Objavljeno : 08.11.2016.
Lisabon se nada da će to što je domaćin Veb samita,
najveće evropske tehnološke konferencije, doprineti ubrzanju razvoja startapova
i privlačenju stranih investitora i pomoći tom gradu da uđe u konkurenciju
centara inovacija na kontinentu. Ove godine se Veb samit, pošto je pet
uzastopnih godina organizovan u Dablinu, održava u Lisabonu, gradu za koji
upućeni kažu da ima odlično poslovno okruženje za tehnološke startapove jer je
jevtiniji od Londona ili Berlina, ima dobru infrastrukturu, ali i klimu, i obrazovanu
radnu snagu. Pored toga, portugalska vlada je prepoznala značaj tehnologije i
snažnom podrškom startapovima želi da postavi zemlju na mapu tehnoloških
Portugalija je 2011. zbog velikog duga i slabog rasta
bila prinuđena da traži trogodišnji međunarodni spasilački paket zajmova a
zauzvrat je morala da poveća poreze i smanji troškove. To što je kriza pritisla
ekonomiju i otežala pristup državnom finansiranju i bankarskim zajmovima,
vodilo je promenama i podstaklo ljude da izađu sa novim idejama za biznis a
mnoge od njih bile su za tehnološke startapove.
U prvoj polovini 2016. broj novoosnovanih kompanija bio
je 3,3 puta veći od broja firmi koje su propale, pokazuju zvanične statistike.
Portugalska vlada je sa ciljem da podstakne startap sektor
snažno lobirala da se godišnji Veb samit preseli u Lisabon. Veb samit se od
pokretanja 2010. svake godine održavao u Dablinu.
Na skupu od 8. do 10. novembra očekuje se oko 50.000
učesnika i 15.000 kompanija iz celog sveta, gotovo dvostruko više od 27.500
učesnika na Samitu 2015. Na prvom Veb samitu pre šest godina u Dablinu bilo je
samo 400 učesnika.
Svečano otvaranje lisabonskog skupa u večernjim satima 7.
novembra obeležio je prekid "vajfaja" baš u trenutku kada se osnivač
i direktor Veb samita Padi Kosgrejv (Paddy Cosgrave) našao na bini pred, kako
se procenjuje, 15.000 učesnika.
Lisabon će biti domaćin tehnoloških konferencija barem do
2018. godine.
Portugalski državni sekretar za industriju Žoao
Vaskonselos rekao je da se nada da će taj skup doprineti razvoju nove
generacije preduzetnika. "Veb samit generacije sa globalnim
mentalitetom", dodao je on za agenciju AFP.
"Mi smo perfiferno tržište, digitalna ekonomija je
jedinstvena prilika za Portugaliju", istakao je portugalski zvaničnik, inače
nekadašni šef lisabonskog startap inkubatora.
Dobro okruženje
Kosgrejv kaže da je snažna podrška vlade startapovima u
Portugaliji bila jedan od razloga što je skup izmešten u Lisabon.
"Oni cene vrednost tehnologije i žele da postave
Portugaliju na mapu tehnoloških centara", istakao je direktor Veb samita.
Glavni grad Portugalije ima sve uslove da postane
tehnološki centar jer ima dobru infrastrukturu, "živu tek zajednicu",
jevtine kirije i obrazovanu radnu snagu koja dobro govori engleski, dodao je
"Sve su to faktori dobrog okruženja za
startapove", naglasio je direktor Veb samita.
Lisabon već beleži rast broja "genijalnih"
novih firmi sa snažnim potencijalom za rast, poput kompanije Kodesi (Codacy)
koja je razvila softver za automatski pregled kompjuterskog koda, dodao je
Kosgrejv. Ta kompanija sa 16 zaposlenih dobila je 2014. nagradu Veb samita.
"Veb samit će postaviti Lisabon među evropske
prestonice startapova, uz London i Berlin", rekao je koosnivač Kodasija
Žaime Žorge (Jaime Jorge) koji zbog razvoja biznisa često putuje u Silicijumsku
dolinu, "srce tehnološkog univerzuma".
Kodasi je jedan od 40 portugalskih startapova koji su od
investitora dobili po najmanje milion dolara.
Od 2010. zajedno su privukli više od 166 miliona dolara,
navodi se u izveštaju Evropske komisije o portugalskim startapovima objavljenom
Iako su brojke mnogo manje od onih u Britaniji, Nemačkoj
i Francuskoj, "podaci pokazaju koliko je snažan rast portugalskog
ekosistema startapova u poslednje vreme", preneo je EurActiv.com.
Odskočna daska za startapove
Rikardo Marvao (Ricardo), koosnivač Bete-aj (Beta-i),
neprofitne organizacije koja pomaže startapovima da se razviju obezbeđujući im
prostor za rad i besplatne pravne savete, kaže da je "2015. bila prelomna
tačka" za reputaciju Lisabona kao startap centra.
"Kada je desetina portugalskih startapova prikupila
5-10 miliona evra svaki za samo nekoliko meseci, investitori su počeli da pokazuju
interesovanje za to što se dešava. Sa Veb samitom, publicitet Lisabona će
porasti", dodao je Marvao.
Iza mnogih startapova u Portugaliji stoje stranci. Od 220
kompanija koje su učestvovale na Lisabonskom izazovu (Lisbon Challenge),
tromesečnom programu za startapove organizacije Beta-aj 2013, dve trećine su
osnovali stranci koje su privukli niski troškovi i blaga klima u Lisabonu.
