
28. 11. 2016.

FIC: Najmanji napredak kod poreza i radnog prava - FIC: The smallest progress on tax and labor law

Objavljeno : 28.11.2016.             

Predsednica Saveta stranih investitora (FIC) Jana Mihajlova rekla je 28. novembra da je između dva izdanja Bele knjige Vlada Srbije uspela da sprovede fiskalnu konsolidaciju i omogući dobre ekonomske parametre, poput rasta BDP-a i izvoza, istovremeno čineći neka značajna poboljšanja u različitim delovima poslovne klime, pre svega u oblasti nekretnina i gradnje. Najmanji napredak uočen je u oblastima poreza i radnopravnih propisa, kao i u oblasti zakona koji se odnose na devizno poslovanje, stečaj i zaštitu uzbunjivača. Premijer Srbije je na predstavljanju Bele knjige najavio da će Vlada Srbije zajedno sa Savetom stranih investitora formirati nacionalni savet za konkurentnost.

"Ovi dobri rezultati daju osnovu za visoka očekivanja za budućnost. Savet veruje da je ključno za Vladu da iskoristi momenat i još više ubrza strukturne reforme, smanji birokratiju i poboljša sprovodnje zakona, kao i da nastavi sa usaglašavanjem sa regulativom EU", kazala je Mihajlova.

Po oceni FIC-a, u okviru strukturnih reformi vlada treba da uloži jače napore da završi privatizaciju i korporatizaciju državnih preduzeća, efikasnije primeni poreske zakone i zakon o inspekcijama.

Najveći napredak je, po oceni FIC-a, ostvaren u oblasti nekretnina i gradnje i u oblasti zaštite konkurencije i potrošača, državnoj pomoći i javnom beležništvu, kao i u sektorima telekomunikacija, nafte i gasa i privatnog osiguranja.

Najmanji napredak, kako je navedeno u "Beloj knjizi", uočen je u oblastima poreza i radnopravnih propisa, kao i u oblasti zakona koji se odnose na devizno poslovanje, stečaj i zaštitu uzbunjivača, ali i u sektorima hrane i poljoprivrede, osiguranja i sredstava za održavanje higijene u domaćinstvu i kozmetike.

Ukazano je da makroekonomska i politička stabilnost, predvidiva poslovna klima, uključujući javnost donošenja odluka, Srbiji omogućava da ubrza ekonomski razvoj, privuče nove investitore i jača konkurentnost.

U "Beloj knjizi" strani investitori od 2003. saopštavaju vladi, stručnoj i široj javnosti viđenje uslova poslovanja i investiranja u pojedinim oblastima, predlažu izmene propisa i prate njihovo sprovođenje.

Biće formiran nacionalni savet za konkurentnost

Premijer Srbije Aleksandar Vučić najavio je na predstavljanju "Bele knjige" da će Vlada Srbije zajedno sa Savetom stranih investitora formirati nacionalni savet za konkurentnost, kako bi država bila privlačnija za investiranje.

On je kazao da ima prostora za jačanje konkurentnosti Srbije, iako je ove godine "šampion u regionu" po iznosu stranih investicija.

Vučić je naveo da je za devet meseci 2016. iznos stranih investicija bio 1,25 milijardi evra, a da se očekuje da do kraja godine bude 1,8 ili 1,9 milijardi evra, dok su na primer u BiH, investicije 400 miliona evra.

Po rečima premijera, ove godine će rast BDP u Srbiji biti 2,7 ili 2,8%, čemu najveći doprinos daju prerađivačka industrija, energetika, građevinarstvo i rudarstvo. Dodao je da je spoljnotrgovinski deficit manji za 23%.

"Imamo problem sa ukidanjem parafiskalnih namata jer treba da nađemo modus koji će prihvatiti sve lokalne samouprave, a treba i da ujednačimo rad inspekcijskih službi", kazao je Vučić.

Savet stranih investitora okuplja više od 130 stranih kompanija koje su u Srbiji uložile gotovo 28,7 milijardi evra i koje zapošljavaju 94.000 radnika. U ukupnom izvozu Srbije te kompanije učestvuju sa 22%.

