
17. 11. 2016.

Oporavak evropskog tržišta rada ne osećaju svi - The recovery of the European labor markets do not feel all

Objavljeno : 17.11.2016.             
Mogućnosti građana Evropske unije za socijalnu participaciju unapređene su prvi put od 2008. zahvaljujući oporavku na tržištu rada, međutim, od toga nisu svi imali koristi i u mnogim zemljama opasnost od siromaštva i dalje je velika, posebno na jugu Evrope, upozorili su iz Bertelsman fondacije. Mladi su mnogo više od starijih izloženi riziku od siromaštva a posebno zabrinjavajuć je i trend povećanja broja građana EU koji, iako rade sa punim radnim vremenom, ne mogu da žive od svojih plata.

Evropa se postepeno oporavlja od ekonomske i finansijske krize zahvaljujući trendu rasta na tržištu rada i danas je zaposleno znatno više ljudi nego na vrhuncu krize 2013, ocenili su u autorskom tekstu za Danijel Šrad-Tišler (Daniel Schraad-Tischler) i Kristof Šiler (Christof Schiller) iz fondacije Bertelsman (Bertelsmann).

Međutim, udeo radnika sa punim radnim vremenom koji ne mogu da žive od svog rada blago je povećan. Pored toga, deca i mladi posebno imali su jako malo koristi od ekonomskog oporavka. Udeo mladih kojima prete siromaštvo ili socijalna iskljucenost naročito je visok u zemljama pogođenim krizom na jugu Evrope, zaključili su Šrad-Tšler i Šiler, autori Indeksa socijalne pravde za 2016. fondacije Bertelsman.

Godišnji Indeks socijalne pravde se od 2008. koristi za merenje mogućnosti za socijalnu participaciju ljudi iz 28 članica EU.

Smanjenje mogućnosti za socijalnu participaciju širom EU iz poslednjih godina na trenutak je posustalo, ocenili su analitičari Bertelsman fondacije dodajući da je to rezultat pozitivnog razvoja na tržištu rada.

Kako se navodi, u 2015. je bilo zaposleno 65,6% građana EU prema 64,8% godinu dana ranije. Istovremeno je stopa nezaposlenosti smanjena sa 10,4% u 2014. na 9,6% u 2015.

Ipak, stopa nezaposlenosti daleko je od one pre krize od 7,1% u 2008. Isti je slučaj i sa nezaposlenošću mladih i u 2015. ih je širom EU bez posla bilo 4,6 miliona odnosno stopa nezaposlenosti bila je 20,4% prema 22,2% u 2014. i samo 15,6% u 2008, kada je nezaposlenih mladih bilo 4,2 miliona.

Jačanje tržišta rada nije pratilo značajnije smanjenje rizika od siromaštva, čak naprotiv, i gotovo svakom četvrtom građaninu EU (118 miliona) preti opasnost od siromaštva ili socijalne isključenosti. U 2014. je njihov broj bio samo neznatno viši.

Stope rizika od siromaštva i socijalne isključenosti posebno su visoke u južnoj i jugoistočnoj Evropi - u Grčkoj ta opasnost preti trećini populacije, u Rumuniji 37% a u Bugarskoj 41%. Istovremeno je stopa rizika od siromaštva najmanja u Češkoj (14%), Švedskoj (16%), Finskoj i Holandiji (17%).

Autori izveštaja upozoravaju na upadljiv dalji rast udela ljudi koji rade sa punim radnim vremenom a svejedno im preti siromaštvo. U 2015. je takvih u EU bilo 7,8% prema 7,2% u 2013.

Takva situacija posledica je rasta sektora sa malim platama, kao i podele tržišta rada na regularne i atipične forme zaposlenosti. Kako navode autori izveštaja, rast broja onih koji rade a siromašni su je alarmantan jer su ti ljudi isključeni iz pune socijalne participacije.

"Rad sa punim radnim vremenom mora da obezbedi ne samo nečiji prihod nego i nečiji život. Kada sve veći broj ljudi ne može da živi od svog rada na duži period, to potkopava ligitimitet našeg ekonomskog i socijalnog poretka", rekao je predsednik Bertelsman fondacije Art De Ges (Aart De Geus).

U svim članicama EU su mogućnosti za socijalnu participaciju dece i mladih još značajno manje nego pre krize. Na nivou Evropske unije je 25,2 miliona (26,9%) dece i mladih do 18 godina izloženo riziku od siromaštva ili socijalne isključenosti.

U krizom pogođenim zemljama - Grčkoj, Italiji, Španiji i Portugaliji, stope su još više i u proseku svakom trećem dedetu preti siromaštvo. To znači da je u te četiri zemlje milion dece i mladih više pod rizikom od siromaštva ili socijalne isključenosti nego 2008.

Posebno je dramatična situacija u Grčkoj, gde je ponovo povećan udeo dece i mladih koji pate od ozbiljne materijalne oskudice, na 25,7% sa 10,4% u 2008.

Za članice sa juga EU veliki problem predstavlja i veliki udeo tzv. grupe NEET - mladih koji se ne obrazuju, ne zapošsljavaju i ne idu na obuke. Takvi mladi gotovo da nemaju šanse za socijalno napredovanje i u Italiji je gotovo trećina mladih u toj grupi a u Grčkoj i Španiji po 17,3%, što je znatno iznad proseka EU.

