
29. 11. 2016.

Za nezavisno sudstvo potrebne izmene Ustava

Objavljeno : 29.11.2016.             
Učesnici skupa "U susret izmenama Ustava - ustavni položaj pravosuđa", koji je 29. novembra u Beogradu okupio više od 200 domaćih i stranih stručnjaka, ocenili su da su ustavne izmene neophodne kako bi se sistem pravosuđa unapredio i obezbedila njegova nezavisnost. Navedeno je da treba promeniti odredbe koje se odnose na izbor sudija, javnih tužilaca, članova Državnog veća tužilaca i Visokog saveta sudstva. Pomoćnik ministra pravde rekao je na skupu da sudije najveći pritisak trpe od kolega, rođaka i advokata a u 7% slučajeva pokušaj neprimerenog uticaja na sudije u donošenju odluka vršili su predstavnici izvršne vlasti.

Predsednik Vrhovnog kasacionog suda Dragomir Milojević izjavio je da je donošenje Ustava 2006. izazvalo niz kontroverzi i da se od samog usvajanja tog najvišeg pravnog akta Srbije smatralo da su njegove izmene neophodne kako bi se, između ostalog, obezbedila nezavisnost pravosuđa.

Najviši pravni akt Srbije izazvao je kontroverze i primedbe ne samo među domaćim stručnjacima, već i Venecijanske komisije Saveta Evrope.

Neke od odredbi u segmentu pravosuđa koje je potebno izmeniti odnose se na izbor sudija, javnih tužilaca, njihovih zamenika, članova Državnog veća tužilaca i Visokog saveta sudstva, rekao je Milivojević i dodao da se smatra da će se napredak ka nezavisnosti sudstva obezbediti ako se te stvari reše.

Prema njegovim rečima, izmene vezane za Visoki savet sudstva i Državno veće tužilaca trebalo bi da idu ka isključenju predstavnika zakonodavne i izvršne vlasti iz njihovog sastava.

Jedna od ideja, kako je dodao, jeste da se iz njihovog članstva isključi i predstavnik advokature, a da na njegovo mesto bude biran ugledni predstavnik pravne struke.

Milojević je rekao da izbor predsednika sudova ne treba prepuštati Skupštini, već Visokom savetu sudstva, i dodao da bi trebalo ukinuti prvi izbor sudija na tri godine jer taj vid njihovog "probnog rada" u neku ruku predstavlja uticaj na sudstvo.

Šef Misije Organizacije za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju (OEBS) u Srbiji, ambasador Andrea Oricio rekao je da je princip nezavisnosti sudstva ključan za garantovanje fer suđenja i da je Misija tu da pomogne Srbiji i pruži joj najbolje prakse 57 zemalja članica.

Prema njegovim rečima, izmene sprskog Ustava treba da obuhvataju nacionalnu pravnu tradiciju i kulturu, ali i međunardne standarde.

"OEBS je tu da ponudi dodatu vrednost kako bi reforme bile dobre i savremene", rekao je Oricio.

Jedan od glavnih ciljeva promena Ustava treba da bude da se otkloni svaki mogući uticaj vlasti na pravosuđe, jer je nezavistnost sudstva ključna garancija prava na pravičnost, naveo je on i dodao da sudije moraju biti nezavisne i nepristrasne u zaštiti prava pojedinaca.

Konferencija "U susret izmenama Ustava - ustavni položaj pravosuđa" prva je u nizu predstavnika Ministarstva pravde i Vrhovnog kasacionog suda kako bi se došlo do najboljeg rešenja za jačanje sudske nezavisnosti kroz izmene Ustava, dodao je Oricio.

Pritisci kolega, biznismena i rođaka na sudije

Pomoćnik ministra pravde Srbije Čedomir Backović izjavio je da je analiza pokušaja neprimerenih uticaja na sudije u donošenju odluka pokazala da su u 7% slučajeva pritisak vršili predstavnici izvršne vlasti, a u 93% situacija njihove kolege - sudije, advokati, rođaci i ostali.

Backović je dodao da su to podaci Funkcionalne analize pravosuđa u Srbiji, Svetske banke, na osnovu razgovora sa sudijama.

Pomoćnik ministra je to rekao odgovarajući na pitanje da li se može očekivati da se izmenama Ustava u cilju povećanja sudske nezavisnosti u potpunosti otkloni uticaj izvršne i zakonodavne vlasti na pravosuđe.

