
21. 11. 2016.

Masline na putu evropskoj energetskoj bezbednosti -

Objavljeno : 21.11.2016.             

U ime evropske energetske bezbednosti privatni čuvari u mornarsko plavim uniformama, pogleda skrivenog iza pilotskih naočara, šetaju kroz maslinjak na jugu Italije. Oni su tu jer se na putu 45 milijardi dolara vrednom gasovodu, kojim do Evrope treba da stiže gas iz centralne Azije i tako pomogne EU da smanji zavisnost od ruskih energenata, našlo 231 stablo masline. Lokalne vlasti žele da se ruta gasovoda izmeni, s obzirom da su u maslinjaku i stabla stara više od 400 godina, međutim, oni koji razvijaju projekat kažu da imaju dozvolu Rima pod uslovom da presade masline dok postavljaju i ukopavaju cevi.

U strahu od protesta, konzorcijum za gasovod, uključujući britanski BP, azerbejdžansku državnu energetsku kompaniju Socar i italijansku kompaniju za gas Snap, angažovao je 24-satno obezbeđenje.

Radovi na italijanskoj strani Transjadranskog gasovoda (TAP) ne mogu da se odvijaju bez saglasnosti na lokalu, zbog čega bi mogao da kasni projekat gasovoda kojim bi za četiri godine trebalo da stiže količina gasa ekvivalentna 10% evropskog uvoza ruskih energenata.

Maslinjak, čija najstarija stabla je Unesko prepoznao kao svetsku baštinu, predstavlja više od slabe karike u evropskoj energetskoj bezbednosti. On ukazuje i na pitanje koje je u centru debate o najvećoj ustavnoj reformi za deset godina u Italiji - o moći lokalnih vlasti da osujete odluke Rima. Italijanski premijer Mateo Renci predložio je da se ta moć lokala smanji, o čemu će se odlučivati na referendumu 4. decembra.

"Nijedan od regiona nije srećan zbog tih reformi jer se plaše da će biti slabiji u suočavanju sa centralnom vladom i da će trpeti zbog stvari koje ne razumeju, poput gasovoda TAP", kaže Mikele Emilijano (Michele Emiliano), guverner regiona Pulja, najvećeg proizvođača maslinovog ulja u Italiji i popularne turističke destinacije.

Italijanski ministar za ekonomski razvoj prethodno je optužio vladu Pulje da koristi livadu u blizini grada Melendunja i stotine drugih stabala uz rutu gasovoda kao izgovor da blokira projekat.

"Ukoliko prođe, referendum će obezbediti mnogo bolju podelu moći, posebno u energetskom sektoru", napisao je u odgovoru na novinarsko pitanje ministar za ekonomski razvoj Karlo Kalenda (Carlo Calenda).

Konzorcijum za TAP, koji uključuje i belgijski Fluksis (Fluxys), španski Enagas i švajcarski Akspo (Axpo), saopštio je da je tražio od Rima da sarađuje sa Puljom kako bi završio uklanjanje stabala i da je uveren da će problem uskoro biti rešen.

"Kašnjenje sa izmeštanjem stabala neće zaustaviti projekat", istakao je menadžer TAP za Italiju Mikele Mario Elija (Elia).

Slabi znaci života

Kada su novinari Rojtersa krajem septembra posetili maslinjak kod Melendunja, gotovo da i nije bilo znaka života. Osim patrole čuvara, tu su bili samo arheolozi koji u blizini vrše preliminarna iskopavanja da pre nego što počnu radovi na gasovodu provere da na tom mestu nema zakopanih antikviteta.

"Postoji opasnost da neka stabla maslina neće preživeti", rekao je gradonačelnik Melendunja Marko Poti (Marco) objašnjavajući da bi presađivanje moglo da ih izloži bakteriji koja je uništila desetine hiljada stabala poslednjih godina.

Kada je 2015. odobravao projekat, Rim je naveo desetine uslova, uključujući pažljivo uklanjanje oko 10.000 stabala maslina dok se postave cevi za gasovod. Kasnije bi stabla bila vraćena i ponovo posađena.

Region Pulja zapretio je da će se obratiti ustavnom sudu ako se projekat bude realizovao bez njihovog odobrenja tvrdeći usput da se Rim nikada nije konsultovao sa regionom kako treba. Pulja se poziva na nedavnu presudu suda da centralna vlada treba da se konsultuje sa regionima pre odobravanja međunarodnih projekata gasovoda.

U Rimu pak tvrde da su se konsultovali sa Puljom pre nego što su dali zeleno svetlo za TAP.

Masline su zaštitni znak Pulje i prošle godine su žitelji regiona izašli na ulice kada su objavljeni planovi uništavanja nekih zaraženih stabala. "Pretpostavljam da će se isto desiti i ovaj put", rekao je gradonačelnik Poti.

