
17. 11. 2016.

Novi Sad Omladinska prestonica Evrope 2019. -Novi Sad Youth Capital of Europe 2019

Objavljeno : 17.11.2016.             

Novi Sad je 16. novembra proglašen za Omladinsku prestonicu Evrope 2019. godine, u konkurenciji gradova poput Amijena, Mančestera i Peruđe. U godini Omladinske prestonice Evrope grad domaćin organizuje događaje i sprovodi projekte čiji je cilj da istaknu ključnu ulogu koju imaju mladi i omladinske organizacije u društvu i da se mladi ohrabre da se uključe i predlože svoje ideje.

Kandidaturu za ovu titulu podnela je inicijativa "OpeNS2019" sa motom "Otvaranje vrata", a podržale su ga omladinske organizacije.

Novi Sad je proglašen za pobednika u konkurenciji pet gradova na svečanosti u bugarskom gradu Varna koji će biti Omladinska prestonica Evrope 2017.  U užem izboru su bili i francuski grad Amijen, britanski gradovi Deri Siti i Strabejn i Mančerster i italijanski grad Peruđa.

Osim prestonice omladine 2019. godine, Novi Sad je pre mesec dana u Briselu proglasen i za Evropsku prestonicu kulture za 2021. godinu, u konkurenciji gradova van Evropske unije.

Novi Sad će tokom godine u kojoj će biti Omladinska prestonica Evrope raditi na stvaranju većih mogućnosti za mlade, u čemu će biti aktivan Novosadski omladinski forum koji radi na promociji omladinskih politika. Forum čini 91 omladinska organizacija.

Moto "Otvaranje vrata" za koji se opredelio Novi Sad, simbolizuje stvaranje novih prilika za mlade u samom gradu ali i izgradnju mostova sa drugim regionima i zemljama, navodi se u saopštenju Evropskog omladinskog foruma.

Godina tokom koje će Novi Sad biti Omladinska prestonica Evrope biće posvećena negovanju raznolikosti, razvoju projekata posvećenih rodnoj ravnopravnosti, pravima LGBT osoba i uključivanju izbeglica u društvo, dodaje se u saopštenju.

Ističe se da je Novi Sad mlad grad u kome živi 80.000 mladih i još 80.000 studenata.

Predsednica Evropskog omladinskog foruma Johana Niman rekla da je uverena da će 2019. s obzirom na kvalitet novosadskog programa biti uspešna godina za forum.

"Pozdravljamo njihovu posvećenost stvaranju prilika za uključuivanje mladih i izgradnju mostova između lokalnog, nacionalnog i međunarodnog nivoa", rekla je ona.

Ona je rekla da su prijave svih pet kandidata bile izuzetno kvalitetne i da je žirim bio pred teškim izborom.

Proglašenje Omladinske prestonice Evrope održano je pred generalnu skupštinu Evropskog omladisnkog foruma koja je okupila više od 200 delegacija omladinskih organizacija iz cele Evrope. Nagradu dodeljuje nezavisan žiri formian na poziv Evropskog omladinskog foruma.

Foto: Beta

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Posted: 11.17.2016.

Novi Sad on 16 November was declared the Youth Capital of Europe 2019, in competition with cities such as Amiens, Manchester and Perugia. In the year of youth capital of Europe host city organizes events and conducts projects which aim to highlight the vital role that young people and youth organizations in society and to encourage young people to get involved and propose their ideas.

Candidature for this title filed the initiative "OpeNS2019" with the motto "Opening the door," and endorsed by youth organizations.

Novi Sad was declared the winner in the competition for five cities at a ceremony in the Bulgarian town of Varna to be Youth Capital of Europe 2017. The voting was close and the French city of Amiens, a British cities Derry City and Strabejn and Mančerster the Italian city of Perugia.

Besides the capital of Youth in 2019, Novi Sad was a month ago in Brussels declared the European Capital of Culture for 2021, in the competition of cities outside the European Union.

Novi Sad will be the year in which it will be the youth capital of Europe work to create more opportunities for young people, in which they will be active from Novi Sad Youth Forum, which works to promote youth policy. Forum consists of 91 youth organizations.

Moto "opening doors" to be chosen Novi Sad, symbolized by the creation of new opportunities for young people in the city but also build bridges with other regions and countries, according to a statement of the European Youth Forum.

Year during which the Novi Sad Youth to be the capital of Europe will be committed to fostering diversity, developing projects dedicated to gender equality, the rights of LGBT people and the inclusion of refugees into society, the statement added.

It is emphasized that the Novi Sad young city with the population of 80,000 young people and 80,000 students.

The President of the European Youth Forum Johan Nyman said she is confident that 2019 will be due to the quality of the Novi Sad-based program will be a successful year for the forum.

"We welcome their commitment to creating opportunities for young people uključuivanje and building bridges between local, national and international levels," she said.

She said that the applications of all five candidates were very good and that žirim was a hard choice.

Announcement of youth capital of Europe was held before a general assembly of the European omladisnkog Forum, which brought together more than 200 delegations of youth organizations from all over Europe. The prize is awarded by an independent jury formian at the invitation of the European Youth Forum.

Photo: Beta

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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