Cilj smanjenje sive ekonomije na 15%

Ministar finansija Srbije Dušan Vujović rekao je na skupu da Ministarstvo finansija priprema reformu Poreske uprave i Carine i da će se raditi na suzbijanju sive ekonomije.

"Planiramo da sivu ekonomiju sa 30-40% na koliko se (njen udeo u ekonomiji) procenjuje da je u Srbiji, spustimo na 15%", rekao je Vujović.

On je na predstavljanju Bele knjige FIC-a rekao da će se menjati i zakon o naknadama i da će se u njegovoj pripremi razgovarati sa lokalnim samoupravama i investitorima.

"Nadam se da ćemo sledeće godine pripremiti nacrt zakona o naknadama a da će on moći da se primenjuje od 2018. godine. Naknade moraju biti evidentirane i objedinjene a način obračuna jasan", rekao je Vujović.

On je dodao da je cilj reforme Poreske uprave da se ta služba reorganizuje i da inspektori promene ponašanje i da ubuduće pružaju i savetodavne usluge oko primene zakona umesto samo da kažnjavaju.

Predsednica FIC-a rekla je da 65% preporuka Saveta nije realizovano.

"Strani investitori učestvuju sa 22% u bruto domaćem proizvodu i žele dugoročno da ostanu u Srbiji. Gajimo optimizam ali treba dosta još da se uradi jer ništa nije urađeno na 65% preporuka", rekla je Mihajlova.

Ona je istakla da je uvođenje obavezne članarine u Privrednoj komori Srbije (PKS) novi nepredvidiv namet.

"Strani investitori imaju kulturu da ispunjavaju sve obaveze pa će plaćati i članstvo, ali taj namet nije bio predviđen i nije bilo potrebno da pored postojećih 400 nameta bude uveden još jedan", rekla je Mihajlova.

Ona je istakla i da Zakon o konverziji prava korišćenja građevinskog zemljišta, neusklađen sa Zakonom o restituciji i da lokalne samouprave različito tumače ta dva zakopna i zatražila da se produži rok za korišćenje zemljišta dok se ne reši taj problem.

Ministar privrede Srbije Goran Knežević naglasio je da je bilo potrebno reformisati PKS što, kako je rekao, "ne znači da su im sva rešenja dobra".

"Spremni smo da o primedbama na članarinu razgovaramo sa investitorima", kazao je Knežević.
On je dodao da "nije realno da se privatizacija okonča za godinu dana".

"Privatizacija traje dugo, već 20 godina, i nadam se da će biti završena u mandatu ove vlade", rekao je Knežević.

On je dodao da su ostale 174 firme za privatizaciju među kojima je i 11 najdelikatnijih, poput Rudarsko-topioničarskog basena Bor, i Petrohemije. "Preostalo je još 11 banja kod kojih su razrešeni pravno-imovinski odnosi i moći će uskoro da se prodaju a na red čekaju i veterinarske stanice", rekao je Knežević.

Izvor: Beta

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Posted: 28.11.2016.

The President of the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) Jana Mikhailova said on 28 November that between the two editions of the White Paper Serbian government failed to implement fiscal consolidation and facilitate good economic parameters like GDP growth and exports, while making some significant improvements in various parts business climate, especially in real estate and construction. The least progress has been observed in the areas of taxes and labor laws, as well as in the area of ​​the law relating to foreign exchange management, insolvency and protection of whistleblowers. Serbian Prime Minister said at the presentation of the White Paper announced that the Serbian government together with the Council of foreign investors to form a national council for competitiveness.

"These results provide a good basis for high expectations for the future. The Council believes that it is crucial for the government to use the momentum and further accelerate structural reforms, reduce bureaucracy and improve sprovodnje law, and to continue to harmonize with the EU," said Mihaylova .

After an evaluation of FIC, under the structural reforms the government should make stronger efforts to complete the privatization and corporatization of state-owned enterprises, more efficient application of tax laws and the law on inspections.

