
25. 11. 2016.

Grinpis traži zabranu zrnaca plastike zbog okeana - Greenpeace seeks ban on plastic beads due to ocean

Objavljeno :   25.11.2016.

Nevladina organizacija Grinpis (Greenpeace) zatražila je 24. novembra da se u Velikoj Britaniji zabrane mikrokuglice plastike koje se koriste u mnogim kozmetičkim proizvodima, a štetne su jer zagađuju okeane i truju ribe i mikro planktone, plutajuće organizme. Okeanograf londonskog Imperijal koledža (Imperial College) navodi da se svake godine u okeane izlije od 5 do 12 miliona tona plastike, ali da su sitne kuglice najopasnije.

"Što je plastika sitnija, štetnija je. Većina životinja neće progutati plastičnu kesu, ali će lakše uneti male količine plastike", naveo je okeanograf Erik van Sebij (Sebille) na konferenciji za novinare na Grinpoisovom brodu Esperenca na Temzi u Londonu.

Plastične kuglice na koje prstom upire Grinpis mogu biti i sitnije od 0,1 milimetra. Koriste se u brojnim kozmetičkim proizvodima, počev od krema sa granulama za skidanje mrtvih ćelija s kože i drugih proizvoda slične namene, ali i u gelovima za tuširanje i pastama za zube. 

Tuba od 125 mililitara kreme za skidanje ćelija s kože može da sadrži i više stotina hiljada mikro kuglica polietilena, navodi istraživač Univerziteta Egzeter Dejvid Santilo (David Santillo), koji ih je izdvajao, i male plave i bele kuglice čuva u kutiji od pleksiglasa. 

Ove sitne kuglice su isuviše male da bi se zadržale u filterima za preradu otpadnih voda, a upijaju i druge zagađivače pre nego što završe u vodotokovima i okeanima, gde truju mikro plaktone, ljuskare i ribe. 

Britanska vlada planira u decembru da sprovede tromesečnu raspravu o zabrani malih plastičnih kuglica. Grinpis sa drugim udruženjima za zaštitu životne sredine traži zabranu ovih kuglica u svim proizvodima. Peticiju za zabranu do sada je u Velikoj Britaniji potpisalo 375.000 ljudi. 

Grinpis navodi primer SAD, gde su mikro kuglice zabranjene u decembru 2015. U Francuskoj je zakonom o biodiverzitetu koji je usvojen ove godine predviđena zabrana ovih mikro kuglica 2018. godine, sa izuzetkom onih u sredstvima za pranje veša i deterdžentima.

Proizvođači i trgovci predviđaju zabranu

Najveći lanac supermarketa u Britaniji Tesko je, računajući da će kuglice verovatno biti zabranjene, krenuo da povlači sve proizvode sa ovim mikrokuglicama do kraja godine, najavio je 24. novemra direktor za kvalitet u ovoj grupi Tim Smit (Smith). 

Neki proizvođači su slično postupili. Tako firma Kolgejt-Palmoliv (Colgate) tvrdi da već od kraja 2014. godine ne koristi ove mikrokuglice, dok Džonson end Džonson (Johnson&Johnson) najavljuje da će ih do kraja 2017. izbaciti. 
Još jedna velika firma u ovoj oblasti Prokter end Gembl (Procter & Gamble) navodi da je počeo da ih povlači iz proizvoda, ali napominje i da one ne predstavljaju nikakvu opasnost za ljude. 

Grinpis ne navodi da su one štetne za ljude, već da to treba još istražiti. Zagađenje plastikom međutim ima značajne posledice u podvodnom svetu. 
"Ostrige su u nekim delovima okeana presatle da se razmnožavaju" zbog isuviše velikog prisustva plastike, navodi okeanograf Erik Van Sebij.

Za nekoliko decenija biće više plastike nego ribe

Najgore će tek doći, tvrdi Grinpis. 

