
30. 11. 2016.

Erdogan: Još nismo okrenuli leđa EU, ali imamo alternative - Erdogan: We have not turned their backs on the EU, but we do have alternatives

Objavljeno : 30.11.2016.             
Turska još nije okrenula leđa Evropskoj uniji, ali razmatra alternative približavanju EU, rekao je turski predsednik Redžep Tajip Erdogan, dok je ministar za evropska pitanja Omer Čelik rekao da bi Turska već bila članica EU da su pristupni pregovori vođeni objektivno. Brisel smatra da Ankara ne treba da prebacuje krivicu na Uniju već da treba da se zapita zašto je došlo do zastoja u tom procesu. Odnosi Turske i EU su već nedeljama napeti zbog represivnih mera koje je Ankara preduzela posle neuspelog puča u julu.

"U ovom trenutku - kažem u ovom trenutku, nismo zatvorili knjigu EU, ali sadašnje prilike ne daju nam mnogo razloga za optimizam", rekao je Erdogan 29. novembra na međunarodnom skupu u Istanbulu "Bosforski samit 7"..

On je dodao da su pred Turskom mnoge alternative EU. On nije rekao o kakvim je alternativama reč ali naveo da njegova vlada nastavlja da razgovara sa drugim potencijalnim partnerima.

Turski ministar za evropska pitanaj Omer Čelik rekao je 29. novembra u Briselu da bi Turska već bila članica EU da su pristupni pregovori vođeni objektivno.

Turska je kandidat za članstvo u EU od 1987, dok su pregovori o njenom članstvu počeli 2005. godine ali su sada u zastoju.

"Imamo EU koja je pustila Tursku da čega isred njenih vrata 53 godine. Da vam kažem: niko nije nezamenljiv", rekao je Erdogan.

On je nedavno rekao i da bi mogao da organizuje referendum na kome bi se građani izjasnili da li žele da Turska nastavi put ka EU a pomenuo je i mogućnost približavanja Turske Šangajskoj organizaciji za saradnju koju predvode Kina i Rusija.

Erdogan je 25. novembra zapretio Briselu da će otvoriti granice migrantima koji žele da idu u Evropu, pošto je Evropski parlament usvojio neobavezujuću rezoluciju u kojoj se poziva na prekid pregovora o članstvu sa Turskom.

Evropski poslanici su kao razlog naveli nesrazmeran, represivan odgovor vlasti na neuspeli puč u julu.

U Turskoj je posle tog događaja za koji Ankara krivi imama Fetulaha Gulan koji živi u SAD, uhapšeno, otpušteno ili suspendovano više od 100.000 osoba, uključujući profesore, pripadnike vojske i sudije.

Predsednik Evropske komisija Žan-Klod Junker je rekao 26. novembra da sporazum Turske i EU o migracijama treba da se poštuje i da će tako i biti. Turska sprovođenje sporazuma o migracijama uslovljava i liberalizacijom viznog režima EU za građane Turske.

Junker je pohvalio napredak koji je Turska ostvarila na planu demokratije u vreme dok je Erdogan bio premijer (2003-2014), ali je upozorio da se već oko dve godine Ankara udaljava od evropskih vrednosti i principa.

On je ocenio da Erdogana i njegova vlada prebacuju krivicu na Evropu za neuspeh pregovora o prisutpanju. "Umesto da krivi EU i Komsiju, Erdogan treba da se zapita da li je sam kriv za to što turski građani ne mogu slobodno da putuju po evropskoj teritoriji. Da li Turska želi ili ne da postane članica? To bi trebalo da se zapitaju naši turski partneri", rekao je Junker.

On je rekao da Evropski parlament ne odlučuje o tome da li pristupne pregovore treba nastaviti ili ne, ali je dodao da je stav parlamenta "znak na uzbunu koji Turska ne treba da potcenjuje".

Osim Austirje, članice EU su se do sada protivile prekidu pregovora o članstvu sa Turksom.

Izvor: AFP

Foto: Beta/AP

Logo Association 

Posted: 11.30.2016.

Turkey has not turned its back on the European Union, or consider alternative approach to the EU, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, while European Affairs Minister Omer Celik said that Turkey has been an EU member and that the accession negotiations are conducted objectively. Brussels believes that Ankara does not need to shift the blame to the Union but that should be asked why there was a delay in the process. Relations between Turkey and the EU have been strained for weeks because of the repressive measures taken by Ankara after an unsuccessful coup in July.

"At this point - say at this point, we have not closed the book EU, but the current circumstances do not give us many reasons for optimism," said Erdogan on 29 November at an international conference in Istanbul "Bosphorus Summit 7" ..

He added that the Turkey many alternatives before the EU.

He did not say what kind of alternatives thing but stated that his government continues to talk with other potential partners.

Turkish Minister for European pitanaj Omer Celik said on 29 November in Brussels to Turkey has been an EU member and that the accession negotiations are conducted objectively.

Turkey is a candidate for EU membership since 1987, while negotiations on its membership began in 2005 but have now stalled.

"We have an EU which has left Turkey to which the midst of its doors 53 years ago. To tell you the truth: no one is irreplaceable," said Erdogan.

He recently said that he could organize a referendum in which the people voted whether they want Turkey to continue on the path towards the EU, but he also mentioned the possibility of approaching Turkey Shanghai Cooperation Organization led by China and Russia.

Erdogan's Brussels on 25 November threatened to open border for migrants who want to go to Europe, after the European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution that calls for an open membership negotiations with Turkey.

European MPs have cited a disproportionate, repressive response by the authorities in the unsuccessful coup in July. In Turkey, after the event for which Ankara blames the Imam Fetulaha Gulan, who lives in the US, arrested, fired or suspended for more than 100,000 people, including professors, army officers and judges.

President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said on 26 November that the agreement between Turkey and the EU on migration should be respected, and that will be the case.

Turkey implement the agreement on the causes of migration and the liberalization of the EU visa regime for Turkish citizens. Junker praised the progress made by Turkey in the field of democracy at a time when he was Prime Minister Erdogan (2003-2014), but warned that for about two years Ankara away from European values ​​and principles.

He said that Erdogan and his government shift the blame Europe for the failure of negotiations on prisutpanju. "Rather than blame the EU and neighbor Erdogan must wonder whether it is my fault that Turkish citizens can not travel freely around the European territory. Whether or not Turkey wants to become a member? That ought to ask our Turkish partners ", said Junker.

He said that the European Parliament does not decide on whether accession talks should continue or not, but he added that the attitude of Parliament "sign of alarm that Turkey should not be underestimated."
Austirje addition, EU Member States have so far opposed the termination of membership talks with Turkey.

Source: AFP 
Photo:Beta / AP

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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