Objavljeno : 24.11.2016.
Generalni sekretar Saveta za regionalnu saradnju Goran
Svilanović izjavio je 24. novembra da je proces pristupanja EU za Srbiju i
druge zemlje regiona koje čekaju na članstvo samo formalno isti kao za
Hrvatsku, ali da je suštinski drugačiji zbog okolnosti u regionu, ali i u EU.
Šefica pregovaračkog tima za pregovore o pristupanju EU Tanja Miščević rekla je
da je Evropska komisija u godišnjem izveštaju o napretku regiona dala sivu
sliku, "dajući argument onima koji kažu da treba sačekati" bolja
vremena za proširenje, ali da je takav stav po njenom mišljenju pogrešan.
"Posle ulaska Hrvatske, jedan model pridruživanja je
završen", izjavio je Svilanović na skupu (Re)Balkanizacija Zapadnog
Balkana u organizaciji Centra za spoljnu politiku i Fondacije Hans Zajdel
(Hanns Seidel).
Kao ključne različitosti regiona u odnosu na zemlje koje
su do sada pristupile, uključujući Sloveniju i Hrvatsku, naveo je spor oko
imena Makedonije, nedovoljnu funkcionalnost Bosne i Hercegovine i proces
normalizacije odnosa Beograda i Prištine, istakavši da ih je poređao po
značaju, od najvećeg izazova.
Naveo je da se specifičnost već odrazila u pregovorima sa
Srbijom, gde se u poglavlju 35 obrađuje normalizacija odnosa sa Kosovom, i
izneo stav da će se nešto slično primeniti kada bude došao red na otvaranje
pregovora sa BiH, i da će i ona dobiti svoje poglavlje 35, a to je
funkcionalnst države.
EU je takođe drugačija, a Svilanović kao ključne promene
navodi krizu iz 2008. od koje se Unija oporavlja ali koja je ostavila traga na
ljudima, migracije koje su duboko podelile društva unutar EU i Bregzit koji je
probleme izneo na površinu. Evropa, kako je naveo, prvo mora samu sebe da
U ovom trenutku, smatra Svilanović, na proširenje treba
gledati kao na priliku za reforme, iskoristiti za to i pretpristupnu EU pomoć i
stručnjake, a naknadno će se videti šta će biti sa pridruživanjem.
Svilanović je ipak preneo i svoj utisak nakon sastanka
zapadnobalkanskih lidera u Parizu sa evropskim liderima u julu ove godine, oko dve nedelje nakon
izglasavanja Bregzita, da mu se činilo da su se lideri dve velike evropske
zemlje, Francuske i Nemačke, Fransoa Oland (Francois Hollande) i Angela Merkel,
i više radovali od lidera balkanskih zemalja što i u tom trenutku "još
neko želi da razgovara o proširenju".
Kada je reč o aktivnostima Saveta za regionalnu saradnju,
Svilanović je naveo da u 2017. počinju pregovori o invesicionom sporazumu, koji
bi trebalo da omoguće da se pored fiskalnih i sličnih podsticaja koje zemlje
pojedinačno nude istaknu neke druge mogućnosti regiona. On je rekao da je
potrebno i jedinstveno tržište rada, kako bi se omogućilo onima koji završe
školovanje u jednoj zemlji regiona da rade u drugoj, odnosno prava mogućnost za
pokretljivost radne snage.
Miščević: Izgradnja institucija ključna i za EU i za nas
Šefica pregovaračkog tima za pregovore o pristupanju EU
Tanja Miščević rekla je da je Evropska komisija u godišnjem izveštaju o
napretku regiona dala sivu sliku, "dajući argument onima koji kažu da
treba sačekati" bolja vremena za proširenje, odnosno prvo rešiti
"porodične probleme".
Dodala je da je to pogrešna procena, i da iza te sive
slike ide jedno "ali", odnosno priznavanje određenog napretka,
kreiranje institucija, donošenje zakona.
"Da li time treba da budemo zadovoljni? Ne, ali to
jeste polazna tačka", navela je ona.
Miščević je rekla da je ključni problem koji je istaknut
za sve zemlje stabilnost demokratskih institucija, i istakla da to nije smo
uslov za pristupanje EU, već za razvoj zemlje.
Kao kratkoročni cilj Srbije ponovila je otvaranje tri
poglavlja ove godine.
Napisala: S.V.
Foto: Beta
logo Association
Posted: 24.11.2016.
The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council
Goran Svilanovic said on 24 November that the process of EU accession for
Serbia and other countries in the region that are waiting for membership only
formally the same as for Croatia, but it is substantially different because of
the circumstances in the region, but also in the EU. The head of the
negotiating team for EU accession talks Tanja Miscevic said that the European
Commission's annual report on progress in the region gave a grayscale image,
"giving the argument to those who say that we should wait for" better
times for the extension, but that kind of attitude in her opinion the wrong .
"After entering Croatian, a model of joining is
completed," said Svilanovic at the meeting (Re) Balkanization of the
Western Balkans organized by the Centre for Foreign Affairs and Hanns Seidel
Foundation (Hanns Seidel).
Diversity as a key region in relation to the countries
that have so far acceded to, including Slovenia and Croatia, said the dispute
over Macedonia's name, insufficient functionality of Bosnia and Herzegovina and
the process of normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, stressing
that it is lined by nature, of the greatest challenges .
He noted that the specificity of more reflected in the
negotiations with Serbia, where in chapter 35 deals with the normalization of
relations with Kosovo, and expressed the view that something similar be applied
when the turn of the opening of negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
that she will get their section 35, and it is funkcionalnst country.
The EU is also different, and Svilanovic as key changes
states from the crisis of 2008, which the Union is recovering but that has left
its mark on people, migration that deeply divided the society within the EU and
Bregzit who presented problems to the surface.
Europe, he said, must first define itself. At this point,
it is considered Svilanovic, the expansion should be seen as an opportunity for
reform, and to make use of EU pre-accession assistance and experts, and later
we will see what will happen to join.
Svilanovic nevertheless conveyed his impressions and the
Western leaders after a meeting in Paris with European leaders in July of this
year, about two weeks after the vote Bregzita that it seemed that the leaders
of the two major European countries, France and Germany, Francois Hollande
(Francois Hollande ) and Angela Merkel, the more delight of the leaders of the
Balkan countries, which in that time, "no one wants to talk about
Regarding the activities of the Regional Cooperation
Council, Svilanovic said that in 2017 invesicionom begin negotiations on the
agreement, which should ensure that the next fiscal and similar incentives
offered by individual countries highlight some other opportunities in the
region. He said that it is necessary and a single labor market, to enable those
who complete their education in a country of the region to work in another, that
is a real possibility for labor mobility.
Institution Building and the key for the EU and for us
The head of the negotiating team for EU accession talks
Tanja Miscevic said that the European Commission's annual report on progress in
the region gave a grayscale image, "giving the argument to those who say
that we should wait for" better times for the extension, and the first to
solve the "family problems".
She added that this is a miscalculation, and that behind
the gray image leaves a "but" or recognition of some progress, the
creation of institutions, legislation.
"Do you need time to be happy? No, but it is a starting
point," she said.
Miscevic said that the key issue that was highlighted in
all countries the stability of democratic institutions, and pointed out that it
is not we condition for EU accession, but for the development of the country.
As a short-term goal of Serbia repeated opening three
chapters this year.
She wrote: SV
Photo: Beta
Translated by
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