Objavljeno : 22.11.2016.
Ključni pregovori o ponovnom ujedinjenju Kipra održani u
Švajcarskoj pod pokroviteljstvom UN prekinuti su bez rezultata u ranim
jutarnjim satima 22. novembra. Pregovori su "zapeli" na pitanju
teritorije kiparskih Turaka odnosno Grka u planiranoj federaciji. Sa prekidom
pregovora javila se ozbiljna sumnja u mogućnost da 18 meseci ozbiljnih
razgovora pomogne da se reši višedecenijski spor. Zabrinjava i to što nije
određen novi datum za pregovore.
Kako prenosi Sajprus mejl (Cyprus Mail), dvodnevni
pregovori kiparskog predsednika Nikosa Anastasidesa i lidera kiparskih Turaka
Mustafe Akindžija završeni su bez sporazuma.
UN su saopštile da su lideri u prethodna dva dana u Mont
Pelerinu u Švajcarskoj vodili ozbiljne i sistematske razgovore.
"Uprkos maksimalnom angažovanju, (lideri) nisu mogli
da postignu potrebno dalje približavanje oko kriterijuma za rešavanje pitanja
teritorije koje bi otvorilo put za poslednju fazu pregovora" (o ponovnom
ujedinjenju Kipra), navodi UN. "Dve strane odlučile su da se vrate na Kipar
i razmotre dalje korake", dodaje se u saopštenju UN.
Portparol kiparske vlade Nikos Hristodulides napisao je
rano jutros na Tviteru: "Nažalost, pitanje oko teritorije nije
Hristodulides je rekao da je glavno neslaganje oko
veličine teritorije koja će biti federalna zona jedne odnosno druge strane.
Kiparski Grci traže da im se vrati teritorija dovoljna da se 100.000 raseljenih
vrati svojim domovima i imovini izgubljenoj u ratu. To bi, kako je naveo, bio
znak podsticaja za sporazum i pomoglo bi smanjenju troškova za kompenzacije za
one koji neće moći da se vrate.
Akindžijev portparol Paris Burdžu optužio je pak drugu
stranu da nije bila fleksibilna u pregovorima i da se držala
"maksimalističkog" pristupa čak i kada su kiparski Turci pristali da
daju oko 7% teritorije koju sada kontrolišu.
Hristodulides je odbacio Burdžuove optužbe rekavši da
"ne odgovaraju stvarnosti".
Pregovori u švajcarskom turističkom centru počeli su 20.
novembra, gde su lideri dve strane razgovarali i između 7. i 11. novembra, kada
su kiparski Grci tražili "pauzu" koju je Anastasides iskoristio za
konsultacije sa grčkim zvaničnicima u Atini.
Cilj pregovora bio je da se dve strane slože oko
teritorije i da se time otvori put za konferenciju o bezbednosti i garancijama
sa Grčkom, Turskom i Britanijom.
Pregovori su se "vrteli" oko nesporazuma koji
se javio zbog napisa iz štampe kiparskih Turaka da grčki premijer neće pristati
na multilateralnu konferenciju dok Turska ne odustane od zahteva za garancije
za Kipar.
Garancije se odnose na ulogu većih zemalja, poput Turske,
u slučaju da se nezavisnost, teritorijalni integritet i bezbednost Kipra nađu u
Turska se inače pozivala na Sporazum o garancijsma iz
1960. Republike Kipar, Grčke, Turske i Britanije da opravda tursku invaziju na
Izveštaji iz Turske i Grčke navode da grčki premijer
Aleksis Cipras želi susret "jedan na jedan" sa turskim predsednikom
Redžepom Tajipom Erdoganom pre multilateralne konferencije, kao i da su
telefonske linije između Atine, Ankare i Mont Pelerina bile usijane tokom
pregovora u Švajcarskoj.
Izvori u grčkoj vladi navodno kažu da su razlike između
dve strane toliko velike da Atina misli da dva lidera treba da nađu zajedničko
rešenje, u čemu se nije uspelo na multilateralnim sastancima.
Akindži insistira da se konferencija više zainteresovanih
strana o garancijama održi do kraja godine i u medijima se kao datum za multilateralne
pregovore pominje 28. decembar.
