
23. 11. 2016.

Kuburović: Idemo ka efikasnijem pravosuđu - Kuburović Moving to more efficient judiciary

Objavljeno : 23.11.2016.         

Evropska komisija za efikasnost pravosuđa Sepež (CEPEJ) preporučila je Srbiji da unapredi alternativni način rešavanja sporova i da se više oslanja na medijaciju kako bi se smanjio priliv predmeta u sudovima, izjavila je 23. novembra ministarka pravde Nela Kuburović na predstavljanju izveštaja tog tela Saveta Evrope. Izveštaj je pokazao da je u Srbiji vreme rešavanja parničnih i krivičnih predmeta više od proseka zemalja članica Saveta Evrope, a u Ministarstvu pravde navode da Srbija ipak nije među zemljama sa najkritičnijom situacijom, kao i da su planirana unapređenja.

Kuburović je novinarima rekla da je Srbija ostvarila napredak u nekim oblastima u poređenju sa prethodnim izveštajnim periodom iz 2012. godine, pre svega u trajanju sudskog postupka, i to u parničnim postupcima, a napomenula je i da je izveštaj pokazao da je povećan procenat savladavanja priliva predmeta.

"Takođe postoje podaci gde nismo još uvek zadovoljni, a kroz same zaključke Sepežovog izveštaja nam je skrenuta pažnja da u narednom periodu unapredimo i promovišemo alternativni način rešavanja sporova, da se više uključi medijacija upravo kako bismo smanjili priliv predmeta u sudovima", navela je ministarka.

Srbija u parničnim postupcima ima stopu efikasnosti od 92%, odnosno može da obradi 92% od broja pokrenutih postupaka. To jeste niže od proseka u Evropi, koji iznosi 100%, ali nije posebno problematično. Problem predstavlja vreme potrebno za rešavanje prvostepenih parničnih predmeta koje iznosi 359 dana.

U Ministarstvu pravde navode da je poboljšanje potrebno, ali da Srbija nije među zemljama sa "najkritičnijom statistikom", među kojima navodi BiH (603), Italiju (532) i u manjoj meri Hrvatsku (380).

Za prvostepene krivične postupke u Srbiji je potrebno u proseku 255 dana prema podacima iz 2014, od kojih je sačinjen izveštaj za 2016. Ovo jeste poboljšanje u odnosu na 2012. kada je bilo potrebno 387 dana i 2010. sa 504 dana, ali je i dalje od proseka u više od 40 zemalja Evrope obuhvaćenih izveštajem koji iznosi 133 dana. Po ovom pokazatelju najgora je Italija sa 386 dana.

Srbija ima 38 sudija na 100.000 stanovnika, dok je evropski prosek 21, pokazao je izveštaj Evropske komisije za efikasnost pravosuđa Sepež (CEPEJ). Ovo telo Saveta Evrope ukazuje da je veći broj sudija čest slučaj u zemljama istočne Evrope, a ova razlika povezuje se sa sistemom potpune profesionalizacije sudija i pribegavanjem porotnicima.

Da EK sad daje Izveštaj o napretku bili bismo bolje ocenjeni

Ministarka pravde Nela Kuburović se na pitanje novinara osvrnula i na Izveštaj o napretku Evropske komisije i rekla da bi Srbija dobila bolju ocenu za pravosuđe da je Izveštaj završavan mesec dana kasnije budući da se očekuje usvajanje seta krivičnih zakona u Skupštini Srbije i da se ove godine očekuje smanjenje broja zaostalih izvršnih predmeta za milion.

"U izveštaju Evropske komisije ima i pohvala da smo ostvarili određeni napredak, ali je konstatovano i ono sa čime se i sami suočavamo i od čega ne bežimo, a to je da još imamo veliki broj starih nerešenih predmeta" i da možda nije postignut dovoljno značajan napredak u oblasti borbe protiv organizovanog kriminala, navela je Kuburović.

Rekla je da se nada da bi Izveštaj o napretku Evropske komisije bio bolji da je završavan malo kasnije i dodala da se nada da će danas poslanici usvojiti Zakon o nadležnosti i organizaciji državnih organa u suzbijanju organizovanog kriminala, korupcije i terorizma. Taj zakon će, kako je navela, dati moderne mehanizme da se Tužilaštvo za organizovani kriminal, Viši sud u Beogradu i pojednina tužilaštva širom Srbije "bore sa visokom korupcijom i sa organizovanim kriminalom". 

"Što se tiče rešavanja starih predmeta, takođe ćemo tu imati napredak do kraja godine, pre svega biće rešen veliki broj predmeta u izvršnoj materiji, očekujemo smanjenje za oko milion starih predmeta, a svakako će prenos nadležnosti na nosioce javnih ovlašćenja, pre svega na javne izvršitelje i javne beležnike, u dodatnoj meri rasteretiti i rad sudova, tako da će biti poboljšanja i kada je reč i o dužini trajanja postUpka, i u broju zaostalih predmeta", navela je ona.

