13 euros, but it went up to 50 euros, which would represent a significant source of income, however, the Commission proposed five symbolic euro.

Photo: Beta

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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