
18. 11. 2016.

Obama bi da Merkel spasava liberalni Zapad od Trampa - Obama would not survive Merkel liberal West from Trump

Objavljeno : 18.11.2016.             

Oproštajna poseta odlazećeg američkog predsednika Baraka Obame Evropi i njegov sastanak iza zatvorenih vrata s liderima glavnih zemalja Evropske unije imaju za cilj da se Evropljani i Nemci ubede da kancelarka Angela Merkel bude "spasiteljka liberalnog sveta" i brana politici novoizabranog predsednika Donalda Trampa. To smatraju analitičari i komentatori evropskih medija, a Politiko je, ne bez primese podrugljivosti, u naslov izveštaja stavio "Novi posao za Angelu Merkel: Spasiteljka sveta" što se podudarilo i s ozbiljnom ocenom američkog časopisa Forin polisi da nemačka kancelarka sad može biti jedina "na braniku liberalne demokratije".

Francuski list Figaro je istakao da "Obama vidi Merkel kao čuvara vrednosti Zapada… i uveren je da je centar Evrope u Berlinu, dok su ostali evropski lideri svedeni na ulogu statista".

U svim izveštajima je posebno podvučeno da se Obama već uključio u kampanju za nemačke izbore 2017. "Kad bih ja bio Nemac, ja bih glasao za nju", rekao je, a zapaženo je i da je američki list Njujork tajms napisao da je "izbor Trampa za predsednika izneo Angelu Merkel kao poslednju branu liberalnog Zapada".

Za Obamu je bilo veoma važno i da poruči, a bila je to i poruka Evropljanima, da se "nada da će izabrani predsednik (Tramp) održati konstruktivan pristup, s područjima saradnje, ali i da neće popustiti Moskvi kada se Rusija ogluši o međunarodne norme".

Angela Merkel je rekla da će "učiniti sve da dobro sarađuje s Trampom" i sada se evropski analitičari i javnost pitaju šta to deo američke elite koja je izgubila predsedničke izbore odista očekuje od nemačke kancelarke.

To tim pre što su se Obama i Merkel ozbiljno sukobljavali oko rešavanja ekonomsko-finansijske krize i duboko se nisu slagali o politici "stezanja kaiša", delom i imigracije, vojne operacije u Libiji, a da se i ne pominje afera američkog prisluškivanja evropskih vođa, uključujući kancelarku Merkel.

Upravo te nevolje su dovele u pitanje politiku Angele Merkel i u EU i u samoj Nemačkoj, i oslabile njen položaj i uticaj.

Jedan nemački analitičar postavlja pitanje kako to Nemačka, sa skromnom armijom i bez nuklearnog naoružanja, sada može biti vođa liberalnog sveta, ako je nesumnjivo da su SAD daleko najsnažnija vojna i ekonomska sila, te će zato američka geopolitička moć ostati netaknuta bez obzira na spoljnu politiku Trampa.

Francuski list Mond primećuje da je slabljenje uticaja francuskog predsednika Fransoa Olanda i doskorašnjeg britanskog premijera Dejvida Kamerona postepeno učvrstilo uverenje Bele kuće da je Nemačka pravi američki oslonac u Evropi.

Angela Merkel je jedina od evropskih lidera dobila najviše američko odlikovanje, Medalju slobode, 2011. godine.

Obama je bio zadovoljan i prilično tvrdim stavom Berlina prema Rusiji u zbivanjima oko Ukrajine i Krima, iako su tu Amerikanci uvek nametali svoju politiku i rešenja.

"S godinama je Obama zaključio da je Merkel njegov najpouzdaniji partner u Evropi, koji može održati evropski poredak", zaključak je Olafa Benkea, istraživača Nemačkog saveta za međunarodne odnose.

Otud je Obama u Atini ove nedelje izjavio da je "Americi i svetu potrebna snažna, napredna, demokratska i ujedinjena Evropa". To je bila i poruka da se svim snagama treba suprotstaviti pretećem talasu populizma i ekstremnih snaga i lidera koji u Evropi prete da s vlasti sruše nosioce liberalnog kapitalizma i demokratije.