Indeks socijalne pravde ukazao je i na rastući jaz između mladih i starih. Na nivou EU siromaštvo ili socijalna isključenost mnogo više pogađa decu nego stare (26,9% prema 17,4%). I dok gotovo svako deseto dete pati od teške materijalne oskudice, među starijima od 65 je 5,5% takvih. Takođe je udeo starih kojima preti opasnost od siromaštva ili socijalne isključenosti pao sa 24,4% u 2007 na 17,4% u 2015.

Prema Artu De Gesu, situacija sa mladima koji su ostavljeni po strani može da predstavlja opasnost po budućnost društva: "Slabe perspektive za mnoge mlade ljude idu na ruku jačanju populističkih pokreta. Ne smemo da rizikujemo povlačenje razočaranih i frustriranih mladih iz društva".


Foto: Beta

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Posted: 11.17.2016.

Opportunities for citizens of the European Union for social participation improved for the first time since 2008 thanks to the recovery in the labor market, however, not all of which have benefited in many countries the risk of poverty is still high, especially in southern Europe, have warned of the Bertelsmann Foundation. Young people are much more than the elderly at risk of poverty is a particularly troubling trend of increasing the number of EU citizens who, while working full time, I can not live from their salaries. 

Europe is gradually recovering from the economic and financial crisis, thanks to the growth trend in the labor market and today employs far more people than the height of the crisis of 2013, were estimated in an article for Danijel Wednesday-Tišler (Daniel Schraad-Tischler) and Kristof Šiler (Christof Schiller) from the Bertelsmann Foundation (Bertelsmann).

However, the share of workers with full-time who can not live from their work is slightly increased. In addition, children and young people in particular had very little benefit from the economic recovery. The share of young people threatened by poverty or social exclusion is particularly high in countries affected by the crisis in the south of Europe, concluded Wednesday-Tšler and Schiller, the authors of the Index of Social Justice for the 2016 Bertelsmann Foundation.

The annual index of social justice from 2008 used to measure the opportunities for social participation of people from the 28 EU member states.

Reducing opportunities for social participation across the EU in recent years has faltered for a moment, analysts estimated the Bertelsmann Foundation, adding that this is the result of positive developments in the labor market.

As reported, in 2015 there were employed 65.6% of EU citizens by 64.8% a year earlier. At the same time, the unemployment rate decreased from 10.4% in 2014 to 9.6% in 2015.

However, the unemployment rate is far more than before the crisis, from 7.1% in 2008.

The same is true of the youth unemployment in the 2015's across the EU without work was 4.6 million and the unemployment rate was 20.4% versus 22.2% in 2014 and only 15.6% in 2008, when the young unemployed was 4.2 million.

Strengthening labor market was not accompanied by a significant reduction in the risk of poverty, on the contrary, almost every fourth citizen of the EU (118 million) at risk of poverty or social exclusion. In 2014 their number was only slightly higher.

 Rates at risk of poverty and social exclusion are particularly high in southern and southeastern Europe - in Greece this danger threatens one third of the population, 37% in Romania and in Bulgaria 41%. At the same time the rate of poverty risk lowest in the Czech Republic (14%), Sweden (16%), Finland and the Netherlands (17%). The authors of the report warn of further rise in the share of striking people who work full time and still threatened with poverty.

In 2015, of those in the EU was 7.8% against 7.2% in 2013.

This situation is the result of growth in sectors with low salaries, as well as the division of the labor market on a regular and atypical forms of employment. As the authors of the report, growth in the number of those working poor are alarming because these people are excluded from full social participation.
"Working full time has to provide not only income but also someone's life. When more and more people can not live from their work for a longer period, it undermines the legitimacy of our economic and social order," the president said Bertelsmann Foundation Art de Ges (Aart de Geus).

In all Member States the opportunities for social participation of children and young people still significantly lower than before the crisis. At the level of the European Union, 25.2 million (26.9%) children and young people up to age 18 are at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

In crisis-hit countries - Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal, the rates are even more and on average every third Dedet risk of poverty. This means that in these four countries, millions of children and young people more at risk of poverty or social exclusion than of 2008.

Particularly dramatic situation in Greece, where he again increased the share of children and young people suffering from severe material deprivation, to 25.7% from 10.4% in 2008.

For the EU member states from the South big problem is the large share of the so-called. Group NEET - young people who are not educated, not zapošsljavaju i do not go to training. These young people have almost no chances for social advancement in Italy is almost a third of young people in the group and in Greece and Spain by 17.3%, which is significantly above the EU average.

The index of social justice emphasized the growing gap between young and old. At EU level, poverty or social exclusion affecting children more than older ones (26.9% vs. 17.4%). And while almost every tenth child suffers from severe material deprivation, among those older than 65 was 5.5% of them. Also the share of elderly at risk of poverty or social exclusion fell from 24.4% in 2007 to 17.4% in 2015.

According to Art De Gesu, the situation of young people who were left by the side can represent a danger to the future of society " weak prospects for many young people favor the strengthening of the populist movement. We can not risk withdrawal of disappointed and frustrated young people from society. "

Photo: Beta

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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