
28. 11. 2016.

Poverenik: REM da dostavi izveštaj o radu emitera - Commissioner: REM to submit a report on the work of broadcasters

Objavljeno : 28.11.2016.             
Poverenik za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti doneo je rešenje kojim se nalaže Regulatornom telu za elektronske medije (REM) da Nezavisnom udruženju novinara Srbije (NUNS) dostavi Izveštaj o nadzoru nad radom emitera tokom predizborne i izborne kampanje za parlamentarne izbore održane u aprilu ove godine. NUNS je zahtev za dostavljanje tog izveštaja uputio REM-u krajem avgusta.

NUNS je saopštio da poverenik po njihovoj žalbi, nalaže REM-u da bez odlaganja, a najkasnije u ROKU od tri dana obavesti NUNS da li poseduje Izveštaj o nadzoru nad radom emitera tokom predizborne i izborne kampanje za parlamentarne izbore i da, ukoliko ga poseduje, kopiju dostavi NUNS-u.

Poverenik je utvrdio da REM nije postupio po zahtevu NUNS-a od 29. avgusta ove godine, a što je bio dužan da učini bez odlaganja i najkasnije u roku od 15 dana.

NUNS je žalbu podneo Povereniku 21. septembra 2016. godine.

Nadzor Regulatornog tela za elektronske medije nad radom emitera tokom predizborne kampanje zasnovan je na Zakonu o elektronskim medijima i Pravilniku o obavezama pružalaca medijskih usluga tokom predizborne kampanje.

Prema zakonu, emiteri su obavezni da poštuju zabranu političkog oglašavanja van predizborne kampanje, kao i da u toku predizborne kampanje registrovanim političkim strankama, koalicijama i kandidatima obezbede zastupljenost bez diskriminacije.

Pravilnikom o obavezama pružalaca medijskih usluga, koji je Savet REM usvojio 16. juna 2015. godine, bliže se uređuje ispunjavanje obaveza pružalaca medijskih usluga prilikom emitovanja predizbornog programa.

Pored ostalog, Pravilnikom se uređuje način emitovanja predizbornog programa, zabrana prikrivenog ili posrednog preporučivanja izbornih lista ili kandidata, informisanje javnosti o predizbornim aktivnostima podnosilaca izbornih lista ili kandidata i drugo.

Izvor: Beta, NUNS

logo Association

Posted: 28.11.2016.

Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection issued a decision ordering the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) to the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) to submit the report on the supervision over the work of broadcasters during the pre-election and election campaign for the parliamentary elections held in April this year. NUNS is a requirement for submission of the report referred REM at the end of August.

NUNS said that the Commissioner after their appeal, ordering REM without delay, and no later than three days to notify NUNS it may possess report on the supervision over the work of broadcasters during the pre-election and election campaign for the parliamentary elections and that, if it holds, deliver a copy of NUNS.

The Commissioner found that REM has not acted on the request of NUNS from 29 August this year, and he was obliged to do so without delay and not later than 15 days.

NUNS has filed a complaint with the Commissioner on 21 September 2016. Control of Regulatory Body for Electronic Media over the work of broadcasters during the election campaign is based on the Law on Electronic Media and the Regulations on the obligations of providers of media services during the election campaign.

By law, broadcasters are obliged to respect the ban on political advertising outside an election campaign, and during the election campaign, registered political parties, coalitions and candidates provide representation without discrimination.

Regulations on the obligations of providers of media services, which is REM Council adopted on 16 June 2015 shall specify the fulfillment of the obligations of providers of media services in the broadcasting election programs.

Among other things, the Regulations governing the way broadcast election program, the prohibition of covert or indirect recommendation electoral lists or candidates, to inform the public about the campaign activities of electoral lists or candidates, and more.

Source: Beta, NUNS

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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