"Do 2025. godine će na tri tone ribe biti jedna tona plastike" u okeanima, tvrdi generalni direktor Grinpisa u Velikoj Britaniji Džon Soven (John Sauven), pozivajući se na Fondaciju Elen Mek Artur (Ellen McArthur). 

Ovaj izveštaj predviđa i da će 2050. biti više plastike nego ribe u okeanima. 
Koliko će čestice mikroplastike ostati u okeanima?

"Mislimo da nikada neće nestati. 
Analizirali smo plastiku sa morskog dna, za koju se činilo da je tamo već decenijama", navodi Van Sebij. 

"Možda će se u nekom trenutku bakterije promeniti i početi da jedu plastiku. Ali do tada bi mogle da prođu i stotine godina", dodaje ovaj okeanograf.

Izvor: AFP

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Posted: 11.25.2016.

A non-governmental organization Greenpeace (Greenpeace) asked the 24 November to the UK ban plastic microspheres which are used in many cosmetic products, a harmful because they pollute the oceans and poison fish and micro plankton, floating organisms. Oceanographer Imperial College London (Imperial College) states that each year into the oceans poured from 5 to 12 million tons of plastic, but they are tiny beads dangerous.

"What is plastic finer, more harmful it is. Most animals will not swallow a plastic bag, but will be easier to bring small quantities of plastic," said oceanographer Erik van Sebija (Sebille) at a press conference on Grinpoisovom Esperenca boat on the Thames in London.

The plastic balls that finger pointing Greenpeace can be finer than 0.1 millimeter. They are used in many cosmetic products, ranging from cream with granules to remove dead cells from the skin and other products of similar purpose, or in shower gels and toothpastes.

Tuba 125 milliliters of cream for removing cells from the skin can contain hundreds of thousands of micro-beads of polyethylene, said researcher David University Egzeter SANTA (David Santillo), which were set aside, and a small blue and white balls kept in a Plexiglas box.

These tiny balls are too small to be retained by the filters for wastewater treatment, and absorb other pollutants before they end up in streams and oceans, where poisoning micro plaktone, crustaceans and fish.

The British government is planning in December to conduct a three-month debate on the prohibition of small plastic balls. Greenpeace with other associations for the protection of the environment requires the prohibition of these balls in all products.

The petition for the ban so far in the UK 375,000 people have signed. Greenpeace cites the example of the United States, where the micro beads banned in December 2015. In France, the Law on Biological Diversity, which was adopted this year, provided for a ban of these micro pellets in 2018, with the exception of those in detergents and laundry detergents.

Producers and traders predict the ban

The largest supermarket chain in the UK It is hard, calculating that the balls are likely to be banned, he went to withdraw all products with these microspheres to the end of the year, announced a 24 novemra director for quality in this group Tim Smit (Smith).

Some manufacturers have acted similarly. So company Colgate-Palmolive (Colgate) argues that from the end of 2014 does not use these microspheres, while Johnson end Johnson (Johnson & Johnson) announces that by the end of 2017 launch. Another major company in this field Procter end Gamble (Procter & Gamble) states that began to be withdrawn from the product, but points out that they pose no danger to humans.

Greenpeace does not mention that they are harmful to humans, but it needs more investigation. Pollution, however, plastic has significant implications in underwater world. "Oysters in some parts of the ocean releases to breed" because of too large presence of plastic, said oceanographer Erik Van Sebija.

In a few decades there will be more plastic than fish

The worst is yet to come, says Greenpeace.

"By the year 2025 will be three tonnes of fish a ton of plastic" in the oceans, says Managing Director of Greenpeace UK, John Soven (John Sauve), referring to Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation (Ellen McArthur).

The report predicts that 2050 will be more plastic than fish in the oceans.
How many mikroplastike particles remain in the oceans?

"We think it will never disappear.
We analyzed the plastic from the sea floor, which seemed to have been there for decades," says Van Sebija.

"Maybe there will come a time when bacteria change and begin to eat the plastic. But by then they could go hundreds of years," added the oceanographer.

Source: AFP

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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