Lokalne vlasti kažu da oni koji sprovode projekat mogu da izmeste stabla između 1. novembra u 20. aprila, dok su u periodu sporijeg rasta, međutim, još nisu dobili puno odobrenje da to urade. Ako ga ne dobiju, ništa neće moći da urade do novembra 2017.

Gasovod TAP dug 878 kilometara ići će od tursko-grčke granice preko Turske, Grčke, Albanije i Jadranskog mora do male italijanske plaže San Foka (Foca). Taj gasovod će biti završetak tzv. Južnog gasnog koridora kojim će ići 10 milijardi kubnih metara gasa godišnje, a kasnije i 20 milijardi, od azrbejdžanskog polja Šah Deniz II do evropskog tržišta.

Za Brisel taj gasovod znači odmicanje od Rusije, vodećeg snabdevača EU energentima. Italija, koja uvozi oko 90% energenata, nada se pak da će joj TAP omogućiti da postane gasno čvorište južne Evrope.

Zamak od peska

U Melendunju su mišljenja podeljena - neki veruju da će investicija udahnuti novi život u region a drugi strahuju da će naneti štetu turizmu Pulje.

"Grad je podeljen ali većina ne želi gasovod", kaže PENZIONER Pantaleo (72), preneo je

Jedna od bojazni na lokalu je i ona oko popularne plaže San Foka u oblasti Salento, poznate po kristalno plavoj vodi. TAP planira da zakopa cevi 10 metara ispod plaže.

"Da li biste pustili vašu malu devojčicu da pravi zamak od peska iznad gasovoda sa pritiskom od 145 bara?", pita se gradonačelnik Poti.

Oni koji realizuju projekat kažu da su gasovodi već napravljeni ispod osam najboljih italijanskih plaža bez ikakvog uticaja na turizam. "Šapnski Enagas nedavno je izgradio gasovod ispod čuvene plaže na Ibici i to uopšte nije delovalo na turizam", istakao je Elija.

Projektom je predviđen podzemni betonski tunel koji će ići 700 metara u kopno i 800 metara na more, gde će se priključiti na podvodne cevi ispod Jadrana. Kompanija Saipem pristala je da postavlja cevi u tunel tokom zime, kada nema mnogo turista.

S druge strane, kompanija Snam će graditi gasovod od 55 kilometara da poveže TAP na nacionalnu mrežu.

Guverner Pulje želi da gasovod ide severnije, kod Brindizija gde bi, kako kaže Emilijano, mogao direktno da se poveže na postojeću gasnu mrežu kompanije Snam.

"Ni vlada ni TAP nam nisu objasnili zašto (gas) mora da stiže toliko na jugu", kaže Emilijano.

Predstavnik TAP Elija odgovara da su studije pokazale da bi opcija Brindizi bila neizvodljiva.

TAP je dobio dozvolu italijanske vlade za gasovod u maju 2015. Međutim, Rencijeva vlada je na dozvolu zakačila 66 zahteva od kojih neki mogu da se ispune samo u saradnji sa lokalnim vlastima.

Brisel je kao podsticaj za ubrzavanje radova ponudio izuzeće za TAP iz antimonopolskih propisa ako radovi počnu najkasnije do sredine maja 2016. i završe se za četiri godine.

TAP kaže da je zvanično počeo radove 16. maja i to tražeći neeksplodirane bombe iz rata i proverom arheoloških nalazišta.

I Rim je 16. maj utvrdio kao rok za početak radova. Međutim, guverner Pulje kaže da radovi na izgradnji nisu počeli i traži od centralne vlade da iz početka počne proces izdavanja dozvole.


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Posted: 21.11.2016.

On behalf of the European energy security, private guards in navy blue uniforms, views hidden behind the pilot glasses, walking through the olive grove in southern Italy. They are there because they are on the road 45 billion-dollar gas pipeline, to which Europe should arrive gas from Central Asia and thus help the EU to reduce its dependence on Russian energy, found 231 olive tree. Local authorities want to shift the pipeline routes, given that the olive trees and ancient trees more than 400 years, however, those who develop the project say they have the permission of Rome provided that transplanted olive trees while setting up and buried pipes.

Fearing protests, the consortium for the pipeline, including Britain's BP, Azeri state energy company Socar and Italian gas company Snap, has hired 24-hour security.

Work on the Italian side of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) can not take place without the consent of the local level, which could be delayed pipeline project, which would be in four years that arrives amount of gas equivalent to 10% of EU imports of Russian energy.

Maslinjak, whose oldest tree is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, is more than a weak link in Europe's energy security. He points to the issue that is at the center of the debate about the greatest constitutional reform for ten years in Italy - about the power of local authorities to thwart the decisions of Rome. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi suggested that this power outlets is reduced, which will be decided in a referendum on 4 December.