"U svakom slučaju, Ministarstvo pravde se zalaže za nezavisno sudstvo kao jednu od garancija nepristrasnosti sudstva", naveo je Backović.

U strateškim dokumentima o reformi pravosuđa predviđene su aktivnosti koje isključuju mogućnosti neprimerenih uticaja na sudske odluke različitih činilaca, ali ne i izvršne vlasti, dodao je on.

"Neophodno je isključiti mogućnost politizacije odluka, a sa druge strane, kao balans tome, Ustavom i zakonom potrebno je predvideti konkretnu sprovodljivu odgovornost za donošenje odluka, kako pojedinih sudija, tako i sudstva u celini", rekao je Backović.

Izvor: Beta

Foto: Beta

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Posted: 11.29.2016.

Participants of the conference "Towards Amending the Constitution - the constitutional position of the judiciary", which is November 29 in Belgrade, gathered more than 200 domestic and foreign experts have estimated that the constitutional changes necessary to improve the judicial system and ensure its independence. It was stated that the need to change the provisions relating to the appointment of judges, public prosecutors, members of the State Council of Prosecutors and the High Judicial Council. Assistant Minister of Justice said at the meeting that the judges suffer the greatest pressure from colleagues, relatives and lawyers in an attempt to 7% of undue influence on judges in decision-making was carried out by representatives of the executive branch.

President of the Supreme Court of Cassation Dragomir Milojevic said that the adoption of the Constitution of 2006 caused considerable controversy, and since the adoption of the highest legal act of Serbia thought that his changes are necessary in order to, among other things, ensure the independence of the judiciary.

The highest legal act of Serbia has sparked controversy and objections not only among domestic experts, but also the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe.

Some of the provisions in the area of ​​justice, has to be amended to refer to the selection of judges, public prosecutors, their deputies, members of the State Council of Prosecutors and the High Judicial Council, said Milivojevic added that it is considered that the progress towards the independence of the judiciary to ensure if these things settle.

According to him, the changes related to the High Judicial Council and State Prosecutorial Council should move towards the exclusion of representatives of legislative and executive authorities of their composition.
 One idea, he added, is to exclude from their membership and a representative of the legal profession, and that in its place is dialed prominent representative of the legal profession.

Milojevic said that the choice of court presidents should not be left to the Assembly, but the High Judicial Council, and added that it should terminate the appointment of judges in the first three years, because this aspect of their "probationary period" in some sense represents the impact on the judiciary.

Head of the Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to Serbia, Ambassador Andrea Oricio said that the principle of judicial independence is crucial to guarantee a fair trial and that the mission there to help Serbia and handed her a best practice 57 member countries.

According to him, the changes sprskog Constitution should include national legal tradition and culture, but also the international standard. "The OSCE is here to offer added value to the reform were good and modern," said Oricio.

One of the main objectives of amending the Constitution should be to eliminate any possible government influence on the judiciary, since-independence of the judiciary is a key guarantee of the right to justice, he said, adding that judges must be independent and impartial in protecting the rights of individuals.

The conference "Towards the amendments of the Constitution - the constitutional position of the judiciary" is the first in a series of representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court of Cassation in order to reach the best solution for strengthening judicial independence through constitutional changes, he added Oricio.

Pressures colleagues, businessmen and relatives of the judges

Assistant Minister of Justice of Serbia Čedomir Backović said that the analysis attempted undue influence on judges in decision-making showed that 7% of the pressure exercised by representatives of the executive, and in 93% of the situations of their colleagues - judges, lawyers, relatives and others.

Backović added that this data Functional analysis of the judiciary in Serbia, the World Bank, based on interviews with judges.

Deputy Minister said this in response to the question whether it can be expected that amendments to the Constitution in order to increase judicial independence completely eliminate the influence of the executive and legislative powers to the judiciary.

"In any case, the Ministry of Justice is committed to an independent judiciary as one of the guarantees of impartiality of the judiciary," said Backović.

The strategic document on judicial reform provided for the activities which exclude possibility of undue influence on judicial decisions of various factors, but not the executive branch, he added.

"It is necessary to exclude the possibility of politicization of decisions, and on the other hand, as a balance this, the Constitution and the law is necessary to provide for an implementing specific responsibility for making decisions on how individual judges and the judiciary as a whole," said Backović.

 Source: Beta
Photo by : Beta

Translated by 
Nebojša Vladisavljević 

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