
28. 11. 2016.

EU će nastaviti da gradi odnose sa Kubom - The EU will continue to build relations with Cuba

Objavljeno : 28.11.2016.             

Kuba se posle smrti dugogodišnjeg lidera i revolucionara Fidela Kastra suočava sa nekoliko ključnih pitanja: kakva je budućnost komunizma, da li će nastaviti da se otvara prema svetu na ekonomskom planu i kakvi će biti odnosi sa SAD posle pobede kandidata republikanaca Donalda Trampa na predsedničkim izborima. Stručnjaci smatraju da ne treba očekivati neke veće promene na Kubi u skorije vreme i ističu da je sada važno da zemlja učvrsti neke već dobre odnose u svetu poput onih sa Evropom. EU je najavila da će nastaviti da unapređuje saradnju sa Kubom a sporazum kojim će se urediti politički i ekonomski odnosi mogao bi uskoro da bude potpisan.

"Kubanski socijalizam preživao je dugu bolest Fidela Katra, verovatno će preživeti i njegovu smrt", rekao je Horhe Duani, direktor Instituta za kubanska istraživanja na Međunarodnom univerzitetu u Floridi, prenosi AFP.

Bivši kubanski predsednik Fidel Kastro, revolucionarni vođa koji je izgradio komunističku državu i pet decenija prkosio naporima SAD da ga svrgnu, preminuo je 25. novembra u 91. godini.

Duani ipak smatra da će biti teško očuvati u budućnosti "centralizovanu, socijalno odgovornu državu, sa jednom (komunističkom) partijom na čelu, koja ima monopol nad sredstvima proizvodnje i komunikacije".

Kubanci imaju besplatno školstvo i zdravstvo, ali su ima plate najniže na američkom kontinentu, dok je država koja kontroliše 80% ekonomije, neefikasna.

Profesor na Univerzitetu Teksas Rio Grande Veli Arturo Lopes-Levi ukazuje da je kubansko stanovništvo "konzervativno" kada je reč o socijalnom miru zbog čega ne treba očekivati tenzije posle Kastrove smrti.

Pritom, opozicija nije u dodiru sa "ključnim problemima prosečnog Kubanca" a njene predstavnike poistovećuju sa tvrdim stavovim Donalda Trampa koji je kritikovao politiku postepenog otvaranja prema Kubi odlazećeg američkog predsednika Baraka Obame.

"Smrt Fidela Kastra će verovatno ubrzati ekonomske reforme koje je preduzeo njegov brat Raul", rekao je Duani. "Međutim, treba sačekati da on ode s vlasti 2018. da bi se dobila jasnija slika o eventualnim suštinskim promenama", rekao je on.

Raul Kastro (85) se nije odrekao komunizma već je oprezno počeo da otvara privredu za privatno preduzetništvo i strane investicije.

Arturo Lopes-Levi smatra da će uslovi za nastavka reformi biti bolji.

Taj stručnjak, takođe, smatra da je ključ u tome da se već dobri diplomatski odnosi učvrste. On je istakao da je Kuba kao nikada do sada integirasana u region i da ima prijateljske odnose sa dva saveznika SAD - Evropom i Japanom, kao i njihovim rivalima Rusijom i Kinom.

Pragmatičan pristup kubanske vlade daje Raulu Kastru veći prostor za manevar kako bi radio na "osavremenjivanjem" kubanskog modela, rekao je Duani.

Nediplomatski Tramp

Tramp je posle pobede na izborima u SAD u novembru rekao da je Fidel Kastro "brutalni diktator" i obećao da će učiniti sve što može kako bi Kubancima pružio "prosperitet i slobodu".

"Govoriti na taj način u vrlo osetljivom trenutku za Kubance pokazuje odsustvo sluha za međunarodnu diplomatiju", rekao je bivši kubanski diplomata Hesus Arboleja i dodao da su Trampove izjave vrlo negativne za budući dijalog sa SAD.

Duani je oprezniji i ocenjuje da "sve ukazuje da će odnosi Kube i SAD biti napetiji pod Trampovom administracijom nego Obaminom". "Međutim, mi još ne znamo tačno kakva će biti politika novog predsednika", rekao je on.

Lopes-Levi je rekao da bi Vašington racionalnije postupio kada bi Kastrovu smrt stavio u kontekst tranzicije na Kubi.

Diplomatska Evropa

Visoka predstavnica za spoljnu politiku i bezbednost Federika Mogerini je povodom smrti Fidela Kastra ukazala na njegovu istorijsku ulogu i najavila da će EU nastaviti da unapređuje odnose sa Kubom.

