Objavljeno : 18.11.2016.
Članice EU odobrile su bezvizni režim putovanja za
ukrajinske građane koji je Kijev dugo tražio kao potvrdu odnosa sa Briselom dok
se na istoku zemlje bori sa proruskim pobunjenicima. Režim putovanja bez viza
deo je sporazuma o partnerstvu EU-Ukrajina potpisanog 2014. kada je Ukrajina,
nekadašnji sovjetski satelit, naljutila Moskvu vezujući svoju sudbinu za Zapad.
EU od Ukrajine u zamenu za bliže političke i ekonomske veze traži reforme sa
ciljem iskorenjivanja korupcije i dostizanje evropskih standarda demokratije i
U saopštenju od 17. novembra navodi se da se 28 članica
EU složilo da se ukrajinskim građanima da bezvizni režim za one koji ne ostaju
duže od 90 dana u EU u periodu od 180 dana jer su svi zahtevi ispunjeni, preneo
je EurActiv.com.
Ukrajinski predsednik Petro Porošenko napisao je na
Tviteru da pozdravlja "dugo očekivanu odluku" pozivajući EU da uvede
bezvizni režim "bez daljih odlaganja".
"Kredibilne reforme su pravi put i treba ih
ohrabriti", naveo je u saopštenju Peter Javorčik, ambasador Slovačke,
zemlje koja predsedava EU, u Briselu.
"Srećan sam što ovom odlukom šaljemo pozitivan
signal pred samit EU-Ukrajina 24. novembra", dodao je Javorčik.
Predlog odluke o odobravanju putovanja u EU bez viza
Ukrajini, zemlji sa 45 miliona stanvnika, sada ide u Evropski parlament na
Ukrajinska kriza ozbiljno je narušila odnose EU i Rusije
i Unija je zavela Moskvi niz ekonomskih i drugih sankcija zato što podržava
pobunjenike i zbog aneksije Krima.
Inače, Evropska komisija u decembru 2015. procenila je da
Ukrajina ispunjava sve kriterijeme za bezvizni režim putovanja ali se sa
usvajanjem kasnilo zbog izbegličke krize u Evropi.
Komisija je trebalo da u maju predstavi izmenjeni predlog
koji bi uvažavao zabrinutost evropskih zemalja zbog eventualnih posledica
ukidanja viza za područje sa brojnom populacijom - predlog se odnosio ne samo
na Ukrajinu i Gruziju, već i na Kosovo i Tursku, iako Ankara još nije ispunila
sve kriterijume.
Pariz i Berlin posebno tražli su uvođenje vanrednog
mehanizma koji bi omogućio da se bezvizni režim brzo suspenduje. O tom
mehanizmu još traju pregovori članica i Evropskog parlamenta.
Mehanizam bi trebalo da se aktivira kada za to postoje
opravdani razlozi, poput velikog priliva građana neke zemlje koji ostaju u EU i
posle isteka dozvoljenog boravka bez vize.
Bezvizni režim će biti suspendovan ako zemlja ne poštuje
obaveze po osnovu readmisije i njenih građana, i ilegalnih migranata koji su
preko njene teritorije došli u EU.
Izvor: EurActiv.rs
Foto: Shutterstock.com
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Posted: 18.11.2016.
Members approved the EU visa-free travel regime for
Ukrainian citizens that is Kiev long sought to confirm the relationship with
Brussels while on the east of the country struggles with the pro-Russian
rebels. The regime of visa-free travel is part of the Partnership Agreement
EU-Ukraine signed in 2014, when Ukraine, a former Soviet satellite, angered
Moscow tying its fate to the West. EU from Ukraine in exchange for closer
political and economic ties seeking reforms to eradicate corruption and to
reach European standards of democracy and law.
In a statement on November 17, said that the 28 EU member
states agreed that the Ukrainian citizens visa-free travel for those who stay
longer than 90 days in the EU for a period of 180 days because all requirements
have been met, reports EurActiv.com.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko wrote on Twitter
that it welcomed "the long-awaited decision," urging the EU to
introduce visa-free regime "without further delay". "
Credible reform the right way and they should be
encouraged," said a statement issued by Peter Javorčík, Ambassador of the
Slovak Republic, the country holding the Presidency of the EU in Brussels.
"I am happy that this decision sends a positive
signal from the EU-Ukraine summit on 24 November," he added Javorčík.
Proposal of Decision on allocation travel to the EU without visas Ukraine, a
country with 45 million inhabitants in, now goes to the European Parliament for
The Ukrainian crisis has seriously undermined the
relations between the EU and Russia and the Union seduced Moscow a series of
economic and other sanctions because it supports the rebels because of the annexation
of Crimea.
Otherwise, the European Commission in December 2015
estimated that Ukraine fulfills all the criterion for visa-free travel but
delayed due to the adoption of the refugee crisis in Europe.
The Commission is expected to present in May an amended
proposal that took account of the concern of European countries because of the
possible consequence of the abolition of visas for an area with a large
population - the proposal is related not only to Ukraine and Georgia, but also
in Kosovo and Turkey, although Ankara has not fulfilled all the criteria .
Paris and Berlin are especially looking for the
imposition of emergency mechanism that would allow it to suspend visa-free
regime soon. About this mechanism are still ongoing negotiations States and the
European Parliament.
The mechanism should be triggered when there are
justifiable reasons, such as a large influx of citizens of a country that
remains in the EU and after the permitted residence without a visa.
The visa-free regime will be suspended if the country
fails to respect the obligations arising from readmission and its citizens, and
illegal immigrants who come through its territory to the EU.
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