Na pitanje o rešenjima Zakona o poreklu imovine, čije donošenje se najavljuje, rekla je da je prvobitni nacrt zakona završen, ali da je po njenom mišljenju potrebno unapređenje njegovih odredbi i da bi radna grupa do kraja godine trebalo da završi rad, i da zakon bude pušten u dalju proceduru.

Na skupu u Aero klubu u Beogradu govorilo se o izveštaju Evropske komisije za efikasnost pravosuđa Sepež (CEPEJ), tela Saveta Evrope, za 2016. godinu, koji je baziran na podacima iz 2014. godine.

Šef misije Kancelarije Saveta Evrope u Beogradu Tim Kartrajt rekao je da je Savet Evrope spreman da podrži Srbiju u reformskim naporima u poboljšanju efikasnosti pravosuđa i da će dobiti ekspertsku i institucionalnu podršku kad god je potrebno.

Napisala. S.V.
Foto: Beta

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Posted: 11.23.2016.

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice Sepež (CEPEJ) has recommended Serbia to advance an alternative method of dispute resolution that relies on mediation in order to reduce the influx of cases in courts, said the Minister of Justice on 23 November Nela Kuburović the presentation of the report of the body of the Council of Europe . The report showed that in Serbia the time resolution of civil and criminal cases more than the average of the member countries of the Council of Europe, and the Ministry of Justice stated that Serbia is not among the countries with the most critical situation, and that the planned improvements.

Kuburović told reporters that Serbia has made progress in some areas compared to the previous reporting period of 2012, primarily in the duration of court proceedings, in civil proceedings, and noted that the report showed that the increased percentage of overcoming the influx items.

"There are also data which we have not yet satisfied, and the same conclusions Sepežovog report we drew attention in the future to improve and promote alternative method of dispute resolution, to become more involved mediation precisely in order to reduce the influx of cases in the courts," said the Minister .

Serbian in civil proceedings has an efficiency of 92% and can handle 92% of the number of running processes. That is lower than the European average, which is 100%, but it is not particularly problematic. The problem is the time it takes to resolve civil cases of first instance, which is 359 days.

The Ministry of Justice stated that improvements are needed, or that Serbia is not among the countries with the "most critical statistics", including the states of Bosnia and Herzegovina (603), Italy (532) and to a lesser extent, Croatia (380).

For the first-instance criminal proceedings in Serbia need an average of 255 days according to data from 2014, it is made for 2016. This report is the improvement compared to 2012 when it was needed 387 days and 2010 to 504 days, but is still the average in more than 40 European countries covered by the report, which amounts to 133 days. According to this indicator, the worst is Italy with 386 days.

Serbia has 38 judges per 100,000 inhabitants, while the European average is 21, showed a report from the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice Sepež (CEPEJ). This body of the Council of Europe indicates that more judges often the case in the countries of Eastern Europe, and this difference is associated with a system of full professionalization of judges and jurors recourse.

That the EC now gives progress report, we would be better assessed

Justice Minister Nela Kuburović to a reporter's question referred to the Progress Report of the European Commission and said that Serbia would get a better grade of Justice that the report finished by month later since it is expected to adopt a set of criminal laws in the Assembly of Serbia and that it expected this year reduce the backlog of enforcement cases in a million.

 "The European Commission has the praise that we have made some progress, but he also noted what we are facing themselves and what they do not run, and that is that we still have a large number of old cases," and that might not be sufficiently achieved significant progress in the fight against organized crime, said Kuburović.

She said she hopes the progress report of the European Commission was better to be finished by a little later, and added that he hoped that today MPs to adopt a law on the jurisdiction and organization of the authorities in combating organized crime, corruption and terrorism. This legislation will, as he said, to give modern mechanisms to Prosecution for Organized Crime, the Higher Court in Belgrade and throughout Serbia respective printed prosecution "struggling with high corruption and organized crime".

"As for solving old cases, we will also have a progress to the end of the year, primarily will be solved a large number of cases in the executive matter, we expect a decrease of about a million old cases, and certainly if the transfer to the holders of public powers, primarily the public bailiffs and public notaries, in the optional extent relieve the work of the courts, so that it will be improved, and when it comes about the length of proceedings, and in the backlog, "she said.

When asked about the provision in the origin of property, whose adoption is announced, said that the original draft law is completed, but that in its view the necessary improvement of its provisions and to the working group by the end of the year should finish the work, and that the law is released for further procedure.

The gathering at the Aero Club in Belgrade spoke about the report by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice Sepež (CEPEJ), Council of Europe bodies, for the year 2016, based on data from 2014.

Head of the Mission Council of Europe Office in Belgrade Tim Cartwright said that the Council of Europe is ready to support Serbia in the reform efforts in improving the efficiency of the judiciary and to get expert and institutional support whenever needed.

She wrote. SV
Photo: Beta

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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