Ona je rekla i da Kastrova smrt dolazi u trenutku kada se Kuba suočava "sa velikim promenama" a svet prolazi kroz period neizvesnosti.

EU i Kuba su uspostavile diplomatske odnose 1988. i sve članice EU imaju diplomatske odnose sa tom zemljom. Redovni politički kontakti između EU i Kube na visokom nivou počeli su 2008.

EU i Kuba su počele da intenzivnije razgovaraju o saradnji na proleće 2014. kada su pokrenuti pregovori o sporazumu o političkom dijalogu i saradnji (PDCA) koji je parafiran u martu ove godine.

Evropska komsija je u septembru 2016. predložila članicama da potpišu taj sporazum sa Kubom, što bi moglo da se desi krajem ove godine.

Foto: Beta/AP

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Posted: 28.11.2016. 

Cuba after the death of longtime leader and revolutionary Fidel Castro faces several key questions: what is the future of communism, will continue to be opened to the world in the economic field, and what will be relations with the United States after the victory of Republican candidate Donald Trump's presidential election. Experts believe that one should not expect any major changes in Cuba in the near future and point out that it is now important for the country to strengthen some already good relations in the world such as those with Europe. The EU has announced that it will continue to promote cooperation with Cuba and the agreement that will govern political and economic relations could soon be signed. 

"Cuban socialism surname a long illness of Fidel Katra, will likely survive his death," said Jorge Duany, director of the Institute for Cuban studies at the International University in Florida, reports AFP.

Former Cuban President Fidel Castro, the revolutionary leader who built a communist state five decades defied US efforts to overthrow him, died on 25 November at the age of 91. Duani however, believes that it will be difficult to maintain in the future "centralized, socially responsible state, with one (Communist) Party in the lead, which has a monopoly over the means of production and communication."

 Cubans have free education and health, but they have the lowest wages in the Americas, while the government, which controls 80% of the economy, ineffective.

 Professor at the University of Texas Rio Grande Veli Arturo Lopez-Levy points out that the Cuban population "conservative" when it comes to social peace which is why one should not expect tensions after Castro's death.

In doing so, the opposition is not in contact with the "key issues the average Cuban" and its representatives identified with the hard attitudes Donald Trump who criticized the policy of gradual opening up to Cuba outgoing US President Barack Obama.

"The death of Fidel Castro will likely accelerate the economic reforms undertaken by his brother Raul," said Duany. "However, we should wait for him to leave the government in 2018 in order to obtain a clearer picture of any substantive changes," he said.

Raul Castro (85) has not renounced communism more cautiously began to open the economy to private enterprise and foreign investment. Arturo Lopez-Levy considers that the conditions for the continuation of reforms will be better.

The expert also believes that the key is that it is already good diplomatic relations strengthen. He pointed out that Cuba as never before integirasana the region and to have friendly relations with the two US allies - Europe and Japan, as well as their rivals, Russia and China.

A pragmatic approach to the Cuban government gives Raul Castro more room for maneuver to work on "upgrading" the Cuban model, Duan said.

Undiplomatic Tramp

Tramp after winning the election in the US in November said that Fidel Castro "brutal dictator" and promised to do all it can to provide Cubans' prosperity and freedom. "
 "To speak in this way in a very sensitive time for the Cubans indicates the absence of understanding for international diplomacy," said a former Cuban diplomat Jesus Arboleja and added that the statement Tramp very negative for future dialogue with the United States.

Duany is cautious and believes that "everything indicates that relations between Cuba and the United States will be more tense than under the Trumps Obama administration." "However, we still do not know exactly what will be the policy of the new president," he said.

Lopes-Levi said that Washington would act rationally when Castro's death would put it in the context of transition in Cuba.

Diplomatic Europe

The High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogherini on the occasion of the death of Fidel Castro pointed to his historic role and announced that the EU will continue to improve relations with Cuba.

She also said that Castro's death comes at a time when Cuba is facing "the big change" the world is going through a period of uncertainty.

EU and Cuba established diplomatic relations in 1988 and all EU Member States have diplomatic relations with that country. The regular political contacts between the EU and Cuba at a high level began, 2008.

EU and Cuba began to intensively discuss co-operation in the spring of 2014, when it launched negotiations on an agreement on political dialogue and cooperation (PDCA), which was initialed in March of this year.

European neighbors, in September 2016, proposed members to sign the agreement with Cuba, which could happen later this year.

Phpto: Beta / AP

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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