Među takvim startapovima je i Manitis (Moneytis) koji
"onlajn" upoređuje troškove usluge transfera novca. Tu kompaniju
osnovala su 2015. dva Francuza.
"Nakon osam meseci rada u Amsterdamu, preselili smo
se u Lisabon jer nam je delovao kao 'okruženje koje cveta i koje je jevtinije
od Pariza ili Londona", kazao je jedan od osnivača Manitisa Kristof Lasuit
(Christophe Lassuyt).
"Lisabon ima velike šanse u Evropi. Grad se već
dokazao kao 'odskočna daska' za startapove i Veb samit će biti odlična prilika
da zadovolji vodeće investitore i partnere", uveren je Lasuit.
Izvor: EurActiv.rs
Foto: Beta/AP
Posted: 08.11.2016.
Lisbon hopes that having a web host of the summit,
Europe's biggest technology conference, will contribute to accelerating the
development of start-ups and attracting foreign investors and help the city to
enter the competition centers of innovation on the continent. This year, the
Web Summit, as the five consecutive years organized in Dublin, held in Lisbon,
a city for which insiders say he has an excellent business environment for
technology startups because it is cheaper than London or Berlin, has a good
infrastructure, but also the climate, and educated workforce. In addition, the
Portuguese Government has recognized the importance of technology and strong
support startapovima wants to set the country on the map technology centers.
Portugal in 2011 due to the high debt and weak growth was
forced to seek a three-year international rescue package of loans and in turn
had to raise taxes and reduce costs. The fact that the crisis pressed economy
and impeded access to state funding and bank loans, led to changes and
encourage people to come up with new ideas for business and many of them were
for technology startups.
In the first half of 2016. The number of newly
established companies was 3.3 times higher than the number of companies that
have failed, according to official statistics.
The Portuguese Government is aiming to encourage
start-ups sector lobbied strongly that the annual Web Summit moves to Lisbon.
Web Summit of 2010. The launch was held every year in Dublin.
At the meeting
from 8 to 10 November is expected about 50,000 participants and 15,000
companies from around the world, nearly double the 27,500 participants at the
Summit of 2015. In the first Web summit six years ago in Dublin there were only
400 participants.
The opening ceremony of the Lisbon meeting in the evening
on November 7 marked the termination of "WI-FI" just as the founder
and director of Web Summit Padi Kosgrejv (Paddy Cosgrave) came on stage before,
an estimated 15,000 participants.
Lisbon will host a Technology Conference at least until
Portuguese Secretary of State for Industry Joao
Vasconcelos said he hopes that this meeting will contribute to the development
of a new generation of entrepreneurs. "Web summit generation with global
mentality," he said to the news agency AFP.
"We perfiferno market, the digital economy is a unique
opportunity for Portugal," said the Portuguese official, who is head of
the Lisbon nekadašni startup incubator.
Good environment
Kosgrejv says the strong support of the Government
startapovima in Portugal was one of the reasons why collection relocated to
appreciate the value of technology and want to put Portugal on the map
technology centers," said the director of Web Summit.
The capital of Portugal has all the conditions to become
a technology center because it has a good infrastructure, "living running
community," the cheap rent and an educated workforce that speaks good
English, he added Kosgrejv.
"All these
factors are a good environment for startups," said Director of Web Summit.
Lisbon has already recorded a rising number of "genius" of new
companies with strong growth potential, such as the company Chodesh (Codacy)
that developed the software for an automatic review of computer code, he added Kosgrejv.
The company with 16 employees received the 2014 Summit
Award website.
Lisbon has already recorded a rising number of
"genius" of new companies with strong growth potential, such as the
company Chodesh (Codacy) that developed the software for an automatic review of
computer code, he added Kosgrejv. The company with 16 employees received the
2014 Summit Award website.
"Web Summit
will lay the Lisbon European capital startups, with the London and
Berlin," said co-founder Kodasija Orge Jaime (Jaime Jorge) who, due to
business development often travels to Silicon Valley, "the technological
heart of the universe."
Kodas is one of 40 Portuguese startups that investors get
at least one million dollars. Since 2010, together attracted more than $ 166
million, according to a European Commission report published on the Portuguese
startapovima 2015.
Although the numbers are much smaller than those in the
UK, Germany and France, "the data show how much the strong growth of the
Portuguese ecosystem of startups in the past time ", reports EurActiv.com.
Springboard for
Marvao Ricardo (Ricardo), co-founder of Beta-aj (Beta-i),
a nonprofit organization that helps startapovima to develop by providing them
with working space and free legal advice, says that "2015 was a turning
point" for Lisbon's reputation as a startup center .
"When the
tenth Portuguese startups raise 5-10 million each for only a few months,
investors have begun to show interest in what is happening. With Web Summit,
the publicity of Lisbon will increase," he added Marvao.
Behind many startups in Portugal are foreigners. Of the
220 companies that participated in the challenge of Lisbon (Lisbon Challenge),
a three-month program for startups organization Beta-aj 2013 two thirds were
founded by foreigners attracted by low costs and a mild climate in Lisbon.
Among such startapovima is Manitis (Moneytis) that
"online" compares the cost of money transfer services. This company
was founded by 2015 two Frenchmen.
"After eight months of work in Amsterdam, we moved
to Lisbon because it acted as' an environment that is flourishing and which is
cheaper than Paris or London," said one of the founders Manitisa Kristof
Lasuit (Christophe Lassuyt).
"Lisbon has a good chance in Europe. The city has
already proved itself as a 'springboard' for startups and Web Summit will be an
excellent opportunity to meet leading investors and partners," believes
Photo: Beta /AP
Translated by
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