
21. 11. 2016.

Traži se izazivač za Angelu Merkel - Would be the challenger to Angela Merkel

Objavljeno : 21.11.2016.             

Vodeća nemačka stranka levog centra pod pritiskom je da izabere kandidata koji će izaći na megdan kancelarki Angeli Merkel nakon što je objavila da će se na izborima 2017. kandidovati za četvrti mandat. Socijaldemokrate (SPD) su izgubile kancelara 2005. i trenutno su partner konzervativaca Angele Merkel u velikoj koaliciji. Kao mogući protivkandidati kancelarki iz redova SPD pominju se lider stranke i vicekancelar Gabrijel i predsednik Evropskog parlamenta Šulc. Angela Merkel, lider sa najdužim stažom u EU, vodi Nemačku od 2005.

Lider SPD Zigmar Gabrijel (Sigmar Gabriel), vicekancelar i ministar ekonomije, još nije odlučio da li će ići u trku s Angelom Merkel. Kao mogućeg snažnog "izazivača" kancelarke upućeni vide i predsednika Evropskog parlamenta Martina Šulca (Schulz).

Ko god bude kandidat SPD, čeka ga teška borba. Socijaldemokrate nade izgleda polažu u savez levice, sa Zelenima i partijom Levica, ali pre toga treba prevazići značajne političke podele.

Gabrijel, kako se ocenjuje, ima veštine za kancelara ali je mnogo manje popularan od Angele Merkel. Slično važi i za Šulca - on je značajno podigao ugled EP i pomogao da njegova partija na evropskim izborima 2014. ostvari najbolji rezultat za mnogo godina, međutim, kod kuće je manje poznat.

Zamenik predsednika SPD Ralf Štegner (Stegner) rekao je da će Gabrijel predložiti kandidata za kancelara "u dogledno vreme" ali nije rekao kada.

"Mirno ćemo razgovarati kada i kako ćemo to uraditi ... nećemo dozvoliti da nas požuruju", rekao je Štegner za TV ZDF i dodao: "Donećemo pravu odluku tako da imamo dobre šanse da pobedimo Uniju" (Hrišćansko-demokratsku uniju, CDU).

Savez tri partije levice, i ako dobije većinu, teško bi funkcionisao jer se Levica protivi ekonomskim reformama koje sprovode socijaldemokrate, kao i vojnom angažmanu u inostranstvu.

Te stranke rade zajedno u vladama nemačkih pokrajina ali na saveznom nivou nisu previše bliske. Pored toga, neki iz Zelenih prednost daju povezivanju sa konzervativcima Angele Merkel.

Štegner je rekao i da ne može da odbaci mogućnost da se ponovi sadašnja koalicija, dodajući da je oni ne žele.

Merkel traži novi mandat da brani ugrožene vrednosti

Angela Merkel je 20. novembra saopštila da će tražiti četvrti mandat na opštim izborima 2017. da bi branila demokratske principe kojima prete ozbiljne opasnosti u zemlji i inostranstvu.

Predviđajući najoštriju kampanju do sada, Merkel je rekla da populističke snage, kao i nezivesnosti nakon odluke Britanije da izađe iz EU i izbora Donalda Trampa (Trump) za predsednika SAD, znače da je njena "dužnost da služi svojoj zemlji".

"Suočavamo se sa borbom u Evropi i na međunarodnom nivou za naše vrednosti i naše interese i, jednostavno rečeno, za naš način života", kazala je novinarima Merkel (62) u sedištu CDU, preneo je

"Ti izbori biće najteži, barem od ujedinjenja" Nemačke 1990, dodala je Merkel ističući veliku "polarizaciju društva".

Govoreći za nemački TV kanal ARD, Merkel je istakla da želi "snažnu Evropu" nakon što je Britanija glasala za izlazak iz bloka.

Angela Merkel vodi Nemačku od 2005. i, ako dobije još jedan četvorogodišnji mandat, za šta, prema istraživanjima javnog mnjenja, postoji velika verovatnoća, izjednačiće rekord svog mentora Helmuta Kola, prvog kancelara koji je u posleratnoj Nemačkoj proveo 16 godina na toj dužnosti.


Merkel je prva žena, najmlađa osoba i jedini kandidat odrastao u nekadašnjoj Istočnoj Nemačkoj koji vodi ujdeinjenu Nemačku. Popularna je među Nemcima ali je podrška koju je uživala smanjena nakon što je odlučila da pusti da u zemlju uđe više od milion tražilaca azila. Ipak, posmatrači smatraju da će veliki potresi u poslednje vreme u svetskoj politici verovatno podstaći Nemce, koji tradicionalno nisu skloni riziku, da je podrže.

"Merkel je odgovor na populizam", istakao je pozdravljajući njenu kandidaturu premijer Saksonije Stanislav Tilić dodajući da je ona "anti-Tramp".

Više od polovine birača - 55%, želi da Merkel ostane kancelarka prema 42% u avgustu, pokazalo je istraživanje lista Bild am zontag (Bild am Sonntag).

Ocenjuje se da su porazi CDU na pokrajinskim izborima posledica neslaganja za politikom prema izbeglicama Angele Merkel. Ta politika naišla je na otvoreni revolt Hrišćansko-socijalne unije (CSU), sestrinske stranke CDU u Bavarskoj, koja traži da se postavi gornja granica za priliv tražilaca azila.

