Objavljeno : 09.11.2016.
Srbija je u usklađivanju sa EU u oblasti spoljne,
bezbednosne i odbramene politike "umereno spremna" i od nje se
očekuje da do ulaska u Uniju svoju politiku na tom planu
"progresivno" usklađuje sa evropskom, navodi se u izveštaju Evropske
komisije o napretku Srbije. U delu izveštaja koji se odnosi na poglavlje 31 o
spoljnoj i bezbednosnoj politici, navodi se da je Srbija delimično ispunila
preporuke date prošle godine i da je stopa usklađenosti sa izjavama i odlukama
EU u oblasti spoljne politike 59%. Navodi se i da sporazumi koje je Srbija
sklopila sa Kinom treba da budu u skladu sa evropskim standardima u pitanjima
poput državne pomoći i javnih nabavki.
"Srbija će morati da progresivno usklađuje spoljnu i
bezbednosnu politiku sa evropskom Zajedničkom spoljnom i bezbednosnom politikom
u periodu do pristupanja", dodaje se u izveštaju koji je danas objavljen.
U izveštaju se dodaje i da je Srbija određen napredak
ostvarila usvajanjem zakon o međunarodnim merama ograničavanja u februaru i
time što je nastavila da učestvuje u civilnim i vojnim misijama za upravljanje
U izveštaju se konstatuje da se Srbija nije uskladila sa
odlukama Saveta EU kada je reč o restriktivnim merama prema Rusiji ili o
pitanjima u kojima je reč o ruskim interesima, kao ni sa odlukama Saveta EU o
Kini, Bosni i Hercegovini, Moldaviji i Zimbabveu.
"Rezultat toga je da se Srbija, kada je pozvana,
uskladila sa 24 od 41 izjave EU i odluke Saveta, što je stopa usklađenosti od
oko 59%", navodi se u izveštaju.
Dodaje se da su kontakti Srbije i Rusije nastavljeni na
visokom nivou kroz redovne bilateralne posete i navodi da su četiri srpske
političke stranke, uključujući Srpsku naprednu stranku, potpisale su
deklaraciju o saradnji sa Jedinstvenom Rusijom na kongresu te stranke u junu u
U izveštaju se navodi i da su Srbija i Rusija nastavile i
vojno-tehničku saradnju i potpisale novi godišnji plan o vojnoj saradnji u
Revidirati strategije za bezbednost i odbranu
U predstojećem periodu Srbija mora da pre svega revidira
svoje nacionalne strategije za bezbednost i odbranu tako da u potpunosti
odražavaju opredeljenje Srbije u tim oblastima za EU. Te strategije iz 2009.
moraju da se revidiraju i kako bi u njih bila uneta nova procena rizika pretnji
po regionalnu bezbednost, navela je Evropska komisija.
"S obzirom da je pristupanje EU strateški prioritet
EU, ona mora da pojasni svoje nacionalne strategiju u oblasti spoljne,
bezbednosne i odbrambene politike i tako krene ka politici u toj oblasti
zasnovanoj na zajedničkoj spoljnoj bezbednosnoj i odbrambenoj politici",
navodi se u izveštaju.
Srbija treba da primeni zakon o međunarodnim merama
ograničavanja, uključujući restriktivne mere EU, donet u februaru.
Srbija treba da "poboljša usklađivanje sa
deklaracijama EU i odlukama Saveta EU", navodi se u izveštaju i dodaje da
se nastavlja redovan politički dijalog EU i Srbije o spoljnoj i bezbednosnoj
Dodaje se da je u skladu sa doslednom praksom iz
prethodnih godina, Srbija nastavila da pruža podšku teritorijalnom integritetu
i suverenitetu Ukrajine uključujući Krim, kao i da se u septembru i oktobru
uskladila sa odlukama EU o Južnom Sudanu, Siriji i Burundiju.
U izveštaju se konstatuje da Srbija nastavila da jača
ekonomske odnose sa Kinom. Dodaje je se da Srbija mora da osigura da sporazumi
o infrastrukturi, zdravstvu, kulturi i obrazovanju, postignuti tokom posete
kineskog predsednika u junu, da budu "u skladu sa standardima EU u
pitanjima poput državne pomoći, javnih nabavki, bezbednosti u železničkom
saobraćaju i interoperabilnosti".
Konstatuje se da odnosi Srbije i SAD nastavljaju da budu
dobri i da je bilo više poseta visokog nivoa, uključujući posetu američkog
potpredsednika Srbiji u avgustu.
Izvor: EurActiv.rs
Foto: Shutterstock.com
EC Report: Compliance with the decisions in
foreign policy 59%
Objavljeno :
Serbia is in alignment with the EU in the field of
foreign, security, and the Defensive policy "moderately ready," and
it is expected that by joining the EU its policy in this area "progressive"
harmonize with EU, according to a European Commission report on Serbia's
progress. The part of the report referring to Chapter 31 on foreign and
security policy, said that Serbia was partially fulfilled recommendations made
last year and that the rate of compliance with the statements and decisions of
the EU in foreign policy 59%. It is also stated that the agreements that Serbia
has signed with China should be in accordance with European standards in such
matters as state aid and public procurement.
"Serbia will have to progressively harmonize foreign
and security policy with EU Common Foreign and Security Policy for the period
up to accession," it added in a report released today.
The report adds that Serbia has made some progress by
adopting a law on international measures to limit the time in February and it
continued to participate in civil and military crisis management missions.
The report notes that Serbia is not aligned with the
decisions of the EU Council regarding the restrictive measures against Russia
or on issues where it comes to Russian interests, as well as with the decisions
of the EU Council of China, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Zimbabwe.
"The result of this is that Serbia, when invited,
aligned with 24 of the 41 EU declarations and decisions of the Council, the
compliance rate of about 59%," the report said.
It adds that the contacts between Serbia and Russia
continued at a high level through regular bilateral visits and stated that four
Serbian political parties, including the Serbian Progressive Party, signed a
declaration on cooperation with the United Russia party congress in Moscow in
The report also states that Serbia and Russia have
continued and military-technical cooperation and signed a new annual plan of
military cooperation in April.
Revise strategy
for security and defense
In the coming period Serbia must primarily review its
national strategy for security and defense so as to fully reflect the
commitment of Serbia in these fields for the EU. These strategies from 2009
must be reviewed and to be entered into them a new risk assessment of threats
to regional security, said the European Commission.
"Since joining the EU is a strategic priority for
the EU, it must explain its national strategy in the field of foreign, security
and defense policy, and thus towards a policy in this area based on common
foreign security and defense policy," the report said.
Serbia needs to enforce the law on international measures
to limit, including EU restrictive measures, enacted in February.
Serbia should "improve alignment with EU
declarations and decisions of the Council of the EU," the report said,
adding that it will continue regular political dialogue between the EU and
Serbia on foreign and security policy.
It adds that it is in line with the consistent practice
of previous years, Serbia continued to provide of support to the territorial
integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, including the Crimea, as well as in
September and October into line with the decisions of the EU on South Sudan,
Syria and Burundi.
The report notes that Serbia continues to strengthen
economic relations with China. He adds that the Serbian has to ensure that
agreements on infrastructure, health, culture and education, achieved during
the visit of Chinese President in June, to be "in line with EU standards
on issues such as state aid, public procurement, safety in rail transport and
interoperability ".
It is noted that the relations between Serbia and the US
continue to be good and that there were several high-level visits, including a
visit by US Vice President Serbia in August.
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