
07. 11. 2016.

Francuzi zabrinuti zbog uvođenja baze ličnih podataka - The French are concerned about the introduction of the personal data base

Objavljeno : 07.11.2016.                             

Formiranje velike baze koja će sadržati lične podatke gotovo svih Francuza izazvalo je zabrinutost u Francuskoj pa i u samoj vladi. Odluka o uvođenju baze je doneta nedavno tokom praznika bez konsultacija. Tu meru su kritikovali državna sekretarka u francuskoj vladi i nacionalno telo za digitalna pitanja upozorivši na opasnost od zloupotrebe podataka i hakerskih napada.

U baza podataka nazvanoj TES čuvaće se podaci vlasnika pasoša i lične karte, poput informacija o identitetu, boji očiju, prebivalištu, fotografija i digitalnih otisaka prstiju.

Uvođenje baze je bilo predviđeno zakonom usvojenim 2012. ali je Ustavni savet u načelu poništio zakon. U to vreme levica, koja je tada bila u opoziciji a sada je na vlasti, borila se protiv tog zakona.

Međutim, pre devet dana objavljena je odluka o primeni zakona o formiranju baze, a vlada koju čine socijalisti uverava javnost da su rezerve Ustavnog saveta "uzete u obzir". Vlada je uvođenje baze podataka obrazložila potrebom da se pojednostave administrativni postupci i učine bezbednijim.

Državna sekretarka za digitalna pitanja Aksel Lemer je kritikovala donošenje odluke o formiranju baze, rekavši 7. novembra da o tome nije bila obaveštena.

"Ova uredbu je ispod žita donelo Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova, u nedelju kada su se slavili Svi sveti, misleći da će to proći neopaženo. To je ozbiljan problem u sistemu", rekla je ona za liberalni dnevnik Opinion.

"Ova vrsta baze je bila dobro rešenje pre 10 godina", rekla je ona i dodala da sada predstavlja bezbednosni problem, pošto sajber napadi predstavljaju ogroman problem.

Savetodavno telo, Nacionalni savet za digitalna pitanja (CNNum) zatražio je 7. novembra od vlade da suspenduje primenu ove mere.

Savet je upzorio da će se "u centralizovanoj bazi čuvati biometrički podaci gotovo 60 miliona Francuza" što bi moglo da dovede do zloupotreba.

Savet je naveo da bi baza mogla biti iskorišćena u druge svrhe koji nisu prihvatljive, poput "sistematske identifikacije stanovništva pomoću prepoznavanja lica ili poređenja fotografija u policijske ili administrativne svrhe".

Upozorava se o da postoji opasnost od hakerskih upada, tako da bi baza bila vrlo vredna meta za "protivnike koji nisu amateri".

Savet je kritikovao vlasti što su donele odluku o primeni bez konsultacija.

Prošle nedelje, mnogi Francuzi su digli glas zbog tog uvođenja centralne baze podata.

Senator iz redova socijalista Gaetan Gors rekao je da postoji bojazan da bi neka buduća vlada mogla da promeni svrhu korišćenja baze i kritikovao vladu što je rešila da stvori takvo "čudovište".

Počasni predsednik Lige za ljudska prava Mišel Tibijana rekao je da što je veća baza, to su veće mogućnosti za pretragu u različite svrhe i veća opasnost od hakerskih upada u bazu.

Izvor: AFP 

Posted: 11/07/2016

Forming a large database that will contain the personal data of almost all the French raised concerns in France and in the government. The decision on the introduction of base was made recently during the holidays without consultation. The measure criticized the Secretary of State in the French government and the national body for digital issues warning on the risk of misuse of data and hacker attacks.

In a database called TES data will be kept owners passports and ID cards, such as information about the identity, eye color, place of residence, photograph and digital fingerprints.

The introduction of base was provided by the law adopted in 2012, but the Constitutional Council overturned the law in principle. At that time the Left, which was then in opposition and now in power, fought against this law.

However, nine days ago published a decision on the application of the law on the formation of a base, a government consisting of socialists assure the public that the reserves of the Constitutional Council "taken into account". The government's introduction of a database explained by the need to simplify administrative procedures and secure.

State Secretary for Digital questions Aksel Lemer criticized the decision on forming the base, saying that on November 7 did not receive information.

"This decree is under the table issued by the Ministry of Interior on Sunday, when they celebrate All Saints' Day, thinking it would go unnoticed. This is a serious problem in the system," she told the liberal daily Opinion.

"This kind of base it was a good solution 10 years ago," she said, adding that now is a security issue, as cyber attacks represent a massive problem.

Advisory body, the National Council for digital issues (CNNum) requested on 7 November the government to suspend the implementation of these measures.

The Council upzorio that "in a centralized database to keep biometric data almost 60 million French" which could lead to abuse.

The Council noted that the database could be used for other purposes that are not acceptable, such as "the systematic identification of people using face detection or comparing photos in police or administrative purposes."

It warns that there is a danger of hackers, so that the database is very valuable target for "opponents who are not amateurs."

The Council has criticized the government for enacting the decision on the application without consultation.

Last week, many French have raised their voices because of the introduction of the central database of data.

Senator of the Socialist Gaetan Gors said there was a fear that a future government could change the purpose of use of the base and criticized the government for deciding to create such a "monster".

Honorary president of the League for Human Rights Tibijana Michel said that the bigger the base, the greater the opportunities to search for a different purpose and a greater risk of hacker attacks in the database.

Source: AFP

Nebojša Vladisavljević

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