Portal Špigel onlajn (Spiegel Online) piše da će CDU morati da "motiviše i mobiliše" pristalice koje su se možda "umorile" od Angele Merkel. "Iako nema Trampa na vidiku u Nemačkoj, SAD su nam pokazale da nezamislivo može da postane stvarno", dodaje se na tom portalu.

Nova istraživanja pokazuju da 33% nemačkih birača podržava konzervatice Angele Merkel, što je za devet procentnih poena manje nego na prethodnim izborima 2013.

Na drugom mestu je SPD sa podrškom 24% glasača a Alternativa za Nemačku (AfD) i opozicioni Zeleni su gotovo izjednačeni sa podrškom 13 odnosno 12% birača, pokazalo je istraživanje nezavisnog instituta Emnid.


Foto: Beta/AP

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Posted: 21.11.2016.

Leading German center-left party is under pressure to choose a candidate who will go to the duel Chancellor Angela Merkel after he announced that the elections in 2017 to run for a fourth term. The Social Democrats (SPD) lost chancellor in 2005 and currently partner Angela Merkel's conservatives in a grand coalition. As a possible challenger to Chancellor from among the SPD referred to party leader and Vice Chancellor Gabriel and European Parliament President Schulz. Angela Merkel, the longest-serving leader in the EU, led Germany since 2005.

Leader of the SPD Sigmar Gabriel (Sigmar Gabriel), Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economy, has not yet decided whether it will go into the race with Angela Merkel. As a possible strong "challenger" Chancellor instructed see and European Parliament President Martin Schulz (Schulz).

Whoever SPD candidate, faces a tough fight. The Social Democrats hope seems to take the Left Alliance, the Greens and the Left Party, but first I need to overcome significant political divisions.

Gabriel, as it is estimated to have the skills or the Chancellor is much less popular than Angela Merkel. The same applies to Schulz - he significantly raised the reputation EP and helped his party in the European elections in 2014 achieved the best result for many years, however, the home is less well known.

Deputy Chairman of the SPD Ralf Stegner (Stegner) said that Gabriel nominate a candidate for chancellor "in due time" but did not say when.

"Peaceful'll talk when and how we do it ... We will not allow ourselves to be rushed," said Stegner for TV ZDF and added: "We'll get the right decision so we have a good chance to win the Union" (Christian Democratic Union, CDU) .

Alliance three parties of the left, and if it receives a majority, it is difficult to function because the Left opposes economic reforms implemented by the Social Democrats, as well as military engagement abroad.

These parties are working together in the German states or governments at the federal level are not too close. In addition, some of the Greens prefer connecting with conservatives of Angela Merkel.

Stegner said that he could not rule out the possibility to repeat the current coalition, adding that they do not want.

Merkel seeks a new mandate to defend threatened values

Angela Merkel on November 20 announced that it will seek a fourth term in the general election in 2017 to defend the principles of democracy threatened by serious danger in the country and abroad.

Anticipating fiercest campaign so far, Merkel said that populist forces, and had suspense after Britain's decision to come out of the EU and the election of Donald Trump (Trump) to the President of the United States, meaning that its "duty to serve his country."

"We are facing a struggle in Europe and at the international level for our values ​​and our interests and, simply put, to our way of life," Merkel told reporters (62) at the headquarters of CDU, reports

"These elections will be the most difficult, at least since reunification" of Germany in 1990, she added noting great "polarization of society." Speaking for the German TV channel ARD, Merkel stressed that he wants a "strong Europe" after Britain voted to quit the bloc.

Angela Merkel leading Germany since 2005, and if he gets another four-year term, for which, according to opinion polls, is likely, will equalize the record of his mentor Helmut Kohl, the chancellor who was the first in post-war Germany spent 16 years in office.


Merkel is the first woman and the youngest person only candidate grew up in the former East Germany, which leads ujdeinjenu Germany. It is popular among the Germans or the support it enjoyed diminished after she decided to leave to enter the country more than a million asylum seekers. However, observers believe that major earthquakes in recent years in world politics is likely to encourage the Germans, who have not traditionally prone to risk, to support it.

"Merkel is the answer to populism," said greeting her candidacy Saxony Prime Minister Stanislav Tilić adding that it is "anti-Tramp". 

More than half of voters - 55% want to remain Chancellor Merkel to 42% in August, according to a survey sheet Bild am Sonntag newspaper (Bild am Sonntag).

It is estimated that the CDU defeat in the provincial elections a result of disagreements on policy toward refugees Angela Merkel. This policy was met with open revolt of the Christian Social Union (CSU), sister party of the CDU in Bavaria, which seeks to raise the upper limit for the influx of asylum seekers.

Spiegel Online Portal (Spiegel Online) writes that the CDU will have to "motivate and mobilize 'supporters that may have been" murdered "by Angela Merkel. "Although there is no Trump to be seen in Germany, the United States has shown us that the unthinkable can become real," it added in this portal.

New research shows that 33% of German voters supported Merkel's conservatives, which is nine percentage points lower than at the previous elections in 2013.

In second place is the SPD with 24% of voters support the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the opposition Greens are almost equal to support 13 or 12% of voters, according to a survey by the independent institute Emnid.

Photo: Beta / AP

Translated by
Nebojša Vladisavljević

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