Kiparski Grci, koji smatraju da su garancije nepotrebne u
članici Evropske unije, insistirali su na pregovorima u Švajcarskoj da neće
pristati na datum konferencije ako se u Mont Pelerinu ne postigne sporazum o
Ima još otvorenih pitanja, pored ostalog o rotirajućem
Prema nekim medijima, izvori u grčkoj vladi smatraju da
Ankara koristi taktiku odlaganja jer turska vlada ne želi da pomogne da se reši
ono što je u osnovi međunarodni problem invazije i okupacije, preneo je
Kipar je podeljen 1974. godine na južni, grčki, i
severni, turski deo. Republika Kipar, koja je postala članica EU 2004,
kontroliše dve trećine ostrva dok samoproklamovanu Tursku republiku severnog
Kipra priznaje samo Ankara.
Izvor: EurActiv.rs
Foto: Beta/AP
logo Association
Posted: 11.22.2016.
Key talks on the reunification of Cyprus held in
Switzerland under the auspices of the UN to stop the unprecedented results in
the early morning hours of 22 November. The negotiations are "stuck"
on the issue of Turkish Cypriot territory and Greeks in the planned federation.
With the interruption of negotiations occurred serious doubts about the
possibility that 18 months of serious talks to help resolve the decades-old
dispute. Concern have not determined a new date for negotiations.
As reported by email Cyprus (Cyprus Mail), two-day talks
between Cypriot President Nicos Anastasidesa and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa
Akıncı ended without agreement.
The UN has announced that the leaders in the past two
days at Mont Pelerin in Switzerland conducted a serious and systematic
"Despite the maximum engagement, (leaders) are not
able to achieve further approximation on the criteria for resolving the issue
of the territories that would pave the way for the final phase of
negotiations" (reunification of Cyprus), according to the UN. "The
two sides have decided to return to Cyprus and consider further steps,"
the statement said UN.
Cyprus government spokesman Nikos Hristodulides wrote
this morning on Twitter: "Unfortunately, the issue is not resolved over
Hristodulides said that the main disagreement about the
size of the territory to be federal zone of one or the other. Greek Cypriots
seeking the return of the territory is sufficient to 100,000 displaced persons
returned to their homes and property lost in the war. It would, he said, was a
sign of encouragement for the agreement, and would reduce costs for
compensation for those who will not be able to return.
Akindžijev Paris Burcu spokesman accused the other side
of the puck that was not flexible in negotiations and to be held
"maximalist" approach even if the Turkish Cypriots agreed to provide
about 7% of the territory they now control.
Hristodulides Burdžuove rejected the accusations saying
that "does not correspond to reality." Negotiations in the Swiss
recreation center began on 20 November, where the leaders of the two sides
discussed between 7 and 11 November, when Greek Cypriots asked for a
"pause" by Anastasides used for consultations with Greek officials in
The aim of the negotiations was that the two sides agree
on the territory and to pave the way for a conference on security and
guarantees to Greece, Turkey and Britain.
The negotiations were "spinning" around the
misunderstanding which occurred due to the inscription of the Turkish Cypriot
press that the Greek Prime Minister will not agree to a multilateral conference
while Turkey does not waive the requirement for guarantees to Cyprus.
Guarantees relating to the role of the larger countries,
such as Turkey, in the event that the independence, territorial integrity and
security of Cyprus find themselves in danger.
Turkey is usually called the agreement garancijsma the
1960 Republic of Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and Britain to justify the Turkish
invasion of Cyprus.
Reports from Turkey and Greece stated that Greek Prime
Minister Alexis Tsipras wants to meet "one on one" with Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan before the multilateral conference, and that the
phone line between Athens, Ankara and Mont Pelerin were red-hot during the
negotiations in Switzerland.
Greek government sources reportedly say that the
differences between the two sides so big that Athens is thought that the two
leaders need to find a common solution, what does not work in the multilateral
Akindži insists that the multi-stakeholder conference on
guarantees held by the end of the year and in the media as the date for
multilateral negotiations mentioned on December 28.
Greek Cypriots, who believe that the guarantees
unnecessary in a State of the European Union, insisted at the negotiations in
Switzerland would not agree to the conference date if the Mont Pelerin no
agreement on territory.
There are still outstanding issues, inter alia on the
rotating presidency. According to some media sources, the Greek Government
believes that Ankara uses the tactic of delay because the Turkish government
does not want to help solve what is essentially an international problem of
invasion and occupation, reports EurActiv.com.
Cyprus has been divided in 1974 on the southern, Greek,
and the northern, Turkish part.
The Republic of Cyprus, which became an EU member in
2004, controls two-thirds of the island while the self-proclaimed Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus is recognized only by Ankara.
Source: EurActiv.rs
Photo: Beta / AP
Translated by
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