Toga se najviše boje Trampovi protivnici s obe strane Atlantika, ali Aleksandra de Hop Shefer iz američkog Nemačkog Maršalovog fonda smatra da, "ako američki predsednik i želi da prenese Angeli Merkel vodeću ulogu u odbrani slobodnog i demokratskog sveta, nije sigurno da ona zaista želi da je preuzme".

Mini susret na vrhu lidera Francuske, Velike Britanije, Italije, Španije i Nemačke s Obamom u Berlinu 18. novembra, zaključak je Aleksandre de Hop Shefer, pokazuje da "Angela Merkel ne želi da sama nosi baklju zapadnih demokratija koje su zapale u nevolje".

Foto: Beta/AP

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Posted: 18.11.2016.

Farewell visit the outgoing US President Barack Obama's Europe and its closed-door meeting with the leaders of major EU countries aim to convince the Europeans and the Germans that Chancellor Angela Merkel is "liberal savior of the world" and dams politics President-elect Donald Trump. To analysts and commentators of European media, a policy is not without a tinge of sarcasm in the title of the report put "New Job Angela Merkel: savior of the world", which coincided with a serious assessment of the American magazine Foreign Policy that German Chancellor can now be only "the bastion of liberal democracy. "

French newspaper Le Figaro said that "Obama sees Merkel as the guardian of the values ​​of the West ... and it is confident that the center of Europe in Berlin, while other European leaders reduced to the role of extras.

" In all reports is especially underlined that Obama is already involved in the campaign for Germany's election in 2017. "If I were a German, I would vote for her," he said, and it was observed that the American newspaper The New York Times wrote that "the choice Trump for President stated Angela Merkel as the last barrier of the liberal West. "

For Obama, it was very important to send a message, but it was also a message to Europeans that "hopes to be elected President (The Tramp) held a constructive approach to the areas of cooperation, but that will not give Moscow when Russia ignores the international standards ".

Angela Merkel said she would "do everything to cooperate well with Trump," and now European analysts and the general public to ask what part of the American elite who lost the presidential election really expected from the German Chancellor.

This especially as the Obama and Merkel clashed serious in resolving the economic and financial crisis and deep disagreed about politics "belt-tightening", work and immigration, military operation in Libya, and not to mention the American eavesdropping scandals of European leaders, including Chancellor Merkel.

It is these troubles have led to the policies of Angela Merkel in the EU and in Germany itself, and weaken its position and influence.

One German analyst raises the question of how to Germany, with a modest army without nuclear weapons, may now be the leader of the liberal world, if it is no doubt that the US is by far the strongest military and economic power, and will therefore US geopolitical power remain intact regardless of the foreign policy Trump.

French newspaper Le Monde notes that the decline of French President Francois Hollande and until recently British Prime Minister David Cameron gradually strengthened the belief of the White House that Germany says US support in Europe.

Angela Merkel is the only European leaders received America's highest decoration, the Medal of Freedom in 2011.

Obama was pleased and quite firm stance toward Russia Berlin in the events around Ukraine and Crimea, although the Americans always imposed its policies and solutions.

 "Over the years, Obama concluded that Merkel's most reliable partner in Europe, which may hold a European order", the conclusion is Olaf Benkei, researchers German Council on Foreign Relations.
Hence Obama in Athens this week said that "America and the world needs a strong, progressive, democratic and united Europe". This was also the message that all forces should be opposed threatening wave of populism and extreme forces and leaders in Europe threaten to topple the government bearers of liberal capitalism and democracy.

That's what most feared Tramp opponents on both sides of the Atlantic, but Alexander de Hoop Scheffer of the US German Marshall Fund believes that, "if the US President wants to convey Angela Merkel leading role in the defense of the free and democratic world, it is not certain that she really wants to take it.

" Mini summit of leaders of France, Britain, Italy, Spain and Germany with Obama in Berlin on 18 November, the conclusion is Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, shows that "Angela Merkel does not want itself carries the torch of western democracies that have got into trouble."

Photo: Beta /AP

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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