The biggest improvement is estimated to FIC's, made in the area of ​​real estate and construction in the area of ​​competition and consumer protection, state aid and public notaries, as well as in telecommunications, oil and gas, and private insurance.

The least progress, as indicated in the "White Book", was observed in the areas of taxes and labor laws, as well as in the area of ​​the law relating to foreign exchange management, insolvency and protection of whistleblowers, but also in the sectors of food and agriculture, insurance and hygiene products household products and cosmetics.

 It was pointed out that macroeconomic and political stability, predictable business climate, including public decision-making, allows Serbia to accelerate economic growth, attract new investors and strengthen competitiveness.

 In the "White Book" by foreign investors since 2003. communicated to the Government, professional and general public perception of business conditions and investment in certain areas, the proposed changes in regulations and monitor their implementation.

Being formed National Competitiveness Council

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic announced at the presentation of the "White Paper" that the Government of Serbia, together with the Council of foreign investors to form a National Council for Competitiveness, to the country more attractive for investment.

He said that there is room for strengthening the competitiveness of Serbia, although this year, "the champion of the region," according to the amount of foreign investment.

Vučić said that for the first nine months of 2016 the amount of foreign investments was 1.25 billion euros, and it is expected that by the end of the year is 1.8 or 1.9 billion euros, while for example in BiH, investments of 400 million euros .

According to the Prime Minister, this year the growth of GDP in Serbia will be 2.7 or 2.8%, to which the largest contribution from manufacturing, energy, construction and mining. He added that the foreign trade deficit decreased by 23%.

"We have a problem with the abolition of parafiscal wound because it needs to find a mode that will accommodate all of the local government, and a need to harmonize the work of inspection services," said Vučić.

Foreign Investors Council gathers over 130 foreign companies in Serbia invested nearly 28.7 billion euros and employ 94,000 workers. In Serbia's total exports of the company accounted for 22%.

The objective of reducing the shadow economy at 15%

Serbian Finance Minister Dusan Vujovic said at the meeting that the Ministry of Finance is preparing a reform of the Tax Administration and Customs and will work against the gray economy.

"We plan to bring the gray economy to 30-40% at how much (its share in the economy) estimates that in Serbia, down to 15%," Vujovic said.

At the presentation of the White Book FIC said that will change the law on fees and will be in preparing to talk with local governments and investors.

"I hope that next year we will prepare a draft law on charges and that he will be able to apply from 2018. Fees must be recorded and a unified method of calculation clear," Vujovic said.

He added that the objective of the Tax Administration to reorganize the department and inspectors change their behavior and in the future and provide advisory services regarding application of the law rather than just punish.

President of FIC said that 65% of the recommendations of the Council has not been realized.

"Foreign investors accounted for 22% of gross domestic product in the long run and want to stay in Serbia.

We grow a lot of optimism but needs more to be done, because nothing has been done to 65% of the recommendations," said Mihaylova.

She pointed out that the introduction of mandatory membership fees in Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS), the new levy unpredictable.

"Foreign investors have a culture that fulfill all the obligations and will pay for the membership, but that levy was not provided, and it was not necessary that in addition to the existing 400 levy is introduced yet another," said Mihaylova.

She pointed out that the law on conversion of rights of use of building land, not harmonized with the Law on Restitution and local governments have different interpretations of the two zakopna and asked to extend the deadline for the use of the land until it solves the problem.

Serbian Economy Minister Goran Knežević said that it was necessary to reform the PKS which, he said, "does not mean that they are all good solutions."

"We are ready to discuss objections to membership talking to investors," Knezevic said. He added that "it is not realistic that privatization is completed in one year."

"Privatization takes a long time, for 20 years, and I hope it will be completed within the mandate of this government," said Knezevic.

He added that the other 174 companies for privatization including the 11 most delicate, such as RTB Bor and Petrohemija. "There is 11 spas in which resolved legal-property relations, and will soon be sold on a waiting red and veterinary station," Knezevic said.

Source: Beta

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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