"None of the region is not happy about these reforms because they fear that they will be stronger in dealing with the central government and will suffer because of things they do not understand, such as the TAP pipeline," says Michele Emiliano (Michele Emiliano), governor of the region of Puglia, the largest manufacturer olive oil in Italy and a popular tourist destination.

Italian Minister for Economic Development has previously accused the government of Puglia to use the meadow near the town Melendunja and hundreds of other trees along the route of the gas pipeline as an excuse to block the project.

 "If passed, the referendum will provide a much better division of power, especially in the energy sector," he wrote in response to a reporter's question, Minister of Economic Development Carlo Calenda (Carlo Calenda).

Consortium for the TAP, which includes Belgian Fluksis (Fluxys), Spanish and Swiss Axpo ENAGAS (Axpo), said that he asked Rome to cooperate with Pulja to complete the removal of trees and he was confident that the problem will soon be solved.

"Delays in the relocation of the trees will not stop the project," said the manager of TAP for Italy Michele Mario Elia (Elia).

Weak signs of life

When Reuters reporters at the end of September visited an olive grove near Melendunja, almost there was no sign of life. In addition to patrolling guards, there were only archaeologists near the pots preliminary excavation work before they start work on the pipeline checking that at that point no buried antiquities.

"There is a danger that some olive trees will not survive," said Mayor Marko Melendunja Poti (Marco) explaining that transplantation could expose them to the bacteria that destroyed tens of thousands of trees in recent years.

When the 2015 approved project, the Rome said dozens of conditions, including carefully remove about 10,000 olive trees while the pipes for the gas pipeline. Later on, the tree was restored and re-planted.

Region Puglia threatened to turn to the Constitutional Court if the project is implemented without their approval, claiming the way that Rome never consulted with the region properly. Pula refers to a recent judgment of the court that the central government should consult with the regions before approving international projects pipeline.

In Rome, however, argue that they are consulted Pulja before being given the green light for the TAP.

Olives are the hallmark of Puglia last year, residents of the region took to the streets when they announced plans for the destruction of some infected trees. "I suppose the same thing will happen this time," said the mayor of Poti.

Local authorities say that those who can implement the project to relocate the tree between 1st November and 20th April, while in the period of slower growth, however, have not yet received full approval to do so. If you do not get it, nothing will be able to do by November 2017.

TAP gas pipeline 878 kilometers long will go from the Turkish-Greek border through Turkey, Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea to the small Italian beach San Foka (Foca). The pipeline will be the completion of the so-called. Southern Gas Corridor, which will receive 10 billion cubic meters of gas annually, and later 20 billion from azrbejdžanskog field Shah Deniz II to Europe's markets.

For Brussels, the pipeline means staying away from Russia's leading supplier of EU energy. Italy, which imports about 90% of energy, hopes to turn that she will allow TAP to become a gas hub for southern Europe.

Sand castle

In Melendunju opinion is divided - some believe that the investment will breathe new life into the region and others fear that it will harm the tourism of Puglia.

"The city is divided but the majority does not want the pipeline," says PENZIONER Pantaleo (72), reports

One of the fears at the local level and it is around the popular beaches of San Foka in the area of ​​Salento, famous for its crystal blue water.

TAP plans to bury the pipe 10 feet below the beach. "Would you let your little girl to make a sand castle above the pipeline with a pressure of 145 bar?" Asked the mayor of Poti.

Those who realize the project say that the pipelines have already been made under the eight best Italian beach without any impact on tourism. "Šapnski ENAGAS recently built a gas pipeline beneath the famous beach in Ibiza and it did not work on tourism," said Elijah.

The project is planned underground concrete tunnel that will go 700 meters inland and 800 meters of the sea, where it will be connected to an underwater pipe below the Adriatic. The company Saipem has agreed to appoint pipes into the tunnel during the winter when there are not many tourists.

On the other hand, the company Snam will build a pipeline of 55 kilometers TAP to connect to the national grid.

The governor of Puglia wants pipeline going north, near Brindisi, where would she says Emiliano, could directly be connected to the existing gas network company Snam.

"Neither the government nor the TAP have not been told why (gas) must arrive so in the south," says Emiliano. TAP Representative Elijah replies that studies have shown to Brindisi option was unfeasible.

TAP was given permission by the Italian Government for the pipeline in May 2015. However, the government Renzi is 66 snagged the license requirement, some of which can be met only through cooperation with local authorities.

Brussels as an incentive to accelerate the works offered for TAP exemption from antitrust rules if the works commence by the middle of May 2016 and be completed in four years.

TAP says that officially started work on 16 May, and seeking to unexploded bombs from the war and verification of archaeological sites.

Rome I shall be 16 May established a deadline for the commencement of works. However, the governor of Puglia says that work on the construction not started and asks the central government that starts from the beginning of the licensing process.

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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